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Frequently asked questions

Please explore our frequently asked questions below; click on a question to see the response.

What is The Forest of Biologists?

Why has The Company of Biologists chosen to create a forest?

How many trees will you be planting on behalf of authors?

Is there a real-life forest for authors’ trees, or just a digital representation of a forest on your website?

What types of trees are being planted?

Why are you also protecting woodland on behalf of peer reviewers?

Where is this ancient woodland and how is it being restored and protected?

What’s involved in the protection work?

How will this reflect peer reviewers’ efforts?

Why create a virtual forest?

Which article types are eligible for a tree?

A tree has been planted in my name – how do I find it on the website?

Can I search for specific trees?

How come my tree appears in a different location on the website than it did last time I checked in?

Can I visit my real-life tree?

I peer reviewed a paper recently – why do I not see a tree?

I have been assigned a dog rose for my published paper. But isn’t this technically a shrub?

What happens if an article is retracted after publication?