2,702 trees
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Positive consequences of group living among male bats during spermatogenesis
Journal of Experimental Biology
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Sox9 and nuclear factor I transcription factors regulate the timing of neurogenesis and ependymal maturation in dopamine progenitors
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Distinct requirements for PI3K isoforms p110u03b1 and p110u03b4 for PIP3 synthesis in mouse oocytes and early embryos
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Dynamic interactions between cartilaginous and tendinous/ligamentous primordia during musculoskeletal integration
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Direct neutrophil and T cell contact with macrophages induces release of phagosomally processed PAMPs via eructophagy
Journal of Cell Science
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u03b3-tubulin mediates DNA double-strand break repair
Journal of Cell Science
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Using the reactive scope model to redefine the concept of social stress in fishes
Journal of Experimental Biology
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Size-specific strategies of sympatric cetaceans to reduce heat loss
Journal of Experimental Biology
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Assessing recovery of Drosophila melanogaster photoreceptors with different wavelengths of red and infrared light
Journal of Experimental Biology
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A photosensory structure in the brain of the systellomatophoran gastropod Peronia verruculata
Journal of Experimental Biology
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Correlative 3D imaging method for analysing lesion architecture in susceptible mice infected with Mycobacterium tuberculosis
Disease Models & Mechanisms
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Evolutionary insights into gut acidification: invertebrate-like mechanisms in the basal vertebrate hagfish
Journal of Experimental Biology
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Reduced growth and biofilm formation at high temperatures contribute to Cryptococcus deneoformans dermatotropism
Disease Models & Mechanisms
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Fibronectin matrix assembly at a glance
Journal of Cell Science
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An ER-associated structure sequesters misassembled FG-rich nucleoporins to help maintain nuclear pore complex function
Journal of Cell Science
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Accounting for the role of the gastro-intestinal tract in the ammonia and urea nitrogen dynamics of freshwater rainbow trout on long-term satiation feeding
Journal of Experimental Biology
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GSK3 coordinately regulates mitochondrial activity and nucleotide metabolism in quiescent oocytes
Biology Open
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Deletion of sf3b4 causes splicing defects and gene dysregulation that disrupt craniofacial development and survival
Disease Models & Mechanisms
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The inflammasome adaptor pycard is essential for immunity against Mycobacterium marinum infection in adult zebrafish
Disease Models & Mechanisms
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Oral administration of aripiprazole to Drosophila causes intestinal toxicity
Disease Models & Mechanisms
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Construction of an atlas of transcription factor binding during mouse development identifies popular regulatory regions
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ETV4 and ETV5 orchestrate FGF-mediated lineage specification and epiblast maturation during early mouse development
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Follow the flower: approach-flight behaviour of bumblebees landing on a moving target
Journal of Experimental Biology
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Plasticity in voltage-gated ion channels following overwintering in respiratory motoneurons of American bullfrogs
Journal of Experimental Biology
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Long-term labelling and tracing of endodermal cells using a perpetual cycling Gal4-UAS system
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Alveolar epithelial paxillin in postnatal lung alveolar development
Biology Open
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Early-life environment shapes claw bilateral asymmetry in the European lobster (Homarus gammarus)
Biology Open
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Effects of vessel noise on beluga (Delphinapterus leucas) call type use: ultrasonic communication as an adaptation to noisy environments?
Biology Open
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Multispecies comparisons support a startle response origin for a novel vibrational signal in the cricket tribe Lebinthini
Journal of Experimental Biology
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The formation of chaperone-rich GET bodies depends on the tetratricopeptide repeat region of Sgt2 and is reversed by NADH
Journal of Cell Science
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Tumor suppressor genes in the tumor microenvironment
Disease Models & Mechanisms
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In preprints: the ins and outs of Cnidaria germ layers
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Comparison of silver and gold nanoparticles green synthesis by Artemisia annua hairy root extracts
Biology Open
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Nonlinear progression during the occult transition establishes cancer lethality
Disease Models & Mechanisms
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Cell biology meets climate resilience u2013 a call to action
Journal of Cell Science
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Co-transcriptional splicing is delayed in the highly expressed thyroglobulin gene
Journal of Cell Science
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Reproductive state-dependent cell turnover in the inner ear of the plainfin midshipman fish (Porichthys notatus)
Journal of Experimental Biology
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High-frequency vessel noise can mask porpoise echolocation
Journal of Experimental Biology
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Ready to dive? Early constraints help juvenile southern elephant seals (Mirounga leonina) acclimatize to aquatic life
Journal of Experimental Biology
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Beak dimensions affect feeding performance within a granivorous songbird species
Journal of Experimental Biology
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Metabolic responses provide insight into interspecific variation in heat tolerance of three co-existing pest aphid species
Journal of Experimental Biology
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Mitochondrial fission u2013 changing perspectives for future progress
Journal of Cell Science
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Mitophagy is induced in human engineered heart tissue after simulated ischemia and reperfusion
Journal of Cell Science
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Transcriptomes of a fast-developing chordate uncover drastic differences in transcription factors and localized maternal RNA composition compared with those of ascidians
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A CRISPR mis-insertion in the Zic3 5u2032UTR inhibits in vivo translation and is predicted to result in formation of an mRNA stem-loop hairpin
Biology Open
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The energetic cost of human walking as a function of uneven terrain amplitude
Journal of Experimental Biology
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Alteration of reproductive behaviors by aromatase inhibition is population dependent in an African cichlid fish
Journal of Experimental Biology
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Allatostatin-C signaling in the crab Carcinus maenas is implicated in the ecdysis program
Journal of Experimental Biology
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Stimulation of teleost pallium elicits an integrated feeding kinematic pattern important for prey capture
Journal of Experimental Biology
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Practical recommendations for developing software for life science applications
Journal of Cell Science
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Extra-embryonic mesoderm during development and in in vitro models
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Exploring thermal tolerance across time and space in a tropical bivalve, Pinctada margaritifera
Journal of Experimental Biology
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The non-canonical Smoothened-AMPK axis regulates Smaug1 biomolecular condensates
Journal of Cell Science
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Deciphering the flapping frequency allometry: unveiling the role of sustained body attitude in the aerodynamic scaling of normal hovering animals
Biology Open
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Circulatory CCL2 distinguishes Duchenne muscular dystrophy dogs
Disease Models & Mechanisms
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Motor neurons in the tunicate caudal central nervous system reveal homology to the vertebrate spinal cord
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Activation of prep expression by Tet2 promotes the proliferation of bipotential progenitor cells during liver regeneration
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Gain of thermal tolerance through acclimation is quicker than the loss by de-acclimation in the freeze-tolerant potworm, Enchytraeus albidus
Journal of Experimental Biology
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Effects of social environment and energy efficiency on preferred swim speed in a marine generalist fish, pile perch (Phanerodon vacca)
Journal of Experimental Biology
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Ground-state pluripotent stem cells are characterized by Rac1-dependent cadherin-enriched F-actin complexes
Journal of Cell Science
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Potential ER tubular lumen sensing by intrinsically disordered regions
Journal of Cell Science
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Dachsous is a key player in epithelial wound closure through modulating cell shape changes and tissue mechanics
Journal of Cell Science
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Arabidopsis bHLH60 can regulate leaf development by interacting with and counteracting the AS1-AS2 complex to affect BP1 expression
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Multi-modal refinement of the human heart atlas during the first gestational trimester
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Dynein-driven regulation of postsynaptic membrane architecture and synaptic function
Journal of Cell Science
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Disruption of ERu2013mitochondria contact sites induces autophagy-dependent loss of P-bodies through the Ca2+-CaMKK2-AMPK pathway
Journal of Cell Science
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Metabolomic signatures associated with cold adaptation and seasonal acclimation of Drosophila: profiling of 43 species
Journal of Experimental Biology
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Two cGMP-dependent protein kinases have opposing effects on molt-inhibiting hormone regulation of Y-organ ecdysteroidogenesis
Journal of Experimental Biology
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Destabilisation of bam transcripts terminates the mitotic phase of Drosophila female germline differentiation
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Cilia directionality reveals a slow reverse movement of principal neurons for positioning and lamina refinement in the cerebral cortex
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Ambient temperature leads to differential immune strategies in the subterranean rodent Ctenomys talarum
Journal of Experimental Biology
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S. pombe Mis4 is required for exit from G0 as it is necessary for full nuclear separation during the subsequent M phase
Journal of Cell Science
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Functional characterization of thermosensitive TRPV channels from holocephalan elephant shark (Callorhinchus milii) illuminate the ancestral thermosensory system in vertebrates
Journal of Experimental Biology
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Feeling the force from within u2013 new tools and insights into nuclear mechanotransduction
Journal of Cell Science
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Neurogenetic disorders associated with mutations in the FERRY complex: a novel disease class?
Biology Open
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Is this scenery worth exploring? Insight into the visual encoding of navigating ants
Journal of Experimental Biology
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Ghrelin suppresses water intake with a different physiological significance from atrial natriuretic peptide in conscious seawater-acclimated eels
Journal of Experimental Biology
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The influence of habitat complexity on otolith morphology and sensory capacities in Nile tilapia: a controlled experimental approach
Journal of Experimental Biology
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Lepidopteran scale cells derive from sensory organ precursors through a canonical lineage
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Primed bovine embryonic stem cell lines can be derived at diverse stages of blastocyst development with similar efficiency and molecular characteristics
Biology Open
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(Limited) Predictability of thermal adaptation in invertebrates
Journal of Experimental Biology
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It's a good thing that severely hypoxic salmon (Salmo salar) have a limited capacity to increase heart rate when warmed
Journal of Experimental Biology
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Regulation of mitochondrial cristae organization by Myo19, Miro1 and Miro2, and metaxin 3
Journal of Cell Science
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WildPose: a long-range 3D wildlife motion capture system
Journal of Experimental Biology
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A high-lipid diet leads to greater pathology and lower tolerance during infection
Journal of Experimental Biology
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KNTC1 introduces segmental heterogeneity to mitochondria
Disease Models & Mechanisms
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EFL-3/E2F7 modulates Wnt signalling by repressing the Nemo-like kinase LIT-1 during asymmetric epidermal cell division in Caenorhabditis elegans
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POU4F2 overexpression promotes the genesis of retinal ganglion cell-like projection neurons from late progenitors
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Mechanical strain focusing at topological defect sites in regenerating Hydra
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Fluoromicrometry reveals minimal influence of tendon elasticity during snake locomotion
Journal of Experimental Biology
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Transcriptomic characterization of postnatal muscle maturation
Disease Models & Mechanisms
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The behavioural consequences of dystrophinopathy
Disease Models & Mechanisms
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The spatial choreography of mRNA biosynthesis
Journal of Cell Science
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Dynamic mechanisms for membrane skeleton transitions
Journal of Cell Science
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Improving bench-to-bedside translation for acute graft-versus-host disease models
Disease Models & Mechanisms
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Use of metabolic imaging to monitor heterogeneity of tumour response following therapeutic mTORC1/2 pathway inhibition
Disease Models & Mechanisms
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Sublethal changes to coral metabolism in response to deoxygenation
Journal of Experimental Biology
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Zebra stripes induce aberrant motion analysis in flies through aliasing
Journal of Experimental Biology
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Khdrbs1 drives re-differentiation of bipotential progenitor cells by inhibiting p53 in zebrafish biliary-mediated liver regeneration
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Precise photopharmacological eradication of metastatic tumor cells
Disease Models & Mechanisms
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Dynamic crosstalk between cytoskeletal filaments regulates dorsoventral cytoplasmic mechanics
Journal of Cell Science
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Enteropathogenic E. coli effector Map interacts with Rab13 and regulates the depletion of the tight junction proteins occludin and claudins via cathepsin B-mediated mechanisms
Biology Open
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What makes a competent aquatic invader? Considering saline niches of invertebrates and ray-finned fishes
Journal of Experimental Biology
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TC10 on endosomes regulates the local balance between microtubule stability and dynamics through the PAK2-JNK pathway and promotes axon outgrowth
Journal of Cell Science
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Talin, a Rap1 effector for integrin activation at the plasma membrane, also promotes Rap1 activity by disrupting sequestration of Rap1 by SHANK3
Journal of Cell Science
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Light alters calling-song characteristics in crickets
Journal of Experimental Biology
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Notch3 deletion regulates HIV-1 gene expression and systemic inflammation to ameliorate chronic kidney disease
Disease Models & Mechanisms
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TAZ interactome analysis using nanotrap-based affinity purificationu2013mass spectrometry
Journal of Cell Science
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Traumatic injury leads to ovarian cell death and reproductive disturbances in Drosophila melanogaster
Biology Open
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Cdkn1c orchestrates a molecular network that regulates euploidy of male mouse germline stem cells
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Towards a standard application of the Reynolds number in studies of aquatic animal locomotion
Journal of Experimental Biology
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The importance of delivering Recherche d'Avenir u2013 research for the future
Journal of Cell Science
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Spatio-temporal reconstruction of gene expression patterns in developing mice
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Inpp5e is crucial for photoreceptor outer segment maintenance
Journal of Cell Science
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Inside the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, with Hans-Otto Pu00f6rtner
Journal of Experimental Biology
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The effect of moisture during development on phenotypes of egg-laying reptiles: a systematic review and meta-analysis
Journal of Experimental Biology
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Modulation of sex pheromone detection by nutritional and hormonal signals in a male insect
Journal of Experimental Biology
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Not all who meander are lost: migrating sea lamprey follow river thalwegs to facilitate safe and efficient passage upstream
Journal of Experimental Biology
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Patient-derived xenograft models of gastrointestinal stromal tumors provide a ready-to-use platform for translational research
Disease Models & Mechanisms
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Testing hypotheses of skull function with comparative finite element analysis: three methods reveal contrasting results
Journal of Experimental Biology
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In preprints: insights into the regulation of haematopoietic stem cell emergence in vitro and in vivo
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The role of plumage and heat dissipation areas in thermoregulation in doves
Journal of Experimental Biology
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Modelling a pathological GSX2 variant that selectively alters DNA binding reveals hypomorphic mouse brain defects
Disease Models & Mechanisms
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High-resolution, high-throughput analysis of Drosophila geotactic behavior
Journal of Experimental Biology
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SuperResNET u2013 single-molecule network analysis detects changes to clathrin structure induced by small-molecule inhibitors
Journal of Cell Science
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u03b3-secretase facilitates retromer-mediated retrograde transport
Journal of Cell Science
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The emerging roles of the endoplasmic reticulum in mechanosensing and mechanotransduction
Journal of Cell Science
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How a salt pan ant Cataglyphis fortis navigates artificially complex environments
Journal of Experimental Biology
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Distribution and role of peripheral arterial chemoreceptors in cardio-respiratory control of the South American rattlesnake (Crotalus durissus)
Journal of Experimental Biology
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Ccn2a acts downstream of cx43 to influence joint formation during zebrafish fin regeneration
Biology Open
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Integrating biomechanics, energetics and ecology perspectives in locomotion
Journal of Experimental Biology
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Behavioural energetics in human locomotion: how energy use influences how we move
Journal of Experimental Biology
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Integrating flight mechanics, energetics and migration ecology in vertebrates
Journal of Experimental Biology
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Integrating physiology into movement ecology of large terrestrial mammals
Journal of Experimental Biology
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How might turbulence affect animal flight in a changing world?
Journal of Experimental Biology
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An annual cycle perspective on energetics and locomotion of migratory animals
Journal of Experimental Biology
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Integrating muscle energetics into biomechanical models to understand variance in the cost of movement
Journal of Experimental Biology
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Towards the yin and yang of fish locomotion: linking energetics, ecology and mechanics through field and lab approaches
Journal of Experimental Biology
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Understanding mechanisms of avian flight by integrating observations with tests of competing hypotheses
Journal of Experimental Biology
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The energetics of movement, from exercise to ecology and evolution
Journal of Experimental Biology
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Movement ecology of gelatinous zooplankton: approaches, challenges and future directions
Journal of Experimental Biology
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Why the superb physiological capacity of birds matters
Journal of Experimental Biology
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Integrating animal tracking and trait data to facilitate global ecological discoveries
Journal of Experimental Biology
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Geckos running with dynamic adhesion: towards integration of ecology, energetics and biomechanics
Journal of Experimental Biology
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Swimming smarter, not harder: fishes exploit habitat heterogeneity to increase locomotor performance
Journal of Experimental Biology
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How do feeding biomechanics, extreme predatoru2013prey size ratios and the rare enemy effect determine energetics and ecology at the largest scale?
Journal of Experimental Biology
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Tools and strategies to improve human locomotion performance and safety throughout history: on ice skates, skis, mountains and the battlefield
Journal of Experimental Biology
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The combinatorial binding syntax of transcription factors in forebrain-specific enhancers
Biology Open
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Precision and accuracy of the dynamic endocast method for measuring volume changes in XROMM studies
Journal of Experimental Biology
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Translational lessons from the balanced immune system in bats
Disease Models & Mechanisms
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Exposure to sub-optimal temperature during early development decreases hypoxia tolerance in juvenile Fundulus heteroclitus
Journal of Experimental Biology
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Mitochondriau2013plasma membrane contact sites regulate the ERu2013mitochondria encounter structure
Journal of Cell Science
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A cardiac transcriptional enhancer is repurposed during regeneration to activate an anti-proliferative program
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Dendritic cells in developing and adult zebrafish arise from different origins and display distinct flt3 dependencies
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Dynamic map illuminates Hippo-cMyc module crosstalk driving cardiomyocyte proliferation
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Autonomous function of Antennapedia in adult muscle precursors directly connects Hox genes to adult muscle development
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Machine learning approaches for image classification in developmental biology and clinical embryology
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The dynamics of tubulogenesis in development and disease
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Glycogen synthase is required for heat shock-mediated autophagy induction in neuronal cells
Biology Open
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Cadherins and growth factor receptors u2013 ligand-selective mechano-switches at cadherin junctions
Journal of Cell Science
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Ear pinna growth and differentiation is conserved in murids and requires BMP signaling for chondrocyte proliferation
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Single cell-derived multicellular meristem: insights into male-to-hermaphrodite conversion and de novo meristem formation in Ceratopteris
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A bacterial artificial chromosome mouse model of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis manifests u2018space cadet syndromeu2019 on two FVB backgrounds
Disease Models & Mechanisms
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Distinct morphological drivers of jumping and maneuvering performance in gerbils
Journal of Experimental Biology
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Sox8: a multifaceted transcription factor in development and disease
Biology Open
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A larval zebrafish model of traumatic brain injury: optimizing the dose of neurotrauma for discovery of treatments and aetiology
Biology Open
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An in vivo CRISPR screen in chick embryos reveals a role for MLLT3 in specification of neural cells from the caudal epiblast
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Conserved roles of ETT and ARF4 in gynoecium development in Brassicaceae with distinct fruit shapes
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Diversity of microtubule arrays in animal cells at a glance
Journal of Cell Science
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Sexual dimorphism in jump kinematics and choreography in peacock spiders
Journal of Experimental Biology
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Egg shape and color mediate acceptance thresholds in diverse avian host species with different rates of antiparasitic egg rejection
Journal of Experimental Biology
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Thyroid hormones reversibly inhibit metamorphic development in ophiuroid larvae
Journal of Experimental Biology
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ATP and glutamate coordinate contractions in the freshwater sponge Ephydatia muelleri
Journal of Experimental Biology
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Nuclear blebs are associated with destabilized chromatin-packing domains
Journal of Cell Science
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Decreased DNA density is a better indicator of a nuclear bleb than lamin B loss
Journal of Cell Science
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Artificial light at night alters risk-related behaviors of the ground-dwelling isopod Porcellionides pruinosus
Journal of Experimental Biology
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Plant-like heliotropism in a photosymbiotic animal
Journal of Experimental Biology
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Effects of oxygen level on thermal tolerance in Amazonian catfishes with bimodal respiration: physiological and behavioural changes
Journal of Experimental Biology
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Counterregulatory roles of GLI2 and GLI3 in osteogenic differentiation via Gli1 expression
Journal of Cell Science
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Actin from within u2013 how nuclear myosins and actin regulate nuclear architecture and mechanics
Journal of Cell Science
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Transcriptional regulation of autophagy in skeletal muscle stem cells
Disease Models & Mechanisms
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Behavioural responses to acute warming precede critical shifts in the cellular and physiological thermal stress responses in a salmonid fish (brook trout, Salvelinus fontinalis)
Journal of Experimental Biology
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Rab10 function in tubular endosome formation requires the N-terminal K3 residue and is disrupted by N-terminal tagging
Journal of Cell Science
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Clearing the path for whole-mount labeling and quantification of neuron and vessel density in adipose tissue
Journal of Cell Science
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BMP and STRA8 act collaboratively to ensure correct mitotic-to-meiotic transition in the fetal mouse ovary
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Elevated developmental temperatures below the lethal limit reduce Aedes aegypti fertility
Journal of Experimental Biology
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Interplay of SHH, WNT and BMP4 signaling regulates the development of the lamina propria in the murine ureter
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A protein interaction map of the myosin Myo2 reveals a role for Alo1 in mitochondrial inheritance in yeast
Journal of Cell Science
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From early development to maturity: a phenotypic analysis of the Townes sickle cell disease mice
Biology Open
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Impairment of proteasome-associated deubiquitinating enzyme Uchl5/UBH-4 affects autophagy
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Acute inflammation induces acute megakaryopoiesis with impaired platelet production during fetal hematopoiesis
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LRRC56 deletion causes primary ciliary dyskinesia in mice characterized by dynein arms defects
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Amyloid-u03b2 can activate JNK signalling via WNT5A-ROR2 to reduce synapse formation in Alzheimer's disease
Journal of Cell Science
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Building bridges: allyship as a catalyst for gender diversity and inclusion in experimental biology communities
Journal of Experimental Biology
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Gene expression differences in the olfactory bulb associated with differential social interactions and olfactory deficits in Pax6 heterozygous mice
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A comparison of seasonal flexibility in pectoralis muscle fiber type and enzyme activity in migratory and resident sparrow species
Journal of Experimental Biology
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Cardiac performance mirrors the passive thermal tolerance range in the oyster Ostrea edulis
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Optimized husbandry and targeted gene-editing for the cnidarian Nematostella vectensis
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Nup107 contributes to the maternal-to-zygotic transition by preventing the premature nuclear export of pri-miR427
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Fatty acid profiles and tolerance to temperature extremes in Daphnia pulex
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A high-resolution bovine mitochondrial co-expression network
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Mitochondrial phosphatase PPTC7 promotes EGFR recycling by facilitating VPS4A endosomal localization
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A new effLuc/Kate dual reporter allele for tumor imaging in mice
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Magnetic orientation of marsh warblers (Acrocephalus palustris) and spotted flycatchers (Muscicapa striata) after simulated crossing of the magnetic equator
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Flexibility of cutaneous evaporative water loss in response to hydration in pregnant prairie rattlesnakes (Crotalus viridis) and their neonates
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Proximity proteomics provides a new resource for exploring the function of Afadin and the complexity of cell-cell adherens junctions
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Increased expression of the small lysosomal gene SVIP in the Drosophila gut suppresses pathophysiological features associated with a high-fat diet
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Multi-omics analysis reveals distinct gene regulatory mechanisms between primary and organoid-derived human hepatocytes
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Dietary fat quantity and composition influence hepatic lipid metabolism and metabolic disease risk in humans
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A subpopulation of cortical neurons altered by mutations in the autism risk gene DDX3X
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Development of a genetically tailored implantation hepatocellular carcinoma model in Oncopigs by somatic cell CRISPR editing
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Field respirometry in a wild maternity colony of Bechstein's bats (Myotis bechsteinii) indicates high metabolic costs above but not below the thermoneutral zone
Journal of Experimental Biology
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Fis1 regulates mitochondrial morphology, bioenergetics and removal of mitochondrial DNA damage in irradiated glioblastoma cells
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Gestational trophoblastic disease: understanding the molecular mechanisms of placental tumours
Disease Models & Mechanisms
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Regulation and function of the gill corticotropin-releasing factor system during osmoregulatory disturbances in Atlantic salmon
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Transcriptional dynamics during karyogamy in rice zygotes
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Heat sensitivity of sperm in the lizard Anolis sagrei
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Coming home: how visually navigating ants (Myrmecia spp.) pinpoint their nest
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Does the unusual phenomenon of sustained force circumvent the speedu2013endurance trade-off in the jaw muscle of the southern alligator lizard (Elgaria multicarinata)?
Journal of Experimental Biology
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Acoustics of rubbing feathers: the velvet of owl feathers reduces frictional noise
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Chromosome number alterations cause apoptosis and cellular hypertrophy in induced pluripotent stem cell models of embryonic epiblast cells
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Cell migration signaling through the EGFR-VAV2-Rac1 pathway is sustained in endosomes
Journal of Cell Science
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Prostatic Escherichia coli infection drives CCR2-dependent recruitment of fibrocytes and collagen production
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Canonical Wnt signalling from the area opaca induces and maintains the marginal zone in pre-primitive-streak stage chick embryos
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Salinity does not affect late-stage in-egg embryonic or immediate post-hatch development in an ecologically important land crab species
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From molecular to physiological responses: improved stress tolerance and longevity in Drosophila melanogaster under fluctuating thermal regimes
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Diet-induced plasticity modifies relationships between larval growth rate and post-metamorphic behavior and physiology in spadefoot toads
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Artificial light at night impairs visual lateralisation in a fish
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Classification and characteristics of bacterial glycosaminoglycan lyases, and their therapeutic and experimental applications
Journal of Cell Science
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Rabin8 phosphorylated by NDR2, the canine early retinal degeneration gene product, directs rhodopsin Golgi-to-cilia trafficking
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Fibre type differences in the organisation of mononuclear cells and myonuclei at the tips of human myofibres
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Point contact-restricted cAMP signaling controls ephrin-A5-induced axon repulsion
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The novel ECM protein SNED1 mediates cell adhesion via the RGD-binding integrins u03b15u03b21 and u03b1vu03b23
Journal of Cell Science
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Microbiome transplants may not improve health and longevity in Drosophila melanogaster
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Cellular signalling protrusions enable dynamic distant contacts in spinal cord neurogenesis
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Airu2013liquid interface culture combined with differentiation factors reproducing intestinal cell structure formation in vitro
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Sox10 is required for systemic initiation of bone mineralization
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FGFR2 directs inhibition of WNT signaling to regulate anterior fontanelle closure during skull development
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Regulation of cell cycle in plant gametes: when is the right time to divide?
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The WIRS motifs in Fat2 are required for Drosophila egg chamber rotation but not for elongation
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The metabolic cost of producing joint moments is greater at the hip than at the ankle
Journal of Experimental Biology
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Nutritional stress in larvae induces adaptive responses that transcend generations in males of a model insect
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In preprints: giving the developing brain the energy it needs
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Abnormal H3K27me3 underlies degenerative spermatogonial stem cells in cryptorchid testis
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Examining the NEUROG2 lineage and associated gene expression in human cortical organoids
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Ecophysiological responses to heat waves in the marine intertidal zone
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A case for broadening our view of mechanism in developmental biology
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A master regulatory loop that activates genes in a temporally coordinated manner in muscle cells of ascidian embryos
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Positive autoregulation of Sox17 is necessary for gallbladder and extrahepatic bile duct formation
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Quantitative approaches for studying G protein-coupled receptor signalling and pharmacology
Journal of Cell Science
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Optogenetic control of cAMP oscillations reveals frequency-selective transcription factor dynamics in Dictyostelium
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Taurine efflux counters the hydrodynamic impact of anaerobic metabolism to protect cardiorespiratory function under acute thermal stress in brook char (Salvelinus fontinalis)
Journal of Experimental Biology
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Chronic bacterial infections exert metabolic costs in Drosophila melanogaster
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Residual force enhancement is not altered while force depression is amplified at the cellular level in old age
Journal of Experimental Biology
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Calcification in sea urchin larvae is associated with low metabolic costs
Journal of Experimental Biology
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PIKFYVE inhibition induces endosome- and lysosome-derived vacuole enlargement via ammonium accumulation
Journal of Cell Science
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The co-chaperone DNAJA2 buffers proteasomal degradation of cytosolic proteins with missense mutations
Journal of Cell Science
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Torqueu2013angle relationships of human toe flexor muscles highlight their capacity for propulsion in gait
Journal of Experimental Biology
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Scaling of quantitative cardiomyocyte properties in the left ventricle of different mammalian species
Journal of Experimental Biology
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Abca4, mutated in Stargardt disease, is required for structural integrity of cone outer segments
Disease Models & Mechanisms
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Maintenance of niche architecture requires actomyosin and enables proper stem cell signaling and oriented division in the Drosophila testis
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Spinal cord elongation enables proportional regulation of the zebrafish posterior body
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Fate specification triggers a positive feedback loop of TEADu2013YAP and NANOG to promote epiblast formation in preimplantation embryos
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Stem cell expression of CXCR4 regulates tissue composition in the vomeronasal organ
Journal of Cell Science
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Altered Ca2+ responses and antioxidant properties in Friedreich's ataxia-like cerebellar astrocytes
Journal of Cell Science
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Effects of hypoxia on the olfactory sensitivity of gilt-head seabream (Sparus aurata)
Journal of Experimental Biology
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A review of the empirical evidence for costs of plasticity in ectothermic animals
Journal of Experimental Biology
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Frictional adhesion of geckos predicts maximum running performance in nature
Journal of Experimental Biology
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Behavioural evidence of spectral opponent processing in the visual system of stomatopod crustaceans
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u03b1-catenin phosphorylation is elevated during mitosis to resist apical rounding and epithelial barrier leak
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Phosphorylation on serine 72 modulates Rab7A palmitoylation and retromer recruitment
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Versican controlled by Lmx1b regulates hyaluronate density and hydration for semicircular canal morphogenesis
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CFI-1 functions unilaterally to restrict gap junction formation in C. elegans
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Establishment of CRISPR/Cas9-based knock-in in a hemimetabolous insect: targeted gene tagging in the cricket Gryllus bimaculatus
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A microcontroller-based system for flexible oxygen control in laboratory experiments
Journal of Experimental Biology
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Solar radiation alters heat balance and thermoregulation in a flying desert bee
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Gene expression and DNA methylation changes in response to hypoxia in toxicant-adapted Atlantic killifish (Fundulus heteroclitus)
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Confrontation experience against escaping bait improves pursuit strategy in mice
Journal of Experimental Biology
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Chemotactile perception and associative learning of amino acids in yellowjacket workers
Journal of Experimental Biology
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Tango6 regulates HSPC proliferation and definitive haematopoiesis via Ikzf1 and Cmyb in caudal haematopoietic tissue
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Biochemical and biophysical mechanisms macrophages use to tune phagocytic appetite
Journal of Cell Science
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A comparative view of human and mouse telencephalon inhibitory neuron development
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Licensing and niche competition in spermatogenesis: mathematical models suggest complementary regulation of tissue maintenance
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Her9 controls the stemness properties of hindbrain boundary cells
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Behavior and biomechanics: flapping frequency during tandem and solo flights of cliff swallows
Journal of Experimental Biology
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The Ras-related nuclear GTPase RAN1 ensures pollen size and tube growth by maintaining the actin cytoskeleton
Journal of Cell Science
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Dose-dependent effects of Nrf2 on the epidermis in chronic skin inflammation
Disease Models & Mechanisms
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Knee position affects medial gastrocnemius and soleus activation during dynamic plantarflexion: no evidence for an inter-muscle compensation in healthy young adults
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The fission yeast SUMO-targeted ubiquitin ligase Slx8 functionally associates with clustered centromeres and the silent mating-type region at the nuclear periphery
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Spectral scanning and fluorescence lifetime imaging microscopy (FLIM) enable separation and characterization of C. elegans autofluorescence in the cuticle and gut
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Elemental stoichiometry and insect chill tolerance: evolved and plastic changes in organismal Na+ and K+ content in Drosophila
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The relationship between locomotion and hindlimb morphology in the leopard (Panthera pardus) using a geometric morphometric approach
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Impact of distinct dystrophin gene mutations on behavioral phenotypes of Duchenne muscular dystrophy
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Defensive tactics: lessons from Drosophila
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Patient-matched tumours, plasma, and cell lines reveal tumour microenvironment- and cell culture-specific microRNAs
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Maternal immune activation does not affect maternal microchimeric cells
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Variations in humeral and femoral strains across body sizes and limb posture in American alligators
Journal of Experimental Biology
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Automatic identification of the endangered hawksbill sea turtle behavior using deep learning and cross-species transfer learning
Journal of Experimental Biology
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AMPK associates with and causes fragmentation of the Golgi by phosphorylating the guanine nucleotide exchange factor GBF1
Journal of Cell Science
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Mechanical properties of snake skin vary longitudinally, following large prey ingestion and among species
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Loss of function of VCP/TER94 causes neurodegeneration
Disease Models & Mechanisms
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Reprogramming of cells during embryonic transfating: overcoming a reprogramming block
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The Dlk1-Dio3 noncoding RNA cluster coordinately regulates mitochondrial respiration and chromatin structure to establish proper cell state for muscle differentiation
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Barcoding Notch signaling in the developing brain
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Apical integrins as a switchable target to regulate the epithelial barrier
Journal of Cell Science
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Fantastic proteins and where to find them u2013 histones, in the nucleus and beyond
Journal of Cell Science
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Casein kinase 1 controls components of a TORC2 signaling network in budding yeast
Journal of Cell Science
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Characterization of a rapid avoidance behavior in Manduca sexta larvae in response to noxious stimuli
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Evolutionary shifts in the thermal biology of a subterranean mammal: the effect of habitat aridity
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In preprints: oxygen and NFu03baB signals shift the timing of hindlimb formation
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Biphasic DNA damage and non-canonical replication stress response govern radiation-induced senescence in glioblastoma
Journal of Cell Science
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Bees remain heat tolerant after acute exposure to desiccation and starvation
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An evolutionary perspective on the relationship between kinetochore size and CENP-E dependence for chromosome alignment
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A multidimensional toolkit for elucidating temporal trajectories in cell development in vivo
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Hedgehog-dependent and hedgehog-independent roles for growth arrest specific 1 in mammalian kidney morphogenesis
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Ankyrin-B is required for the establishment and maintenance of lens cytoarchitecture, mechanics and clarity
Journal of Cell Science
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Shear stress-stimulated AMPK couples endothelial cell mechanics, metabolism and vasodilation
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Flight power muscles have a coordinated, causal role in controlling hawkmoth pitch turns
Journal of Experimental Biology
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Mutations in the DNA processivity factor POL30 predispose the FLO11 locus to epigenetic instability in S. cerevisiae
Journal of Cell Science
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Hindlimb kinematics, kinetics and muscle dynamics during sit-to-stand and sit-to-walk transitions in emus (Dromaius novaehollandiae)
Journal of Experimental Biology
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Walking kinematics of ants carrying food in the mandibles versus gaster
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Center of mass mechanics during locomotion in the arboreal squirrel monkey (Saimiri sciureus) as a function of speed and substrate
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Age- and oxidative stress-induced centrosome amplification and renal stones in Drosophila Malpighian tubules
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A simple MiMIC-based approach for tagging endogenous genes to visualise live transcription in Drosophila
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Castor is a temporal transcription factor that specifies early born central complex neuron identity
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How to reduce your lab's carbon footprint
Journal of Cell Science
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Kinematics and energetics of the desert locust (Schistocerca gregaria) when jumping from compliant surfaces
Journal of Experimental Biology
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Impacts of dietary fat on multi tissue gene expression in the desert-adapted cactus mouse
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TXNDC15, an ER-localized thioredoxin-like transmembrane protein, contributes to ciliary transition zone integrity
Journal of Cell Science
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Biomechanics and ontogeny of gliding in wingless stick insect nymphs (Extatosoma tiaratum)
Journal of Experimental Biology
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Conserved roles of engrailed: patterning tissues and specifying cell types
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Short-range Fgf signalling patterns hindbrain progenitors to induce the neurogenesis-to-oligodendrogenesis switch
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The sclerotome is the source of the dorsal and anal fin skeleton and its expansion is required for median fin development
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Phase separation of microtubule-binding proteins u2013 implications for neuronal function and disease
Journal of Cell Science
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Regulation of miR-206 in denervated and dystrophic muscles, and its effect on acetylcholine receptor clustering
Journal of Cell Science
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Cellular retinoic acid-binding proteins regulate germ cell proliferation and sex determination in zebrafish
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The role of mesenchymal cells in cholangiocarcinoma
Disease Models & Mechanisms
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Phospho-regulation of ASCL1-mediated chromatin opening during cellular reprogramming
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In vitro modelling of anterior primitive streak patterning with human pluripotent stem cells identifies the path to notochord progenitors
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The unique functions of Runx1 in skeletal muscle maintenance and regeneration are facilitated by an ETS interaction domain
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From eggs to adulthood: sustained effects of early developmental temperature and corticosterone exposure on physiology and body size in an Australian lizard
Journal of Experimental Biology
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Topology surveillance of the lanosterol demethylase CYP51A1 by signal peptide peptidase
Journal of Cell Science
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The dual Ras-association domains of Drosophila Canoe have differential roles in linking cell junctions to the cytoskeleton during morphogenesis
Journal of Cell Science
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Cajal body formation is regulated by coilin SUMOylation
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Proximity labeling reveals interactions necessary to maintain the distinct apical domains of Drosophila photoreceptors
Journal of Cell Science
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Olfactory inputs regulate Drosophila melanogaster oogenesis
Journal of Experimental Biology
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Climate change and polar marine invertebrates: life-history responses in a warmer, high CO2 world
Journal of Experimental Biology
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The small ARF-like 2 GTPase TITAN5 is linked with the dynamic regulation of IRON-REGULATED TRANSPORTER 1
Journal of Cell Science
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u2018Iterative Bleaching Extends Multiplexityu2019 facilitates simultaneous identification of all major retinal cell types
Journal of Cell Science
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Borg5 restricts contractility and motility in epithelial MDCK cells
Journal of Cell Science
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The glycoprotein hormone receptor (LGR1) influences Malpighian tubule secretion rate in Rhodnius prolixus
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Slc26a2-mediated sulfate metabolism is important in tooth development
Disease Models & Mechanisms
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An image-based RNAi screen identifies the EGFR signaling pathway as a regulator of Imp RNP granules
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A timed epigenetic switch balances T and ILC lineage proportions in the thymus
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WNT7A-positive dendritic cytonemes control synaptogenesis in cortical neurons
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Abrupt-mediated control of ninjurins regulates Drosophila sessile haemocyte compartments
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Constructing a doxycycline-inducible system for an epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition model in MCF10A cells
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CAMSAP3 forms dimers via its u03b1-helix domain that directly stabilize non-centrosomal microtubule minus ends
Journal of Cell Science
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The avian vocal system: 3D reconstruction reveals upper vocal tract elongation during head motion
Journal of Experimental Biology
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Extracellular vesicles and nanoparticles at a glance
Journal of Cell Science
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Stat3 mediates Fyn kinase-driven dopaminergic neurodegeneration and microglia activation
Disease Models & Mechanisms
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Swimming kinematics of rainbow trout behind a 3u00d75 cylinder array: a computationally driven experimental approach to understanding fish locomotion
Journal of Experimental Biology
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Molecular characterization and sub-retinal transplantation of hypoimmunogenic human retinal sheets in a minipig model of severe photoreceptor degeneration
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ARPP19 phosphorylation site evolution and the switch in cAMP control of oocyte maturation in vertebrates
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Activation of the mitochondrial unfolded protein response regulates the dynamic formation of stress granules
Journal of Cell Science
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Directional web strikes are performed by ray spiders in response to airborne prey vibrations
Journal of Experimental Biology
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Generation of a zebrafish neurofibromatosis model via inducible knockout of nf2a/b
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A Pax3 lineage gives rise to transient haematopoietic progenitors
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Gonadal sex reversal at single-cell resolution in Znrf3-deficient mice
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Innovative use of depth data to estimate energy intake and expenditure in Adu00e9lie penguins
Journal of Experimental Biology
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Effect of cigarette smoke on the proliferation, viability, gene expression, and cellular functions of adipose-derived mesenchymal stem cells from smoking and non-smoking donors
Biology Open
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Gut microbiota are involved in leptin-induced thermoregulation in the Mongolian gerbil (Meriones unguiculatus)
Journal of Experimental Biology
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Effects of altered contractile environment on muscle shape change in the human triceps surae
Journal of Experimental Biology
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Distinct effects of CDK8 module subunits on cellular growth and proliferation in Drosophila
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Testosterone acts through the membrane protein GPRC6A to cause cardiac edema in zebrafish embryos
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Three-dimensional anatomy and dorsoventral asymmetry of the mature Marchantia polymorpha meristem develops from a symmetrical gemma meristem
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flt1 inactivation promotes zebrafish cardiac regeneration by enhancing endothelial activity and limiting the fibrotic response
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Lgr5n + intestinal stem cells are required for organoid survival after genotoxic injury
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Contributions of the Dachsous intracellular domain to Dachsous-Fat signaling
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Cellular diversity of human inner ear organoids revealed by single-cell transcriptomics
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Bioengineering vascularization
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The m5C reader protein Ybx1 promotes axon growth by regulating local translation in axons
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MRCK-1 activates non-muscle myosin for outgrowth of a unicellular tube in Caenorhabditis elegans
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Living in a multi-stressor world: nitrate pollution and thermal stress interact to affect amphibian larvae
Journal of Experimental Biology
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Modelling quiescence exit of neural stem cells reveals a FOXG1-FOXO6 axis
Disease Models & Mechanisms
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CENP-C-targeted PLK-1 regulates kinetochore function in C. elegans embryos
Journal of Cell Science
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The dual timescales of gait adaptation: initial stability adjustments followed by subsequent energetic cost adjustments
Journal of Experimental Biology
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Characterization of nitric oxide in Octopus maya nervous system and its potential role in sensory perception
Biology Open
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EFEMP1 contributes to light-dependent ocular growth in zebrafish
Biology Open
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