2,716 trees
for published

7,633 trees
for peer

This tree was planted for the article:
Linking warmer nest temperatures to reduced body size in seabird nestlings: possible mitochondrial bioenergetic and proteomic mechanisms
Journal of Experimental Biology
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Light environment and seasonal variation in the visual system of the red shiner (Cyprinella lutrensis)
Journal of Experimental Biology
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Flight style and timeu2013activity budgets of the smallest petrels
Journal of Experimental Biology
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Dynamic upper vocal tract articulations during zebra finch song u2013 acoustic effects and independence of instantaneous auditory feedback
Journal of Experimental Biology
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Client reef fish prefer more blue-saturated cleaner wrasses Labroides dimidiatus
Journal of Experimental Biology
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Colonial architecture modulates the speed and efficiency of multi-jet swimming in salp colonies
Journal of Experimental Biology
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The effects of anthropogenic sound on embryonic little skates (Leucoraja erinacea) and chain catsharks (Scyliorhinus rotifer)
Journal of Experimental Biology
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The directional control of phototaxis in sea stars (Protoreaster nodosus)
Journal of Experimental Biology
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A single-cell transcriptomic atlas of sensory-dependent gene expression in developing mouse visual cortex
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Cell compression u2013 relevance, mechanotransduction mechanisms and tools
Journal of Cell Science
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The KMT2 complex protein ASH2L is required for meiotic prophase progression but dispensable for mitosis in differentiated spermatogonia
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FG repeats drive co-clustering of nuclear pores and P granules in the C. elegans germline
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Macromolecular and cytological changes in fission yeast G0 nuclei
Journal of Cell Science
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Exploiting the SunTag system to study the developmental regulation of mRNA translation
Journal of Cell Science
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Positive consequences of group living among male bats during spermatogenesis
Journal of Experimental Biology
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Sox9 and nuclear factor I transcription factors regulate the timing of neurogenesis and ependymal maturation in dopamine progenitors
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Distinct requirements for PI3K isoforms p110u03b1 and p110u03b4 for PIP3 synthesis in mouse oocytes and early embryos
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Dynamic interactions between cartilaginous and tendinous/ligamentous primordia during musculoskeletal integration
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Direct neutrophil and T cell contact with macrophages induces release of phagosomally processed PAMPs via eructophagy
Journal of Cell Science
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u03b3-tubulin mediates DNA double-strand break repair
Journal of Cell Science
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Using the reactive scope model to redefine the concept of social stress in fishes
Journal of Experimental Biology
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Size-specific strategies of sympatric cetaceans to reduce heat loss
Journal of Experimental Biology
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Assessing recovery of Drosophila melanogaster photoreceptors with different wavelengths of red and infrared light
Journal of Experimental Biology
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A photosensory structure in the brain of the systellomatophoran gastropod Peronia verruculata
Journal of Experimental Biology
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Correlative 3D imaging method for analysing lesion architecture in susceptible mice infected with Mycobacterium tuberculosis
Disease Models & Mechanisms
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Evolutionary insights into gut acidification: invertebrate-like mechanisms in the basal vertebrate hagfish
Journal of Experimental Biology
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Reduced growth and biofilm formation at high temperatures contribute to Cryptococcus deneoformans dermatotropism
Disease Models & Mechanisms
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Fibronectin matrix assembly at a glance
Journal of Cell Science
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An ER-associated structure sequesters misassembled FG-rich nucleoporins to help maintain nuclear pore complex function
Journal of Cell Science
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Accounting for the role of the gastro-intestinal tract in the ammonia and urea nitrogen dynamics of freshwater rainbow trout on long-term satiation feeding
Journal of Experimental Biology
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GSK3 coordinately regulates mitochondrial activity and nucleotide metabolism in quiescent oocytes
Biology Open
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Deletion of sf3b4 causes splicing defects and gene dysregulation that disrupt craniofacial development and survival
Disease Models & Mechanisms
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The inflammasome adaptor pycard is essential for immunity against Mycobacterium marinum infection in adult zebrafish
Disease Models & Mechanisms
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Oral administration of aripiprazole to Drosophila causes intestinal toxicity
Disease Models & Mechanisms
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Construction of an atlas of transcription factor binding during mouse development identifies popular regulatory regions
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ETV4 and ETV5 orchestrate FGF-mediated lineage specification and epiblast maturation during early mouse development
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Follow the flower: approach-flight behaviour of bumblebees landing on a moving target
Journal of Experimental Biology
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Plasticity in voltage-gated ion channels following overwintering in respiratory motoneurons of American bullfrogs
Journal of Experimental Biology
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Long-term labelling and tracing of endodermal cells using a perpetual cycling Gal4-UAS system
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Alveolar epithelial paxillin in postnatal lung alveolar development
Biology Open
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Early-life environment shapes claw bilateral asymmetry in the European lobster (Homarus gammarus)
Biology Open
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Effects of vessel noise on beluga (Delphinapterus leucas) call type use: ultrasonic communication as an adaptation to noisy environments?
Biology Open
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Multispecies comparisons support a startle response origin for a novel vibrational signal in the cricket tribe Lebinthini
Journal of Experimental Biology
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The formation of chaperone-rich GET bodies depends on the tetratricopeptide repeat region of Sgt2 and is reversed by NADH
Journal of Cell Science
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Tumor suppressor genes in the tumor microenvironment
Disease Models & Mechanisms
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In preprints: the ins and outs of Cnidaria germ layers
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Comparison of silver and gold nanoparticles green synthesis by Artemisia annua hairy root extracts
Biology Open
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Nonlinear progression during the occult transition establishes cancer lethality
Disease Models & Mechanisms
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Cell biology meets climate resilience u2013 a call to action
Journal of Cell Science
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Co-transcriptional splicing is delayed in the highly expressed thyroglobulin gene
Journal of Cell Science
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Reproductive state-dependent cell turnover in the inner ear of the plainfin midshipman fish (Porichthys notatus)
Journal of Experimental Biology
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High-frequency vessel noise can mask porpoise echolocation
Journal of Experimental Biology
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Ready to dive? Early constraints help juvenile southern elephant seals (Mirounga leonina) acclimatize to aquatic life
Journal of Experimental Biology
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Beak dimensions affect feeding performance within a granivorous songbird species
Journal of Experimental Biology
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Metabolic responses provide insight into interspecific variation in heat tolerance of three co-existing pest aphid species
Journal of Experimental Biology
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Mitochondrial fission u2013 changing perspectives for future progress
Journal of Cell Science
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Mitophagy is induced in human engineered heart tissue after simulated ischemia and reperfusion
Journal of Cell Science
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Transcriptomes of a fast-developing chordate uncover drastic differences in transcription factors and localized maternal RNA composition compared with those of ascidians
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A CRISPR mis-insertion in the Zic3 5u2032UTR inhibits in vivo translation and is predicted to result in formation of an mRNA stem-loop hairpin
Biology Open
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The energetic cost of human walking as a function of uneven terrain amplitude
Journal of Experimental Biology
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Alteration of reproductive behaviors by aromatase inhibition is population dependent in an African cichlid fish
Journal of Experimental Biology
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Allatostatin-C signaling in the crab Carcinus maenas is implicated in the ecdysis program
Journal of Experimental Biology
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Stimulation of teleost pallium elicits an integrated feeding kinematic pattern important for prey capture
Journal of Experimental Biology
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Practical recommendations for developing software for life science applications
Journal of Cell Science
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Extra-embryonic mesoderm during development and in in vitro models
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Exploring thermal tolerance across time and space in a tropical bivalve, Pinctada margaritifera
Journal of Experimental Biology
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The non-canonical Smoothened-AMPK axis regulates Smaug1 biomolecular condensates
Journal of Cell Science
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Deciphering the flapping frequency allometry: unveiling the role of sustained body attitude in the aerodynamic scaling of normal hovering animals
Biology Open
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Circulatory CCL2 distinguishes Duchenne muscular dystrophy dogs
Disease Models & Mechanisms
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Motor neurons in the tunicate caudal central nervous system reveal homology to the vertebrate spinal cord
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Activation of prep expression by Tet2 promotes the proliferation of bipotential progenitor cells during liver regeneration
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Gain of thermal tolerance through acclimation is quicker than the loss by de-acclimation in the freeze-tolerant potworm, Enchytraeus albidus
Journal of Experimental Biology
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This tree was planted for the article:
Effects of social environment and energy efficiency on preferred swim speed in a marine generalist fish, pile perch (Phanerodon vacca)
Journal of Experimental Biology
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Ground-state pluripotent stem cells are characterized by Rac1-dependent cadherin-enriched F-actin complexes
Journal of Cell Science
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Potential ER tubular lumen sensing by intrinsically disordered regions
Journal of Cell Science
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Dachsous is a key player in epithelial wound closure through modulating cell shape changes and tissue mechanics
Journal of Cell Science
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Arabidopsis bHLH60 can regulate leaf development by interacting with and counteracting the AS1-AS2 complex to affect BP1 expression
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Multi-modal refinement of the human heart atlas during the first gestational trimester
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Dynein-driven regulation of postsynaptic membrane architecture and synaptic function
Journal of Cell Science
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Disruption of ERu2013mitochondria contact sites induces autophagy-dependent loss of P-bodies through the Ca2+-CaMKK2-AMPK pathway
Journal of Cell Science
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Metabolomic signatures associated with cold adaptation and seasonal acclimation of Drosophila: profiling of 43 species
Journal of Experimental Biology
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This tree was planted for the article:
Two cGMP-dependent protein kinases have opposing effects on molt-inhibiting hormone regulation of Y-organ ecdysteroidogenesis
Journal of Experimental Biology
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Destabilisation of bam transcripts terminates the mitotic phase of Drosophila female germline differentiation
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Cilia directionality reveals a slow reverse movement of principal neurons for positioning and lamina refinement in the cerebral cortex
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Ambient temperature leads to differential immune strategies in the subterranean rodent Ctenomys talarum
Journal of Experimental Biology
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S. pombe Mis4 is required for exit from G0 as it is necessary for full nuclear separation during the subsequent M phase
Journal of Cell Science
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This tree was planted for the article:
Functional characterization of thermosensitive TRPV channels from holocephalan elephant shark (Callorhinchus milii) illuminate the ancestral thermosensory system in vertebrates
Journal of Experimental Biology
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Feeling the force from within u2013 new tools and insights into nuclear mechanotransduction
Journal of Cell Science
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Neurogenetic disorders associated with mutations in the FERRY complex: a novel disease class?
Biology Open
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Is this scenery worth exploring? Insight into the visual encoding of navigating ants
Journal of Experimental Biology
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This tree was planted for the article:
Ghrelin suppresses water intake with a different physiological significance from atrial natriuretic peptide in conscious seawater-acclimated eels
Journal of Experimental Biology
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The influence of habitat complexity on otolith morphology and sensory capacities in Nile tilapia: a controlled experimental approach
Journal of Experimental Biology
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Lepidopteran scale cells derive from sensory organ precursors through a canonical lineage
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Primed bovine embryonic stem cell lines can be derived at diverse stages of blastocyst development with similar efficiency and molecular characteristics
Biology Open
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This tree was planted for the article:
(Limited) Predictability of thermal adaptation in invertebrates
Journal of Experimental Biology
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It's a good thing that severely hypoxic salmon (Salmo salar) have a limited capacity to increase heart rate when warmed
Journal of Experimental Biology
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This tree was planted for the article:
Regulation of mitochondrial cristae organization by Myo19, Miro1 and Miro2, and metaxin 3
Journal of Cell Science
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Zahra Bagheri
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Zach Stahlschmidt
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Yuuki Kawabata
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Youji Wang
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Yoshitomo Kikuchi
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Xingsheng Li
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William Joyce
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William Joyce
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Weiwen Chen
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Wei Liang
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Warren Potts
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Warren Burggren
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Volker Du00fcrr
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Vivek Nityananda
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Vincent Fourcassie
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Vincent Careau
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Vincent Careau
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Venus Joumaa
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Tsevi Beatus
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Tomer Czaczkes
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Todd Gillis
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Tobias Wang
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Timothy Erickson
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Tim Caro
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Till Bockemuhl
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Thies Buescher
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Thiemo Karwinkel
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Tal Shomrat
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Sven Thatje
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Suzie Currie
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Sulayman Lyons
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Steven Portugal
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Steve Perry
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Stephen Swearer
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Stephen Kinsey
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Stephen Adolph
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Stephan Lautenschlager
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Stephan Haupt
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Stefan Schuster
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Stefan Galler
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Sruthi Unnikrishnan
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Sridhar Ravi
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Sridhar Ravi
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Su00f6ren Hu00e4fker
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Simon Sponberg
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Simon Lamarre
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Simon Bahrndorff
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Shi-Tong Hsieh
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Shane Maloney
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Shalaya Kipp
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Scott Parker
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Scott Medler
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Scott Juntti
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Sarah Alderman
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Sandra Orgeig
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Samuel Aguilar-Arguello
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Samuel Aguilar-Arguello
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Sam Van Wassenbergh
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Sally Leys
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Sae Tanaka
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Ryan Gregory
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Roy Mu00fcller
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Roy Mu00fcller
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Roswitha Wiltschko
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Roi Holzman
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Rohini Balakrishnan
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Roger Kissane
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Roger Seymour
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Robyn Grant
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Robin Warne
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Roberto Bonasio
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Robert Raguso
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Robert Kambic
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Robert Jackson
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Randall Davis
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Ralf Sommer
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Rachel Crane
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Ru00fcdiger Krahe
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Qing Xiao
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Peter Piermarini
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Peter Bishop
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Peter Aerts
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Pauline Provini
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Paul Graham
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Patrick Miller
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Patricia Schulte
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Pan Han
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Oscar Curet
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Noah Dunham
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Noa Pinter-Wollman
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Nigel West
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Nicolas Pichaud
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Nicolas Nagloo
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Nicolai Konow
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Nichole Broderick
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Nicholas Bernier
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Ni Feng
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Neil Metcalfe
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Nathaniel Hunt
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Morgan Kelly
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Monica Daley
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Monica Daley
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Monica Daley
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Monica Daley
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Milad Shokri
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Michiya Kamio
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Michelle Bland
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Michael Madigan
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Michael Lawrence
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Michael Jonz
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Michael Greenfield
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Michael Finiguerra
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Michael Berenbrink
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Meredith Johnson
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Melody Young
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Megan Meuti
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Matthew McHenry
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Matthew McHenry
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Mary Stoddard
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Martin Grosell
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Mark Hanson
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Mark Denny
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Manny Azizi
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Lynne Sneddon
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Luke Jessup
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Lorenzo Perez-Rodriguez
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Linda Hernandez Duran
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Leonid Moroz
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
L. Michael Romero
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Kyle Elliott
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Kristina Muise
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Konstantin Kornev
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Kit Longden
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Kim. Holland
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Kevin M. Middleton
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Kenneth Halberg
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Kenia Bicego
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Kendra Greenlee
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Ken Jeffries
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Kelly Diamond
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Keith Tierney
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Katie Marshall
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Katie Marshall
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Katie Marshall
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Katherine Daniels
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Karla Kaun
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Karen Martin
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Karen Cheney
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Juliet Wong
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Juan Rubalcaba
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Juan Zuluaga
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Joseph Thompson
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Jose Carvalho
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Jos Mauricio BENTO
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Jordan Glass
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Jonathan Codd
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Jonathan Codd
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Jon Harrison
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
John Socha
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
John Taylor
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
John Long
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
John Long
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
John Bertram
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Joffre Mercier
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Jocelyn Millar
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Joby Joseph
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Jillian Sills
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Jian Deng
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Jesse Dean
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Jerome Roy
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Jeroen Aeles
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Jeremy Draghi
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Jennifer Leestma
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Jeff Richards
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Jeff Clements
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Jason Treberg
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Jan-Henning Dirks
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Jane Wang
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Jan Stenum
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Jan Lubawy
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Jan Clemens
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Jamie Theobald
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
James Usherwood
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
James Usherwood
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
James Traniello
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
James Hicks
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
James Staples
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
James Liao
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Jake Socha
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
J. R. Lovvorn
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
J. Shrimpton
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Ingemar Jonsson
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Iman Borazjani
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Hiromi Kudo
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Herman Pontzer
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Herbert Waite
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Henry Astley
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Hema Somanathan
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Helen Eachus
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Heather Eisthen
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Hans-O. Poertner
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Hans Hoppeler
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Guillermo Garcia Gomez
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Gregory Sutton
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Gregory Sawicki
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Gregory Sawicki
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Gregory Sutton
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Gregory Sutton
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Gregor Belusic
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Graham Raby
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Graham Askew
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Graham Askew
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Glenna Clifton
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Giulia Rossi
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Gisela Lannig
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Gerhard Gries
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Geoffrey Spedding
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Gail Schwieterman
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Gail Schwieterman
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Fritz-Olaf Lehmann
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Frederike Hanke
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Fred Laberge
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Fred Dyer
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Fran ois Druelle
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Erika Eliason
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Eric Tytell
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Enrique Rodriguez
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Emily Baird
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Emile Snell-Rood
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Elke Buschbeck
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Elizabeth Nicholls
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Elizabeth Brainerd
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Edyta T. Sadowska
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Edward Snelling
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Duncan Mitchell
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Douglas Pace
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Douglas Altshuler
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Dominic Farris
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Doekele Stavenga
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Diego Vazquez
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Dianna Padilla
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Dennis Higgs
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
David Booth
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
David Labonte
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
David McKenzie
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
David Bierbach
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Danilo Giacometti
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Dane Crossley II
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Damien Roussel
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Damien Callahan
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Damian Elias
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Damian Elias
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Cris Ledu00f3n-Rettig
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Craig White
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Craig Lind
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Craig Franklin
Click tree again for more
This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Craig Franklin
Click tree again for more
This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Craig Franklin
Click tree again for more
This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Cosima Porteus
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Cory Berger
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Cornelia Buehlmann
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Corbin Rasmussen
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Colin Brauner
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Colin Brauner
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Cleo Leite
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Claudio Lazzari
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Christopher Richards
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Christopher Oufiero
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Christopher Mayerl
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Christoffer Johansson
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Christofer Clemente
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Christofer Clemente
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Christian Wirkner
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Christian Tipsmark
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Chris Wood
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Chris Langdon
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Charlotte Miller
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Celia Bordier
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Catherine Loudon
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Casey Holliday
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Bruno van Swinderen
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Brian Umberger
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Brian Selgrade
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Brian McNab
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Brian Smith
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Brett Seymoure
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Brett Klaassen van Oorschot
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Bret Tobalske
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Brent Opell
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Bo Cheng
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Bettina Zeis
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Bert Tanner
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Ben Speers-Roesch
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Basile Michaelidis
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Baojun Sun
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Austin Garner
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Ary Hoffmann
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Ariel Kahrl
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Anthony Hessel
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Anthony Gamperl
Click tree again for more
This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Ansgar Bu00fcchges
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Anne Silverman
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Anne Dalziel
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Anna Andreassen
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Angelina Dichiera
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Andy Turko
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Andy Groves
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Andrew Esbaugh
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Andrew Dickerson
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Andrew Barron
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Andreas Thum
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Anand Krishnan
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Alexander Werth
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Alex Evans
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Aleksandra Birn-Jeffery
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Adrien Arias
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Adrian Scheidt
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Adam Reitzel
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Adam Cronin
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Aaren Freeman
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
‪Surabhi Simha
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Yiming Li
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Xiukun Cui
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Xiaohua Gong
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Will Wood
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Wanda Kukulski
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Viola Vogel
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Tsuyoshi Hirashima
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Tim Salditt
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Tien Peng
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Thomas Mu00fcller-Reichert
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Thomas Grewal
Click tree again for more
This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Tatianna Larman
Click tree again for more
This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Suvendra Bhattacharyya
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Susanne Bechstedt
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Stefano Piccolo
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Siavash Kurdistani
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Shinsuke Niwa
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Shayahati Bieerkehazhi
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Sharon Tooze
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Sergio de Almeida
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Said Hashemolhosseini
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Sadie Wignall
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Ryan MacDonald
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Roy Quinlan
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Ross Buchan
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Rodrigo Fernandez-Gonzalez
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Robin Kimmel
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Robert Krauss
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Raphael Haider
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Ramu00f3n Martu00ednez-Mu00e1rmol
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Ramanujan Hegde
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Qingdong Zhang
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Qian Chen
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Philippe Monnier
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Peter McHugh
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Pamela Tuma
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Orna Cohen-Fix
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Oishee Chakrabarti
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Nir Gov
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Nicolas Tapon
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Nick Rhind
Click tree again for more
This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Naomi Morrissette
Click tree again for more
This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Ming-Der Perng
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Mickael Cohen
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Michelle Lennartz
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Michelle Halls
Click tree again for more
This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Michael Schaefer
Click tree again for more
This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Michael DiPersio
Click tree again for more
This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Micah Schott
Click tree again for more
This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Mercedes Costell
Click tree again for more
This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Mei Yang
Click tree again for more
This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Mattias Mannervik
Click tree again for more
This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Matthias Chiquet
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Matthew Kutys
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Martin van der Laan
Click tree again for more
This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Martin Lavin
Click tree again for more
This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Marko Nikolic
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Mark Terasaki
Click tree again for more
This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Maria Spletter
Click tree again for more
This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Maria Francia
Click tree again for more
This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Manuel Thery
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Maja Matis
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Click tree again for more
This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Li Ma
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Laura Westrate
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Kristy Townsend
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Kozo Tanaka
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Click tree again for more
This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Koichiro Maki
Click tree again for more
This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Klaus Groschner
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Kinjal Dasbiswas
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Kenneth Yamada
Click tree again for more
This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Kai Murk
Click tree again for more
This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Junichi Sadoshima
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Jomon Joseph
Click tree again for more
This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
John Murray
Click tree again for more
This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
John Clark
Click tree again for more
This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Johanna Ivaska
Click tree again for more
This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Jennifer DeLuca
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Jeffrey Woodruff
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Jean-Leon Maitre
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Jared Talbot
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Janos Kriston-Vizi
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
James Burke
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Ian McGough
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Iain Styles
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Hermann Aberle
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Herbert Hildebrandt
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Helmut Dolznig
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Helen Matthews
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Helder Rocha
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Harriet Lo
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Halyna Shcherbata
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Greg Odorizzi
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Greg Beitel
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Graham Johnson
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Giorgio Scita
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Gina Razidlo
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Gautam Dey
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Fuming Zhang
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Friedrich Frischknecht
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Frieder Schoeck
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Flavio Zolessi
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Evi Kostenis
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Dylan Owen
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Dylan Chandra
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Douglas Richardson
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Douglas Robinson
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Dominique Helmlinger
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Dhananjay Chaturvedi
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Dennis Discher
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
David Teis
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
David Strutt
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
David Bryant
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
David Bryant
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
David Breslow
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Daniel Conway
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Corey Valinsky
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Colin Johnson
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Christopher Beh
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Christophe Guilluy
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Carolyn Ott
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Carien Niessen
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
C Klaembt
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Blake Riggs
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Aur lie Carlier
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Arturo Zychlinsky
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Artur Llobet
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Arshad Desai
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Antonella De Matteis
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Anne Muesch
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Anne Debant
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Angelike Stathopoulos
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Angela Laird
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Andrew Blackford
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Andrei Ivanov
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Anabella Srebrow
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Ana Pardo-Saganta
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Alpha Yap
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Alexis Barr
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Alexander Palazzo
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Alex Van der Bliek
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Alex Mogilner
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Alejandra Tomas
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Aldo Bader
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Alberto R Kornblihtt
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Albert Pol
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Albert Pol
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Adam Hoppe
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Aaron Kuan
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Zhi-Qiang Dong
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Zachary Smith
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Yuli Watanabe
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Xue-Yan He
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Un-Kyung Kim
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Thomas MacVicar
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Theodore Wensel
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Sue McGlashan
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Stephen Renshaw
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Stephanie Eid
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Stephane Gross
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Stefan Oehlers
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Shumin Tan
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Shinya Yamamoto
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Sergio Crespo-Garcia
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Sanjay Jain
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Sabah Hussain
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Ross Collery
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Roly Megaw
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Robert Duronio
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Rituraj Purohit
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Qing Deng
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Praveen Thumbikat
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Peter Barr-Gillespie
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Pamela Tran
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Pamela Barraza-Flores
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Ngan Pan Bennett Au
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Monica Justice
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Milena Damulewicz
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Michael Zech
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Michael Heinrich
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Mark Carlson
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Marie Burdine
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Maria Marchese
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Marc Ekker
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Marc Ekker
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Lori O'Brien
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Lee-Ann Allen
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Leanne Godinho
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Kinga Gawel
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Kevin Dzobo
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Karen Lange
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Kang-Cheih Huang
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Julia Cordero
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Jose Badano
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Jong Hoon Park
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
John Mariadason
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Jing Chen
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Jing Chen
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Jeffrey Kopp
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Jason Berman
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Ilka Heinemann
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Hilary Vernon
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Hansong Deng
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Hae-ryung Park
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Guang-Chao Chen
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Geoffrey Maher
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Florian Siebzenrubl
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Florence Molinari
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Filippo Santorelli
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Esther Verheyen
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Enrico Baruffini
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Emily Rosowski
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Elizabeth Fisher
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Ed Giniger
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
David Rice
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
David Lyons
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Daniyal Jafree
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Daniela Panakova
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Daniel Rodrigo-Torres
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Daniel Murphy
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Daichi Kamiyama
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Christopher Colwell
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Christian Mosimann
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Chengbiao Wu
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Brian Calvi
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Bill Chaudhry
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Bethany Moore
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Beata Filipek-Gorniok
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Antonio Pag n
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Anthony Isles
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Anthony Firulli
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Annemarie Meijer
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Anja Zeigerer
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Angus Lindsay
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Aloysius Domingo
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Ali Oghabian
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Aleksandra Tata
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Adam Chicco
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
A. Catalina Velez-Ortega
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Yohanns Bellaiche
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Yoel Sadovsky
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Yang Chai
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Yan Zhou
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Y. Henry Sun
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Xiuqian Mu
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Xiaowei Lu
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Xiao Liu
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Vincent Lynch
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Vincent Laudet
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Veronica Gregis
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Verena Ruprecht
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Valerie Wilson
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Valerie Reinke
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Tzumin Lee
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Tulsi Patel
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Toshiro Sato
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Tony Harris
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Thomas Theil
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Thierry Lepage
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Tamara Tilburgs
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Takahiro Arima
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Sylvie Retaux
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Sumru Bayin
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Summer Thyme
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Sudipto Roy
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Stuart Casson
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Steven Vokes
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Steven Mutsaers
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Stefano Di Talia
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Stefan de Folter
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Siegfried Roth
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Shuyi Nie
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Shin-ichi Tomizawa
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Shin-ichi Tomizawa
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Shifaan Thowfeequ
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Sevan Hopyan
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Seth Blackshaw
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Sebastian Kittelmann
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Sebastian Kittelmann
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Scott Wilcockson
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Satoshi Namekawa
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Sarah Morton
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Sandra Haider
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Samantha Brugmann
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Sally Lowell
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Ruth Lehmann
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Romain Madelaine
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Romain Levayer
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Roberto Feuda
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Robb Krumlauf
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Rima Slim
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Rebecca Riggins
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Rashmi Priya
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Rannar Airik
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Polyxeni Philippidou
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Peter Currie
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Pengpeng Bi
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Pavel Tomancak
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Paula Alexandre
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Paul Martin
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Patrick M ller
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Patrick Laurent
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Click tree again for more
This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Osamu Shimmi
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Ophir Klein
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Oliver Wessely
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Ofelia Martinez-Estrada
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Nuria Saperas
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
nuria flames
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Nuno Alves
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Noriaki Sasai
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Nicoletta Kessaris
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Nasser Rusan
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Mustafa Khokha
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Mrinalini Hoon
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Mitsuharu Hattori
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Mitinori Saitou
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Mireille Khacho
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Mingxi Liu
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Mike Levine
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Michelle Starz-Gaiano
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Michaela Patterson
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Michael Raissig
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Michael Brand
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Maxwell Heiman
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Mauricio Rocha Martins
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Mu00e1tu00e9 Varga
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Masazumi Tada
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Masayuki Miura
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Mary Jane West Eberhard
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Shi-Tong Hsieh
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Markus Affolter
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Marisa Karow
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Marina Piscopo
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Marianne Bronner
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Mansi Srivastava
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Mana Parast
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Malcolm Logan
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Mainak Bose
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Madeline Andrews
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Madelaine Bartlett
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Click tree again for more
This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Lisa Manning
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Lisa Boxer
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Linda Samuelson
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Lijun Fu
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Laura Thomas
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Laura Johnston
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Kyle McCracken
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Krzysztof Jagla
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Kristin White
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Koichi Kawakami
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Kirk Mykytyn
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Kimitsune Ishizaki
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Kevin Boyce
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Kellie Machlus
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Kellee Siegfried
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Keisuke Shimada
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Keiko Torii
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Kei-ichiro Ishiguro
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Kazuyuki Ohbo
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Katsuhiko Hayashi
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Katie Kindt
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Katia Ancelin
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Kate Storey
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Kate McDole
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Karine Loulier
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Karin Prummel
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Karen Downs
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Kai Ge
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Junnan Fang
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Junichi Sadoshima
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Jozsef Mihaly
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Jose Pastor Pareja
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Jonathan Chubb
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
John McDermott
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Joaquina Delas
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Jiying Liu
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Jinwoong Bok
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Jingli Cao
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Jin Lihua
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Jeremy Kay
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Jennifer Nichols
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Jenifer Croce
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Jeffrey Thomas
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Jeffrey Macklis
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Jeffrey Bush
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Jean-Paul Vincent
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Jay Shendure
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Jared Talbot
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Jan Philipp Junker
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Jamie Davies
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Jacek Majewski
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Isabelle Allemand
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Isabel Farinas
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Iris Salecker
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Ingrid Lohmann
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Ingrid Lohmann
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Huan Pin
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Ho-Yon Hwang
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Hongmei Wang
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Hongmei Wang
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Hongjie Li
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Hongchang Cui
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Holger Knaut
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Henry Kronenberg
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Henrik Semb
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Helen Salz
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
helen salz
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Heidi Stuhlmann
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Haruhiko Miyata
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Haruhiko Miyata
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Gyorgyi Csankovszki
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Guy Tanentzapf
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Guy Benian
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Guojun Sheng
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Guogiang Gu
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Guillaume Andrey
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Gr goire Vernaz
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Gong-Xue Jia
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Goichi Miyoshi
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Gage Crump
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Gage Crump
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Fumiaki Obata
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Fulvio D'Acquisto
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Frederic Berger
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Francois Kroll
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Fong Kuan Wong
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Florence Marlow
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Fernando Casares
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Feng Liu
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Fabienne Poulain
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Erin Davies
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Eric Siggia
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Erez Raz
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Ellen Hoffman
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Elke Ober
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Elizabeth Gavis
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Donghun Shin
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Donal O'Carroll
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Dolores Irala
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Dian-Han Kuo
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Diana Libuda
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Delphine Duprez
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Deborah Andrew
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
David Strutt
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
David Raible
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
David Lambert
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Dario Riccardo Valenzano
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Danny Chan
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Daniel St Johnston
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Dalit Sela-Donenfeld
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Cristina Ferrandiz
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Cornelis Weijer
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Cornelia Fritsch
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Claude Desplan
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Claude Desplan
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Clare Hudson
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Christos Delidakis
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Christina Zakas
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Christian Petersen
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Christian Mosimann
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Christian Mayer
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Christian Dahmann
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Chitra Dahia
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Cheyenne Tait
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Chenbei Chang
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Chema Martin-Duran
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Cecilia Moens
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Caroline Hill
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Carl-Philipp Heisenberg
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Carl-Philipp Heisenberg
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Cara Gottardi
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Caghan Kizil
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Bruno Lemaitre
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Bruce Draper
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Bruce Riley
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Bruce Draper
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Bruce Appel
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Brigid Hogan
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Brigid Hogan
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Bo Zhang
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Bo Wang
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Bluma Lesch
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Blanche Capel
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Biraj Mahato
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Bing Liu
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Billie Swalla
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Berenika Plusa
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Benjamin Steventon
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Benjamin Martin
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Benedikt Berninger
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Benedicte Desvoyes
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Barak Blum
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Ava Brent
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Auinash Kalsotra
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Atsuo Ogura
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Asif Bakshi
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Ashley Moffett
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Ashley Jackson
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Ashley Jackson
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Ashim Mukherjee
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Arthur Luhur
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Arp Schnittger
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Arndt Siekmann
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Aparna Ratheesh
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Antoine Guichet
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Ann Griffith
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Andy Fischer
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Andrew Zelhof
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Andrew Sharkey
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Andrew McMahon
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Andrew Cox
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Amy Ralston
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Amy Ralston
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Amit Singh
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Alicia Guemez-Gamboa
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Alexandru Tomescu
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
alexander Pollen
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Alexander Gregorieff
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Alessandro Sessa
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Alessandro De Simone
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Alberto Stolfi
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Alan Cheng
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Akira Satoh
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Akankshi Munjal
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Aaron Johnson
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Zhenmin Li
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Youngsoo Lee
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Yim Tong Savio Szeto
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Yegor Vassetzky
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Ye Xiong
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Xiumin Chen
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Xiaobing Chen
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Xiao Li Shen
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
wan rong
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Violaine See
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Vasco Barreto
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Urszula Krzych
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Tommy Norin
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Tommy Norin
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Tohru Sugawara
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Takeshi Nakamura
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Taishi Yoshii
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Tai-I Hsu
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Susan Shorter
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
suhui Wu
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Stephan Reber
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Shumaila Naz
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Shaun Killen
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Shaun Killen
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Shaun Killen
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Sayantan Datta
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Sara Stahley
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Robert Dilley
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Rendani Luthada-Raswiswi
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Rebecca Delventhal
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Rajivgandhi sundaram
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Raj Ladher
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Paul Grimshaw
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Patricia Kramer
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Pablo Sambucetti
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Nirupama Ramadas
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Nico Dantuma
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Nicholas Wu
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Natsumi Ageta-Ishihara
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Naomi Courtemanche
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Mubeen Goolam
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Mohammed Jasim
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Miguel Manzanares
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Miguel Manzanares
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Matthew Pamenter
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Masood Abu-Halima
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Martin Hora
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Martin Egan
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Mark McCormick
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Mark DeCoster
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Marco Milan
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Marco Milan
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Marcelo Hermes-Lima
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
M.V. Ushakov
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Lyndsay Leach
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Luca Zinzula
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Lesley Weaver
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Kyle Elliott
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Konrad Pomianowski
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Klaus Ebnet
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Kenneth Clark
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Kefei Li
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Karl Matter
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Kang Nian Yap
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Joy Chakraborty
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
John Belcher
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Joerg Renkawitz
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Jo o Miguel Alves-Nunes
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Janine Kirstein
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Jana Prasanta
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Jan de Vries
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
James A. Marrs
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Iva Greenwald
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Indira Paddibhatla
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Ho Man Tang
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Hin Ching Lo
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Henry John-Alder
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
H. Grimes
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Greg Hermann
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Gina Galli
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Francesca Nazio
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Flore Castellan
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Filipa Simu00f5es
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Fernando Gomes
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Elizabeth Bastiaans
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Elizabeth Ables
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Dilek Pirim
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Dhanendra Tomar
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Deran Reddy
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Dennis Kolosov
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Dehua Wang
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Deepika Vasudevan
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
David Pruyne
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
David Costantini
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
David Costantini
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Dan Tracey
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Cynthia Andoniadou
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Christopher Morrow
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Christian Behrends
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Christa Merzdorf
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Chris Rongo
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Brittany Katz
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Brigitte Galliot
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Bregje Wertheim
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Bill Ryerson
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Bibiana Montoya
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Ben Lovely
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Barbara Cannon
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Atanu Duttaroy
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Ashish Toshniwal
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Amelia Yeap
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Alissa Armstrong
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Alissa Armstrong
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Ales Cvekl
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Abdullah Al-Sadi
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
A Alwin Prem Anand
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This tree was planted for the article:
WildPose: a long-range 3D wildlife motion capture system
Journal of Experimental Biology
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This tree was planted for the article:
A high-lipid diet leads to greater pathology and lower tolerance during infection
Journal of Experimental Biology
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This tree was planted for the article:
KNTC1 introduces segmental heterogeneity to mitochondria
Disease Models & Mechanisms
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This tree was planted for the article:
EFL-3/E2F7 modulates Wnt signalling by repressing the Nemo-like kinase LIT-1 during asymmetric epidermal cell division in Caenorhabditis elegans
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This tree was planted for the article:
POU4F2 overexpression promotes the genesis of retinal ganglion cell-like projection neurons from late progenitors
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This tree was planted for the article:
Mechanical strain focusing at topological defect sites in regenerating Hydra
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This tree was planted for the article:
Fluoromicrometry reveals minimal influence of tendon elasticity during snake locomotion
Journal of Experimental Biology
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This tree was planted for the article:
Transcriptomic characterization of postnatal muscle maturation
Disease Models & Mechanisms
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This tree was planted for the article:
The behavioural consequences of dystrophinopathy
Disease Models & Mechanisms
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This tree was planted for the article:
The spatial choreography of mRNA biosynthesis
Journal of Cell Science
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This tree was planted for the article:
Dynamic mechanisms for membrane skeleton transitions
Journal of Cell Science
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This tree was planted for the article:
Improving bench-to-bedside translation for acute graft-versus-host disease models
Disease Models & Mechanisms
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This tree was planted for the article:
Use of metabolic imaging to monitor heterogeneity of tumour response following therapeutic mTORC1/2 pathway inhibition
Disease Models & Mechanisms
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This tree was planted for the article:
Sublethal changes to coral metabolism in response to deoxygenation
Journal of Experimental Biology
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This tree was planted for the article:
Zebra stripes induce aberrant motion analysis in flies through aliasing
Journal of Experimental Biology
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This tree was planted for the article:
Khdrbs1 drives re-differentiation of bipotential progenitor cells by inhibiting p53 in zebrafish biliary-mediated liver regeneration
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This tree was planted for the article:
Precise photopharmacological eradication of metastatic tumor cells
Disease Models & Mechanisms
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This tree was planted for the article:
Dynamic crosstalk between cytoskeletal filaments regulates dorsoventral cytoplasmic mechanics
Journal of Cell Science
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This tree was planted for the article:
Enteropathogenic E. coli effector Map interacts with Rab13 and regulates the depletion of the tight junction proteins occludin and claudins via cathepsin B-mediated mechanisms
Biology Open
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This tree was planted for the article:
What makes a competent aquatic invader? Considering saline niches of invertebrates and ray-finned fishes
Journal of Experimental Biology
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TC10 on endosomes regulates the local balance between microtubule stability and dynamics through the PAK2-JNK pathway and promotes axon outgrowth
Journal of Cell Science
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Talin, a Rap1 effector for integrin activation at the plasma membrane, also promotes Rap1 activity by disrupting sequestration of Rap1 by SHANK3
Journal of Cell Science
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Light alters calling-song characteristics in crickets
Journal of Experimental Biology
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Notch3 deletion regulates HIV-1 gene expression and systemic inflammation to ameliorate chronic kidney disease
Disease Models & Mechanisms
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TAZ interactome analysis using nanotrap-based affinity purificationu2013mass spectrometry
Journal of Cell Science
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Traumatic injury leads to ovarian cell death and reproductive disturbances in Drosophila melanogaster
Biology Open
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Cdkn1c orchestrates a molecular network that regulates euploidy of male mouse germline stem cells
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Towards a standard application of the Reynolds number in studies of aquatic animal locomotion
Journal of Experimental Biology
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The importance of delivering Recherche d'Avenir u2013 research for the future
Journal of Cell Science
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Spatio-temporal reconstruction of gene expression patterns in developing mice
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Inpp5e is crucial for photoreceptor outer segment maintenance
Journal of Cell Science
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Inside the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, with Hans-Otto Pu00f6rtner
Journal of Experimental Biology
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The effect of moisture during development on phenotypes of egg-laying reptiles: a systematic review and meta-analysis
Journal of Experimental Biology
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Modulation of sex pheromone detection by nutritional and hormonal signals in a male insect
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Not all who meander are lost: migrating sea lamprey follow river thalwegs to facilitate safe and efficient passage upstream
Journal of Experimental Biology
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Patient-derived xenograft models of gastrointestinal stromal tumors provide a ready-to-use platform for translational research
Disease Models & Mechanisms
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Testing hypotheses of skull function with comparative finite element analysis: three methods reveal contrasting results
Journal of Experimental Biology
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In preprints: insights into the regulation of haematopoietic stem cell emergence in vitro and in vivo
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The role of plumage and heat dissipation areas in thermoregulation in doves
Journal of Experimental Biology
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Modelling a pathological GSX2 variant that selectively alters DNA binding reveals hypomorphic mouse brain defects
Disease Models & Mechanisms
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High-resolution, high-throughput analysis of Drosophila geotactic behavior
Journal of Experimental Biology
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SuperResNET u2013 single-molecule network analysis detects changes to clathrin structure induced by small-molecule inhibitors
Journal of Cell Science
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u03b3-secretase facilitates retromer-mediated retrograde transport
Journal of Cell Science
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The emerging roles of the endoplasmic reticulum in mechanosensing and mechanotransduction
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How a salt pan ant Cataglyphis fortis navigates artificially complex environments
Journal of Experimental Biology
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Distribution and role of peripheral arterial chemoreceptors in cardio-respiratory control of the South American rattlesnake (Crotalus durissus)
Journal of Experimental Biology
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Ccn2a acts downstream of cx43 to influence joint formation during zebrafish fin regeneration
Biology Open
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Integrating biomechanics, energetics and ecology perspectives in locomotion
Journal of Experimental Biology
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Behavioural energetics in human locomotion: how energy use influences how we move
Journal of Experimental Biology
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Integrating flight mechanics, energetics and migration ecology in vertebrates
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Integrating physiology into movement ecology of large terrestrial mammals
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How might turbulence affect animal flight in a changing world?
Journal of Experimental Biology
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An annual cycle perspective on energetics and locomotion of migratory animals
Journal of Experimental Biology
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Integrating muscle energetics into biomechanical models to understand variance in the cost of movement
Journal of Experimental Biology
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Towards the yin and yang of fish locomotion: linking energetics, ecology and mechanics through field and lab approaches
Journal of Experimental Biology
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Understanding mechanisms of avian flight by integrating observations with tests of competing hypotheses
Journal of Experimental Biology
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The energetics of movement, from exercise to ecology and evolution
Journal of Experimental Biology
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Movement ecology of gelatinous zooplankton: approaches, challenges and future directions
Journal of Experimental Biology
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Why the superb physiological capacity of birds matters
Journal of Experimental Biology
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Integrating animal tracking and trait data to facilitate global ecological discoveries
Journal of Experimental Biology
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Geckos running with dynamic adhesion: towards integration of ecology, energetics and biomechanics
Journal of Experimental Biology
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Swimming smarter, not harder: fishes exploit habitat heterogeneity to increase locomotor performance
Journal of Experimental Biology
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How do feeding biomechanics, extreme predatoru2013prey size ratios and the rare enemy effect determine energetics and ecology at the largest scale?
Journal of Experimental Biology
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Tools and strategies to improve human locomotion performance and safety throughout history: on ice skates, skis, mountains and the battlefield
Journal of Experimental Biology
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The combinatorial binding syntax of transcription factors in forebrain-specific enhancers
Biology Open
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Precision and accuracy of the dynamic endocast method for measuring volume changes in XROMM studies
Journal of Experimental Biology
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Translational lessons from the balanced immune system in bats
Disease Models & Mechanisms
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Exposure to sub-optimal temperature during early development decreases hypoxia tolerance in juvenile Fundulus heteroclitus
Journal of Experimental Biology
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Mitochondriau2013plasma membrane contact sites regulate the ERu2013mitochondria encounter structure
Journal of Cell Science
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A cardiac transcriptional enhancer is repurposed during regeneration to activate an anti-proliferative program
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Dendritic cells in developing and adult zebrafish arise from different origins and display distinct flt3 dependencies
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Dynamic map illuminates Hippo-cMyc module crosstalk driving cardiomyocyte proliferation
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Autonomous function of Antennapedia in adult muscle precursors directly connects Hox genes to adult muscle development
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Machine learning approaches for image classification in developmental biology and clinical embryology
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The dynamics of tubulogenesis in development and disease
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Glycogen synthase is required for heat shock-mediated autophagy induction in neuronal cells
Biology Open
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Cadherins and growth factor receptors u2013 ligand-selective mechano-switches at cadherin junctions
Journal of Cell Science
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Ear pinna growth and differentiation is conserved in murids and requires BMP signaling for chondrocyte proliferation
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Single cell-derived multicellular meristem: insights into male-to-hermaphrodite conversion and de novo meristem formation in Ceratopteris
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A bacterial artificial chromosome mouse model of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis manifests u2018space cadet syndromeu2019 on two FVB backgrounds
Disease Models & Mechanisms
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Distinct morphological drivers of jumping and maneuvering performance in gerbils
Journal of Experimental Biology
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Sox8: a multifaceted transcription factor in development and disease
Biology Open
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A larval zebrafish model of traumatic brain injury: optimizing the dose of neurotrauma for discovery of treatments and aetiology
Biology Open
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An in vivo CRISPR screen in chick embryos reveals a role for MLLT3 in specification of neural cells from the caudal epiblast
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Conserved roles of ETT and ARF4 in gynoecium development in Brassicaceae with distinct fruit shapes
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Diversity of microtubule arrays in animal cells at a glance
Journal of Cell Science
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Sexual dimorphism in jump kinematics and choreography in peacock spiders
Journal of Experimental Biology
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Egg shape and color mediate acceptance thresholds in diverse avian host species with different rates of antiparasitic egg rejection
Journal of Experimental Biology
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Thyroid hormones reversibly inhibit metamorphic development in ophiuroid larvae
Journal of Experimental Biology
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ATP and glutamate coordinate contractions in the freshwater sponge Ephydatia muelleri
Journal of Experimental Biology
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Nuclear blebs are associated with destabilized chromatin-packing domains
Journal of Cell Science
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Decreased DNA density is a better indicator of a nuclear bleb than lamin B loss
Journal of Cell Science
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Artificial light at night alters risk-related behaviors of the ground-dwelling isopod Porcellionides pruinosus
Journal of Experimental Biology
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Plant-like heliotropism in a photosymbiotic animal
Journal of Experimental Biology
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Effects of oxygen level on thermal tolerance in Amazonian catfishes with bimodal respiration: physiological and behavioural changes
Journal of Experimental Biology
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Counterregulatory roles of GLI2 and GLI3 in osteogenic differentiation via Gli1 expression
Journal of Cell Science
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Actin from within u2013 how nuclear myosins and actin regulate nuclear architecture and mechanics
Journal of Cell Science
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Transcriptional regulation of autophagy in skeletal muscle stem cells
Disease Models & Mechanisms
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Behavioural responses to acute warming precede critical shifts in the cellular and physiological thermal stress responses in a salmonid fish (brook trout, Salvelinus fontinalis)
Journal of Experimental Biology
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Rab10 function in tubular endosome formation requires the N-terminal K3 residue and is disrupted by N-terminal tagging
Journal of Cell Science
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Clearing the path for whole-mount labeling and quantification of neuron and vessel density in adipose tissue
Journal of Cell Science
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BMP and STRA8 act collaboratively to ensure correct mitotic-to-meiotic transition in the fetal mouse ovary
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Elevated developmental temperatures below the lethal limit reduce Aedes aegypti fertility
Journal of Experimental Biology
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Interplay of SHH, WNT and BMP4 signaling regulates the development of the lamina propria in the murine ureter
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A protein interaction map of the myosin Myo2 reveals a role for Alo1 in mitochondrial inheritance in yeast
Journal of Cell Science
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From early development to maturity: a phenotypic analysis of the Townes sickle cell disease mice
Biology Open
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Impairment of proteasome-associated deubiquitinating enzyme Uchl5/UBH-4 affects autophagy
Biology Open
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Acute inflammation induces acute megakaryopoiesis with impaired platelet production during fetal hematopoiesis
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LRRC56 deletion causes primary ciliary dyskinesia in mice characterized by dynein arms defects
Biology Open
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Amyloid-u03b2 can activate JNK signalling via WNT5A-ROR2 to reduce synapse formation in Alzheimer's disease
Journal of Cell Science
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Building bridges: allyship as a catalyst for gender diversity and inclusion in experimental biology communities
Journal of Experimental Biology
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Gene expression differences in the olfactory bulb associated with differential social interactions and olfactory deficits in Pax6 heterozygous mice
Biology Open
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A comparison of seasonal flexibility in pectoralis muscle fiber type and enzyme activity in migratory and resident sparrow species
Journal of Experimental Biology
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Cardiac performance mirrors the passive thermal tolerance range in the oyster Ostrea edulis
Journal of Experimental Biology
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Optimized husbandry and targeted gene-editing for the cnidarian Nematostella vectensis
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Nup107 contributes to the maternal-to-zygotic transition by preventing the premature nuclear export of pri-miR427
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Fatty acid profiles and tolerance to temperature extremes in Daphnia pulex
Journal of Experimental Biology
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A high-resolution bovine mitochondrial co-expression network
Biology Open
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Mitochondrial phosphatase PPTC7 promotes EGFR recycling by facilitating VPS4A endosomal localization
Journal of Cell Science
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A new effLuc/Kate dual reporter allele for tumor imaging in mice
Disease Models & Mechanisms
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Magnetic orientation of marsh warblers (Acrocephalus palustris) and spotted flycatchers (Muscicapa striata) after simulated crossing of the magnetic equator
Journal of Experimental Biology
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Flexibility of cutaneous evaporative water loss in response to hydration in pregnant prairie rattlesnakes (Crotalus viridis) and their neonates
Journal of Experimental Biology
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Proximity proteomics provides a new resource for exploring the function of Afadin and the complexity of cell-cell adherens junctions
Biology Open
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Increased expression of the small lysosomal gene SVIP in the Drosophila gut suppresses pathophysiological features associated with a high-fat diet
Biology Open
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Multi-omics analysis reveals distinct gene regulatory mechanisms between primary and organoid-derived human hepatocytes
Disease Models & Mechanisms
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Dietary fat quantity and composition influence hepatic lipid metabolism and metabolic disease risk in humans
Disease Models & Mechanisms
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A subpopulation of cortical neurons altered by mutations in the autism risk gene DDX3X
Biology Open
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Development of a genetically tailored implantation hepatocellular carcinoma model in Oncopigs by somatic cell CRISPR editing
Disease Models & Mechanisms
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Field respirometry in a wild maternity colony of Bechstein's bats (Myotis bechsteinii) indicates high metabolic costs above but not below the thermoneutral zone
Journal of Experimental Biology
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Fis1 regulates mitochondrial morphology, bioenergetics and removal of mitochondrial DNA damage in irradiated glioblastoma cells
Journal of Cell Science
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Gestational trophoblastic disease: understanding the molecular mechanisms of placental tumours
Disease Models & Mechanisms
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Regulation and function of the gill corticotropin-releasing factor system during osmoregulatory disturbances in Atlantic salmon
Journal of Experimental Biology
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Transcriptional dynamics during karyogamy in rice zygotes
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Heat sensitivity of sperm in the lizard Anolis sagrei
Journal of Experimental Biology
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Coming home: how visually navigating ants (Myrmecia spp.) pinpoint their nest
Journal of Experimental Biology
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Does the unusual phenomenon of sustained force circumvent the speedu2013endurance trade-off in the jaw muscle of the southern alligator lizard (Elgaria multicarinata)?
Journal of Experimental Biology
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Acoustics of rubbing feathers: the velvet of owl feathers reduces frictional noise
Journal of Experimental Biology
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Chromosome number alterations cause apoptosis and cellular hypertrophy in induced pluripotent stem cell models of embryonic epiblast cells
Biology Open
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Cell migration signaling through the EGFR-VAV2-Rac1 pathway is sustained in endosomes
Journal of Cell Science
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Prostatic Escherichia coli infection drives CCR2-dependent recruitment of fibrocytes and collagen production
Disease Models & Mechanisms
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Canonical Wnt signalling from the area opaca induces and maintains the marginal zone in pre-primitive-streak stage chick embryos
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Salinity does not affect late-stage in-egg embryonic or immediate post-hatch development in an ecologically important land crab species
Journal of Experimental Biology
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From molecular to physiological responses: improved stress tolerance and longevity in Drosophila melanogaster under fluctuating thermal regimes
Journal of Experimental Biology
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Diet-induced plasticity modifies relationships between larval growth rate and post-metamorphic behavior and physiology in spadefoot toads
Journal of Experimental Biology
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Artificial light at night impairs visual lateralisation in a fish
Journal of Experimental Biology
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Classification and characteristics of bacterial glycosaminoglycan lyases, and their therapeutic and experimental applications
Journal of Cell Science
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Rabin8 phosphorylated by NDR2, the canine early retinal degeneration gene product, directs rhodopsin Golgi-to-cilia trafficking
Journal of Cell Science
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Fibre type differences in the organisation of mononuclear cells and myonuclei at the tips of human myofibres
Journal of Cell Science
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Point contact-restricted cAMP signaling controls ephrin-A5-induced axon repulsion
Journal of Cell Science
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The novel ECM protein SNED1 mediates cell adhesion via the RGD-binding integrins u03b15u03b21 and u03b1vu03b23
Journal of Cell Science
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Microbiome transplants may not improve health and longevity in Drosophila melanogaster
Biology Open
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Cellular signalling protrusions enable dynamic distant contacts in spinal cord neurogenesis
Biology Open
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Airu2013liquid interface culture combined with differentiation factors reproducing intestinal cell structure formation in vitro
Biology Open
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Sox10 is required for systemic initiation of bone mineralization
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FGFR2 directs inhibition of WNT signaling to regulate anterior fontanelle closure during skull development
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Regulation of cell cycle in plant gametes: when is the right time to divide?
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The WIRS motifs in Fat2 are required for Drosophila egg chamber rotation but not for elongation
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The metabolic cost of producing joint moments is greater at the hip than at the ankle
Journal of Experimental Biology
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Nutritional stress in larvae induces adaptive responses that transcend generations in males of a model insect
Journal of Experimental Biology
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In preprints: giving the developing brain the energy it needs
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Abnormal H3K27me3 underlies degenerative spermatogonial stem cells in cryptorchid testis
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Examining the NEUROG2 lineage and associated gene expression in human cortical organoids
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Ecophysiological responses to heat waves in the marine intertidal zone
Journal of Experimental Biology
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A case for broadening our view of mechanism in developmental biology
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A master regulatory loop that activates genes in a temporally coordinated manner in muscle cells of ascidian embryos
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Positive autoregulation of Sox17 is necessary for gallbladder and extrahepatic bile duct formation
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Quantitative approaches for studying G protein-coupled receptor signalling and pharmacology
Journal of Cell Science
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Optogenetic control of cAMP oscillations reveals frequency-selective transcription factor dynamics in Dictyostelium
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Taurine efflux counters the hydrodynamic impact of anaerobic metabolism to protect cardiorespiratory function under acute thermal stress in brook char (Salvelinus fontinalis)
Journal of Experimental Biology
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Chronic bacterial infections exert metabolic costs in Drosophila melanogaster
Journal of Experimental Biology
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Residual force enhancement is not altered while force depression is amplified at the cellular level in old age
Journal of Experimental Biology
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Calcification in sea urchin larvae is associated with low metabolic costs
Journal of Experimental Biology
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PIKFYVE inhibition induces endosome- and lysosome-derived vacuole enlargement via ammonium accumulation
Journal of Cell Science
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The co-chaperone DNAJA2 buffers proteasomal degradation of cytosolic proteins with missense mutations
Journal of Cell Science
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Torqueu2013angle relationships of human toe flexor muscles highlight their capacity for propulsion in gait
Journal of Experimental Biology
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Scaling of quantitative cardiomyocyte properties in the left ventricle of different mammalian species
Journal of Experimental Biology
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Abca4, mutated in Stargardt disease, is required for structural integrity of cone outer segments
Disease Models & Mechanisms
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Maintenance of niche architecture requires actomyosin and enables proper stem cell signaling and oriented division in the Drosophila testis
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Spinal cord elongation enables proportional regulation of the zebrafish posterior body
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Fate specification triggers a positive feedback loop of TEADu2013YAP and NANOG to promote epiblast formation in preimplantation embryos
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Stem cell expression of CXCR4 regulates tissue composition in the vomeronasal organ
Journal of Cell Science
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Altered Ca2+ responses and antioxidant properties in Friedreich's ataxia-like cerebellar astrocytes
Journal of Cell Science
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Effects of hypoxia on the olfactory sensitivity of gilt-head seabream (Sparus aurata)
Journal of Experimental Biology
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A review of the empirical evidence for costs of plasticity in ectothermic animals
Journal of Experimental Biology
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Frictional adhesion of geckos predicts maximum running performance in nature
Journal of Experimental Biology
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Behavioural evidence of spectral opponent processing in the visual system of stomatopod crustaceans
Journal of Experimental Biology
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u03b1-catenin phosphorylation is elevated during mitosis to resist apical rounding and epithelial barrier leak
Biology Open
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Phosphorylation on serine 72 modulates Rab7A palmitoylation and retromer recruitment
Journal of Cell Science
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Versican controlled by Lmx1b regulates hyaluronate density and hydration for semicircular canal morphogenesis
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CFI-1 functions unilaterally to restrict gap junction formation in C. elegans
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Establishment of CRISPR/Cas9-based knock-in in a hemimetabolous insect: targeted gene tagging in the cricket Gryllus bimaculatus
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A microcontroller-based system for flexible oxygen control in laboratory experiments
Journal of Experimental Biology
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Solar radiation alters heat balance and thermoregulation in a flying desert bee
Journal of Experimental Biology
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Gene expression and DNA methylation changes in response to hypoxia in toxicant-adapted Atlantic killifish (Fundulus heteroclitus)
Biology Open
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Confrontation experience against escaping bait improves pursuit strategy in mice
Journal of Experimental Biology
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Chemotactile perception and associative learning of amino acids in yellowjacket workers
Journal of Experimental Biology
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Tango6 regulates HSPC proliferation and definitive haematopoiesis via Ikzf1 and Cmyb in caudal haematopoietic tissue
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Biochemical and biophysical mechanisms macrophages use to tune phagocytic appetite
Journal of Cell Science
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A comparative view of human and mouse telencephalon inhibitory neuron development
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Licensing and niche competition in spermatogenesis: mathematical models suggest complementary regulation of tissue maintenance
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Her9 controls the stemness properties of hindbrain boundary cells
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Behavior and biomechanics: flapping frequency during tandem and solo flights of cliff swallows
Journal of Experimental Biology
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The Ras-related nuclear GTPase RAN1 ensures pollen size and tube growth by maintaining the actin cytoskeleton
Journal of Cell Science
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Dose-dependent effects of Nrf2 on the epidermis in chronic skin inflammation
Disease Models & Mechanisms
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Knee position affects medial gastrocnemius and soleus activation during dynamic plantarflexion: no evidence for an inter-muscle compensation in healthy young adults
Biology Open
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The fission yeast SUMO-targeted ubiquitin ligase Slx8 functionally associates with clustered centromeres and the silent mating-type region at the nuclear periphery
Biology Open
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Spectral scanning and fluorescence lifetime imaging microscopy (FLIM) enable separation and characterization of C. elegans autofluorescence in the cuticle and gut
Biology Open
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Elemental stoichiometry and insect chill tolerance: evolved and plastic changes in organismal Na+ and K+ content in Drosophila
Biology Open
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The relationship between locomotion and hindlimb morphology in the leopard (Panthera pardus) using a geometric morphometric approach
Biology Open
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Impact of distinct dystrophin gene mutations on behavioral phenotypes of Duchenne muscular dystrophy
Disease Models & Mechanisms
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Defensive tactics: lessons from Drosophila
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Patient-matched tumours, plasma, and cell lines reveal tumour microenvironment- and cell culture-specific microRNAs
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Maternal immune activation does not affect maternal microchimeric cells
Biology Open
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Variations in humeral and femoral strains across body sizes and limb posture in American alligators
Journal of Experimental Biology
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Automatic identification of the endangered hawksbill sea turtle behavior using deep learning and cross-species transfer learning
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AMPK associates with and causes fragmentation of the Golgi by phosphorylating the guanine nucleotide exchange factor GBF1
Journal of Cell Science
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Mechanical properties of snake skin vary longitudinally, following large prey ingestion and among species
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Loss of function of VCP/TER94 causes neurodegeneration
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Reprogramming of cells during embryonic transfating: overcoming a reprogramming block
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The Dlk1-Dio3 noncoding RNA cluster coordinately regulates mitochondrial respiration and chromatin structure to establish proper cell state for muscle differentiation
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Barcoding Notch signaling in the developing brain
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Apical integrins as a switchable target to regulate the epithelial barrier
Journal of Cell Science
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Fantastic proteins and where to find them u2013 histones, in the nucleus and beyond
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Casein kinase 1 controls components of a TORC2 signaling network in budding yeast
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Characterization of a rapid avoidance behavior in Manduca sexta larvae in response to noxious stimuli
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Evolutionary shifts in the thermal biology of a subterranean mammal: the effect of habitat aridity
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In preprints: oxygen and NFu03baB signals shift the timing of hindlimb formation
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Biphasic DNA damage and non-canonical replication stress response govern radiation-induced senescence in glioblastoma
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Bees remain heat tolerant after acute exposure to desiccation and starvation
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An evolutionary perspective on the relationship between kinetochore size and CENP-E dependence for chromosome alignment
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A multidimensional toolkit for elucidating temporal trajectories in cell development in vivo
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Hedgehog-dependent and hedgehog-independent roles for growth arrest specific 1 in mammalian kidney morphogenesis
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Ankyrin-B is required for the establishment and maintenance of lens cytoarchitecture, mechanics and clarity
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Shear stress-stimulated AMPK couples endothelial cell mechanics, metabolism and vasodilation
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Flight power muscles have a coordinated, causal role in controlling hawkmoth pitch turns
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Mutations in the DNA processivity factor POL30 predispose the FLO11 locus to epigenetic instability in S. cerevisiae
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Hindlimb kinematics, kinetics and muscle dynamics during sit-to-stand and sit-to-walk transitions in emus (Dromaius novaehollandiae)
Journal of Experimental Biology
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Walking kinematics of ants carrying food in the mandibles versus gaster
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Center of mass mechanics during locomotion in the arboreal squirrel monkey (Saimiri sciureus) as a function of speed and substrate
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Age- and oxidative stress-induced centrosome amplification and renal stones in Drosophila Malpighian tubules
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A simple MiMIC-based approach for tagging endogenous genes to visualise live transcription in Drosophila
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Castor is a temporal transcription factor that specifies early born central complex neuron identity
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How to reduce your lab's carbon footprint
Journal of Cell Science
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Kinematics and energetics of the desert locust (Schistocerca gregaria) when jumping from compliant surfaces
Journal of Experimental Biology
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Impacts of dietary fat on multi tissue gene expression in the desert-adapted cactus mouse
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TXNDC15, an ER-localized thioredoxin-like transmembrane protein, contributes to ciliary transition zone integrity
Journal of Cell Science
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Biomechanics and ontogeny of gliding in wingless stick insect nymphs (Extatosoma tiaratum)
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Conserved roles of engrailed: patterning tissues and specifying cell types
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Short-range Fgf signalling patterns hindbrain progenitors to induce the neurogenesis-to-oligodendrogenesis switch
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The sclerotome is the source of the dorsal and anal fin skeleton and its expansion is required for median fin development
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Phase separation of microtubule-binding proteins u2013 implications for neuronal function and disease
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Regulation of miR-206 in denervated and dystrophic muscles, and its effect on acetylcholine receptor clustering
Journal of Cell Science
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Cellular retinoic acid-binding proteins regulate germ cell proliferation and sex determination in zebrafish
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The role of mesenchymal cells in cholangiocarcinoma
Disease Models & Mechanisms
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Phospho-regulation of ASCL1-mediated chromatin opening during cellular reprogramming
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In vitro modelling of anterior primitive streak patterning with human pluripotent stem cells identifies the path to notochord progenitors
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The unique functions of Runx1 in skeletal muscle maintenance and regeneration are facilitated by an ETS interaction domain
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From eggs to adulthood: sustained effects of early developmental temperature and corticosterone exposure on physiology and body size in an Australian lizard
Journal of Experimental Biology
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Topology surveillance of the lanosterol demethylase CYP51A1 by signal peptide peptidase
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The dual Ras-association domains of Drosophila Canoe have differential roles in linking cell junctions to the cytoskeleton during morphogenesis
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Cajal body formation is regulated by coilin SUMOylation
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Proximity labeling reveals interactions necessary to maintain the distinct apical domains of Drosophila photoreceptors
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Olfactory inputs regulate Drosophila melanogaster oogenesis
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Climate change and polar marine invertebrates: life-history responses in a warmer, high CO2 world
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The small ARF-like 2 GTPase TITAN5 is linked with the dynamic regulation of IRON-REGULATED TRANSPORTER 1
Journal of Cell Science
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u2018Iterative Bleaching Extends Multiplexityu2019 facilitates simultaneous identification of all major retinal cell types
Journal of Cell Science
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Borg5 restricts contractility and motility in epithelial MDCK cells
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The glycoprotein hormone receptor (LGR1) influences Malpighian tubule secretion rate in Rhodnius prolixus
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Slc26a2-mediated sulfate metabolism is important in tooth development
Disease Models & Mechanisms
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An image-based RNAi screen identifies the EGFR signaling pathway as a regulator of Imp RNP granules
Journal of Cell Science
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A timed epigenetic switch balances T and ILC lineage proportions in the thymus
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WNT7A-positive dendritic cytonemes control synaptogenesis in cortical neurons
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Abrupt-mediated control of ninjurins regulates Drosophila sessile haemocyte compartments
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Constructing a doxycycline-inducible system for an epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition model in MCF10A cells
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CAMSAP3 forms dimers via its u03b1-helix domain that directly stabilize non-centrosomal microtubule minus ends
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The avian vocal system: 3D reconstruction reveals upper vocal tract elongation during head motion
Journal of Experimental Biology
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Extracellular vesicles and nanoparticles at a glance
Journal of Cell Science
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Stat3 mediates Fyn kinase-driven dopaminergic neurodegeneration and microglia activation
Disease Models & Mechanisms
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Swimming kinematics of rainbow trout behind a 3u00d75 cylinder array: a computationally driven experimental approach to understanding fish locomotion
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Molecular characterization and sub-retinal transplantation of hypoimmunogenic human retinal sheets in a minipig model of severe photoreceptor degeneration
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ARPP19 phosphorylation site evolution and the switch in cAMP control of oocyte maturation in vertebrates
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Activation of the mitochondrial unfolded protein response regulates the dynamic formation of stress granules
Journal of Cell Science
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Directional web strikes are performed by ray spiders in response to airborne prey vibrations
Journal of Experimental Biology
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Generation of a zebrafish neurofibromatosis model via inducible knockout of nf2a/b
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A Pax3 lineage gives rise to transient haematopoietic progenitors
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Gonadal sex reversal at single-cell resolution in Znrf3-deficient mice
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Innovative use of depth data to estimate energy intake and expenditure in Adu00e9lie penguins
Journal of Experimental Biology
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Effect of cigarette smoke on the proliferation, viability, gene expression, and cellular functions of adipose-derived mesenchymal stem cells from smoking and non-smoking donors
Biology Open
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Gut microbiota are involved in leptin-induced thermoregulation in the Mongolian gerbil (Meriones unguiculatus)
Journal of Experimental Biology
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Effects of altered contractile environment on muscle shape change in the human triceps surae
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Distinct effects of CDK8 module subunits on cellular growth and proliferation in Drosophila
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Testosterone acts through the membrane protein GPRC6A to cause cardiac edema in zebrafish embryos
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Three-dimensional anatomy and dorsoventral asymmetry of the mature Marchantia polymorpha meristem develops from a symmetrical gemma meristem
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flt1 inactivation promotes zebrafish cardiac regeneration by enhancing endothelial activity and limiting the fibrotic response
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Lgr5n + intestinal stem cells are required for organoid survival after genotoxic injury
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Contributions of the Dachsous intracellular domain to Dachsous-Fat signaling
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Cellular diversity of human inner ear organoids revealed by single-cell transcriptomics
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Bioengineering vascularization
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The m5C reader protein Ybx1 promotes axon growth by regulating local translation in axons
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MRCK-1 activates non-muscle myosin for outgrowth of a unicellular tube in Caenorhabditis elegans
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Living in a multi-stressor world: nitrate pollution and thermal stress interact to affect amphibian larvae
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Modelling quiescence exit of neural stem cells reveals a FOXG1-FOXO6 axis
Disease Models & Mechanisms
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CENP-C-targeted PLK-1 regulates kinetochore function in C. elegans embryos
Journal of Cell Science
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The dual timescales of gait adaptation: initial stability adjustments followed by subsequent energetic cost adjustments
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Characterization of nitric oxide in Octopus maya nervous system and its potential role in sensory perception
Biology Open
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EFEMP1 contributes to light-dependent ocular growth in zebrafish
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The mayfly Neocloeon triangulifer senses decreasing oxygen availability (PO2) and responds by reducing ion uptake and altering gene expression
Journal of Experimental Biology
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Cuticular hydrocarbons promote desiccation resistance by preventing transpiration in Drosophila melanogaster
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Early-life challenge enhances cortisol regulation in zebrafish larvae
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Spatial arrangement of the whiskers of harbor seals (Phoca vitulina) compared with whisker arrangements of house mice (Mus musculus) and brown rats (Rattus norvegicus)
Journal of Experimental Biology
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Early-life cisplatin exposure induces neuroinflammation and chemotherapy-induced neuropathic pain
Disease Models & Mechanisms
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A high-fat plus high-sucrose diet induces age-related macular degeneration in an experimental rabbit model
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SLC25A1 regulates placental development to ensure embryonic heart morphogenesis
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A neuro-lymphatic communication guides lymphatic development by CXCL12 and CXCR4 signaling
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Retinal ganglion cell-derived semaphorin 6A segregates starburst amacrine cell dendritic scaffolds to organize the mouse inner retina
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NR4A1 and NR4A2 orphan nuclear receptors regulate endothelial-to-hematopoietic transition in mouse hematopoietic stem cell specification
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The lysosomal lipid transporter LIMP-2 is part of lysosomeu2013ER STARD3-VAPB-dependent contact sites
Journal of Cell Science
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Mutation in Prkra results in cerebellar abnormality and reduced eIF2u03b1 phosphorylation in a model of DYT-PRKRA
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Disrupting the interaction between AMBRA1 and DLC1 prevents apoptosis while enhancing autophagy and mitophagy
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UVB radiation suppresses Dicer expression through u03b2-catenin
Journal of Cell Science
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Reliable replicative lifespan determination of yeast with a single-channel microfluidic chip
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Optimized methods to image hepatic lipid droplets in zebrafish larvae
Disease Models & Mechanisms
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Feeding a rich diet supplemented with the translation inhibitor cycloheximide decreases lifespan and ovary size in Drosophila
Biology Open
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Chemomechanical regulation of EZH2 localization controls epithelialu2013mesenchymal transition
Journal of Cell Science
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Dynamic remodelling of the endoplasmic reticulum for mitosis
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Glucocorticoid and glycemic responses to immune challenge in a viviparous snake afflicted with an emerging mycosis
Journal of Experimental Biology
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A new cell culture resource for investigations of reptilian gene function
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Socially induced plasticity of the posterior tuberculum and motor behavior in zebrafish (Danio rerio)
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Detecting subtle subterranean movement via laser speckle imaging
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Beyond genomic studies of congenital heart defects through systematic modelling and phenotyping
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Hepatocyte differentiation requires anisotropic expansion of bile canaliculi
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Freezing of movements and its correspondence with MLG1 neuron response to looming stimuli in the crab Neohelice
Journal of Experimental Biology
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Natural variability and individuality of walking behavior in Drosophila
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HIV-1 N-myristoylation-dependent hijacking of late endosomes/lysosomes to drive Gag assembly in macrophages
Journal of Cell Science
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Single-cell transcriptomes reveal spermatogonial stem cells and the dynamic heterogeneity of spermatogenesis in a seasonal breeding teleost
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Non-apoptotic caspase events and Atf3 expression underlie direct neuronal differentiation of adult neural stem cells
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ImmunoCellCycle-ID u2013 a high-precision immunofluorescence-based method for cell cycle identification
Journal of Cell Science
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DRAK2 regulates myosin light chain phosphorylation in T cells
Journal of Cell Science
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Plunge-diving into dynamic body acceleration and energy expenditure in the Peruvian booby
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Temperature and water availability induce chronic stress responses in zebra finches (Taeniopygia guttata)
Journal of Experimental Biology
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Immunological resilience of a temperate catshark to a simulated marine heatwave
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An expanded view of cell competition
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Differential vegfc expression dictates lymphatic response during zebrafish heart development and regeneration
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Germ cell progression through zebrafish spermatogenesis declines with age
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Dynamic protein assembly and architecture of the large solitary membraneless organelle during germline development in the wasp Nasonia vitripennis
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Near-maximally swimming schoolmaster snapper (Lutjanus apodus) have a greater metabolic capacity, and only a slightly lower thermal tolerance, than when tested at rest
Journal of Experimental Biology
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A genome-engineered tool set for Drosophila TGF-u03b2/BMP signaling studies
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The protamines of the spider Steatoda sp. provide an example of liquidu2013liquid phase separation chromatin transitions during spermiogenesis
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Anterior-posterior constraint on Hedgehog signaling by hhip in teleost fin elaboration
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The Ednrbu2013Aim2u2013AKT axis regulates neural crest-derived melanoblast proliferation during early development
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Hippo cooperates with p53 to regulate lung airway mucous cell metaplasia
Disease Models & Mechanisms
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Early autonomous patterning of the anteroposterior axis in gastruloids
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Distinct fingerprints of tRNA-derived small non-coding RNA in animal models of neurodegeneration
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SMPD4-mediated sphingolipid metabolism regulates brain and primary cilia development
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Viscous shear is a key force in Drosophila ventral furrow morphogenesis
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Skittering locomotion in cricket frogs: a form of porpoising
Journal of Experimental Biology
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Hypertonic water reabsorption with a parallel-current system via the glandular and saccular renal tubules of Ruditapes philippinarum
Journal of Experimental Biology
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How do fish miss? Attack strategies of threespine stickleback capturing non-evasive prey
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Emerin preserves stem cell survival through maintenance of centrosome and nuclear lamina structure
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Spatiotemporal regulation of organelle transport by spindle position checkpoint kinase Kin4
Journal of Cell Science
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Sexual dimorphism and the impact of aging on ball rolling-associated locomotor behavior in Drosophila
Biology Open
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Investigating in vivo force and work production of rat medial gastrocnemius at varying locomotor speeds using a muscle avatar
Journal of Experimental Biology
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Bridging the divide in organismal physiology: a case for the integration of behaviour as a physiological process
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Termites and other social insects as emerging model organisms of ageing research: how to achieve a long lifespan and a high fecundity
Journal of Experimental Biology
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Planar cell polarity zebrafish models of congenital scoliosis reveal underlying defects in notochord morphogenesis
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Shared and unique consequences of Joubert Syndrome gene dysfunction on the zebrafish central nervous system
Biology Open
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A microtubule stability switch alters isolated vascular smooth muscle Ca2+ flux in response to matrix rigidity
Journal of Cell Science
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prominin-1-null Xenopus laevis develop subretinal drusenoid-like deposits, cone-rod dystrophy and RPE atrophy
Journal of Cell Science
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Extravasation of immune and tumor cells from an endothelial perspective
Journal of Cell Science
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Identification of a postnatal period of interdependent neurogenesis and apoptosis in peripheral neurons
Biology Open
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Glutaraldehyde-enhanced autofluorescence as a general tool for 3D morphological imaging
Biology Open
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Winging it: hummingbirds alter flying kinematics during molt
Biology Open
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Modulation of SNARE-dependent exocytosis in astrocytes improves neuropathology in Huntington's disease
Disease Models & Mechanisms
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Symmetry breaking and fate divergence during lateral inhibition in Drosophila
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Y box-binding protein 1 regulates zebrafish folliculogenesis partly through p21-mediated control of follicle cell proliferation
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Target gene responses differ when transcription factor levels are acutely decreased by nuclear export versus degradation
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Allometry in limb regeneration and scale-invariant patterning as the basis of normal morphogenesis from different sizes of blastemas
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Senescence of humoral antimicrobial immunity occurs in infected mosquitoes when the temperature is higher
Journal of Experimental Biology
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Disordered hinge regions of the AP-3 adaptor complex promote vesicle budding from the late Golgi in yeast
Journal of Cell Science
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The contractile efficiency of the mantle muscle of European common cuttlefish (Sepia officinalis) during cyclical contractions
Journal of Experimental Biology
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The importance of muscle activation on the interpretation of muscle mechanical performance
Journal of Experimental Biology
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Shift in distribution of division of labour in chronically stressed honeybee colonies after perturbation
Journal of Experimental Biology
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Metabolic rate and mitochondrial physiology adjustments in Arctic char (Salvelinus alpinus) during cyclic hypoxia
Journal of Experimental Biology
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Hyperoxia does not improve the acute upper thermal tolerance of a tropical marine fish (Lutjanus apodus)
Journal of Experimental Biology
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A single-particle analysis method for detecting membrane remodelling and curvature sensing
Journal of Cell Science
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Bi-directional regulation between inflammation and stem cells in the respiratory tract
Journal of Cell Science
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Revisiting the specific and potentially independent role of the gonad in hormone regulation and reproductive behavior
Journal of Experimental Biology
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Rhythms in insect olfactory systems: underlying mechanisms and outstanding questions
Journal of Experimental Biology
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Timeu2013energy budgets outperform dynamic body acceleration in predicting daily energy expenditure in kittiwakes, and estimate a very low cost of gliding flight relative to flapping flight
Journal of Experimental Biology
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Nuclear instance segmentation and tracking for preimplantation mouse embryos
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The role of mouse tails in response to external and self-generated balance perturbations on the roll plane
Journal of Experimental Biology
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Mature microRNA-binding protein QKI suppresses extracellular microRNA let-7b release
Journal of Cell Science
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Dominantly inherited muscle disorders: understanding their complexity and exploring therapeutic approaches
Disease Models & Mechanisms
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Breeding zebra finches prioritize reproductive bout over self-maintenance under food restriction
Biology Open
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Evolution and development of complex floral displays
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Jag1 represses Notch activation in lateral supporting cells and inhibits an outer hair cell fate in the medial cochlea
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Intracellular dynamics of ubiquitin-like 3 visualized using an inducible fluorescent timer expression system
Biology Open
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Acclimation to constant and fluctuating temperatures promotes distinct metabolic responses in Arctic char (Salvelinus alpinus)
Journal of Experimental Biology
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Human walking biomechanics on sand substrates of varying foot sinking depth
Journal of Experimental Biology
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An improved tetracycline-inducible expression system for fission yeast
Journal of Cell Science
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Tracking and measuring local protein synthesis in vivo
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Cellu2013cell junctions in focus u2013 imaging junctional architectures and dynamics at high resolution
Journal of Cell Science
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The crucial role of bioimage analysts in scientific research and publication
Journal of Cell Science
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Myosin II tension sensors visualize force generation within the actin cytoskeleton in living cells
Journal of Cell Science
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Precision in situ cryogenic correlative light and electron microscopy of optogenetically positioned organelles
Journal of Cell Science
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Gut Analysis Toolbox u2013 automating quantitative analysis of enteric neurons
Journal of Cell Science
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Almost 40u2005years of studying homeobox genes in C. elegans
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Axin1 regulates tooth root development by inhibiting AKT1-mTORC1 activation and Shh translation in Hertwig's epithelial root sheath
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Common modes of ERK induction resolve into context-specific signalling via emergent networks and cell-type-specific transcriptional repression
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The response of grey mouse lemurs to acute caloric restriction before reproduction supports the u2018thrifty female hypothesisu2019
Journal of Experimental Biology
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Does swimming at the bottom serve as a hydraulic advantage for benthic fish Neogobius melanostomus Pallas (1814) in flowing water?
Biology Open
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Long-term study of the combined effects of ocean acidification and warming on the mottled brittle star, Ophionereis fasciata
Journal of Experimental Biology
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Independence and synergy of spatial attention in the two visual systems of jumping spiders
Journal of Experimental Biology
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Integrated cellular response of the zebrafish (Danio rerio) heart to temperature change
Journal of Experimental Biology
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Developmental programming of sarcoplasmic reticulum function improves cardiac anoxia tolerance in turtles
Journal of Experimental Biology
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Sex hormone receptors, calcium-binding protein and Yap1 signaling regulate sex-dependent liver cell proliferation following partial hepatectomy
Disease Models & Mechanisms
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Phylogenomic analysis of the Lake Kronotskoe species flock of Dolly Varden charr reveals genetic and developmental signatures of sympatric radiation
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Correlative microscopy u2013 illuminating the endomembrane system of plant seeds
Journal of Cell Science
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The mitochondrial physiology of torpor in ruby-throated hummingbirds, Archilochus colubris
Journal of Experimental Biology
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Contrasting the development of larval and adult body plans during the evolution of biphasic lifecycles in sea urchins
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Something old, something new: the origins of an unusual renal cell underpinning a beetle water-conserving mechanism
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Back to the future u2013 20u2005years of progress and developments in photonic microscopy and biological imaging
Journal of Cell Science
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Machine learning in microscopy u2013 insights, opportunities and challenges
Journal of Cell Science
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Cortisol dynamics and GR-dependent feedback regulation in zebrafish larvae exposed to repeated stress
Biology Open
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Social and auditory experience shapes forebrain responsiveness in zebra finches before the sensitive period of vocal learning
Journal of Experimental Biology
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A dynamic humidity arena to explore humidity-related behaviours in insects
Journal of Experimental Biology
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Measuring maximum heart rate to study cardiac thermal performance and heat tolerance in fishes
Journal of Experimental Biology
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Mechanisms of drug resistance in nutrient-depleted colorectal cancer cells: insights into lysosomal and mitochondrial drug sequestration
Biology Open
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Ups and downs of fossorial life: migration restlessness and geotaxis may explain overwintering emergence in the spotted salamander
Journal of Experimental Biology
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VISION u2013 an open-source software for automated multi-dimensional image analysis of cellular biophysics
Journal of Cell Science
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C. elegans epicuticlins define specific compartments in the apical extracellular matrix and function in wound repair
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Ribosome biogenesis is essential for hemogenic endothelial cells to generate hematopoietic stem cells
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Histidine-rich calcium-binding protein: a molecular integrator of cardiac excitationu2013contraction coupling
Journal of Experimental Biology
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Expanding the field of view u2013 a simple approach for interactive visualisation of electron microscopy data
Journal of Cell Science
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Making the most of bioimaging data through interdisciplinary interactions
Journal of Cell Science
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Imaging interorganelle contacts at a glance
Journal of Cell Science
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Synchrotron X-ray imaging of soft biological tissues u2013 principles, applications and future prospects
Journal of Cell Science
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ExoJ u2013 a Fiji/ImageJ2 plugin for automated spatiotemporal detection and analysis of exocytosis
Journal of Cell Science
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Landmark knowledge overrides optic flow in honeybee waggle dance distance estimation
Journal of Experimental Biology
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RNA sequencing reveals molecular mechanisms of endometriosis lesion development in mice
Disease Models & Mechanisms
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Environmental and molecular control of tissue-specific ionocyte differentiation in zebrafish
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Inherited anoxia tolerance and growth performance can result in enhanced invasiveness in hybrid fish
Biology Open
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40u2005years since the Heidelberg genetic screen that revolutionized developmental and cell biology
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In preprints: early cell differentiation and mechanical environment
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The GTPase RAB6 is required for stem cell maintenance and cell migration in the gut epithelium
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Stomatal development in the changing climate
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Individual-specific associations between warble song notes and body movements in budgerigar courtship displays
Biology Open
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Temperature dependence of regional heterothermy in a diminutive ectotherm
Journal of Experimental Biology
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On the rate-limiting dynamics of force development in muscle
Journal of Experimental Biology
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Effects of hemodynamic load on cardiac remodeling in fish and mammals: the value of comparative models
Journal of Experimental Biology
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Comparative transcriptomic analysis of articular cartilage of post-traumatic osteoarthritis models
Disease Models & Mechanisms
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Importance of environmental signals for cardiac morphological development in Atlantic salmon
Journal of Experimental Biology
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Beyond power limits: the kinetic energy capacity of skeletal muscle
Journal of Experimental Biology
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The role of fossils for reconstructing the evolution of plant development
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Assessment and the regulation of adaptive phenotypic plasticity
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Understanding developmental system drift
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Chronic cold exposure causes left ventricular hypertrophy that appears to be physiological
Journal of Experimental Biology
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The integrative biology of the heart: mechanisms enabling cardiac plasticity
Journal of Experimental Biology
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Distinct roles of COMPASS subunits to Drosophila heart development
Biology Open
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Immunometabolism and mitochondria in inflammatory bowel disease: a role for therapeutic intervention?
Disease Models & Mechanisms
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Social interactions among ants are impacted by food availability and group size
Biology Open
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What causes cardiac mitochondrial failure at high environmental temperatures?
Journal of Experimental Biology
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HIV-1 assembly u2013 when virology meets biophysics
Journal of Cell Science
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Mitochondrial functions and fatty acid profiles in fish heart: an insight into physiological limitations linked to thermal tolerance and age
Journal of Experimental Biology
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The hearts of large mammals generate higher pressures, are less efficient and use more energy than those of small mammals
Journal of Experimental Biology
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Illuminating cellular architecture and dynamics with fluorescence polarization microscopy
Journal of Cell Science
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Neuromuscular junction dysfunction in Lafora disease
Disease Models & Mechanisms
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A prioritization tool for cilia-associated genes and their in vivo resources unveils new avenues for ciliopathy research
Disease Models & Mechanisms
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The Scribbleu2013SGEFu2013Dlg1 complex regulates E-cadherin and ZO-1 stability, turnover and transcription in epithelial cells
Journal of Cell Science
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Intracellular lipid droplets are exploited by Junu00edn virus in a nucleoprotein-dependent process
Journal of Cell Science
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Erythroblast enucleation at a glance
Journal of Cell Science
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Meiosis as a mechanism for epigenetic reprogramming and cellular rejuvenation
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Loss of STING impairs lactogenic differentiation
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Manipulating mitochondrial reactive oxygen species alters survival in unexpected ways in a Drosophila Cdk5 model of neurodegeneration
Biology Open
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Drosophila require both green and UV wavelengths for sun orientation but lack a time-compensated sun compass
Journal of Experimental Biology
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Understanding gait alterations: trunk flexion and its effects on walking neuromechanics
Journal of Experimental Biology
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The impacts of diet on cardiac performance under changing environments
Journal of Experimental Biology
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The myoarchitecture of the vertebrate cardiac ventricles: evolution and classification
Journal of Experimental Biology
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A coati conundrum: how variation in levels of arboreality influences gait mechanics among three musteloid species
Journal of Experimental Biology
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Making in vitro conditions more reflective of in vivo conditions for research on the teleost gastrointestinal tract
Journal of Experimental Biology
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Ultrastructural analysis of whole glomeruli using array tomography
Journal of Cell Science
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The interplay of serotonin 5-HT1A and 5-HT7 receptors in chronic stress
Journal of Cell Science
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Robust organ size in Arabidopsis is primarily governed by cell growth rather than cell division patterns
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Gene regulatory dynamics during the development of a paleopteran insect, the mayfly Cloeon dipterum
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Reconsidering assumptions in the analysis of muscle fibre cross-sectional area
Journal of Experimental Biology
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The FHA domain is essential for autoinhibition of KIF1A/UNC-104 proteins
Journal of Cell Science
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Characterizing human KIF1Bu03b2 motor activity by single-molecule motility assays and Caenorhabditis elegans genetics
Journal of Cell Science
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Lung mechanics in juvenile and adult Chelonoidis carbonarius
Journal of Experimental Biology
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Another fly diuretic hormone: tachykinins increase fluid and ion transport by adult Drosophila melanogaster Malpighian u2018renalu2019 tubules
Journal of Experimental Biology
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Do seabirds dream of artificial lights? Understanding light preferences of Procellariiformes
Journal of Experimental Biology
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Flight activity and effort of breeding pied flycatchers in the wild, revealed with accelerometers and machine learning
Journal of Experimental Biology
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NaV1.1 contributes to the cell cycle of human mesenchymal stem cells by regulating AKT and CDK2
Journal of Cell Science
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Differentiation of CD166-positive hPSC-derived lung progenitors into airway epithelial cells
Biology Open
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Characterization of alternative splicing during mammalian brain development reveals the extent of isoform diversity and potential effects on protein structural changes
Biology Open
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Older spiny mice (Acomys cahirinus) have delayed and spatially heterogenous ear wound regeneration
Biology Open
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Presynaptic Nrxn3 is essential for ribbon-synapse maturation in hair cells
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Effects of blood extraction and ecophysiological experiments on stress in adult males of Liolaemus attenboroughi
Biology Open
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Advancing stem cell technologies for conservation of wildlife biodiversity
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EnhancerNet: a predictive model of cell identity dynamics through enhancer selection
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Functional cardiac consequences of u03b2-adrenergic stress-induced injury in a model of Duchenne muscular dystrophy
Disease Models & Mechanisms
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A role for organ level dynamics in morphogenesis of the C. elegans hermaphrodite distal tip cell
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Odor exposure during imprinting periods increases odorant-specific sensitivity and receptor gene expression in coho salmon (Oncorhynchus kisutch)
Journal of Experimental Biology
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A role for BYN-1/bystin in cellular uptake and clearance of residual bodies in the Caenorhabditis elegans germline
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The effect of temperature and breathing pattern on the surface activity of ground squirrel pulmonary surfactant
Journal of Experimental Biology
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The initiation and early development of apicalu2013basal polarity in Toxoplasma gondii
Journal of Cell Science
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Endonuclease G is dispensable for sperm mitochondrial DNA elimination during spermatogenesis in mice
Biology Open
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Antagonistic roles of tau and MAP6 in regulating neuronal development
Journal of Cell Science
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Quasi-steady aerodynamic theory under-predicts glide performance in flying snakes
Journal of Experimental Biology
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The challenges, opportunities and future of comparative physiology in the Global South: perspectives of early-career researchers
Journal of Experimental Biology
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Finding food: how generalist predators use contact-chemosensory information to guide prey preferences
Journal of Experimental Biology
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Proportional increment of oxygen consumption, heart rate and core body temperature in the digesting Python bivittatus
Journal of Experimental Biology
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Live yeasts accelerate Drosophila melanogaster larval development
Journal of Experimental Biology
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Hyperoxia disproportionally benefits the aerobic performance of large fish at elevated temperature
Journal of Experimental Biology
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Quantification of cytosolic u2018freeu2019 calcium in isolated coral cells with confocal microscopy
Journal of Experimental Biology
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Super-resolution imaging reveals nucleolar encapsulation by single-stranded DNA
Journal of Cell Science
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The case against simplistic genetic explanations of evolution
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Pathway to independence: perspectives on the future
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Linkage between Fuz and Gpr161 genes regulates sonic hedgehog signaling during mouse neural tube development
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Myonuclear position and blood vessel organization during skeletal muscle postnatal development
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Activation of the heat shock response as a therapeutic strategy for tau toxicity
Disease Models & Mechanisms
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Partial role of volatile organic compounds in behavioural responses of mice to bedding from cancer-affected congeners
Biology Open
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A Drosophila model for mechanistic investigation of tau protein spread
Disease Models & Mechanisms
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Manipulating cell fate through reprogramming: approaches and applications
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Developmental emergence of first- and higher-order thalamic neuron molecular identities
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Preclinical evaluation of targeted therapies for central nervous system metastases
Disease Models & Mechanisms
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Compromised COPII vesicle trafficking leads to glycogenic hepatopathy
Disease Models & Mechanisms
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Retinoic acid, an essential component of the roof plate organizer, promotes the spatiotemporal segregation of dorsal neural fates
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Immunofluorescent detection of protein CoAlation in mammalian cells under oxidative stress
Biology Open
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Dissecting the role of SMN multimerization in its dissociation from the Cajal body using harmine as a tool compound
Journal of Cell Science
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Biomechanical and morphological determinants of maximal jumping performance in callitrichine monkeys
Journal of Experimental Biology
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Molecular regulation of reversible cardiac remodeling: lessons from species with extreme physiological adaptations
Journal of Experimental Biology
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A new biomechanical model of the mammal jaw based on load path analysis
Journal of Experimental Biology
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Cadherin adhesion complexes direct cell aggregation in the epithelial transition of Wnt-induced nephron progenitor cells
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Dose-dependent responses to canonical Wnt transcriptional complexes in the regulation of mammalian nephron progenitors
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Gu03b113 controls pharyngeal endoderm convergence by regulating E-cadherin expression and RhoA activation
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Fission yeast Duc1 links to ERu2013PM contact sites and influences PM lipid composition and cytokinetic ring anchoring
Journal of Cell Science
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Polar targeting of proteins u2013 a green perspective
Journal of Cell Science
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Loss of HD-PTP function results in lipodystrophy, defective cellular signaling and altered lipid homeostasis
Journal of Cell Science
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Axolotl mandible regeneration occurs through mechanical gap closure and a shared regenerative program with the limb
Disease Models & Mechanisms
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Getting slimmer without dieting or exercising: zebra finches can rapidly lose mass while maintaining food intake and decreasing activity
Journal of Experimental Biology
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HIF signaling in the prothoracic gland regulates growth and development in hypoxia but not normoxia in Drosophila
Journal of Experimental Biology
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Dual role of BdMUTE during stomatal development in the model grass Brachypodium distachyon
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Analysis of auxin responses in the fern Ceratopteris richardii identifies the developmental phase as a major determinant for response properties
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Unravelling differential Hes1 dynamics during axis elongation of mouse embryos through single-cell tracking
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There is no limitation for CO2 excretion across the lung in exercising American alligators (Alligator mississippiensis)
Journal of Experimental Biology
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Phototaxis is a satiety-dependent behavioral sequence in Hydra vulgaris
Journal of Experimental Biology
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Dynamic soaring decouples dynamic body acceleration and energetics in albatrosses
Journal of Experimental Biology
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Cingulinu2013nonmuscle myosin interaction plays a role in epithelial morphogenesis and cingulin nanoscale organization
Journal of Cell Science
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AP-1 contributes to endosomal targeting of the ubiquitin ligase RNF13 via a secondary and novel non-canonical binding motif
Journal of Cell Science
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An evaluation of thermal tolerance in six tardigrade species in an active and dry state
Biology Open
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Analysis of potential TAK1/Map3k7 phosphorylation targets in hypertrophy and cachexia models of skeletal muscle
Biology Open
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The RhoGAP ARHGAP32 interacts with desmoplakin, and is required for desmosomal organization and assembly
Journal of Cell Science
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The role of TEAD4 in trophectoderm commitment and development is not conserved in non-rodent mammals
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Tissue-specific RNA-seq defines genes governing male tail tip morphogenesis in C. elegans
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Deep learning reveals a damage signalling hierarchy that coordinates different cell behaviours driving wound re-epithelialisation
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Light sensitivity of the circadian system in the social Highveld mole-rat Cryptomys hottentotus pretoriae
Journal of Experimental Biology
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Sex-specific trisomic Dyrk1a-related skeletal phenotypes during development in a Down syndrome model
Disease Models & Mechanisms
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Stable isotopes reveal sex- and context-dependent amino acid routing in green anole lizards (Anolis carolinensis)
Journal of Experimental Biology
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Include the females: morphologyu2013performance relationships vary between sexes in lizards
Journal of Experimental Biology
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Insights into the molecular bases of multicellular development from brown algae
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Torpor energetics are related to the interaction between body mass and climate in bats of the family Vespertilionidae
Journal of Experimental Biology
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foxg1a is required for hair cell development and regeneration in the zebrafish lateral line
Biology Open
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Jordi Guiu
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Johnny Padulo
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Johannes Herrmann
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Joaquin Acedo
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Joana Neves
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Jeffrey Good
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Jeffrey Tuhtan
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Jeff Martin
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Jarrod Petersen
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
James Crall
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
James Cray
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Iris Lindberg
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Henriette Aksnes
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Hector Nolasco-Soria
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Hamid Rajabiesterabadi
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Georgia Zarkada
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
George Toworfe
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Gary Thomas
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Francis Martin
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Federica Spani
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Emily Hardison
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Darryl Jones
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Dane Crossley II
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Coen Hird
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Christoph Kleineidam
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Chris Maher
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Chiara De Gregorio
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Catherine Zainathan
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Catherine Zainathan
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Camilla Bean
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Bret Tobalske
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Benedikt Westermann
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Barbara Webb
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
B. M. Gadella
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Arjun Ramakrishnan
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Arica Beisaw
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Alex Callen
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Adam Grodek
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Zhe Han
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Yuk Fai Leung
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Yonglun Luo
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Wolfram Goessling
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
William Parker
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Warren Kruger
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Tatiana Flisikowska
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Suresh Rattan
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Steven Farber
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Smita Saxena
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Silvia Corrochano
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Shaad Ahmad
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Rodrigo Troncoso Cotal
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Robin Anderson
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Rainer Oberbauer
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Piya Ghose
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Pilar Cacheiro
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Nathaniel Campbell
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Mootaz Salman
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Monica Justice
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Michelle Parvatiyar
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Michelle Maugham-Macan
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Michael Sigal
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Michael Palladino
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Melanie Gartz
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Mayank Verma
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Matthew Gentry
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Matilde Cescon
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Marnix Jansen
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Maria Ermolaeva
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Manav Pathania
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Lukas Sommer
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Luis Fernando Menezes
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Ludo Van Den Bosch
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Ling-shiang Chuang
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Kimberley Evason
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Kellie Dean
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Kei Sakamoto
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Kazuhiko Yamada
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Karen Ocorr
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Judit Tu00f3th
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Jose Lopez-Escamez
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
John Sayer
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Joanna Smeeton
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Jinrong Peng
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Jeffrey Rothstein
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Janine Kirstein
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
James Allan
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Ian Smyth
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Hermona Soreq
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Hakim Djaballah
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Genevieve Kendall
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Friederike Zunke
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Francesco Cambuli
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Filipa Henderson Sousa
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Felix Chan
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Erin Seeley
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Emma Kerr
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Elke Ober
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Elie El Agha
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Doris Kretzschmar
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
DeWayne Townsend
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
David Nikolic-Paterson
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Daniel Becker
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Christopher Ward
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Christopher Pastras
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Chih Sung
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Caroline Bartman
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Carlos Carmona-Fontaine
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Brian Stramer
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Benard Khor
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Arianne Theiss
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Alex Parker
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Zongliang Chen
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Zilong Wen
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Zilong Wen
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Zhibing Zhang
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Zachary Campbell
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Yukiko Yamashita
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Yuichiro Suzuki
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Yuchin Pan
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Yong Zhu
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Yoko Kameda
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Yohanns Bellaiche
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Yoan Coudert
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Yingzi Yang
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Yan Ma
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Xiaoping Gou
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Xiaofei Sun
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
William McGinnis
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
William Wadsworth
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Wesley Grueber
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Vivian Irish
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Vivek Natarajan
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Vittoria Brambilla
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Vincenzo Calvanese
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Viktor Demko
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Victor Tarabykin
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Vicki Metzis
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Vicente Balanza
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Veronica Hinman
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Veronica Hinman
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Valentina Greco
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Valentina Cigliola
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Utpal Banerjee
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Uri Frank
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Ulrich Tepass
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Tony DeFalco
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Tom Frith
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Tom Bennett
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Todd Blankenship
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Timothy Kennedy
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Tiago Rito
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Thorold Theunissen
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Thomas Kornberg
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Thomas Hornyak
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Thomas Schilling
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Tamara Caspary
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Takuya Sakaguchi
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Swetansu Hota
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Susana M. Coelho
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Stephanie Ellis
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Stu00e9phane Zaffran
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Stanislav Shvartsman
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Srimonta Gayen
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Sophie Astrof
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
So-ichiro Fukada
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Silvia Brunelli
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Sigmar Stricker
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Siegfried Roth
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Siegfried Roth
Click tree again for more
This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Siegfried Roth
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Shuang Wang
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Shinsuke Fujii
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Shawn Murphy
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Sharon Amacher
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Seth Rudman
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Sergei Sokol
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Sebastian Streichan
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Sebastian Streichan
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Sebastian Kittelmann
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Sebastian Fraune
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Scott F Gilbert
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Saulius Sumanas
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Sau00fal Ares
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Sarah McFarlane
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Sarah Blutt
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Samuel Church
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Samir Taoudi
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Samantha Butler
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Samanta Mariani
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Sally Moody
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Saikat Mukhopadhyay
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
S. Zachary Swartz
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Ryoichiro Kageyama
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Ryan Baugh
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Romain Levayer
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Rolf Stottmann
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Robert Zeller
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Robert Feil
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Robert Knight
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Robert Beattie
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Robb Krumlauf
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Ripla Arora
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Ripla Arora
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Richard Dorsky
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Ricardo Mallarino
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Rhys Morgan
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Ravi Karra
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Rashmi Priya
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Ras Trokovic
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Ralph Meyer
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Ralf Sommer
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Raj Ladher
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Rachel Brewster
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Pierre Le Pabic
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Pierre Le Pabic
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Pengchun Yu
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Paula Alexandre
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Paul Villoutreix
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Paul Francois
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Patrick Mu00fcller
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Patrick Mu00fcller
Click tree again for more
This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Patrick Mu00fcller
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Pankaj Mehta
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Olivier Namy
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Natalia Pabu00f3n-Mora
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Nancy Papalopulu
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Mounia Lagha
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Molly Womack
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Mohanish Deshmukh
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Mo Ebrahimkhani
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Mitsuru Morimoto
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Mi-Ryoung Song
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Miltos Tsiantis
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Mikael Nilsson
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Michelle Starz-Gaiano
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Michele Studer
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Michael Tsang
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Michael Nodine
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Mengxiang Sun
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Mei-Ling Gao
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Maurizio Pacifici
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Maurijn van der Zee
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Mattias Thelander
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Mattias Mannervik
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Mattias Malaguti
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Matthew Harris
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Matthew Harris
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Matthew Good
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Mathias Merkel
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Mathias Merkel
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Masayuki Shimada
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Mary Mullins
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Mary Mullins
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Mary Iovine
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Mary Halloran
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Martti Maimets
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Martin Leeb
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Martin Howard
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Marta Roccio
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Marta Nieto
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Marie-Dominique Filippi
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Marie Breau
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Maria Genander
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Marc Halfon
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Mansi Srivastava
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Makiko Iwafuchi
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Madelaine Elisabeth Bartlett
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
M Brent Hawkins
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Lucas Leclere
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Lu Bai
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Lori O'Brien
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Lionel Larue
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Lingyi Chen
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Leslie Pick
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Leslie Pick
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Lu00e9o Guignard
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Lauren Walker
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Lauren Walker
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Laura Serna
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Lance Davidson
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Lacy Barton
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
L.A. Naiche
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Kurt Haas
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Kristina Stapornwongkul
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Krista Briedis Gert
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Klaus Kaestner
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Kim Vanuytsel
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Kellee Siegfried
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Kei-ichiro Ishiguro
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Kazuyuki Ohbo
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Kazuyuki Ohbo
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
katie Kindt
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Kathryn Schwertfeger
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Kathryn Cheah
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Kathleen Caron
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Katharina Schiessl
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Karl Koehler
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Karen Hirschi
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Justin Crocker
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Junhong Choi
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Jun-An Chen
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Juhee Jeong
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Juan Manuel Gonzalez-Rosa
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Juan Manuel Gonzalez-Rosa
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Jose de Celis
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Joo-Cheol Park
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
John Bowman
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Johanna Ivaska
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Jinrong Peng
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Jinhu Wang
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Jingli Cao
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Jill Harrison
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Jiandong Liu
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Jessica Lehoczky
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Jennifer Gillette
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Jennifer Cowan
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Jean-Pierre Saint-Jeannet
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Jean-Claude Labbe
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Jamie Davies
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
James Palis
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
James Turner
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
James Lightfoot
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
James Castelli-Gair Hombru00eda
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
J. Mark Cock
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Isao Matsuo
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Isabel Farinas
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Iris Salecker
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Irina Bochkis
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Irene Zohn
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Ioannis Theodorou
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Igor Adameyko
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Hugh Mulvey
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Hongyan Wang
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Hongkui Deng
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Hiroyasu Motose
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Hiroaki Okae
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Henrik Kaessmann
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Helen McNeill
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Heiner Grandel
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Hanh Vu
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Halyna Shcherbata
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
H. Scott Baldwin
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Gru00e9goire Michaux
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Grant Wheeler
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Gilbert Weidinger
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Gerhard Schlosser
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Geraldine Seydoux
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Gavin Rice
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Gaelle Letort
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Francoise Helmbacher
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Francois Kroll
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Francois Graner
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Francesca Spagnoli
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Florence Marlow
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Fernando Anjos-Afonso
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Felix Gunawan
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Eva-Sophie Wallner
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Eszter Posfai
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Esther Stoeckli
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Esther Verheyen
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Erin Jimenez
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Erin Cram
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Erika Matunis
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Erika Matunis
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Eri Hashino
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Erez Raz
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Eran Andrecheck
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Emma Rawlins
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Elvira Mass
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Elena Kramer
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Elena Ezhkova
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Eldad Tzahor
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
E. Jane Hubbard
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Dritan Agalliu
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Dorothea Godt
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Dong Yan
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Dengke Ma
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Da-Zhi Wang
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
David Raible
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
David Strutt
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
David Hyde
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
David Miller
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
David Virshup
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
David Grunwald
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
David Godovich
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Daniel Lobo
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Daniel Kalderon
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Daniel Graf
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Cynthia Bradham
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Cunming Duan
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Cristina Gil-Sanz
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Cristian Canestro
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Craig Miller
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Cornelis Murre
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Colin Brownlee
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Cody Smith
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Claudio Alonso
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Claudia Keller
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Clare Pridans
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Claire Chazaud
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Chunyue Yin
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Christopher Lowe
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Christian Schroeter
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Christian Schroeter
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Chema Martin-Duran
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Charles Ettensohn
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Carolline Ascencao
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Caroline Sartain
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Caroline Hill
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Caroline Burns
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Carol Keefer
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Carl-Philipp Heisenberg
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Bruno Hudry
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Bruce Wightman
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Brian Eames
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Brian Pierchala
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Brad Nelms
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Brad Nelms
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Brad Davidson
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Boris Egger
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This tree was planted for the article:
Principles and regulation of mechanosensing
Journal of Cell Science
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Blair Benham-Pyle
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Benjamin Loppin
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Benjamin Lin
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Benjamin Allen
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Barbara Kee
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Barbara Ambrose
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This tree was planted for the article:
A Year at the Forefront of Streptophyte Algal Evolution
Biology Open
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Ayse Tenger-Trolander
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Atsushi Kimura
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This tree was planted for the article:
da_Tracker: Automated workflow for high throughput single cell and single phagosome tracking in infected cells
Biology Open
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Aryeh Warmflash
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This tree was planted for the article:
Theoretical model of impact mitigation mechanisms inherent to the North American bison skull
Biology Open
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Antoine Guichet
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Antoine Guichet
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Anne Grapin-Botton
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Anna Zinovyeva
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Anna Kicheva
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Anming Meng
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Aneta Koseska
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Andrew Kelleher
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Andrew J. Copp
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Andrew Chisholm
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Andres Collazo
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Andrea Manfrin
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Andras Simon
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Allison Speer
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Alison Cole
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Alicia Melendez
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Alfredo Cruz-Ramirez
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Alexey Veraksa
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Alexander Fletcher
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Alexander Fletcher
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Aleksandar Popadic
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Adrien Hallou
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Abigail Tucker
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Aaron Zorn
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Zhendong Dai
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Yuzuru Ikeda
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Yu Zeng
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Yossi Yovel
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Yoshifumi Yamawaki
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Xiaolong Tang
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Xiaolong Tang
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Xavier Bonnet
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
William Milsom
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
William Joyce
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Warren Burggren
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
W. Tecumseh Fitch
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Volker Du00fcrr
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Vishwa Teja Kasoju
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Vincent Foray
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Vikas Bhandawat
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Valentina Di Santo
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Umut Toprak
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Tyson MacCormack
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Trevor Price
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Toshiyuki Nakata
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Tommy Norin
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Tobias Wang
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Tobias Wang
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Tobias Wang
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Timothy Healy
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Timothy Healy
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Timothy Erickson
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Timothy Higham
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Timothy Higham
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Timothy Higham
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Timothy Clark
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Thomas Collett
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Theunis Piersma
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Thales Pru00edmola Gomes
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Tadeusz Kawecki
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Suzie Currie
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Susana Clusella-Trullas
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Susan Fahrbach
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Susan Lad
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Sumana Annagiri
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Subhash Rajpurohit
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Steven Beaupre
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Steven Trim
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Steve Perry
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Stephanie Lindsey
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Stefanny Titon
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Stan Hillman
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Doris Wu
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Shaun Killen
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Sharoni Shafir
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Sean Tomlinson
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Saskya van Nouhuys
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Sasha Zill
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Sanjay Sane
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Sanjay Sane
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Sanjay Sane
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Samuel Zschokke
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Samuel Rund
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Ryszard Maleszka
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Russel Bonduriansky
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Roy Mu00fcller
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Roxanne Beltran
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Roswitha Wiltschko
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Ross Smith
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Ronald Burton
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Rohini Balakrishnan
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Robyn Grant
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Robin Warne
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Robert Wessells
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Robert Hanus
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Robert Shadwick
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Robert Dudley
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Robert Dudley
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Rob James
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Richard Brill
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Richard Blob
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Richard Bomphrey
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Richard Holland
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Rena Schweizer
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Reinhard Blickhan
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Rebecca Calisi
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Rebeca Chu00e1vez-Genaro
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Raul Diaz
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Rachel Dixon
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Philip Anderson
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Philip Matthews
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Philip Withers
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Peter Aerts
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Pete Biro
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Peng Jin
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Pauline Nikola Fleischmann
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Paul Webb
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Paul Nachtigall
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Paul Constantino
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Patrick Mu00fcller
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Patrick Flammang
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Patricia Schulte
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Patricia Schulte
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Paolo Domenici
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Paolo Domenici
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Owen Beck
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Nitin Ravikanthachari
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Nicole Schwartz
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Nicolai Konow
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Nicholas Burnett
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Nicholas Kathman
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Nicholas Wu
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Nicholas Holowka
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Nathan Putman
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Natalia Su00e1nchez
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Namrata Gundiah
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Mike Antle
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Michael Butcher
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Michael Paulin
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Michael Frisk
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Meredith Johnson
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Melina Hale
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Megumi Fuse
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Matthew Shawkey
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Matthew Shawkey
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Matthew Gilbert
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Matthew Fuxjager
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Matthew Regan
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Matthew Toomey
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Mathias Dezetter
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Masaya Morita
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Martina Gregorovicova
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Martin Grosell
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Marshall McCue
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Marie Herberstein
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Marie Dacke
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Mariana Kersh
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Margarida Barcelo-Serra
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Marcus Stensmyr
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Marco Lardies
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Mar Huertas
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Mao Sun
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Magnus Lucassen
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
M. Jerome Beetz
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
M. Janneke Schwaner
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
M. Janneke Schwaner
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Lucy Hawkes
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Lucas Wilkins
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Lori Neuman-Lee
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Lou00efc Teulier
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Lluis Tort
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Liza Shapiro
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Lindsay Waldrop
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Laura Langan
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Lars Tomanek
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Lars Tomanek
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Kyler Abernathy
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Kwang Lee
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Krishna Melnattur
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Konstantin Kornev
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Kiran Soma
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Kimberley Mathot
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Kevin Campbell
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Kevin Conway
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Kentaro Arikawa
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Kent Dunlap
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Kenny Breuer
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Kenneth Welch
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Kenneth Lohmann
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Kenji Tomioka
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Kendra Greenlee
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Kelsey Lucas
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Kelly Dorgan
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Kayla Earls
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Katsufumi Sato
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Karine Salin
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Karen Carleton
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Julian Torres Dowdall
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Julian Partridge
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Juliu00e1n Hillyer
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Joshua Hall
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Josu00e9 Mauricio BENTO
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Jordan Glass
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Jonathon Stillman
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Jonathan Snow
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Jonathan Codd
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Jonathan Codd
Click tree again for more
This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Jonathan Stecyk
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Jonathan Green
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Jon Sakata
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Jon Harrison
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
John Tuthill
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
John Gray
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
John Lighton
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Jodie Rummer
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Joachim Mogdans
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Jill Soha
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Jessie Peissig
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Jess MacPherson
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Jeremy Goldbogen
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Jens Herberholz
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Jennifer Taylor
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Jeff Podos
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Jeannette Yen
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Jayne Yack
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Jason Tallis
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Jasmine Nirody
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Jan Azarov
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
James Traniello
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
James Usherwood
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
James Pearson
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
James McClintock
Click tree again for more
This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
James Wakeling
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
James Staples
Click tree again for more
This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
James Liao
Click tree again for more
This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
James Strother
Click tree again for more
This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Jake Socha
Click tree again for more
This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Jake Socha
Click tree again for more
This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Jacqueline Lebenzon
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Itsumi Nakamura
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Ismael Galvu00e1n
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Ira Bhatnagar
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Iman Borazjani
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Ian Bartol
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Huub Maas
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Hua Yan
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Holly Shiels
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Holly Shiels
Click tree again for more
This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Hollie Putnam
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Hiroshi Ueda
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Heath MacMillan
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Harvey Lillywhite
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Harshada Sant
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Hans Hofmann
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Hadley Horch
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
H. Arthur Woods
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Gudrun De Boeck
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Graham Scott
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Graham Askew
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Glen Lichtwark
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Georgina Cox
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
George Bentley
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Gary Burness
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Gabriele Sorci
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Frederike Hanke
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Frederik Pu00fcffel
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Frank Seebacher
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Frank Fish
Click tree again for more
This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Folco Giomi
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Florian Menzel
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Fernado Lima
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Federico Formenti
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Eve Udino
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Ethan Wold
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Erika Eliason
Click tree again for more
This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Eric McElroy
Click tree again for more
This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Eran Gefen
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Emily Shepard
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Emily Shepard
Click tree again for more
This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Emily Standen
Click tree again for more
This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Emily Field
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Emelie Brodrick
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Elvira Fatsini
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Elizabeth Brainerd
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Elisabeth Ju00f6nsson Bergman
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Elisa Rigosi
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Eleanor Caves
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Eileen Hebets
Click tree again for more
This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Edward Snelling
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Edward Dzialowski
Click tree again for more
This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Edward Dzialowski
Click tree again for more
This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Eduardo Mercado
Click tree again for more
This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Edouard Kraffe
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Ebi George
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Douglas Pace
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Douglas Fudge
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Donal Manahan
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Denis Prazdnikov
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Denis Deeming
Click tree again for more
This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Denis Deeming
Click tree again for more
This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
David Booth
Click tree again for more
This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
David Denlinger
Click tree again for more
This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
David McKenzie
Click tree again for more
This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
David McKenzie
Click tree again for more
This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
David Coughlin
Click tree again for more
This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
David Marshall
Click tree again for more
This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
David Costantini
Click tree again for more
This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Daniel Noble
Click tree again for more
This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Daniel Moen
Click tree again for more
This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Daniel Barshis
Click tree again for more
This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Dane Crossley II
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Cynthia Otto
Click tree again for more
This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Craig White
Click tree again for more
This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Craig McGowan
Click tree again for more
This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Craig McGowan
Click tree again for more
This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Craig Lind
Click tree again for more
This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Craig Franklin
Click tree again for more
This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Craig Franklin
Click tree again for more
This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Cosima Porteus
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Colin Brownlee
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Clint Collins
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Claudio Lazzari
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Christopher Weldon
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Christopher Oufiero
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Christofer Clemente
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Christine Cooper
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Christina Grozinger
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Christina Hamlet
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Christina Harvey
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Christian Bock
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Christen Mirth
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Chris Guglielmo
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Chris Guglielmo
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
chris colwell
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Chris Chris Rogers
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Chlou00e9 CHABAUD
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Chelsea Cook
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Charlotte Brassey
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Charles Darveau
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Chantelle Penney
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Cesar Mendes
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Cassondra Williams
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Cassandra Donatelli
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Caroline Gilbert
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Carolina Freire
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Carolin Nieder
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Carola Yovanovich
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Carol Best
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Carlos Navas
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Carla Sgro
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Cameron Baker
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Caitlin Bemis
Click tree again for more
This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Caitlin Bemis
Click tree again for more
This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
C. G. Farmer
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Brock Fenton
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Bridie Allan
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Brent Sinclair
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Bradford Gemmell
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Bradford Gemmell
Click tree again for more
This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Boris Chagnaud
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Blake Dickson
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Bibiana Rojas
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Bettina Schnell
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Berry Pinshow
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Benjamin Lindsey
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Ben Speers-Roesch
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Basile Michaelidis
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Baojun Sun
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Ashley Potter
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Armita Manafzadeh
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Arista Botha
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Ariel Camp
Click tree again for more
This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Anthony Hessel
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Anthony Gamperl
Click tree again for more
This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Anthony Blazevich
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Anne Koelewijn
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Angelina Dichiera
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Angela Fago
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Andrew Spence
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Andrew McKechnie
Click tree again for more
This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Andrew McKechnie
Click tree again for more
This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Andrew Donini
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Andrew Dickerson
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Andreaz Dupoue
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Andreas Nord
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Andreas Fahlman
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Andrea Rummel
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Andrea Monte
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Andrea Simmons
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Andre Riveros
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Andre Fiala
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Anders Hedenstru00f6m
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Anders Hedenstru00f6m
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Anand Krishnan
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Amy Moran
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Amanda Williard
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Alyssa Hernandez
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Allyson Hindle
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Click tree again for more
This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Alexander Werth
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Alex Zimmer
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Aleksandra Birn-Jeffery
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
zijie shen
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Zhaozhu Qiu
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Yasuto Murayama
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Yan Jie
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Xinnan Wang
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Wolfram Antonin
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
William Brieher
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
William Muller
Click tree again for more
This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Wanda Kukulski
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Vinay Swaminathan
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Viktor u017du00e1rsku00fd
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Viji Draviam
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Veronique Morel
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Uri Manor
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Ulrike Engel
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Ulla Neumann
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Toshiya Endo
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Tor Rusten
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Tomoharu Kanie
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Tomer Avidor-Reiss
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Tom Hall
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Tito Cali
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Thomas Grewal
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Thiago Gomes
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Theodosia Kalfa
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Takanari Inoue
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Svetlana Glushakova
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Steven Fliesler
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Steve Lim
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Steffen Just
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Sophie Brasselet
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Sirpa Jalkanen
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Simon Whitehall
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Shovamayee Maharana
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Shiro Suetsugu
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Shinsuke Niwa
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Shamik Sen
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Shaad Ahmad
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Sergio Grinstein
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Sean Munro
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Scott Dixon
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Scott Barbee
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Sarah Goetz
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Sarah Calve
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Sara Stahley
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Samantha Stehbens
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Ryuichi Nishinakamura
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Ryan Petrie
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Rossana Arroyo
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Roland Foisner
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Robert Lavker
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Robert Grosse
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Rick Baker
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Richard Youle
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Rene Marc Mege
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Rashmi Priya
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Ralf Bartenschlager
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Rafael Garcia-Mata
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Quasar Padiath
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Qing Deng
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Pradip Raychaudhuri
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Pirta Hotulainen
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Pierre Mangeol
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Philippe Bastin
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Petr Chlanda
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Peter Hordijk
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Peter Cullen
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Peleg Hasson
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Pedro Carvalho
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Paula Sampaio
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Paul Huber
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Paul Evans
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Paul Gleeson
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Partha Roy
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Panos Anastasiadis
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Panos Anastasiadis
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Ora Weisz
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Niovi Santama
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Nicoletta Petridou
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Nick Rhind
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Nicholas Condon
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Nicholas Condon
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Minchul Kim
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Miguel Vicente-Manzanares
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Miguel Vicente-Manzanares
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Miguel Vicente-Manzanares
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Miguel Blu00e1zquez
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Michelle Giarmarco
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Michael Elbaum
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Megan McCain
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Megan Chastney
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Matthias Gaestel
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Matthew Seaman
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Matthew Hartley
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Masayuki Onishi
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Martin Ott
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Martin Schwartz
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Marko Kaksonen
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Mark Peifer
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Mark Dodding
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Mark Rasenick
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Mark Bond
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Marion Jasnin
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Mariana Wolfner
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Maria Vartiainen
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Maria Vartiainen
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Maru00eda Moriel-Carretero
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Maria Mota
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Margaret Titus
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Margaret Baron
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Mahak Sharma
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Mahak Sharma
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Lucy O'Brien
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Levente Kovacs
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Leonel Malacrida
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Koji Yamano
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Kevin Hardwick
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Keiichiro Yogo
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Katherine Wilson
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Karmella Haynes
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Karim Mekhail
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Kaiyao Huang
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Julien Bu00e9thune
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Judith Mine-Hattab
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Jose Ayte
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Jonathan Higgins
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
John Bergeron
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Johanna Hu00f6u00f6g
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Johanna Englund
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Johanna Englund
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Joel Swanson
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Jiwon Lee
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Jin-Ah Park
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Jessica Kehrer
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Jerome Irianto
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Jeremy Smyth
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Jeremy Copperman
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Jennifer Lippincott-Schwartz
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Jennifer Hocking
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Jan Funke
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James Sellers
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James Conway
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
James Conway
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
James Conway
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James Moseley
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James Casanova
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Indra Chandrasekar
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Ildiko Unk
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Hugo Olguu00edn
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Holly Goodson
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Henry Chang
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Hanjoong Jo
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Guillaume Jacquemet
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Guillaume Jacquemet
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Guilherme Nader
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Guan-Zhu Han
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Gregg Gundersen
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Graham Ladds
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Giuliano Callaini
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Georges Lutfalla
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George Belov
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Frank Schnorrer
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Francesca Bartolini
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Florian Schur
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Filip Braet
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Felix Engel
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Esther Gomez
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Erik Sahai
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Eric Chevet
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Elsa Logarinho
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Eduardo Flores-Sandoval
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Doryen Bubeck
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Don Lamb
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Don Fox
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
David Schmidtke
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
David Scheuring
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David Gershlick
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David Carling
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David M. Tobin
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Daria Guseva
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Daniel St Johnston
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Daniel Conway
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Daniel Conway
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Courtney Schroeder
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Corey Valinsky
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Clare Isacke
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Clare Harding
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Claire Legay
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Christopher Chen
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Christopher Fry
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christoffer lagerholm
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Christina Warboys
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Christian Ungermann
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Christian Tischer
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Christian Tischer
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Chris Turner
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Chris Tonkin
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Chris Burd
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Charles Cox
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Charles Cox
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Celia Baroux
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Catherine Jackson
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Catherine Baker
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Catarina Prista
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Carsten Grashoff
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Carolyn Moores
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Carolyn Moores
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Calvin Tiengwe
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Bryan Stewart
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Brian Ceresa
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Bradley Doble
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Bo Sun
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Benyi Li
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Benoit Palancade
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Benjamin Glick
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Benedikt Westermann
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Arunima Chaudhuri
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Arrate Muu00f1oz Barrutia
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Armin Huber
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Anwen Bullen
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Antonis Kourtidis
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Anna Labernadie
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Anna Jost
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Andrew Paek
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Andrew Muroyama
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Andreas Jenny
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Amy Beedle
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Alwin Kru00e4mer
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Alpha Yap
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Alpha Yap
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Alpha Yap
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Alexander Johnson
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Alan Serrels
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Alan Rein
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Alan Howe
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Abdussalam Azem
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This tree was planted for the article:
The functional role of the rabbit digastric muscle during mastication
Journal of Experimental Biology
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This tree was planted for the article:
Argonaute protein CSR-1 restricts localization of holocentromere protein HCP-3, the C. elegans CENP-A homolog
Journal of Cell Science
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This tree was planted for the article:
Morphogens in the evolution of size, shape and patterning
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This tree was planted for the article:
Macrophages play a crucial role in vascular smooth muscle cell coverage
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This tree was planted for the article:
The non-canonical bivalent gene Wfdc15a controls spermatogenic protease and immune homeostasis
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This tree was planted for the article:
Neuromodulator-induced temperature robustness in a motor pattern: a comparative study between two decapod crustaceans
Journal of Experimental Biology
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This tree was planted for the article:
Big data and experimental biology: the complementary roles of hypothesis-led and blue skies research
Journal of Experimental Biology
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This tree was planted for the article:
Functioning of unidirectional ventilation in flying hawkmoths evaluated by pressure and oxygen measurements and X-ray video and tomography
Journal of Experimental Biology
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This tree was planted for the article:
In preprints: keeping endothelial cell specification and vascular development in check
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This tree was planted for the article:
Metabolic ripple effects u2013 deciphering how lipid metabolism in cancer interfaces with the tumor microenvironment
Disease Models & Mechanisms
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This tree was planted for the article:
Staphylococcus aureus lipid factors modulate melanoma cell clustering and invasion
Disease Models & Mechanisms
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This tree was planted for the article:
Human developmental biology u2013 a global perspective
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This tree was planted for the article:
Past and future of human developmental biology
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This tree was planted for the article:
bHLH family proteins control the timing and completion of transition from neuroepithelial cells into neural stem cells
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This tree was planted for the article:
Data transformation and model selection in bivariate allometry
Biology Open
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This tree was planted for the article:
VitelloTag: a tool for high-throughput cargo delivery into oocytes
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This tree was planted for the article:
Molecular regulation of axon termination in mechanosensory neurons
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This tree was planted for the article:
MUM, a maternal unknown message, inhibits early establishment of the medio-lateral axis in the embryo of the kelp Saccharina latissima
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This tree was planted for the article:
A novel comparison of southern sea otter (Enhydra lutris nereis) fur buoyancy across ontogeny
Journal of Experimental Biology
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This tree was planted for the article:
The role of cilia in the development, survival, and regeneration of hair cells
Biology Open
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This tree was planted for the article:
Fat body lipogenic capacity in honey bee workers is affected by age, social role and dietary protein
Journal of Experimental Biology
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This tree was planted for the article:
Development of germline progenitors in larval queen honeybee ovaries
Biology Open
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This tree was planted for the article:
Evaluation of Octopus maya enzyme activity of the digestive gland and gastric juice
Biology Open
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This tree was planted for the article:
A larval zebrafish model of cardiac physiological recovery following cardiac arrest and myocardial hypoxic damage
Biology Open
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This tree was planted for the article:
Barometric pressure decrease induces density-dependent changes in foraging behaviour in a parasitoid fly
Journal of Experimental Biology
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This tree was planted for the article:
Fish communicate with water flow to enhance a school's social network
Journal of Experimental Biology
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This tree was planted for the article:
Transcription factor-based transdifferentiation of human embryonic to trophoblast stem cells
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This tree was planted for the article:
A cochlear progenitor pool influences patterning of the mammalian sensory epithelium via MYBL2
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This tree was planted for the article:
Positive-strand RNA virus replication organelles at a glance
Journal of Cell Science
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This tree was planted for the article:
Regulation of ROP GTPase cycling between active and inactive states is essential for vegetative organogenesis in Marchantia polymorpha
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This tree was planted for the article:
The venom of Habrobracon hebetor induces alterations in host metabolism
Journal of Experimental Biology
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This tree was planted for the article:
Deficient GATA6u2013CXCR7 signaling leads to bicuspid aortic valve
Disease Models & Mechanisms
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This tree was planted for the article:
Role of a novel uropod-like cell membrane protrusion in the pathogenesis of the parasite Trichomonas vaginalis
Journal of Cell Science
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This tree was planted for the article:
CCL2 signaling promotes skeletal muscle wasting in non-tumor and breast tumor models
Disease Models & Mechanisms
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This tree was planted for the article:
A meta-analysis of whole-body and heart mass effect sizes from a long-term artificial selection experiment for high voluntary exercise
Journal of Experimental Biology
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This tree was planted for the article:
Gearing in a hydrostatic skeleton: the tube feet of juvenile sea stars (Leptasterias sp.)
Journal of Experimental Biology
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This tree was planted for the article:
Mechanically evoked spike responses of pentascolopidial chordotonal organs of Drosophila melanogaster larvae
Journal of Experimental Biology
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This tree was planted for the article:
Expansion microscopy reveals characteristic ultrastructural features of pathogenic budding yeast species
Journal of Cell Science
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This tree was planted for the article:
Nucleocytoplasmic transport senses mechanical forces independently of cell density in cell monolayers
Journal of Cell Science
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This tree was planted for the article:
Computational modeling establishes mechanotransduction as a potent modulator of the mammalian circadian clock
Journal of Cell Science
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This tree was planted for the article:
Controversy in mechanotransduction u2013 the role of endothelial cellu2013cell junctions in fluid shear stress sensing
Journal of Cell Science
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This tree was planted for the article:
Direct targeting of host microtubule and actin cytoskeletons by a chlamydial pathogenic effector protein
Journal of Cell Science
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This tree was planted for the article:
The proximal centriole-like structure maintains nucleusu2013centriole architecture in sperm
Journal of Cell Science
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This tree was planted for the article:
The FAM114A proteins are adaptors for the recycling of Golgi enzymes
Journal of Cell Science
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This tree was planted for the article:
Evolving circuitries in plant signaling cascades
Journal of Cell Science
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This tree was planted for the article:
The role of kinesin-1 in neuronal dense core vesicle transport, locomotion and lifespan regulation in C. elegans
Journal of Cell Science
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This tree was planted for the article:
Interactive effects of temperature and salinity on metabolism and activity of the copepod Tigriopus californicus
Journal of Experimental Biology
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This tree was planted for the article:
Born suckers: the cibarial pump of Philaenus spumarius scales across ontogeny to ensure functional equivalence
Journal of Experimental Biology
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High mobility group boxu00a01 (HMGB1) is a potential disease biomarker in cell and mouse models of Duchenne muscular dystrophy
Biology Open
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Lrig1 regulates cell fate specification of glutamatergic neurons via FGF-driven Jak2/Stat3 signaling in cortical progenitors
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A cell-autonomous role for primary cilium-mediated signaling in long-range commissural axon guidance
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miR-31-mediated local translation at the mitotic spindle is important for early development
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Developing long bones respond to surrounding tissues by trans-pairing of periosteal osteoclasts and endocortical osteoblasts
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Viewpoint-independent face recognition via extrapolation in paper wasps
Journal of Experimental Biology
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Force re-development after shortening reveals a role for titin in stretchu2013shortening performance enhancement in skinned muscle fibres
Journal of Experimental Biology
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The highly metastatic 4T1 breast carcinoma model possesses features of a hybrid epithelial/mesenchymal phenotype
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Heterotypic interaction promotes asymmetric division of human hematopoietic progenitors
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A change in cis-regulatory logic underlying obligate versus facultative muscle multinucleation in chordates
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Thymic epithelial organoids mediate T-cell development
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Instantaneous visual genotyping and facile site-specific transgenesis via CRISPR-Cas9 and phiC31 integrase
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Brain energy metabolism as an underlying basis of slow and fast cognitive phenotypes in honeybees
Journal of Experimental Biology
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Gata6 functions in zebrafish endoderm to regulate late differentiating arterial pole cardiogenesis
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An atlas of Brachypodium distachyon lateral root development
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Mesenchymal Osr1+ cells regulate embryonic lymphatic vessel formation
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Akt is a mediator of artery specification during zebrafish development
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Evolution and development of the conduction system in the vertebrate heart: a role for hemodynamics and the epicardium
Journal of Experimental Biology
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Fish mortality in the Amazonian drought of 2023: the role of experimental biology in our response to climate change
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Implications of chronic hypoxia during development in red drum
Journal of Experimental Biology
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Excess microtubule and F-actin formation mediates shortening and loss of primary cilia in response to a hyperosmotic milieu
Journal of Cell Science
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Two paralogous PHD finger proteins participate in natural genome editing in Paramecium tetraurelia
Journal of Cell Science
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Lower-limb coordination changes following a 6-week training intervention that elicited enhancements to maximum velocity sprint performance
Biology Open
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Mutational cooperativity of RUNX1::RUNX1T1 isoform 9a and oncogenic NRAS in zebrafish myeloid leukaemia
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A novel technique for atraumatic transurethral catheterisation of male rats
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Dynamics of BMP signaling and stable gene expression in the early Drosophila embryo
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Interspecific hybridisation provides a low-risk option for increasing genetic diversity of reef-building corals
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Membrane structures and functional correlates in the bi-segmented eye lens of the cephalopod
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A genetically small fetus impairs placental adaptations near term
Disease Models & Mechanisms
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eEF1u03b12 is required for actin cytoskeleton homeostasis in the aging muscle
Disease Models & Mechanisms
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Macrophages of multiple hematopoietic origins reside in the developing prostate
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3DMOUSEneST: a volumetric label-free imaging method evaluating embryou2013uterine interaction and decidualization efficacy
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Reprogramming macrophages with R848-loaded artificial protocells to modulate skin and skeletal wound healing
Journal of Cell Science
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MYCBPAP is a central apparatus protein required for centrosomeu2013nuclear envelope docking and sperm tail biogenesis in mice
Journal of Cell Science
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Hominini-specific regulation of the cell cycle by stop codon readthrough of FEM1B
Journal of Cell Science
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Intermediate filaments at a glance
Journal of Cell Science
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Understanding the interplay between dNTP metabolism and genome stability in cancer
Disease Models & Mechanisms
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Retinoic acid signalling regulates branchiomeric neck muscle development at the head/trunk interface
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Adaxial-abaxial bipolar leaf genes encode a putative cytokinin receptor and HD-Zip III, and control the formation of ectopic shoot meristems in rice
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Nanoscale ultrastructures increase the visual conspicuousness of signalling traits in obligate cleaner shrimps
Journal of Experimental Biology
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Open-source, high-throughput targeted in situ transcriptomics for developmental and tissue biology
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Integrative multi-omics increase resolution of the sea urchin posterior gut gene regulatory network at single-cell level
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When less is more u2013 a fast TurboID knock-in approach for high-sensitivity endogenous interactome mapping
Journal of Cell Science
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Developmental analysis of Spalt function in the Drosophila prothoracic gland
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UNC-30/PITX coordinates neurotransmitter identity with postsynaptic GABA receptor clustering
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Mesenchymal Vangl1 and Vangl2 facilitate airway elongation and widening independently of the planar cell polarity complex
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Lineage-based scaling of germline intercellular bridges during oogenesis
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A multi-layered integrative analysis reveals a cholesterol metabolic program in outer radial glia with implications for human brain evolution
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Control of fate specification within the dorsal head of Drosophila melanogaster
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Optimization of an in situ liver perfusion method to evaluate hepatic function of juvenile American alligators (Alligator mississippiensis)
Biology Open
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A deleterious variant of INTS1 leads to disrupted sleepu2013wake cycles
Disease Models & Mechanisms
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Reduced connexin-43 expression, slow conduction and repolarisation dispersion in a model of hypertrophic cardiomyopathy
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11u03b2-Hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase type 2 may mediate the stress-specific effects of cortisol on brain cell proliferation in adult zebrafish (Danio rerio)
Journal of Experimental Biology
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Development of sound production in Danionella cerebrum
Journal of Experimental Biology
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Absence of a functional gut microbiome impairs host amino acid metabolism in the Pacific spiny dogfish (Squalus suckleyi)
Journal of Experimental Biology
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In preprints: insights into human heart development and congenital heart defects
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Local differences in robustness to ocean acidification
Biology Open
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N-terminal tags impair the ability of lamin A to provide structural support to the nucleus
Journal of Cell Science
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The role of cognition as a factor regulating the diving responses of animals, including humans
Journal of Experimental Biology
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Joint synergy and muscle activity in the motion of the ankleu2013foot complex
Journal of Experimental Biology
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Identification and in vivo functional analysis of furanocoumarin-responsive cytochrome P450s in a Rutaceae-feeding Papilio butterfly
Journal of Experimental Biology
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A multi-peak performance landscape for scale biting in an adaptive radiation of pupfishes
Journal of Experimental Biology
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Wolbachia-infected pharaoh ant colonies have higher egg production, metabolic rate and worker survival
Journal of Experimental Biology
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Safety assessment of rat embryonic fraction for in vivo regenerative therapy
Biology Open
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Wind gradient exploitation during foraging flights by black skimmers (Rynchops niger)
Journal of Experimental Biology
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Spatial resolution and optical sensitivity in the compound eyes of two common European wasps, Vespula germanica and Vespula vulgaris
Journal of Experimental Biology
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FOXC1 and FOXC2 regulate growth plate chondrocyte maturation towards hypertrophy in the embryonic mouse limb skeleton
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A single dose of radiation elicits comparable acute salivary gland injury to fractionated radiation
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40u2005years of the homeobox: mechanisms of Hox spatial-temporal collinearity in vertebrates
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Early life exposure to high temperature enhances locomotor performance without alteration in thermal ecology in different populations of Thoropa taophora tadpoles (Anura, Cycloramphidae)
Journal of Experimental Biology
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The Id protein Extramacrochaetae restrains the E protein Daughterless to regulate Notch, Rap1, and Sevenless within the R7 equivalence group of the Drosophila eye
Biology Open
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Deletion of the Ebf1, a mouse deafness gene, causes a dramatic increase in hair cells and support cells of the organ of Corti
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Mechanistic divergences of endocytic clathrin-coated vesicle formation in mammals, yeasts and plants
Journal of Cell Science
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Regulation of muscle pyruvate dehydrogenase activity and fuel use during exercise in high-altitude deer mice
Journal of Experimental Biology
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Stable germline transgenesis using the Minos Tc1/mariner element in the sea urchin Lytechinus pictus
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Uncovering developmental diversity in the field
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Modeling the roles of cohesotaxis, cell-intercalation, and tissue geometry in collective cell migration of Xenopus mesendoderm
Biology Open
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Conjugation of ATG8s to single membranes at a glance
Journal of Cell Science
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Experimental playback of urban noise does not affect cognitive performance in captive Australian magpies
Biology Open
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Chemical genetic screens reveal defective lysosomal trafficking as synthetic lethal with NF1 loss
Journal of Cell Science
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Characterization of the small Arabidopsis thaliana GTPase and ADP-ribosylation factor-like 2 protein TITAN 5
Journal of Cell Science
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Considering ultraviolet radiation in experimental biology: a neglected pervasive stressor
Journal of Experimental Biology
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Compensation of gene dosage on the mammalian X
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Functional distinction in oncogenic Ras variant activity in Caenorhabditis elegans
Disease Models & Mechanisms
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Transdifferentiation is temporally uncoupled from progenitor pool expansion during hair cell regeneration in the zebrafish inner ear
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Fine-tuning AMPK in physiology and disease using point-mutant mouse models
Disease Models & Mechanisms
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Mechanisms controlling haemolymph circulation under resting conditions in the Chagas disease vector Rhodnius prolixus
Journal of Experimental Biology
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Phylogenetic variations in a novel family of hyperstable apple snail egg proteins: insights into structural stability and functional trends
Journal of Experimental Biology
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A fast fish swimming protocol that provides similar insights to critical swimming speed
Biology Open
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u03b2-H-Spectrin is a key component of an apical-medial hub of proteins during cell wedging in tube morphogenesis
Journal of Cell Science
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A large-scale CRISPR screen reveals context-specific genetic regulation of retinal ganglion cell regeneration
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Loss of Tob1 promotes muscle regeneration through muscle stem cell expansion
Journal of Cell Science
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The relevance of vascular adjustments to hemodynamic control in the face of temperature change in Crotalus durissus
Journal of Experimental Biology
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Actin network evolution as a key driver of eukaryotic diversification
Journal of Cell Science
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Evolution of the regulation of developmental gene expression in blind Mexican cavefish
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Mitochondrial dynamics regulate cell morphology in the developing cochlea
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The Drosophila histone methyltransferase SET1 coordinates multiple signaling pathways in regulating male germline stem cell maintenance and differentiation
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Metabolic states influence chicken retinal pigment epithelium cell fate decisions
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Cardiac arrhythmias in fish induced by natural and anthropogenic changes in environmental conditions
Journal of Experimental Biology
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Evidence of 14-3-3 proteins contributing to kinetochore integrity and chromosome congression during mitosis
Journal of Cell Science
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Body length determines flow refuging for rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) behind wing dams
Journal of Experimental Biology
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Neurophysiological measurements of planarian brain activity: a unique model for neuroscience research
Biology Open
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Lipid droplet dynamics are essential for the development of the malaria parasite Plasmodium falciparum
Journal of Cell Science
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Short transmembrane domains target type II proteins to the Golgi apparatus and type I proteins to the endoplasmic reticulum
Journal of Cell Science
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Diverse stimuli induce piloerection and yield varied autonomic responses in humans
Biology Open
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Macrophages directly kill bladder cancer cells through TNF signaling as an early response to BCG therapy
Disease Models & Mechanisms
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A pre-vertebrate endodermal origin of calcitonin-producing neuroendocrine cells
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Developmental plasticity of the cardiovascular system in oviparous vertebrates: effects of chronic hypoxia and interactive stressors in the context of climate change
Journal of Experimental Biology
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Drosophila melanogaster sperm turn more oxidative in the female
Journal of Experimental Biology
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Steady as they hover: kinematics of kestrel wing and tail morphing during hovering flights
Journal of Experimental Biology
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Consistent changes in muscle phenotype and mitochondrial abundance underlie dive performance across multiple lineages of diving ducks
Journal of Experimental Biology
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Effects of maternal androgens and their metabolite etiocholanolone on prenatal development in birds
Journal of Experimental Biology
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A novel 3D imaging approach for quantification of GLUT4 levels across the intact myocardium
Journal of Cell Science
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Exploring the principles of embryonic mammary gland branching morphogenesis
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Melanocyte lineage dynamics in development, growth and disease
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Turkey vultures tune their airspeed to changing air density
Journal of Experimental Biology
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PTEN and the PTEN-like phosphatase CnrN have both distinct and overlapping roles in a Dictyostelium chemorepulsion pathway
Journal of Cell Science
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Cohesin composition and dosage independently affect early development in zebrafish
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Does sex matter in the cheetah? Insights into the skeletal muscle of the fastest land animal
Journal of Experimental Biology
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Improved whole-mount immunofluorescence protocol for consistent and robust labeling of adult Drosophila melanogaster adipose tissue
Biology Open
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Linking in vivo muscle dynamics to forceu2013length and forceu2013velocity properties reveals that guinea fowl lateral gastrocnemius operates at shorter than optimal lengths
Journal of Experimental Biology
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Development of a hepatic cryoinjury model to study liver regeneration
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LEAFY and WAPO1 jointly regulate spikelet number per spike and floret development in wheat
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Gekko gecko as a model organism for understanding aspects of laryngeal vocal evolution
Journal of Experimental Biology
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Hypothalamic integration of nutrient sensing in fish
Journal of Experimental Biology
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Normotensive metabolic syndrome in Transient Receptor Potential Canonical Channel type 1 Trpc1u2212/u2212 mice.
Biology Open
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High-resolution live cell imaging to define ultrastructural and dynamic features of the halotolerant yeast Debaryomyces hansenii
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HBS1L deficiency causes retinal dystrophy in a child and in a mouse model associated with defective development of photoreceptor cells
Disease Models & Mechanisms
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The NLRP3 inflammasome is essential for IL-18 production in a murine model of macrophage activation syndrome
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Hippo pathway inactivation through subcellular localization of NF2/merlin in outer cells of mouse embryos
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Manipulation of a social signal affects DNA methylation of a stress-related gene in a free-living bird
Journal of Experimental Biology
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From promoter motif to cardiac function: a single DPE motif affects transcription regulation and organ function in vivo
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Dual spatio-temporal regulation of axon growth and microtubule dynamics by RhoA signaling pathways
Journal of Cell Science
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In preprints: theme and variations on hair-cell regeneration in zebrafish
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ERK signalling eliminates Nanog and maintains Oct4 to drive the formative pluripotency transition
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Mycb and Mych stimulate Mu00fcller glial cell reprogramming and proliferation in the uninjured and injured zebrafish retina
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SETD3 is a mechanosensitive enzyme that methylates actin on His73 to regulate mitochondrial dynamics and function
Journal of Cell Science
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Engrailed transcription factors direct excitatory cerebellar neuron diversity and survival
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Thermal performance curves for aerobic scope and specific dynamic action in a sexually dimorphic piscivore: implications for a warming climate
Journal of Experimental Biology
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Characterization of a monkey model with experimental retinal damage induced by N-methyl-D-aspartate
Disease Models & Mechanisms
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Macrophages allocate before apoptosis initiation and produce reactive oxygen species during interdigital phagocytosis
Biology Open
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Allorecognition behaviors in Myxomycetes respond to intraspecies factors
Biology Open
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Tetraspanin proteins in membrane remodeling processes
Journal of Cell Science
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The intracellular domain of Sema6A is essential for development of the zebrafish retina
Journal of Cell Science
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Syngeneic mouse model of YES-driven metastatic and proliferative hepatocellular carcinoma
Disease Models & Mechanisms
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Biological resilience in health and disease
Disease Models & Mechanisms
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Ice in the intertidal: patterns and processes of freeze tolerance in intertidal invertebrates
Journal of Experimental Biology
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Muscle-specific lack of Gfpt1 triggers ER stress to alleviate misfolded protein accumulation
Disease Models & Mechanisms
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Roles of collagen cross-links and osteon collagen/lamellar morphotypes in equine third metacarpals in tension and compression tests
Journal of Experimental Biology
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In preprints: lifetime changes in leaf shape
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Mechanisms of regeneration: to what extent do they recapitulate development?
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Corticosterone and glucose are correlated and show similar response patterns to temperature and stress in a free-living bird
Journal of Experimental Biology
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The role of the heart in the evolution of aerobic performance
Journal of Experimental Biology
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Transgenesis enables mapping of segmental ganglia in the leech Helobdella austinensis
Journal of Experimental Biology
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Simple prerequisite of presequence for mitochondrial protein import in the unicellular red alga Cyanidioschyzon merolae
Journal of Cell Science
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Multi-omics analysis of diabetic pig lungs reveals molecular derangements underlying pulmonary complications of diabetes mellitus
Disease Models & Mechanisms
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Microtubules and actin filaments direct nuclear movement during the polarisation of Marchantia spore cells
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An Irak1-Mecp2 tandem duplication mouse model for the study of MECP2 duplication syndrome
Disease Models & Mechanisms
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Exploring hostu2013pathogen interactions in the Dictyostelium discoideumu2013Mycobacterium marinum infection model of tuberculosis
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Development of functional spermatozoa in mammalian spermiogenesis
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Mechanisms underlying the direct programming of mouse embryonic fibroblasts to thymic epithelial cells by FOXN1
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Human organoid model of pontocerebellar hypoplasia 2a recapitulates brain region-specific size differences
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SoxB1 transcription factors are essential for initiating and maintaining neural plate border gene expression
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Ontogenetic variation in metabolic rateu2013temperature relationships during larval development
Journal of Experimental Biology
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The receptor protein tyrosine phosphatase PTPRK promotes intestinal repair and catalysis-independent tumour suppression
Journal of Cell Science
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Cardiovascular physiology of decapod crustaceans: from scientific inquiry to practical applications
Journal of Experimental Biology
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State-dependent dynamics of cuttlefish mantle activity
Journal of Experimental Biology
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Distinct TORC1 signalling branches regulate Adc17 proteasome assembly chaperone expression
Journal of Cell Science
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Focal adhesion kinase signaling u2013 tumor vulnerabilities and clinical opportunities
Journal of Cell Science
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TMEM16F scramblase regulates angiogenesis via endothelial intracellular signaling
Journal of Cell Science
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An optimized method for mulberry silkworm, Bombyx mori (Bombycidae:Lepidoptera) sex classification using TLBPSGA-RFEXGBoost
Biology Open
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Natural reversal of cavefish heart asymmetry is controlled by Sonic Hedgehog effects on the left-right organizer
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A deep learning-based toolkit for 3D nuclei segmentation and quantitative analysis in cellular and tissue context
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Specification and survival of post-metamorphic branchiomeric neurons in a non-vertebrate chordate
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In preprints: new spiralian model system unlocks potential for understanding eye evolution and regeneration
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Male germ cell-associated kinase is required for axoneme formation during ciliogenesis in zebrafish photoreceptors
Disease Models & Mechanisms
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Contribution of Streptococcus pseudopneumoniae and Streptococcus salivarius to vocal fold mucosal integrity and function
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HemK2 functions for sufficient protein synthesis and RNA stability through eRF1 methylation during Drosophila oogenesis
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Destabilization of mRNAs enhances competence to initiate meiosis in mouse spermatogenic cells
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Extraordinary model systems for regeneration
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Localisation and function of key axonemal microtubule inner proteins and dynein docking complex members reveal extensive diversity among vertebrate motile cilia
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Relative importance of intensity and spectrum of artificial light at night in disrupting behavior of a nocturnal rodent
Journal of Experimental Biology
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Warming, stochastic diel thermal fluctuations affect physiological performance and gill plasticity in an amphibious mangrove fish
Journal of Experimental Biology
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CCG-1423-derived compounds reduce global RNA synthesis and inhibit transcriptional responses
Journal of Cell Science
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The retromer and retriever systems are conserved and differentially expanded in parabasalids
Journal of Cell Science
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Structured RhoGEF recruitment drives myosin II organization on large exocytic vesicles
Journal of Cell Science
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Mechanical regulation of lymphocyte activation and function
Journal of Cell Science
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The Hox code responsible for the patterning of the anterior vertebrae in zebrafish
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Evolutionary conservation of VSX2 super-enhancer modules in retinal development
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Coronary circulation enhances the aerobic performance of wild Pacific salmon
Journal of Experimental Biology
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Changes in mitochondrial distribution occur at the axon initial segment in association with neurodegeneration in Drosophila
Biology Open
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Femoral bone structure and mechanics at the edge and core of an expanding population of the invasive frog Xenopus laevis
Journal of Experimental Biology
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Formation and resolution of meiotic chromosome entanglements and interlocks
Journal of Cell Science
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c-Src-induced vascular malformations require localised matrix degradation at focal adhesions
Journal of Cell Science
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Caenorhabditis elegans germ granules accumulate hundreds of low translation mRNAs with no systematic preference for germ cell fate regulators
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Taf1 knockout is lethal in embryonic male mice and heterozygous females show weight and movement disorders
Disease Models & Mechanisms
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Mechanical forces remodel the cardiac extracellular matrix during zebrafish development
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Cerebellar granular neuron progenitors exit their germinative niche via BarH-like1 activity mediated partly by inhibition of T-cell factor
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Learning performance and GABAergic pathway link to deformed wing virus in the mushroom bodies of naturally infected honey bees
Journal of Experimental Biology
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BirthSeq, a new method to isolate and analyze dated cells in different vertebrates
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The cellular basis of feeding-dependent body size plasticity in sea anemones
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Passive elasticity properties of Octopus rubescens arms
Journal of Experimental Biology
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The preclinical gap in pancreatic cancer and radiotherapy
Disease Models & Mechanisms
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Muscle cofilin alters neuromuscular junction postsynaptic development to strengthen functional neurotransmission
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Accelerated hermaphrodite maturation on male pheromones suggests a general principle of coordination between larval behavior and development
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Craniofacial studies in chicken embryos confirm the pathogenicity of human FZD2 variants associated with Robinow syndrome
Disease Models & Mechanisms
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Effects of sublethal methylmercury and food stress on songbird energetic performance: metabolic rates, molt and feather quality
Journal of Experimental Biology
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CEP41, a ciliopathy-linked centrosomal protein, regulates microtubule assembly and cell proliferation
Journal of Cell Science
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Differential proliferation regulates multi-tissue morphogenesis during embryonic axial extension: integrating viscous modeling and experimental approaches
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Tropical and montane Apis cerana show distinct danceu2013distance calibration curves
Journal of Experimental Biology
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Functional exploration of copy number alterations in a Drosophila model of triple-negative breast cancer
Disease Models & Mechanisms
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Chronic changes in developmental oxygen have little effect on mitochondria and tracheal density in the endothermic moth Manduca sexta
Journal of Experimental Biology
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Altering developmental oxygen exposure influences thermoregulation and flight performance of Manduca sexta
Journal of Experimental Biology
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High sugar diet alters immune function and the gut microbiome in juvenile green iguanas (Iguana iguana)
Journal of Experimental Biology
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Measurement of microclimates in a warming world: problems and solutions
Journal of Experimental Biology
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Quantitative proteomics reveals insights into the assembly of IFT trains and ciliary assembly
Journal of Cell Science
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BET activity plays an essential role in control of stem cell attributes in Xenopus
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Exploring the reciprocity between pioneer factors and development
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The effects of humidity on thermoregulatory physiology of a small songbird
Journal of Experimental Biology
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Use of acoustic signals in Cape fur seal motheru2013pup reunions: individual signature, signal propagation and pup home range
Journal of Experimental Biology
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DIS3 ribonuclease is essential for spermatogenesis and male fertility in mice
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Flavonols do not affect aphid load in green or senescing birch leaves but coincide with a decrease in Photosystem II functionality
Biology Open
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Note on hydrostatic skeletons: muscles operating within a pressurized environment
Biology Open
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ATP1A3 regulates protein synthesis for mitochondrial stability under heat stress
Disease Models & Mechanisms
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Hyperactivation of MEK1 in cortical glutamatergic neurons results in projection axon deficits and aberrant motor learning
Disease Models & Mechanisms
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Variations in cell plasticity and proliferation underlie distinct modes of regeneration along the antero-posterior axis in the annelid Platynereis
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Understanding the influence of context on real-world walking energetics
Journal of Experimental Biology
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Computational identification of disease models through cross-species phenotype comparison
Disease Models & Mechanisms
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Maintained mitochondrial integrity without oxygen in the anoxia-tolerant crucian carp
Journal of Experimental Biology
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Foraging task specialization in honey bees (Apis mellifera): the contribution of floral rewards to the learning performance of pollen and nectar foragers
Journal of Experimental Biology
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High-throughput assays to assess variant effects on disease
Disease Models & Mechanisms
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Llgl1 mediates timely epicardial emergence and establishment of an apical laminin sheath around the trabeculating cardiac ventricle
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Stress granule-mediated sequestration of EGR1 mRNAs correlates with lomustine-induced cell death prevention
Journal of Cell Science
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Female Alms1-deficient mice develop echocardiographic features of adult but not infantile Alstru00f6m syndrome cardiomyopathy
Disease Models & Mechanisms
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Desmosomes at a glance
Journal of Cell Science
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Reduced vacuolar ATPase protects mice from Friend virus infection u2013 an unintended but instructive effect in Hif-2afl mice
Journal of Cell Science
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Confinement promotes nematic alignment of spindle-shaped cells during Drosophila embryogenesis
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Insights into digit evolution from a fate map study of the forearm using Chameleon, a new transgenic chicken line
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BF170 hydrochloride enhances the emergence of hematopoietic stem and progenitor cells
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Reelin differentially shapes dendrite morphology of medial entorhinal cortical ocean and island cells
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Spermatogonial stem cells in the 129 inbred strain exhibit unique requirements for self-renewal
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A transit-amplifying progenitor with biphasic behavior contributes to epidermal renewal
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Nitrogen availability is important for preventing catastrophic mitosis in fission yeast
Journal of Cell Science
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Adult expression of the cell adhesion protein Fasciclin 3 is required for the maintenance of adult olfactory interneurons
Journal of Cell Science
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KRAP regulates mitochondrial Ca2+ uptake by licensing IP3 receptor activity and stabilizing ERu2013mitochondrial junctions
Journal of Cell Science
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Re-assessment of the subcellular localization of Bazooka/Par-3 in Drosophila: no evidence for localization to the nucleus and the neuromuscular junction
Biology Open
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Founder mutations and rare disease in the Arab world
Disease Models & Mechanisms
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How modularity and heterotrophy complicate the understanding of the causes of thermal performance curves: the case of feeding rate in a filter-feeding animal
Journal of Experimental Biology
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Eye-specific detection and a multi-eye integration model of biological motion perception
Journal of Experimental Biology
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An arch worth revisiting: a study on the feline humeral supracondylar foramen and its evolutionary significance
Biology Open
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The metamorphosis of amphibian myocardium: moving to the heart of the matter
Journal of Experimental Biology
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Tracking lipid synthesis using 2H2O and 2H-NMR spectroscopy in black soldier fly (Hermetia illucens) larvae fed with macroalgae
Journal of Experimental Biology
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Flies on the rise: acclimation effect on mitochondrial oxidation capacity at normal and high temperatures in Drosophila melanogaster
Journal of Experimental Biology
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Biological and therapeutic insights from animal modeling of fusion-driven pediatric soft tissue sarcomas
Disease Models & Mechanisms
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An updated model of shoot apical meristem regulation by ERECTA family and CLAVATA3 signaling pathways in Arabidopsis
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A mathematical framework for measuring and tuning tempo in developmental gene regulatory networks
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Historic obstacles and emerging opportunities in the field of developmental metabolism u2013 lessons from Heidelberg
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Early life exposure to queen mandibular pheromone mediates persistent transcriptional changes in the brain of honey bee foragers
Journal of Experimental Biology
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Multiscale chromatin dynamics and high entropy in plant iPSC ancestors
Journal of Cell Science
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Sex- and caste-specific developmental responses to juvenile hormone in an ant with maternal caste determination
Journal of Experimental Biology
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Clutter resilience via auditory stream segregation in echolocating greater mouse-eared bats
Journal of Experimental Biology
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Perspectives in collective cell migration u2013 moving forward
Journal of Cell Science
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Rear cortex contraction aids in nuclear transit during confined migration by increasing pressure in the cell posterior
Journal of Cell Science
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Thermo-physiological changes and reproductive investment in a liolaemid lizard at the extreme of the slowu2013fast continuum
Journal of Experimental Biology
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Early embryogenesis in CHDFIDD mouse model reveals facial clefts and altered cranial neurogenesis
Disease Models & Mechanisms
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De novo TANGLED1 recruitment from the phragmoplast to aberrant cell plate fusion sites in maize
Journal of Cell Science
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Biomechanical properties of non-flight vibrations produced by bees
Journal of Experimental Biology
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The missense mutation C667F in murine u03b2-dystroglycan causes embryonic lethality, myopathy and blood-brain barrier destabilization
Disease Models & Mechanisms
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PatternJ: an ImageJ toolset for the automated and quantitative analysis of regular spatial patterns found in sarcomeres, axons, somites, and more
Biology Open
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The Endosomal Sorting Complex, ESCRT, has diverse roles in blood progenitor maintenance, lineage choice and immune response
Biology Open
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Assessing metabolic rates in zebrafish using a 3D-printed intermittent-flow respirometer and swim tunnel system
Biology Open
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Organisms have gravity: taking an organism-centered approach in experimental biology
Journal of Experimental Biology
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Strong acclimation effect of temperature and humidity on heat tolerance of the Arctic collembolan Megaphorura arctica
Journal of Experimental Biology
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Mesenchymal Wnts are required for morphogenetic movements of calvarial osteoblasts during apical expansion
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In preprints: exciting new insights into the lives of our closest relatives
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Local Ecdysone synthesis in a wounded epithelium sustains developmental delay and promotes regeneration in Drosophila
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PLETHORA transcription factors promote early embryo development through induction of meristematic potential
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miR-137 confers robustness to the territorial restriction of the neural plate border
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Biphasic burrowing in Atlantic hagfish (Myxine limosa)
Journal of Experimental Biology
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Coral species-specific loss and physiological legacy effects are elicited by an extended marine heatwave
Journal of Experimental Biology
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microRNA-guided immunity against respiratory virus infection in human and mouse lung cells
Biology Open
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Individual differences in the boldness of female zebrafish are associated with alterations in serotonin function
Journal of Experimental Biology
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GPR124 regulates murine brain embryonic angiogenesis and BBB formation by an intracellular domain-independent mechanism
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Neural crest development and disorders: from patient to model system and back again u2013 the NEUcrest conference
Biology Open
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Complexity in the timing of the first postnatal ecdysis in snakes
Journal of Experimental Biology
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Branching topology of the human embryo transcriptome revealed by Entropy Sort Feature Weighting
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Zach Stahlschmidt
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Yunwei Dong
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Wolf Hanke
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Wolf Hanke
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Tobias Riede
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Theodore Uyeno
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Thu00e9o Robert
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Taina Conrad
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Stefania Casagrande
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Stefan Pulver
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Sridhar Ravi
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Spyridon Zissimopoulos
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Simon Sprecher
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Sheila Patek
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Shane Maloney
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Sean Tomlinson
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Sean Powers
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Scott Seamone
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Scott McWilliams
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Scott MacDougall-Shackleton
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Scott Burgess
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Sarah Alderman
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Sarah Alderman
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Sanjay Sane
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Sami Kivel
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Samantha Fontaine
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Sam Dupont
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Sajesh Vijayan
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Sabine Lague
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Ryan Paitz
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Russell Wyeth
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Rudolf Schilder
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Ross Smith
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Rory Wilson
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Ron Douglas
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Roger Hanlon
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Robert Steele
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Robert Kelly
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Robert Montgomerie
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Richard Ramirez
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Rebecca Cramp
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Rebecca Dean
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Rebeca Chu00e1vez-Genaro
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Randall Davis
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Ramiro Godoy-Diana
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Rafael Ayala Lara
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Philip Withers
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Philip Motta
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Peter Klepsatel
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Peter Hore
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Peter Dearden
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Peter Convey
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Peter Hubbard
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Peter Aerts
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Paul LeBlanc
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Paul Jerem
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Paul Schaeffer
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Patrick Mu00fcller
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Patricia Schulte
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Oscar Crehan
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Nicole Danos
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Nicolas Place
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Nicolai Konow
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Nicholas Teets
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Nicholas Bernier
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Nicholas Holowka
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Neil Metcalfe
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Naresh Bal
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Naoki Okamoto
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Nancy Curtin
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Nadav Shashar
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Monique Simon
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Monica Daley
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Mohit Prasad
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Miriam Ashley-Ross
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Ming-Der Lin
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Mikko Nikinmaa
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Mike Rauscher
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Miguel Corona
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Michael Scantlebury
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Michael Nusbaum
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Michael Bok
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Michael O'Donnell
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Michael Dickinson
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Michael Frisk
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Michael Dillon
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Melanie Dammhahn
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Mauro Vaccarezza
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Matthew Lehnert
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Matthew Gilbert
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Matthew Pamenter
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Matthew Regan
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Matthew Cobb
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Matthew Kolmann
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Mathilda Whittle
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Martina Scacco
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Martin How
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Martin Haesemeyer
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Marshall McCue
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Markus Frederich
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Mark Mainwaring
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Mark Ilton
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Marianne Porter
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Margaret Couvillon
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Mads Andersen
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Madhusudhan Venkadesan
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Maarten Bobbert
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M. Jerome Beetz
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Lynnette Sievert
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Lucy Hawkes
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Lucas Zena
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Lou00efc Teulier
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Lou00efc Teulier
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Liliana D'Alba
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Lien Luong
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Letizia Zullo
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Leticia Morales-Ledesma
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Leslie Buck
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Leslie Leinwand
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Lene Petersen
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Lauren Zink
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Lauren Rowsey
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Laura Marangoni
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Lars Tomanek
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Lakshminath Kundanati
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Kylie Robert
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Kurt Schwenk
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Kristen Navara
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Kristen Crandell
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Krishna Melnattur
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Klaus Hartfelder
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Klaus Hartfelder
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Kiisa Nishikawa
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Kevin Du Clos
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Kendra Greenlee
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Kelly Dorgan
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Katrina Schrode
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Katja Anttila
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Katie Marshall
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Katherine Nagel
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Katharina Ruthsatz
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Katarzyna Wojczulanis-Jakubas
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Karl Kral
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Kang Nian Yap
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Kamiel Spoelstra
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Kagari Aoki
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Jutta Kretzberg
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Julio Ch vez
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Juliet Wong
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Julian Vincent
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Julia Molnar
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Julia Bowsher
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Joshua Benoit
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Joseph Thompson
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Jonathon Stillman
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Jonathan Codd
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Jonathan Stecyk
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Jonathan Green
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Jon Harrison
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
John Birmingham
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
John Nyakatura
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
John Nyakatura
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Johannes Spaethe
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Johannes Overgaard
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Johanna Varner
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Jesper S rensen
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Jeremy Niven
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Jeremy Spool
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Jennifer Taylor
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Jennifer Mather
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Jennifer Dijkstra
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Jenna Monroy
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Jenna Monroy
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Jean-Michel Mongeau
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Jean-Fran ois Le Galliard
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Jason Treberg
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Jantina Toxopeus
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
James Hicks
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
James Usherwood
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
James Jaggard
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Jakob Christensen-Dalsgaard
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Jack Tseng
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Istvan Fodor
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Innes Cuthill
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Ilya Maclean
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Ildiko Kemenes
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Iain McGaw
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Huub Maas
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Hunter King
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Huishang She
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Hollie Putnam
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Hikaru Aono
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Herve Colinet
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Hern n Morales-Navarrete
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Henna-Kaisa Wigren
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Heather Williams
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Gregory Sawicki
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Gregory Sawicki
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Gregory Sutton
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Gregor Belu ič
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Grant Brown
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Grant Brown
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Grant McClelland
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Graham Alexander
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Gong-Yin Ye
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Melanie Gartz
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Giulia Rossi
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Gil Martinez Bautista
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Gabriele Gerlach
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
G S Balamurali
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
G ran Nilsson
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Fredrik Jutfelt
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Frank Melzner
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Florian Muijres
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Felipe Floreste
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Fabien Brette
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Fabian Wolf
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Erin Gillam
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Erik Zornik
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Erik Iverson
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Emmanuel de Margerie
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Elizabeth Tibbetts
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Elisabeth Ju00f6nsson Bergman
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Elena Gracheva
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Edwin Price
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Edward Blumenthal
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Ebi George
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Ebi George
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Dylan Wainwright
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Dunja Aksentijevic
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Duncan Mitchell
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Douglas Glazier
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
E. Jane Hubbard
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Douglas Fudge
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Dominique Roche
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Dillon Chung
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Devin Jindrich
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Dennis Mathew
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Dean Wendt
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
David Sedmera
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
David Plachetzki
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
David Labonte
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
David Marshall
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Daphne Cortese
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Danielle Becker
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Daniel Costa
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Daniel Barshis
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Daniel Speiser
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Daniel Warren
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Daniel Warren
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Daniel Wagenaar
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Damien Roussel
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Damien Roussel
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Dale DeNardo
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Daiqin Li
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Cory Williams
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Clint Collins
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Claudia Zeitr g
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Claudia Bas
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Clare Rittschof
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Christopher Lewis
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Christine Merlin
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Christian Pansch
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Christian Bock
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Chris Wood
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Chris Wall
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Chin-Cheng Scotty Yang
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Charlotte Miller
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Charles Darveau
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Cecilia Laschi
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Cayleih Robertson
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Carolyn Pytte
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Carlos Taboada
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Carissa Krane
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Campbell Rolian
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
C dric Zimmer
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Bruce Young
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Brock Harpur
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Brittney Borowiec
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Brian Beatty
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Brian McNab
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Brian Smith
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Bret Tobalske
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Blair Wolf
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Bjarke Jensen
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Bjarke Jensen
Click tree again for more
This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Bjarke Jensen
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Ben Speers-Roesch
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Baojun Sun
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Axel Brockmann
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Aurore Avargues-Weber
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Aurelio Malo
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Asif Ghazanfar
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Arthur Dewolf
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Anthony Russell
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Anthony Gamperl
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Anthony Herrel
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Anne Todgham
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Angela Fago
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Angela Fago
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Andrzej Pisera
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Andrew Thompson
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Andrew Sawers
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Andrew McKechnie
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Andrew Cuff
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Andrew Kitchener
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Andrea Ravignani
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Andre Riveros
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Anders Garm
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Almut Kelber
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Almut Kelber
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Almut Kelber
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Alice Accorsi
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Alexander Gerson
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Alexander Borst
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Ajinkya Dahake
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Agus Munoz-Garcia
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Adrienne Fairhall
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Adamantios Arampatzis
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Xiuli An
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Xin Xiang
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
William Sullivan
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Werend Boesmans
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Wenyu Wen
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Wen-Xing Ding
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Wei Li
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Wei Feng
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Volker Spindler
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Viviana Barra
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Violaine See
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Verena Jantsch
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Toshiki Itoh
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Tao Huang
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Talila Volk
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Takeshi Noda
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Takeshi Nakamura
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Sylvie Urbe
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Sven Thoms
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Sue Biggins
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Sudha Kumari
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Stephen Royle
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Stephane Lefrancois
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Stefanie Weidtkamp-Peters
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Stefan Geimer
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Sriram Sridharan
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Sharon Tooze
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Scott Hawley
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Satish Bodakuntla
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Sanjiban Chakrabarty
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Samson Obado
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Samir Maji
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Sally Lowell
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Salah Elias
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Rudolf Leube
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Rudolf Leube
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Roman Polishchuk
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Robert Krauss
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Robert Ballotti
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Robbie Loewith
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Rob L Judson-Torres
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Richard Rachubinski
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Richard Fehon
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Qing-Jun Meng
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Phong Tran
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Phong Tran
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Peter Cullen
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Peter Carlton
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Pengpeng Bi
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Pei Li
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Patricia Goggin
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Pascale Charest
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Paolo Ronchi
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Oliver Wagner
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Noriyuki Matsuda
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Nobukazu Araki
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Nicholas Condon
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Nathan Roy
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
muqing cao
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Munira Basrai
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Monther Abu-Remaileh
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Mohan Gupta
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Mikio Furuse
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Mike Henne
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Michelle Knowles
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Miao Gui
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Mel Feany
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Matthew Seaman
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Martin Simon
Click tree again for more
This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Mark Peifer
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Mark LaBarge
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Mark Field
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Mark Donowitz
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Mario Del Rosario
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Maria-Joao Amorim
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Marcelo Vicari
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Mara Duncan
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Mara Duncan
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Manal Ali
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Magdalena Bezanilla
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Lotte Pedersen
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Lolitika Mandal
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Lois Weisman
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Li Ding
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Leif Dehmelt
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Leandro Lemgruber
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Kristijan Ramadan
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Kensuke Ikenaka
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Ke Ma
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Katherine Bowers
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Karla Neugebauer
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Juntao Gao
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Junjie Hu
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Julien Dumont
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Julien Bu00e9thune
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Julie Brill
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Julian Aragones
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Julia von Blume
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Juergen Heinisch
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Judy Cannon
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Juan Dong
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Josef Lazar
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Jose Badano
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Jonathan Houseley
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
John Wallingford
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Johannes Aerts
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Johanna Ivaska
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Joerg Hoehfeld
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Joana Tavares
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Jeremy Carlton
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Jens Januschke
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Jennifer Stow
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Jawdat Al-Bassam
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Janusz Rak
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
James Woodgett
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
J. Chloe Bulinski
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Iris Lindberg
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Ingrid Hoffmann
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Hugo Olguu00edn
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Hiroshi Kimura
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Helena Vihinen
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Hei Sook Sul
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Gregory Rogers
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Gislene Pereira
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Gina Razidlo
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Gianluca Gallo
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Gen-Sheng Feng
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Gautam Dey
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Gad Shaulsky
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Folkert Van Werven
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Florian Steiner
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Fernando Navarro-Garcia
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Fabrice Lejeune
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Fabien Alpy
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Erwin Peterman
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Erik Dent
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Eric Rubinstein
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Eric Bennett
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Emily Eden
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Emily Hatch
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Emanuele Cocucci
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Elias Barriga
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Dragomir Milovanovic
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Doug Chalker
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Dennis Discher
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Dennis Discher
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Dean Dawson
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
David Perrais
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Crislyn D'Souza-Schorey
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Congying Wu
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Claire Hivroz
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Christopher de Graffenried
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Christophe Leterrier
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Christoph Spahn
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Christian Muchardt
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Christian Hardtke
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Chris Janetopoulos
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
cecile raynaud
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Carsten Janke
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Carsten Scholz
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Carlos Dotti
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Carles Rentero
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Brigitte Ritter
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Brian Strahl
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Bradley Doble
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Binbin Ding
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Bin Gao
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Bethany Lucas
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Beno t Kornmann
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
B n dicte Durand
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Aurora Ruiz-Herrera
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Aur lie Carlier
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Antonio Barragan
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Annemiek van Spriel
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Alwin Kru00e4mer
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Alexa Mattheyses
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Alan Fields
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Aimee Jaramillo-Lambert
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Adi Dubash
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Adam Engler
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Yun You
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Yuji Mishina
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Yoshitaka Kawai
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Yojiro Yamanaka
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
xiao fu
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Volker Briken
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Vivek. Malhotra
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Vandana Gupta
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Tom Van Agtmael
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Todd Evans
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Thomas Liehr
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Takahisa Furukawa
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Sophie Nicole
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Sina Bartfeld
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Simon Trowitzsch
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Simon Tew
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Sebastian Dworkin
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Samuel Mackenzie
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Robert Layfield
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Rob Coppes
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Rita Fior
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Rebecca Coll
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Rachel Lennon
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Pilar Acedo Nuu00f1ez
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Philip Elks
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Omar Albagha
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Oliver Eichmueller
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Alpha Yap
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Noah Weisleder
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Neal Anthwal
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Monkol Lek
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Monkol Lek
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Monica Justice
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Monica Justice
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Miranda Grounds
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Michael Deel
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Mattia Quattrocelli
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Martine Ammassari-Teule
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Martin Distel
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Marshall Hogarth
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Mark Dilworth
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Mark Cronan
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Maris Laan
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Maaike van Putten
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
luke brewster
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Luke Boulter
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Lisa Ellerby
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Lindsay Cahill
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Laszlo Tora
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Kimberly Jasmer
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Kelly Blacklock
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Keaton Ian Jones
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Karen Liu
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Karen Blyth
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Joseph Marsh
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Joan Garrett
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Jinrong Peng
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Jeremy Van Raamsdonk
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Jennifer Morton
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Jelena Bezbradica
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Jason Arnold
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Jared Talbot
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
James Chelliah
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
James Dowling
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Irene Gallego Romero
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Hui Feng
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Heather McCauley
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Hanns Lochmuller
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Gugatschka Gugatschka
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Gerry McLachlan
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Gage Crump
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Frederick Roth
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Francesco Argenton
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Fowzan Alkuraya
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Fabio Demontis
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Erika Kague
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Edward Owusu-Ansah
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Edith Wang
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Ed Roberts
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Driederik Kuster
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Davy Vanhoutte
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
David Tobin
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
David Kirsch
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Dave Boucher
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Danielle Peterse
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Cindy Voisine
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Benoit Viollet
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Bengt Hallberg
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Atsushi Suzuki
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Anguraj Sadanandam
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Andrew Cox
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Ana Banito
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Alexander Whitworth
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Alex von Kriegsheim
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Alan Serrels
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Yu-Ying Phoebe Hsieh
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Paul Nachtigall
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Yukiko Yamashita
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Yuki Shindo
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Yu Cai
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Yousuke Takahama
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Yoshihiro Komatsu
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Yoshiaki Morino
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Yoh-suke Mukouyama
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Yan Song
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Xiujun Xie
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Xin Zhang
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Xiaofei Sun
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Wolfgang Keil
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Vincent Mirouse
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Victoria Prince
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Vicki Losick
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Veronique Lefebvre
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Venugopala Reddy
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Valentina Cigliola
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Uwe Drescher
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Tony DeFalco
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Tony Southall
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Tom Hiscock
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Todd Blankenship
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Todd Blankenship
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Timothy Saunders
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Timothy Gomez
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Timo Kohler
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Tie Liu
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Thorsten Schnurbusch
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Thomas Theil
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Thomas Laux
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Thomas Kidd
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Thomas Coate
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Taro Kitazawa
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Tamara Caspary
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Takuya Akiyama
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Takeo Horie
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Takayuki Kohchi
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Takashi Shinohara
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Takashi Namba
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Susana Lopes
Click tree again for more
This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Susana Chuva de Sousa Lopes
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Susan Strome
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Susan Mango
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Sun Bo
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Steven Sloan
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Stacey Huppert
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Sidney Shaw
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Shinichiro Chuma
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Sevan Hopyan
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Sau00fal Ares
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Sau00fal Ares
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Satoshi Naramoto
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Sarah Petersen
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Sarah Bray
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Sally Moody
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Sabine Dietmann
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Ryusuke Niwa
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Ryoichiro Kageyama
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Ryan Thummel
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Ryan Gray
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Ryan Baugh
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Roger Pocock
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Robert Kelly
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Ripla Arora
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Richard Wingate
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Richard Harvey
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Regis Nouvian
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Rebecca Burdine
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Rafael Almeida
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Rachel Smith-Bolton
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Pierre-Francois Lenne
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Philip Greulich
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Peter Rugg-Gunn
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Peter Lenart
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Pete Coffey
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Paulina Latos
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Paulina Latos
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Paul Trainor
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Paul Lasko
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Patrick Mu00fcller
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Patrick Lemaire
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Patrick Laurent
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Patrick Murphy
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Pao-Tien Chuang
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Paola Bovolenta
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Pablo Navarro
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Oren Schuldiner
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Olga Ponomarova
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Nuria Flames
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Nuno Alves
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Nitzan Gonen
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Nicoletta Petridou
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Natasha Harvey
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Naomi Moris
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Myriam Roussigne
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Mustafa Khokha
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Muriel Grammont
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Mo Ebrahimkhani
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Mingyuan Zhu
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Mikael Bjorklund
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Michelle Percharde
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Michel Labouesse
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Michael Heide
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Michael Francis
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Michael Borg
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Melissa Pickett
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Maya Kumar
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Maxwell Heiman
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Maximina Yun
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Matthias Stadtfeld
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Matthew Buechner
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Mate Varga
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Masahiko Hibi
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Martina Cerise
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Martina Brueckner
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Markus Friedrich
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Marian Ros
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Maria Almonacid
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Mareike Albert
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Mamiko Yajima
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Madeline Andrews
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Lynette Lim
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Lisa Nagy
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Lindsey Barske
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Lilianna Solnica-Krezel
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Leslie Pick
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Lesley Weaver
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Laurinda Jaffe
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Laurent David
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Lauren Walker
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Kyra Campbell
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Kimitsune Ishizaki
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Frank Schnorrer
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Kenneth Kwan
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Kelly Smith
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Keith Mostov
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Keiichiro Yogo
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Kei-ichiro Ishiguro
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Katja Ru00f6per
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Katie Ayers
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Katia Del Rio-Tsonis
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Katharina Sonnen
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Katarzyna Koltowska
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Karen Liu
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Karen Hirschi
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Kaitlin Laws
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Justin Kumar
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Justin Crocker
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Juliet Coates
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Julie Ahringer
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Ju00f6rg Grosshans
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Jordan Ward
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Jonathan Butcher
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
John Murray
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Jinwoong Bok
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Jingli Cao
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Jichao Chen
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Jian Xu
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Jeremy Wang
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Jeremy Nance
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Jeremy Green
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Jens Mittag
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Jennifer Zallen
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Jeffrey Twiss
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Jeffrey Amack
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Jeff Hardin
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Jean-Rene Huynh
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Jean-Pierre Saint-Jeannet
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Jean-Paul Vincent
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Jean-Maurice Dura
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Jay Shendure
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Jay Baltz
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Jason Fish
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Jan Kaslin
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
James Li
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
James Turner
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Jake Cornwall-Scoones
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Jake Cornwall-Scoones
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Jacques Bothma
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Jack Parent
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Iswar Hariharan
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Hugh Clarke
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Hubert Schorle
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Hubert Schorle
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Hongmei Wang
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Hongjun Song
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Hiroshi Kawamoto
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Helen Bateup
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Heather Etchevers
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Greg Findlay
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Gonzalo del Monte-Nieto
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Giovanni Levi
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Giorgos Pyrowolakis
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Georges Lacaud
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
G. Giacomo Consalez
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Frederic Lemaigre
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Eliette Bonnefoy
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Francis Corson
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Fernando Garc a-Moreno
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Fangxiong Shi
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Eva Anton
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Esther Stoeckli
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Erika Matunis
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Erik Clark
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Eric Siggia
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Enrico Coen
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Emanuele Azzoni
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Elvira Mass
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Elizabeth Gavis
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Elena Cattaneo
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Elazar Zelzer
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Edward Grow
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Dustin Updike
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Dolf Weijers
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Dimitris Beis
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Diane Shakes
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Diana Pinheiro
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Dhananjay Chaturvedi
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Deneen Wellik
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Deborah Yelon
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Deborah Yelon
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Deborah Charlesworth
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Debora Sinner
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
David Raible
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
David Hyde
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
David Page
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
David Ornitz
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
David Lyons
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
David Eisenstat
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Danny Chan
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Daniele Canzio
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Daniel Medeiros
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Cristina Ferrandiz
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Craig Miller
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Clare Pridans
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Christopher Deppmann
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Christine Kern
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Christiana Ruhrberg
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Christian Hardtke
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Christen Mirth
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Chrissy Hammond
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Charlotte Dean
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Cerys Manning
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Cedric Maurange
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Cecile Fradin
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Carmen Birchmeier
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Bruce Wightman
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Berenika Plusa
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Berenika Plusa
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Avilash Singh Yadav
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Avihu Klar
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Atsushi Kimura
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Atsushi Kimura
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Arun Sampathkumar
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Arun Sampathkumar
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Arndt Siekmann
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Arif Ashraf
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
April Craft
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Antonio Baonza
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Anne-Lise Routier-Kierzkowska
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Anne-Lise Routier-Kierzkowska
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Anne-Karina Perl
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Anna Kicheva
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Ann Chidgey
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Angelika Doetzlhofer
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Angelika Doetzlhofer
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Angela Hay
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Aneta Koseska
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Andrew Groves
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Andrew J. Copp
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Andrea Munsterberg
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Andrea Ditadi
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Amy Kiernan
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Amy Kiernan
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Allon Klein
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Allison Bond
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Alexis Maizel
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Alexandra Joyner
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Alexander Beristain
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Alessandro Mongera
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Alessandro De Simone
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Aleksandar Popadic
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Akankshi Munjal
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Aixa Morales
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Adrian Halme
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Adrian Granada
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Yuanquan Song
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Yao Chen
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Xie Jie Chen
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Umair Safdar
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Thomas Holstein
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Silvia Jansen
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Sharath Rongali
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Sachiko Homma Takayama
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Rui Cheng
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Roger Kissane
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Richard Meitern
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Richard Dahl
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Preethi Chandrasekaran
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Peter Rugg-Gunn
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Patrick Narbonne
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Olaf Ellers
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Nobuaki Mizumoto
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Nina Dehnhard
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Nicholas Leigh
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Nancy Walworth
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Nagarajan Perumal
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Na Wang
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Morten Frost Nielsen
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
mikko nikinmaa
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Miguel Manzanares
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Maxime Durand
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Maureen Cetera
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Martin Schnittler
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Marjorie Lundgren
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Lindsay Lewellyn
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Lin Liu
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Lin Jiao
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Leila Nuri
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Lavinia Sheets
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Laura Machesky
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Konrad Pomianowski
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Kishore. Challagundla
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Kathleen Gould
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Kang Nian Yap
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Takanari Inoue
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Joseph Thompson
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Jordana Oliveira
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Joaquina joadelas
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Jianjun Gu
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Jessie Williamson
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Jessica Ridilla
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Jeremy Jamieson
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Javier del Barco-Trillo
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Isabel M Palacios
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Hye-Joo Kwon
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Huub Maas
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Holger Lerche
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Hiroko Shigemi
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Hendrik Marks
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Hans Malte
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Beno t Kornmann
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Hadley Horch
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Guangcheng Yue
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Gregory Redpath
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Graham Martin
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Fredrik Jutfelt
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Franco M Valdez Ovallez
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Flavie Strappazzon
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Fengwei Yu
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Fei Sun
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Ewa Tomaszewska
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Euncheol Son
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Diego Sustaita
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Claire Chazaud
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Choon Lee
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Cecilia Bucci
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Cara Gottardi
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Camilla Bean
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Bruno Melo
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Birol Baki
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Anthony Herrel
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Andreas Sagner
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Alexander Whitworth
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Agustina G mez-Laich
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Abdulsamed Kukurt
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This tree was planted for the article:
cellPLATO u2013 an unsupervised method for identifying cell behaviour in heterogeneous cell trajectory data
Journal of Cell Science
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This tree was planted for the article:
Toxicity of the model protein 3u00d7GFP arises from degradation overload, not from aggregate formation
Journal of Cell Science
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This tree was planted for the article:
SGIP1 binding to the u03b1-helical H9 domain of cannabinoid receptor 1 promotes axonal surface expression
Journal of Cell Science
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This tree was planted for the article:
Purkinje cell dysfunction causes disrupted sleep in ataxic mice
Disease Models & Mechanisms
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This tree was planted for the article:
Modulation of prey capture kinematics in relation to prey distance helps predict success
Journal of Experimental Biology
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This tree was planted for the article:
Changes in body surface temperature reveal the thermal challenge associated with catastrophic moult in captive gentoo penguins
Journal of Experimental Biology
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This tree was planted for the article:
The interplay between sleep and ecophysiology, behaviour and responses to environmental change in fish
Journal of Experimental Biology
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This tree was planted for the article:
Microtubule reorganization during mitotic cell division in the dinoflagellate Ostreospis cf. ovata
Journal of Cell Science
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This tree was planted for the article:
Hormonal regulation of miRNA during mammary gland development
Biology Open
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The Drosophila Nesprin-1 homolog MSP300 is required for muscle autophagy and proteostasis
Journal of Cell Science
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Heterogeneous identity, stiffness and growth characterise the shoot apex of Arabidopsis stem cell mutants
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Charge block-driven liquidu2013liquid phase separation u2013 mechanism and biological roles
Journal of Cell Science
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Transcriptional control of a metabolic switch regulating cellular methylation reactions is part of a common response to stress in divergent bee species
Journal of Experimental Biology
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The novel Plasmodium berghei protein S14 is essential for sporozoite gliding motility and infectivity
Journal of Cell Science
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pHusion u2013 a robust and versatile toolset for automated detection and analysis of exocytosis
Journal of Cell Science
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A u03b2-catenin chromobody-based probe highlights endothelial maturation during vascular morphogenesis in vivo
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RASopathies u2013 what they reveal about RAS/MAPK signaling in skeletal muscle development
Disease Models & Mechanisms
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Tree frogs (Polypedates dennysi) landing on horizontal perches: the effects of perch diameter
Journal of Experimental Biology
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Histone acylation at a glance
Journal of Cell Science
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Single target acuity for moving targets in the common sunfish (Lepomis gibbosus)
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Terrestrial locomotion characteristics of climbing perch (Anabas testudineus)
Journal of Experimental Biology
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The mRNA-capping enzyme localizes to stress granules in the cytoplasm and maintains cap homeostasis of target mRNAs
Journal of Cell Science
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Gluconeogenesis in frogs during cooling and dehydration exposure: new insights into tissue plasticity of the gluconeogenic pathway dependent on abiotic factors
Journal of Experimental Biology
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Smad4 is essential for epiblast scaling and morphogenesis after implantation, but nonessential before implantation
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Spatial structure could explain the maintenance of alternative reproductive tactics in tree cricket males
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TANGO2 deficiency disorder is predominantly caused by a lipid imbalance
Disease Models & Mechanisms
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Multiple intersecting pathways are involved in CPEB1 phosphorylation and regulation of translation during mouse oocyte meiosis
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Mating-induced Ecdysone in the testis disrupts soma-germline contacts and stem cell cytokinesis
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Modelling human genetic disorders in Xenopus tropicalis
Disease Models & Mechanisms
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Neuronal LRP4 directs the development, maturation and cytoskeletal organization of Drosophila peripheral synapses
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Latitudinal variation in thermal performance of the common coral Pocillopora spp.
Journal of Experimental Biology
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TBX3 is essential for establishment of the posterior boundary of anterior genes and upregulation of posterior genes together with HAND2 during the onset of limb bud development
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Identification of 30 transition fibre proteins in Trypanosoma brucei reveals a complex and dynamic structure
Journal of Cell Science
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Pulsative venous return from the branchial vessels to the heart of the bivalve Mytilus galloprovincialis supports the constant-volume mechanism
Journal of Experimental Biology
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40u2005years of homeodomain transcription factors in the Drosophila nervous system
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Estimating maximum oxygen uptake of fishes during swimming and following exhaustive chase u2013 different results, biological bases and applications
Journal of Experimental Biology
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Endothelial HIF2u03b1 suppresses retinal angiogenesis in neonatal mice by upregulating NOTCH signaling
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DLX genes and proteins in mammalian forebrain development
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Evaluating protein prenylation of human and viral CaaX sequences using a humanized yeast system
Disease Models & Mechanisms
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Genetic regulation of injury-induced heterotopic ossification in adult zebrafish
Disease Models & Mechanisms
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Topological analysis of 3D digital ovules identifies cellular patterns associated with ovule shape diversity
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Tibial strains are sensitive to speed perturbations, but not grade perturbations, during running
Journal of Experimental Biology
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Critical thermal maxima and oxygen uptake in Elysia viridis, a sea slug that steals chloroplasts to photosynthesize
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Electrosensory and metabolic responses of weakly electric fish to changing water conductivity
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Investigating pulmonary neuroendocrine cells in human respiratory diseases with airway models
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Establishment and maintenance of random monoallelic expression
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Dev-ResNet: automated developmental event detection using deep learning
Journal of Experimental Biology
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An ALS-associated mutation dysregulates microglia-derived extracellular microRNAs in a sex-specific manner
Disease Models & Mechanisms
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A zebrafish model of diabetic nephropathy shows hyperglycemia, proteinuria and activation of the PI3K/Akt pathway
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The role of vision and lateral line sensing for schooling in giant danios (Devario aequipinnatus)
Journal of Experimental Biology
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Investigating the basis of lineage decisions and developmental trajectories in the dorsal spinal cord through pseudotime analyses
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Immuno-scanning electron microscopy of islet primary cilia
Journal of Cell Science
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Angpt1 binding to Tie1 regulates the signaling required for lymphatic vessel development in zebrafish
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Generation and characterization of mature hepatocyte organoids for liver metabolic studies
Journal of Cell Science
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Geometrical multiscale tortuosity of desert ant walking trajectories
Journal of Experimental Biology
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A short guide to addressing accessibility at scientific conferences
Journal of Cell Science
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Systematic review and meta-analysis of the effect of bone marrow-derived cell therapies on hind limb perfusion
Disease Models & Mechanisms
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A small-molecule TrkB ligand improves dendritic spine phenotypes and atypical behaviors in female Rett syndrome mice
Disease Models & Mechanisms
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Foxg1 bimodally tunes L1-mRNA and -DNA dynamics in the developing murine neocortex
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A methodological approach for collecting simultaneous measures of muscle, aponeurosis, and tendon behaviour during dynamic contractions
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Biomechanical analysis of little penguinsu2019 underwater locomotion from the free-ranging dive data
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c-fos induction in the choroid plexus, tanycytes and pars tuberalis is an early indicator of spontaneous arousal from torpor in a deep hibernator
Journal of Experimental Biology
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Integrating water balance mechanisms into predictions of insect responses to climate change
Journal of Experimental Biology
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Fetal brain response to maternal inflammation requires microglia
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SARS-CoV-2 NSP5 antagonizes MHC II expression by subverting histone deacetylase 2
Journal of Cell Science
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Two distinct mechanisms of Plexin A function in Drosophila optic lobe lamination and morphogenesis
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Hypoxia impairs blood glucose homeostasis in naked mole-rat adult subordinates but not queens
Journal of Experimental Biology
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Hansenula polymorpha cells lacking the ER-localized peroxins Pex23 or Pex29 show defects in mitochondrial function and morphology
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Vascular smooth muscle cell-derived nerve growth factor regulates sympathetic collateral branching to innervate blood vessels in embryonic skin
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Na,K-ATPase activity promotes macropinocytosis in colon cancer via Wnt signaling
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Adaptations of membrane trafficking in cancer and tumorigenesis
Journal of Cell Science
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Caspase-resistant ROCK1 expression prolongs survival of Eu00b5-Myc B cell lymphoma mice
Disease Models & Mechanisms
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The glucocorticoid receptor acts locally to protect dystrophic muscle and heart during disease
Disease Models & Mechanisms
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Wavelength-specific negatively phototactic responses of the burrowing mayfly larvae Ephoron virgo
Journal of Experimental Biology
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Pulsation waves along the Ciona heart tube reverse by bimodal rhythms expressed by a remote pair of pacemakers
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The spatiotemporal richness of hummingbird wing deformations
Journal of Experimental Biology
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E93 is indispensable for reproduction in ametabolous and hemimetabolous insects
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Conserved physical mechanisms of cell and tissue elongation
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Cell coupling compensates for changes in single-cell Her6 dynamics and provides phenotypic robustness
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Host caveolin-1 facilitates Zika virus infection by promoting viral RNA replication
Journal of Cell Science
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YAP and TAZ differentially regulate postnatal cortical progenitor proliferation and astrocyte differentiation
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Mechanical stress combines with planar polarised patterning during metaphase to orient embryonic epithelial cell divisions
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Optical coherence tomography-guided Brillouin microscopy highlights regional tissue stiffness differences during anterior neural tube closure in the Mthfd1l murine mutant
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Two sequential gene expression programs bridged by cell division support long-distance collective cell migration
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The polarity protein Yurt associates with the plasma membrane via basic and hydrophobic motifs embedded in its FERM domain
Journal of Cell Science
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Investigating the thermal sensitivity of key enzymes involved in the energetic metabolism of three insect species
Journal of Experimental Biology
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Mammalian pexophagy at a glance
Journal of Cell Science
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Foraging behaviour and habitat use during chick-rearing in the Australian endemic black-faced cormorant (Phalacrocorax fuscescens)
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Climate change consequences on the systemic heart of female Octopus maya: oxidative phosphorylation assessment and the antioxidant system
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Automated escape system: identifying prey's kinematic and behavioral features critical for predator evasion
Journal of Experimental Biology
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Caskin2 is a novel talin- and Abi1-binding protein that promotes cell motility
Journal of Cell Science
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Tbl1 promotes Wntu2013u03b2-catenin signaling-induced degradation of the Tcf7l1 protein in mouse embryonic stem cells
Journal of Cell Science
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The Clock and Wavefront Self-Organizing model recreates the dynamics of mouse somitogenesis in vivo and in vitro
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Emx2 lineage tracing reveals antecedent patterns of planar polarity in the mouse inner ear
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Fbrsl1 is required for heart development in Xenopus laevis and de novo variants in FBRSL1 can cause human heart defects
Disease Models & Mechanisms
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Striatal parvalbumin interneurons are activated in a mouse model of cerebellar dystonia
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A surgical technique for individual control of the muscles of the rabbit lower hindlimb
Journal of Experimental Biology
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Mapping the global interactome of the ARF family reveals spatial organization in cellular signaling pathways
Journal of Cell Science
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Short- and long-term exposure to high glucose induces unique transcriptional changes in osteoblasts in vitro
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Receptors underlying an odorant's valence across concentrations in Drosophila larvae
Journal of Experimental Biology
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Collapse of late endosomal pH elicits a rapid Rab7 response via the V-ATPase and RILP
Journal of Cell Science
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Non-canonical role for the BAF complex subunit DPF3 in mitosis and ciliogenesis
Journal of Cell Science
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Identification of a myofibroblast differentiation program during neonatal lung development
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Soft skeletons transmit force with variable gearing
Journal of Experimental Biology
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Oscillatory control of embryonic development
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Arf GTPase-Activating proteins ADAP1 and ARAP1 regulate incorporation of CD63 in multivesicular bodies
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Biomechanics of biting in loggerhead shrikes: jaw-closing force, velocity and an argument for power
Journal of Experimental Biology
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Captivity affects mitochondrial aerobic respiration and carotenoid metabolism in the house finch (Haemorhous mexicanus)
Journal of Experimental Biology
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Migration increases mitochondrial oxidative capacity without increasing reactive oxygen species emission in a songbird
Journal of Experimental Biology
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u03b3-TuRCs and the augmin complex are required for the development of highly branched dendritic arbors in Drosophila
Journal of Cell Science
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Augmin complex activity finetunes dendrite morphology through non-centrosomal microtubule nucleation in vivo
Journal of Cell Science
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Behavior and morphology combine to influence energy dissipation in mantis shrimp (Stomatopoda)
Journal of Experimental Biology
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Impaired polyamine metabolism causes behavioral and neuroanatomical defects in a mouse model of Snyderu2013Robinson syndrome
Disease Models & Mechanisms
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RFX6 regulates human intestinal patterning and function upstream of PDX1
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Multiple cis-regulatory elements control prox1a expression in distinct lymphatic vascular beds
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Mechanistic regulation of planarian shape during growth and degrowth
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A new dawn for the study of cell type evolution
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Piezo1 and Piezo2 collectively regulate jawbone development
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Dmdmdx mice have defective oligodendrogenesis, delayed myelin compaction and persistent hypomyelination
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Local and global changes in cell density induce reorganisation of 3D packing in a proliferating epithelium
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The CD36 scavenger receptor Bez regulates lipid redistribution from fat body to ovaries in Drosophila
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The scaling of metabolic traits differs among larvae and juvenile colonies of scleractinian corals
Journal of Experimental Biology
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The freeze-avoiding mountain pine beetle (Dendroctonus ponderosae) survives prolonged exposure to stressful cold by mitigating ionoregulatory collapse
Journal of Experimental Biology
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A short guide to the tight junction
Journal of Cell Science
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Sealing the deal u2013 Antarctic fur seals' active hunting tactics to capture small evasive prey revealed by miniature sonar tags
Journal of Experimental Biology
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Refinement of a technique for collecting and evaluating the osmolality of haemolymph from Drosophila larvae
Journal of Experimental Biology
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Impact of hindlimb length variation on jumping dynamics in the Longshanks mouse
Journal of Experimental Biology
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CHD4 and SMYD1 repress common transcriptional programs in the developing heart
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The BALB/c.mdx62 mouse exhibits a dystrophic muscle pathology and is a model of Duchenne muscular dystrophy
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Role of the dynamin-related protein 2 family and SH3P2 in clathrin-mediated endocytosis in Arabidopsis thaliana
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HIF-1u03b1-dependent upregulation of angiogenic factors by mechanical stimulation in retinal pigment epithelial cells
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Molecular functions of ANKLE2 and its implications in human disease
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Promoting mitochondrial dynamics by inhibiting the PINK1u2013PRKN pathway to relieve diabetic nephropathy
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Roles for CEP170 in cilia function and dynein-2 assembly
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Gut microbiota regulate maturation and mitochondrial function of the nutrient-sensing enteroendocrine cell
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Gene expression programs in mammalian spermatogenesis
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KATANIN-mediated microtubule severing is required for MTOC organisation and function in Marchantia polymorpha
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Deciphering dynamic interactions between spermatozoa and the ovarian microenvironment through integrated multi-omics approaches in viviparous Sebastes schlegelii
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GTPBP8 modulates mitochondrial fission through a Drp1-dependent process
Journal of Cell Science
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Critical importance of DNA binding for CSL protein functions in fission yeast
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Efficient axonal transport of endolysosomes relies on the balanced ratio of microtubule tyrosination and detyrosination
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DLC1 promotes mechanotransductive feedback for YAP via RhoGAP-mediated focal adhesion turnover
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MCT4 and CD147 colocalize with MMP14 in invadopodia and support matrix degradation and invasion by breast cancer cells
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A rapid return to normal: temporal gene expression patterns following cold exposure in the bumble bee Bombus impatiens
Journal of Experimental Biology
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Advancing data honesty in experimental biology
Journal of Experimental Biology
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The effects of muscle starting length on work loop power output of isolated mouse soleus and extensor digitorum longus muscle
Journal of Experimental Biology
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Effects of microRNA-305 knockdown on brain gene expression associated with division of labor in honey bee colonies (Apis mellifera)
Journal of Experimental Biology
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Au03b2 peptide enhances GluA1 internalization via lipid rafts in Alzheimers-related hippocampal LTP dysfunction
Journal of Cell Science
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Degron tagging for rapid protein degradation in mice
Disease Models & Mechanisms
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In silico study of the mechanisms of hypoxia and contractile dysfunction during ischemia and reperfusion of hiPSC cardiomyocytes
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Neurodevelopmental defects in a mouse model of O-GlcNAc transferase intellectual disability
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Acto3D: an open-source user-friendly volume rendering software for high-resolution 3D fluorescence imaging in biology
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SRRM2 splicing factor modulates cell fate in early development
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Machine learning models reveal distinct disease subgroups and improve diagnostic and prognostic accuracy for individuals with pathogenic SCN8A gain-of-function variants
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Clathrin assemblies at a glance
Journal of Cell Science
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Functional and in silico analysis of ATP8A2 and other P4-ATPase variants associated with human genetic diseases
Disease Models & Mechanisms
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Taurine activates the AKTu2013mTOR axis to restore muscle mass and contractile strength in human 3D in vitro models of steroid myopathy
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Dynamic Hippo pathway activity underlies mesenchymal differentiation during lung alveolar morphogenesis
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DeepLabCut-based daily behavioural and posture analysis in a cricket
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Nutrient depletion and heat stress impair the assimilation of nitrogen compounds in a scleractinian coral
Journal of Experimental Biology
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Positive and negative durotaxis u2013 mechanisms and emerging concepts
Journal of Cell Science
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Center of mass position does not drive energetic costs during climbing
Journal of Experimental Biology
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A geometrical model of cell fate specification in the mouse blastocyst
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Bumblebees compensate for the adverse effects of sidewind during visually guided landings
Journal of Experimental Biology
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Dietary restriction and life-history trade-offs: insights into mTOR pathway regulation and reproductive investment in Japanese quail
Journal of Experimental Biology
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Effects of ingesting large prey on the kinematics of rectilinear locomotion in Boa constrictor
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Modelling the micro- and macro- environment of pancreatic cancer: from patients to pre-clinical models and back
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HD-Zip II transcription factors control distal stem cell fate in Arabidopsis roots by linking auxin signaling to the FEZ/SOMBRERO pathway
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Carry-over effect of artificial light at night on daytime mating activity in an ecologically important detritivore, the amphipod Gammarus pulex
Journal of Experimental Biology
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A translational and multidisciplinary approach to studying the Garcia effect, a higher form of learning with deep evolutionary roots
Journal of Experimental Biology
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Improving access to gene therapy for rare diseases
Disease Models & Mechanisms
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Cx31.1 can selectively intermix with co-expressed connexins to facilitate its assembly into gap junctions
Journal of Cell Science
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Expanding boundaries u2013 a cell biologist's guide to expansion microscopy
Journal of Cell Science
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Growth, filtration and respiration characteristics of small single-osculum demosponge Halichondria panicea explants
Journal of Experimental Biology
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Identification of genetic suppressors for a BSCL2 lipodystrophy pathogenic variant in Caenorhabditis elegans
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Widespread nuclear lamina injuries defeat proteostatic purposes of u03b1-synuclein amyloid inclusions
Journal of Cell Science
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F-box protein FBXB-65 regulates anterograde transport of the kinesin-3 motor UNC-104 through a PTM near its cargo-binding PH domain
Journal of Cell Science
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Lethal Giant Disc is a target of Cdk1 and regulates ESCRT-III localization during germline stem cell abscission
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Cell proliferation and Notch signaling coordinate the formation of epithelial folds in the Drosophila leg
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A Rad50-null mutation in mouse germ cells causes reduced DSB formation, abnormal DSB end resection and complete loss of germ cells
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MADD regulates natural killer cell degranulation through Rab27a activation
Journal of Cell Science
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Evaluating the role of social context and environmental factors in mediating overwintering physiology in honey bees (Apis mellifera)
Journal of Experimental Biology
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Scaling of buccal mass growth and muscle activation determine the duration of feeding behaviours in the marine mollusc Aplysia californica
Journal of Experimental Biology
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The journey of a generation: advances and promises in the study of primordial germ cell migration
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A working model for the formation of Robertsonian chromosomes
Journal of Cell Science
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Reduction of cortical pulling at mitotic entry facilitates aster centration
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Photoreceptor calyceal processes accompany the developing outer segment, adopting a stable length despite a dynamic core
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CFAP58 is involved in the sperm head shaping and flagellogenesis of cattle and mice
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Interactions between U and V sex chromosomes during the life cycle of Ectocarpus
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Apical expansion of calvarial osteoblasts and suture patency is dependent on fibronectin cues
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Seed preference is only weakly linked to seed-type-specific feeding performance in a songbird
Biology Open
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P2X7 regulates ependymo-radial glial cell proliferation in adult Danio rerio following spinal cord injury
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Highland deer mice support increased thermogenesis in response to chronic cold hypoxia by shifting uptake of circulating fatty acids from muscles to brown adipose tissue
Journal of Experimental Biology
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Spatiotemporal modulation of a common set of muscle synergies during unpredictable and predictable gait perturbations in older adults
Journal of Experimental Biology
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Temporally distinct roles of Aurora A in polarization of the C. elegans zygote
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Nutrient deprivation induces mouse embryonic diapause mediated by Gator1 and Tsc2
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Cdc48 and its co-factor Ufd1 extract CENP-A from centromeric chromatin and can induce chromosome elimination in the fission yeast Schizosaccharomyces pombe
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Circadian coupling of mitochondria in a deep-diving mammal
Journal of Experimental Biology
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Male and female syringeal muscles exhibit superfast shortening velocities in zebra finches
Journal of Experimental Biology
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Turbidity drives plasticity in the eyes and brains of an African cichlid
Journal of Experimental Biology
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Ultraviolet vision in anemonefish improves colour discrimination
Journal of Experimental Biology
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A thermal performance curve perspective explains decades of disagreements over how air temperature affects the flight metabolism of honey bees
Journal of Experimental Biology
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Comparative kinetics of humans and non-human primates during vertical climbing
Journal of Experimental Biology
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Distinct features of the regenerating heart uncovered through comparative single-cell profiling
Biology Open
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A multistep computational approach reveals a neuro-mesenchymal cell population in the embryonic hematopoietic stem cell niche
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Cadherin-dependent adhesion is required for muscle stem cell niche anchorage and maintenance
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Foxp and Skor family proteins control differentiation of Purkinje cells from Ptf1a- and Neurog1-expressing progenitors in zebrafish
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Macrophages play a nutritive role in post-metamorphic maturation in Drosophila
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The Shot CH1 domain recognises a distinct form of F-actin during Drosophila oocyte determination
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Clinical translation of pluripotent stem cell-based therapies: successes and challenges
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Hotter deserts and the impending challenges for the spiny-tailed Lizard in India
Biology Open
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Nuclear actin dynamics and functions at a glance
Journal of Cell Science
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TBXT dose sensitivity and the decoupling of nascent mesoderm specification from EMT progression in 2D human gastruloids
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A comparative analysis of TonEBP conditional knockout mouse models reveals inter-dependency between compartments of the intervertebral disc
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The CPLANE protein Fuzzy regulates ciliogenesis by suppressing actin polymerization at the base of the primary cilium via p190A RhoGAP
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Loss of UBE2S causes meiosis I arrest with normal spindle assembly checkpoint dynamics in mouse oocytes
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Skipping without and with hurdles in bipedal macaque: global mechanics
Journal of Experimental Biology
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Transgenic Dendra2::tau expression allows in vivo monitoring of tau proteostasis in Caenorhabditis elegans
Disease Models & Mechanisms
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MAP3K1 regulates female reproductive tract development
Disease Models & Mechanisms
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Efficient genome editing using modified Cas9 proteins in zebrafish
Biology Open
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Clearance rates of sand-burrowed and laterally pressed unburrowed Pismo clam Tivela stultorum (Mawe 1823) in a laboratory open-flow system
Biology Open
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Tracking cell layer contribution during repair of the tympanic membrane
Disease Models & Mechanisms
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Culture substrate stiffness impacts human myoblast contractility-dependent proliferation and nuclear envelope wrinkling
Journal of Cell Science
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C. elegans spermatocyte divisions show a weak spindle checkpoint response
Journal of Cell Science
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Specific dynamic action: the energy cost of digestion or growth?
Journal of Experimental Biology
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Inter-plane feedback coordinates cell morphogenesis and maintains 3D tissue organization in the Drosophila pupal retina
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Curvilinear walking elevates fall risk and modulates slip and compensatory step attributes after unconstrained human slips
Journal of Experimental Biology
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Are reactive oxygen species always bad? Lessons from hypoxic ectotherms
Journal of Experimental Biology
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Interdisciplinary public engagement: untapped potential?
Biology Open
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The influence of the post-hepatic septum and abdominal volume on breathing mechanics in the lizard Salvator merianae (Squamata: Teiidae)
Journal of Experimental Biology
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Scaling relationships between human leg muscle architectural properties and body size
Journal of Experimental Biology
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Gaze tracking of large-billed crows (Corvus macrorhynchos) in a motion capture system
Journal of Experimental Biology
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Zebrafish raptor mutation inhibits the activity of mTORC1, inducing craniofacial defects due to autophagy-induced neural crest cell death
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Spatial cell fate manipulation of human pluripotent stem cells by controlling the microenvironment using photocurable hydrogel
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Discontinuous, biphasic, ontogenetic shifts in the metabolic allometry of aquatic animals?
Biology Open
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The Dilute domain in Canoe is not essential for linking cell junctions to the cytoskeleton but supports morphogenesis robustness
Journal of Cell Science
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Filopodial protrusion driven by density-dependent Enau2013TOCA-1 interactions
Journal of Cell Science
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Mutation of the SWI/SNF complex component Smarce1 decreases nucleosome stability in embryonic stem cells and impairs differentiation
Journal of Cell Science
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Age-dependent perfume development in male orchid bees, Euglossa imperialis
Journal of Experimental Biology
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Palmitoylation of proteolipid protein M6 promotes tricellular junction assembly in epithelia of Drosophila
Journal of Cell Science
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Heatwaves inflict reproductive but not survival costs to male insects
Journal of Experimental Biology
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Environmental impact on visual perception modulates behavioral responses of schooling fish to looming predators
Journal of Experimental Biology
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Stress in the metastatic journey u2013 the role of cell communication and clustering in breast cancer progression and treatment resistance
Disease Models & Mechanisms
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Endoplasmic reticulum stress impedes regulated secretion by governing key exocytotic and granulogenic molecular switches
Journal of Cell Science
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Bees display limited acclimation capacity for heat tolerance
Biology Open
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The black-legged tick Ixodes scapularis detects CO2 without the Haller's organ
Journal of Experimental Biology
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CDX2 dose-dependently influences the gene regulatory network underlying human extraembryonic mesoderm development
Biology Open
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Blood oxygen transport and depletion in diving emperor penguins
Journal of Experimental Biology
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Per capita sperm metabolism is density dependent
Journal of Experimental Biology
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Effects of insect pursuit on the Doppler shift compensation in a hipposiderid bat
Journal of Experimental Biology
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40u2005years of the homeobox: either it is wrong or it is quite interesting
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A blueprint most wonderful, the homeobox discovery
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Functional opsin patterning for Drosophila color vision is established through signaling pathways in adjacent object-detection neurons
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The use of click chemistry in sphingolipid research
Journal of Cell Science
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Water restriction increases oxidation of endogenous amino acids in house sparrows (Passer domesticus)
Journal of Experimental Biology
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Conservation energetics of beluga whales: using resting and swimming metabolism to understand threats to an endangered population
Journal of Experimental Biology
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Mutation of SOCS2 induces structural and functional changes in mammary development
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Targeted irradiation in an autochthonous mouse model of pancreatic cancer
Disease Models & Mechanisms
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The art of observation: bridging science and art to see the unexpected
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Dissecting the dynamic cellular transcriptional atlas of adult teleost testis development throughout the annual reproductive cycle
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Adhesion and shrinkage transform the rounded pupal horn into an angular adult horn in Japanese rhinoceros beetle
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MUC13 negatively regulates tight junction proteins and intestinal epithelial barrier integrity via protein kinase C
Journal of Cell Science
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Sexually dimorphic dynamics of the microtubule network in medaka (Oryzias latipes) germ cells
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Hierarchical processing of feature, egocentric and relational information for spatial orientation in domestic chicks
Journal of Experimental Biology
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Kinematics and muscle activity of pectoral fins in rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) station holding in turbulent flow
Journal of Experimental Biology
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Manipulation of the nuclear envelope-associated protein SLAP during mammalian brain development affects cortical lamination and exploratory behavior
Biology Open
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The interaction of in vivo muscle operating lengths and passive stiffness in rat hindlimbs
Journal of Experimental Biology
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The relationship between mitochondrial respiration, resting metabolic rate and blood cell count in great tits
Biology Open
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Inverted apicobasal polarity in health and disease
Journal of Cell Science
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The Drosophila neuroblast polarity cycle at a glance
Journal of Cell Science
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Looking beyond the mean: quantile regression for comparative physiologists
Journal of Experimental Biology
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The incubation environment does not explain significant variation in heart rate plasticity among avian embryos
Journal of Experimental Biology
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Time-compensated sun compass in juvenile sprat (Sprattus sprattus) reveals the onset of migratory readiness
Journal of Experimental Biology
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Steroid hormone signaling synchronizes cell migration machinery, adhesion and polarity to direct collective movement
Journal of Cell Science
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In preprints: Shh signaling activity predicts cardiac laterality in Astyanax mexicanus populations
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Hibernating female big brown bats (Eptesicus fuscus) adjust huddling and drinking behaviour, but not arousal frequency, in response to low humidity
Journal of Experimental Biology
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Developmental programming by prenatal sounds: insights into possible mechanisms
Journal of Experimental Biology
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Developmental plasticity: a worm's eye view
Journal of Experimental Biology
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Twenty years on from Developmental Plasticity and Evolution: middle-range theories and how to test them
Journal of Experimental Biology
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Experimental biology can inform our understanding of food insecurity
Journal of Experimental Biology
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The plasticity of immune memory in invertebrates
Journal of Experimental Biology
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Glucocorticoid effects on the brain: from adaptive developmental plasticity to allostatic overload
Journal of Experimental Biology
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Are parental condition transfer effects more widespread than is currently appreciated?
Journal of Experimental Biology
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How is prenatal stress transmitted from the mother to the fetus?
Journal of Experimental Biology
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Early-life environmental effects on birds: epigenetics and microbiome as mechanisms underlying long-lasting phenotypic changes
Journal of Experimental Biology
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How important is hidden phenotypic plasticity arising from alternative but converging developmental trajectories, and what limits it?
Journal of Experimental Biology
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Spatial covariation between genetic and epigenetic diversity in wild plant and animal populations: a meta-analysis
Journal of Experimental Biology
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Plasticity, symbionts and niche construction interact in shaping dung beetle development and evolution
Journal of Experimental Biology
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ING4 and ING5 are essential for histone H3 lysine 14 acetylation and epicardial cell lineage development
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Sustained effects of developmental exposure to inorganic arsenic on hepatic gsto2 expression and mating success in zebrafish
Biology Open
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Energy allocation is revealed while behavioural performance persists after fire disturbance
Journal of Experimental Biology
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TIAM-1 regulates polarized protrusions during dorsal intercalation in the Caenorhabditis elegans embryo through both its GEF and N-terminal domains
Journal of Cell Science
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Heart rate reduction during voluntary deep diving in free-ranging loggerhead sea turtles
Journal of Experimental Biology
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Perspectives on polarity u2013 exploring biological asymmetry across scales
Journal of Cell Science
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Telomere length is an epigenetic trait u2013 Implications for the use of telomerase-deficient organisms to model human disease
Disease Models & Mechanisms
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Key considerations to improve the normalization, interpretation and reproducibility of morbidity data in mammalian models of viral disease
Disease Models & Mechanisms
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Polarity establishment in the plant zygote at a glance
Journal of Cell Science
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Multifaceted effects on even-skipped transcriptional dynamics upon Kru00fcppel dosage changes
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Sall4 regulates posterior trunk mesoderm development by promoting mesodermal gene expression and repressing neural genes in the mesoderm
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Exploiting spatiotemporal regulation of FZD5 during neural patterning for efficient ventral midbrain specification
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Computational tools for quantifying actin filament numbers, lengths, and bundling
Biology Open
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Deterministic nuclear reprogramming of mammalian nuclei to a totipotency-like state by Amphibian meiotic oocytes for stem cell therapy in humans
Biology Open
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Thrust production and chordal flexion of the flukes of bottlenose dolphins performing tail stands at different efforts
Journal of Experimental Biology
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Anatomy and mechanisms of vocal production in harvest mice
Journal of Experimental Biology
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A common cellular response to broad splicing perturbations is characterized by metabolic transcript downregulation driven by the Mdm2u2013p53 axis
Disease Models & Mechanisms
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Mitochondrial morphology dynamics and ROS regulate apical polarity and differentiation in Drosophila follicle cells
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Motor protein Kif6 regulates cilia motility and polarity in brain ependymal cells
Disease Models & Mechanisms
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Raoul Van Damme
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Randall Davis
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R. Brigham
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Philip Motta
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Peter Falkingham
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Patrick Baker
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Patrice Rosengrave
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Patrice Rosengrave
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Paolo Segre
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Olaf Ellers
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Noriyasu Ando
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Nikolaos Papachatzis
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Nicholas Jourjine
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Nathalie Le Franu00e7ois
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Misha Vorobyev
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Michael Reichert
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Michael Gray
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Melody Young
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Megan Gall
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Maya deVries
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Matthew McHenry
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Matthew McHenry
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Matthew McHenry
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Matt Vijayan
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Martina Scacco
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Martin How
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Marshall McCue
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Marshall McCue
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Maria Tulli
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Maren Vitousek
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Manny Azizi
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Manfred Enstipp
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Lumu00edr Gvou017edu00edk
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Lucy Hawkes
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Lou00efc Teulier
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Liza Shapiro
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Lindsay Waldrop
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Lewis Halsey
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Lewis Halsey
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Leslie Buck
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Leif Asbju00f8rn Vu00f8llestad
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Lauren Chapman
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Lauren Buckley
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Kyle Elliott
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Kristen Crandell
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Konstantin Kornev
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Klaus Reinhardt
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Yoshitaka Kawai
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Kentaro Sakamoto
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Kent Dunlap
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Kenneth McKeever
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Kenneth Shorter
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Kenia Bicego
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Ken Maeda
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Ken Lukowiak
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Kelly Dorgan
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Keaton Schuster
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Katie Marshall
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Katie Marshall
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Kathleen Foster
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Karine Salin
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Karen Carleton
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Justin Eastwood
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Julio Ch vez
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Juliu00e1n Hillyer
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Julia Nowack
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Julia York
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Monica Justice
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Joseph Thompson
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Jose Eduardo Bicudo
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Jordi Altimiras
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Jordanna Sprayberry
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Jonathan Codd
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Jonathan Green
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Jon Harrison
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
John Tuthill
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
John Sumpter
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
John Arnould
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
John Lewis
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
John Layne
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Joel Kingsolver
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Joachim Mogdans
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Jinhong Luo
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Jianke Li
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Ju00e9ru00f4me Casas
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Jeremy Niven
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Jeremy Spool
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Jenna Monroy
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Jen Bright
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Jeanette Wheeler
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Jason Treberg
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Jason Podrabsky
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Jared Fletcher
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
James Hicks
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
James Kempton
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
James Staples
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Jakob Christensen-Dalsgaard
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Jacqueline Lebenzon
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Hong Lei
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Hoang-Vu Phan
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Hester Weaving
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Helene Volkoff
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Heather Williams
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Hans Ulrik Riisgu00e5rd
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Hannah Wood
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Hannah Rice
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Hannah Gurholt
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
H. Arthur Woods
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
H. Arthur Woods
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Guido Dehnhardt
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Gregor Belu ič
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Grant McClelland
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Grant McClelland
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Graham Raby
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Graham Alexander
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Grace Capshaw
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
G ran Nilsson
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Giulia Ghedini
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Gina Galli
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Geoffrey Hill
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Gary Burness
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Gary Burness
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Gary Gillis
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Gail Schwieterman
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
G S Balamurali
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Fritz Lehmann
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Frederic Roemschied
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Frank Seebacher
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Frank Seebacher
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Frank Fish
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Francois Brischoux
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Fernando Montealegre-Z
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Ewa Komar
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Evie Vereecke
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Eric McElroy
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Emily Baird
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Ellen Welti
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Elizabeth Clark
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Elizabeth Capaldi
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Eli EIsenberg
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Edward Dzialowski
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Dylan Wainwright
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Duygu Ozpolat
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Donal Manahan
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Dominique Roche
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Dino McMahon
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Dinesh Natesan
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Dinesh Natesan
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Dillon Chung
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Diego Sustaita
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Diego Rubolini
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Derrick Groom
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
De-Hua Wang
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
David Swanson
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
David Deutsch
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Daniel Noble
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Daniel Moen
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Daniel Warren
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Craig White
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Craig White
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Craig McGowan
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Craig Franklin
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Craig Franklin
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Cornelia Buehlmann
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Colleen Miller
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Colin Brauner
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Claudia Zeitr g
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Christos Ioannou
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Christopher Perry
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Christine Lattin
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Christina Harvey
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Chris Guglielmo
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Chelsea Cook
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Charlotte Cur
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Charles Darveau
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Charles Darveau
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Cesar Mendes
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Carolina Freire
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Carolin Nieder
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Carol Bucking
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Carlos Alonso-Alvarez
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Camilla Campanati
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Bruce Carlson
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Brock Fenton
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Brian Beatty
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Brian Cade
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Bret Tobalske
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Brendon Dunphy
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Bradley Dickerson
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Brad Chadwell
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Bo Cheng
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Blaire Van Valkenburgh
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Bill Schultz
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Beth Cleveland
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Bernadette Perchalski
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Beren Robinson
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Basile Michaelidis
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Barbara Webb
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Austin Allen
Click tree again for more
This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Aurore Avargues-Weber
Click tree again for more
This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Aurore Avargues-Weber
Click tree again for more
This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Aurelio Malo
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Asif Ghazanfar
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Arie van der Meijden
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Antonia Zaferiou
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Anthony Gamperl
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Anthony Hickey
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Anthony Hickey
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Anthony Basile
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Annette Denzinger
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Angela Horner
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Angela Fago
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Andrew Moeller
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Andrew Biewener
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Andreas Nord
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Andrea Morash
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Amalie Hutchinson
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Almut Kelber
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Allison McDonald
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Allen Gibbs
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Alexander Little
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Aleksandra Birn-Jeffery
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Alberto Minetti
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Akira Satoh
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Adelino Canario
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Adam Cronin
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Aaron Fox
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Zhenlin Li
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Click tree again for more
This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Young Jang
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Yoshifumi Itoh
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Yongping Chai
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Yaowen Wu
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Yan Zhang
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Xuetong Shen
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Wolfgang Lukowitz
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Wim Annaert
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Violaine Moreau
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Veronique Marthiens
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Vassiliki Kostourou
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Toshiyuki Araki
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Tomotake Kanki
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Tina Tootle
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Timothy Mosca
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Tiago Dantas
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Thorsten Hornemann
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Thomas Burgoyne
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Thibaut Brunet
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Tatiana Moiseeva
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Takashi Ishikawa
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Takanari Inoue
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Suvendra Bhattacharyya
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Susan Dutcher
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Sue Vaughan
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Steve Caplan
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Stefan Luschnig
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Shaul Yogev
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Shahzad Khan
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Sergio Grinstein
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Senthil Radhakrishnan
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Sean Collins
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Sean Munro
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Satyajit Mayor
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Satish Bodakuntla
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Sarah Lambert
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Sandrine Etienne-Manneville
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Sandip Patel
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Ruth Herbst
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Roy Parker
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Robert Ward
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Robert Carillo
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Raul Torres
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Ralf Erdmann
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Raj Kishore
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Rafael Garcia-Mata
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Rachid Mazroui
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
qing wei
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Qian Cai
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Prashant Rawat
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Pontus Aspenstrom
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Piergiorgio Percipalle
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Peter Walentek
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Peter Kim
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Pengpeng Bi
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Pekka Lappalainen
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Patricia Martin
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Patricia Salinas
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Orson Moritz
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Nica Borgese
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Natalia Bulgakova
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
N. Ktistakis
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Monica Sousa
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Mitchell Goldfarb
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Mikko Frilander
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Michael DiPersio
Click tree again for more
This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Martin Bayer
Click tree again for more
This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Mariana Osswald
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Maria-Joao Amorim
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Maria Francia
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Maria Carmo-Fonseca
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Marcel Verges
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Malene Hansen
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Lucas Smith
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
lidan hu
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Liana Silva
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Leonardo Almeida-Souza
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Laurent Counillon
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Lars Jansen
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Kurt Anderson
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Krzysztof Rogowski
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Krzysztof Rogowski
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Koen van den Dries
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Klaus Ebnet
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Kenneth Yamada
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Katarzyna Kwiatkowska
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Karsten Weis
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Karl Kadler
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Justin Taraska
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Ju00fcrgen Seibel
Click tree again for more
This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Juliet Lee
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Julie Plastino
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Juan Ludert
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Jon Lane
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
John Hammer
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Johanna Ivaska
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Joel Boerckel
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Jenny Russinova
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Jeffrey Thomas
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Jean Molinier
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Jarred Whitlock
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Jane Stinchcombe
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Jan Bru00e1bek
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
James Jepson
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Ivana de la Serna
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Ivan Nabi
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Ida van der Klei
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Huaqing Cai
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Hitoshi Nakatogawa
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Hesso Farhan
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Henry Higgs
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Henry Higgs
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Helene Plun-Favreau
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Harm Kampinga
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Gunnar Mair
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Guillaume Romet-Lemonne
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Greg Beitel
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Gordon Chua
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Giulio Cossu
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Gerald Downes
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Geert Bultynck
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Gautam Dey
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Gaelle Boncompain
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Fernando Martin-Belmonte
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Eurico Morais-de-Su00e1
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Erwin Peterman
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Erika Holzbaur
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Eric Beyer
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Ella Sklan
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Elias Spiliotis
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Eamonn Dickson
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Duanqing Pei
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Derrick Robinson
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Denise Montell
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
David Stanek
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
David Domozych
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Daniel St Johnston
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Daniel Hofius
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Cynthia He
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Corinne Smith
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Clemens Cabernard
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Claudia Guimas Almeida
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Clare Buckley
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Ciaran Morrison
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Chuan-Hsiang Huang
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Christopher Link
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Christian Muchardt
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Catherine Moali
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Catherine Coirault
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Carlo Sala
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Cara Gottardi
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Camilla Raiborg
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Bruno Di Stefano
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Brian Zid
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Brian Wattenberg
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Beth Cimini
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Benoit Ladoux
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
B n dicte Durand
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Barbara Tanos
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Anuska Andjelkovic
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Anne Royou
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Anna Jost
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Anna Albisetti
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Ann Morris
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Andreas Wodarz
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Andrea Musacchio
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Andru00e9 Nadler
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Amy Bradshaw
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Alyssa Ingmundson
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Alison Twelvetrees
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Alan Howe
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Akatsuki Kimura
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Adam Martin
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Adam Hoppe
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Aaron Farrugia
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Yang SUn
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Weidong Wang
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Valerie Le Sage
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Tsutomu Yasukawa
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Todd Graham
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Thomas Bird
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Tatyana Vetter
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Takefumi Kondo
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Steve Twigg
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Shigekazu Nagata
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Scott Kesteven
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Santosh D'Mello
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Samuele Ferrari
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Sally Moody
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Ryota Tamura
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Ruxandra Bachmann-Gagescu
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Rolf Stottmann
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Rocco Gogliotti
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Rebecca Burdine
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Pieterjan Dierickx
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Phillip Karpowicz
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Peter Kang
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Paul Quax
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Pau Castel
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Oliver Fischer
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Mustafa Khokha
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Monica Justice
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Mohamad Mikati
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Michael Kahn
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Mervyn Monteiro
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Maurizio Giustetto
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Matthew Alexander
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Matthew Harris
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Masato Kanemaki
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Martyn Cobourne
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Maria Vera
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Maria Kontaridis
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Margot Mayer-Proschel
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Manuella Cervelli
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Madhuri Kango-Singh
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
M. Manzini
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Loydie Jerome-Majewska
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Liz Robertson
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Lisa Ott de Bruin
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Knut Stieger
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Kirsteen Campbell
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Katrine Johannesen
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Kathleen Sweadner
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Katherine Wilson
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Kang-Cheih Huang
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
John Hartman
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Jessica Chong
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Jeremy Green
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Jennifer Zhang
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Jason Spence
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
James Ervasti
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
James Amatruda
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Jacy Wagnon
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Jacqui McGovern
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Jack Leslie
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Iddo Magen
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Hongyuan Yang
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Holger Lerche
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Hazel Sive
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Hanaa Hariri
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Georg Auburger
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Federico Sanchez-Quinto
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Erika Kague
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Eric Klann
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Emma Rawlins
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Elisabeth Busch-Nentwich
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Eduardo Sequerra
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Diane Fatkin
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
David Williams
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
David Reiner
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
David Eisenstat
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Corina Anastasaki
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Chunliang Li
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Christopher Heier
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Christopher Gregory
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Christian Rocheleau
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Charlotte Esser
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Cecilia Moens
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Cecile Malnou
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Catia Gomes
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Carol Bult
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Carlos Estella
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Carla Robles-Espinoza
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Boel De Paepe
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Bilal Bayazit
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Ben Davies
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Beatriz Salvador
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Annie Godwin
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Andrew Miller
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Andrew Copp
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Anai Gonzalez Cordero
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Alfredo Kirkwood
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Alex Hajnal
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Alastair Cardno
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Akihiro Ikeda
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Ajith Karunarathne
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Ainara Vallejo
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Ada Hamosh
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Aaron Tward
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Aaron Nagiel
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Zena Hadjivasiliou
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Yutaka Kikuchi
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Yusuke Ono
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Yukihiro Ito
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Yoshiakira Kanai
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Yasuhisa Matsui
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Yang Chai
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Xie Ting
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Xavier Belles
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
William Andrews
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Wendy Beane
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Victoria Prince
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Veronica Hinman
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Tzumin Lee
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Tristan Rodriguez
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Tony Harris
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Tobias Baskin
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Tobias Baskin
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Timothy Saunders
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Timothy Cox
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Tilo Kunath
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Thomas Becker
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Theresa Alengahat
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Tetsuya Nakamura
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Takeshi Kawauchi
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Takashi Shinohara
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Takashi Shinohara
Click tree again for more
This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Takashi Shinohara
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Takashi Sado
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Taijiro Yabe
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Tadashi Uemura
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Susan Mackem
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Stephanie Ellis
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Stefan Schulte-Merker
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Stanislav Shvartsman
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Srikala Raghavan
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Shuiqiao Yuan
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Shosei Yoshida
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Sheila Bell
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Seth Blackshaw
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Sergio Espinola
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Sean Megason
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Saulius Sumanas
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Sarah Woolner
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Sarah Bray
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Sandra Blaess
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Salah Elias
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Sachiko Iseki
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
S P Monga
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Ryusuke Niwa
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Ryota Matsuoka
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Ryan Gray
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Roman Giger
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Robin Hobbs
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Roberto Mayor
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Robert Johnston
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Robert Kelly
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Robert Braun
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Robert Beattie
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Richard Harland
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Richard Cripps
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Richard Cripps
Click tree again for more
This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Reinhard Koester
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Rajan Jain
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Rafael Demarco
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Qian Wu
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Pierre-Francois Lenne
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Peter Currie
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Pengpeng Bi
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Pavel Tomancak
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Paul Riley
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Paul Riley
Click tree again for more
This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Patrick Mu00fcller
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Nitya Ramkumar
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Nilsson Holguin
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Nicolas David
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Nathan Goehring
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Muriel Grammont
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Mrinalini Hoon
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Monica Vetter
Click tree again for more
This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Moises Mallo
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Mogens Jensen
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Mo-Fang Liu
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Mireille Montcouquiol
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Mikael Lucas
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Mihaela Serpe
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Miguel Ganuza
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Michelle Starz-Gaiano
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Michelle Starz-Gaiano
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Michel Labouesse
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Michalis Agathocleous
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Michael Granato
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Mayumi Ito
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Max Tischfield
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Maurizio Pacifici
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Mauricio Rocha Martins
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Matthew Butnaru
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Mathias Merkel
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Craig McGowan
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Mary Ann Handel
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Marvin Meistrich
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Martin Pera
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Martin Cheung
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Marta Shahbazi
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Markus Mittnenzweig
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Marko Brankatschk
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Marian Ros
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Maria Genander
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Margot Smit
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Marcos Simoes-Costa
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Marco Barchi
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Maru00eda Josu00e9 Andreu
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Malcolm Logan
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Magali Suzanne
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Madhav Mani
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
M Brent Hawkins
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Luke Boulter
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Ludovic Telley
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Louis-Jan Pilaz
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Lolitika Mandal
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Liyun Miao
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Lin Xu
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Lin Mei
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Leonardo Morsut
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Lemke Steffen
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Laura Nilson
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Lars Borm
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Kyunghee Choi
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Krzysztof Jagla
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Kirsten ten Tusscher
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Kenzo Ivanovitch
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Kellee Siegfried
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Keiji Kuba
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Kazuyuki Ohbo
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Karen Guillemin
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Justin Kumar
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Justin Kumar
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Julien Vermot
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Julie Canman
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Julia Zeitlinger
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Joseph Kapfhammer
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Joost Woltering
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Jonathan Corcoran
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Jonathan Cooper
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John Martin
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Johann Eberhart
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Joe Chakkalakal
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Joaquim Culi
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Jiu-Lin Du
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Jingli Cao
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Jianwen Que
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Jianhai Du
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Jessica Dunleavy
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Jeremy Kay
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Jennifer Tenlen
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Jennifer Gerton
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Ken Takahashi
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Jeffrey Bush
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Jeff Rasmussen
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Jean-Rene Huynh
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Jason Tennessen
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Jason Sheltzer
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Jan Huisken
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James Li
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James Nichols
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James Hurley
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Ian Scott
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Hweijan Hsu
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Hugh Clarke
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Hocine Rekaik
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Hiroshi Sasaki
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Herv Turlier
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Helena Cochem
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Helen Weavers
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Heiko Lickert
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Heather McCauley
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Gunter Wagner
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Guillermina Lopez-Bendito
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Guillaume Blin
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Greg Fitzharris
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Graziella di Cristo
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Evie Vereecke
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Glenda Comai
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Giuliana Rossi
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Gage Crump
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Gage Crump
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Gabrielle Kardon
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Gabriella Minchiotti
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Gabriel Santpere
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Gabriel Galea
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Fumio Motegi
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Frederic Lemaigre
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Francois Leulier
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Francois Graner
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Fru00e9du00e9ric Causeret
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Florence Marlow
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Florence Marlow
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Filippo Rijli
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Erika Geisbrecht
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Erica Hutchins
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Eric Olson
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Emilie Pacary
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Ellen Lien
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Elias Barriga
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Ela Knapik
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Doris Wu
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Donald Fox
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Dmitry Velmeshev
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Dinah Loerke
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Deneen Wellik
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Delphine Duteil
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Deborah Yelon
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Dawn Cornelison
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David Parichy
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David Martin
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
David Clouthier
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Darren Gilmour
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Daniel Grimes
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Daniel Constam
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Danelle Devenport
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Crystal Rogers
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Cristina Gil-Sanz
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Craig Lowe
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Courtney Griffin
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Colin Crist
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Claude Desplan
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Claude Desplan
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Claude Desplan
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Clarissa Henry
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Christian Mosimann
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Chris Whitewoods
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Chris Whitewoods
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Chaya Kalcheim
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Cesar Arenas-Mena
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Cedric Maurange
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Cedric Blanpain
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Catherine Chaussain
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Catherina Becker
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Catarina Homem
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Carolline Ascencao
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Caroline Hill
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Caroline Hill
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Carol Mason
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Carl-Philipp Heisenberg
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Bruce Draper
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Bruce Draper
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Bruce Appel
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Bruce Edgar
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Brigid Hogan
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Brian Mitchell
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Brian Link
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Bob Goldstein
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Blanche Capel
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Ben Hogan
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Anthony Firulli
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Anne Grapin-Botton
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Anne Camus
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Anna-Katerina Hadjantonakis
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Anna Bigas
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Andy Fischer
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Andrew Zelhof
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Andrew Groves
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Andrew J. Copp
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Andreas Hejnol
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Andrea Pauli
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Andrea Pauli
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Andrea Cerase
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Amanda Simcox
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Alissa Armstrong
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Alison Cole
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Alfredo Cruz-Ramirez
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Alexander Pollen
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Akhila Rajan
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Akankshi Munjal
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Akankshi Munjal
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Ahna Skop
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Agnete Kirkeby
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Adrienne Roeder
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Abigail Tucker
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Aaron Johnson
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Yoonsung Lee
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Yiting Gui
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Xie Jie Chen
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
V. A. Binson
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Tommy Norin
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Thierry Soldati
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Thad Wilson
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Somaye Vaissi
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Silvia Jansen
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Satoh Akira
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Sandy Kawano
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Ryan Kerney
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Robin. Cooper
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Risa Kawaguchi
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Richard Dorsky
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Preethi Chandrasekaran
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Peter Rugg-Gunn
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Nicholas Leigh
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Neil Metcalfe
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Morten Frost Nielsen
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Monika Ward
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Monica Mugnier
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Mohammad Vahid Ahmadianpour
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Michele Boiani
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Mattias Mannervik
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Marios Stavridis
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Lin Liu
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Leigh Boardman
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Kristen Navara
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Kiyoko Gotanda
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Kenji Tomioka
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Kayla Mladinich
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Katrina Velle
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Kaia Achim
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Julia Bowsher
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Judit Corullon
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Takanari Inoue
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Jose de Celis
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Johannes Herrmann
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Johannes Bauer
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Jessica Ridilla
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Jenny Nichols
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
James Lovvorn
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Indranil Singh
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Inchul Choi
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Hendrik Marks
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Hannah Long
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Giuseppe Cala
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Georgia Zarkada
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Franco M Valdez Ovallez
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Fei Sun
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Ewa Rajpert-De Meyts
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Euncheol Son
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Emma Rawlins
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Eirik Sovik
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Eileen Devaney
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Daniel Gorelick
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Cristina Keightley
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Chris Maher
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Chris Maher
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Catherina Becker
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Caroline Formstone
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Cara Gottardi
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Boris Egger
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Benedikt Westermann
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Arda Kuyucu
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Ann Sutherland
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Alper Akay
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Alper Akay
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Alireza Sari
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Alexandra Bentz
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Alexander Whitworth
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This tree was planted for the article:
The fluid dynamics of barnacle feeding
Journal of Experimental Biology
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This tree was planted for the article:
Disentangling physiological and physical explanations for body size-dependent thermal tolerance
Journal of Experimental Biology
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This tree was planted for the article:
Smad4 restricts injury-provoked biliary proliferation and carcinogenesis
Disease Models & Mechanisms
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This tree was planted for the article:
EphB1 controls long-range cortical axon guidance through a cell non-autonomous role in GABAergic cells
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This tree was planted for the article:
Grainyhead-like 2 interacts with noggin to regulate tissue fusion in mouse
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This tree was planted for the article:
Functional consequences of somatic polyploidy in development
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This tree was planted for the article:
ETS transcription factors regulate precise matrix metalloproteinase expression and follicle rupture in Drosophila
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This tree was planted for the article:
In preprints: allometry of cell types during animal growth and degrowth
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This tree was planted for the article:
HCR spectral imaging: 10-plex, quantitative, high-resolution RNA and protein imaging in highly autofluorescent samples
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This tree was planted for the article:
Emerging insights into CP110 removal during early steps of ciliogenesis
Journal of Cell Science
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This tree was planted for the article:
A Drosophila model of mitochondrial disease phenotypic heterogeneity
Biology Open
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This tree was planted for the article:
The neuronal transcription factor MEIS2 is a calpain-2 protease target
Journal of Cell Science
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This tree was planted for the article:
A Zika virus protein expression screen in Drosophila to investigate targeted host pathways during development
Disease Models & Mechanisms
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This tree was planted for the article:
Maximum velocity and leg-specific ground reaction force production change with radius during flat curve sprinting
Journal of Experimental Biology
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This tree was planted for the article:
Structure-based engineering of Tor complexes reveals that two types of yeast TORC1 produce distinct phenotypes
Journal of Cell Science
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This tree was planted for the article:
Postnatal Zika virus infection leads to morphological and cellular alterations within the neurogenic niche
Disease Models & Mechanisms
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This tree was planted for the article:
filoVision u2013 using deep learning and tip markers to automate filopodia analysis
Journal of Cell Science
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This tree was planted for the article:
Storage cell proliferation during somatic growth establishes that tardigrades are not eutelic organisms
Biology Open
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This tree was planted for the article:
Protein complexes from mouse and chick brain that interact with phospho-KXGS motif tau/microtubule associated protein antibody
Biology Open
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This tree was planted for the article:
Non-invasive methods for heart rate measurement in fish based on photoplethysmography
Journal of Experimental Biology
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This tree was planted for the article:
Estimates of differential toxin expression governing heterogeneous intracellular lifespans of Streptococcus pneumoniae
Journal of Cell Science
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This tree was planted for the article:
PTCH1-mutant human cerebellar organoids exhibit altered neural development and recapitulate early medulloblastoma tumorigenesis
Disease Models & Mechanisms
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This tree was planted for the article:
The kinematics of amblypygid (Arachnida) pedipalps during predation: extreme elongation in raptorial appendages does not result in a proportionate increase in reach and closing speed
Journal of Experimental Biology
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This tree was planted for the article:
Polarisation vision in the dark: green-sensitive photoreceptors in the nocturnal ball-rolling dung beetle Escarabaeus satyrus
Journal of Experimental Biology
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This tree was planted for the article:
Going through changes u2013 the role of autophagy during reprogramming and differentiation
Journal of Cell Science
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This tree was planted for the article:
Disruption of placental ACKR3 impairs growth and hematopoietic development of offspring
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This tree was planted for the article:
Limits to sustained energy intake. XXXIV. Can the heat dissipation limit (HDL) theory explain reproductive aging?
Journal of Experimental Biology
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This tree was planted for the article:
Exploring the ATG9A interactome uncovers interaction with VPS13A
Journal of Cell Science
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This tree was planted for the article:
Properties of biomolecular condensates defined by Activator of G-protein Signaling 3
Journal of Cell Science
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This tree was planted for the article:
Comparative physiology reveals heat stress disrupts acidu2013base homeostasis independent of symbiotic state in the model cnidarian Exaiptasia diaphana
Journal of Experimental Biology
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This tree was planted for the article:
Automated counting of Drosophila imaginal disc cell nuclei
Biology Open
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This tree was planted for the article:
European common frogs determine migratory direction by inclination magnetic compass and show diurnal variation in orientation
Journal of Experimental Biology
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This tree was planted for the article:
Effects of binocular cue availability on leaping performance in Cheirogaleus medius: implications for primate origins
Journal of Experimental Biology
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This tree was planted for the article:
In preprints: puzzling together roles for glucose metabolism during gastrulation
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This tree was planted for the article:
LiverZap: a chemoptogenetic tool for global and locally restricted hepatocyte ablation to study cellular behaviours in liver regeneration
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This tree was planted for the article:
Extraocular muscle stem cells exhibit distinct cellular properties associated with non-muscle molecular signatures
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This tree was planted for the article:
Cycling temperature treatments affect estimates of digestive performance in prairie lizards (Sceloporus consobrinus)
Journal of Experimental Biology
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This tree was planted for the article:
The active space of sperm whale codas: inter-click information for intra-unit communication
Journal of Experimental Biology
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Experimental evidence that EPA and DHA are dietary requirements in a migratory shorebird, but they do not affect muscle oxidative capacity
Journal of Experimental Biology
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Smaller body size under warming is not due to gill-oxygen limitation in a cold-water salmonid
Journal of Experimental Biology
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MiR-145-5p overexpression rejuvenates aged adipose stem cells and accelerates wound healing
Biology Open
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Robust axis elongation by Nodal-dependent restriction of BMP signaling
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Fantastic beasts and how to study them: rethinking experimental animal behavior
Journal of Experimental Biology
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Developmental regulation of cellular metabolism is required for intestinal elongation and rotation
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The Drosophila tumour suppressor Lgl and Vap33 activate the Hippo pathway through a dual mechanism
Journal of Cell Science
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The Clu2212 transporter ClC-7 is essential for phagocytic clearance by microglia
Journal of Cell Science
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Development and evolution of the primate neocortex from a progenitor cell perspective
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Metabolomic responses to high-intensity interval exercise in equine skeletal muscle: effects of rest interval duration
Journal of Experimental Biology
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Fluctuation of lysosomal protein degradation in neural stem cells of the postnatal mouse brain
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Shared features in ear and kidney development u2013 implications for oto-renal syndromes
Disease Models & Mechanisms
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Stem cell modeling of nervous system tumors
Disease Models & Mechanisms
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Cell division angle predicts the level of tissue mechanics that tune the amount of cerebellar folding
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The Mediterranean mussel Mytilus galloprovincialis: a novel model for developmental studies in mollusks
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A mutation in F-actin polymerization factor suppresses the distal arthrogryposis type 5 PIEZO2 pathogenic variant in Caenorhabditis elegans
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The MEK-ERK signaling pathway promotes maintenance of cardiac chamber identity
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Hindbrain boundaries as niches of neural progenitor and stem cells regulated by the extracellular matrix proteoglycan chondroitin sulphate
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DNA-PKcs-mediated transcriptional regulation of TOP2B drives chemoresistance in acute myeloid leukemia
Journal of Cell Science
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The oscillation of mitotic kinase governs cell cycle latches in mammalian cells
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Novel therapeutic targets, including IGFBP3, of umbilical cord mesenchymal stem-cell-conditioned medium in intrauterine adhesion
Biology Open
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2u2032-O-ribose methylation levels of ribosomal RNA distinguish different types of growth arrest in human dermal fibroblasts
Journal of Cell Science
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The ACE inhibitor captopril inhibits ACN-1 to control dauer formation and aging
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Long-range formation of the Bicoid gradient requires multiple dynamic modes that spatially vary across the embryo
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Cranial suture lineage and contributions to repair of the mouse skull
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Notch signalling influences cell fate decisions and HOX gene induction in axial progenitors
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Neutrophil motility is regulated by both cell intrinsic and endothelial cell ARPC1B
Journal of Cell Science
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Microtubule polyglutamylation is an essential regulator of cytoskeletal integrity in Trypanosoma brucei
Journal of Cell Science
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Neuropsin promotes hippocampal synaptogenesis by regulating the expression and cleavage of L1CAM
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Native collagen VI delays early muscle stem cell differentiation
Journal of Cell Science
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Pluripotency of a founding field: rebranding developmental biology
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Evidence for individual vocal recognition in a pair-bonding poison frog, Ranitomeya imitator
Journal of Experimental Biology
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Environmental variation associated with overwintering elicits marked metabolic plasticity in a temperate salmonid, Salvelinus fontinalis
Journal of Experimental Biology
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The buzz within: the role of the gut microbiome in honeybee social behavior
Journal of Experimental Biology
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Low achromatic contrast sensitivity in birds: a common attribute shared by many phylogenetic orders
Journal of Experimental Biology
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Sex and early-life conditions shape telomere dynamics in an ectotherm
Journal of Experimental Biology
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Comparative study of spectral sensitivity, irradiance sensitivity, spatial resolution and temporal resolution in the visual systems of Ocypode quadrata and Aratus pisonii
Journal of Experimental Biology
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Diet influences resource allocation in chemical defence but not melanin synthesis in an aposematic moth
Journal of Experimental Biology
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The contribution of asymmetric cell division to phenotypic heterogeneity in cancer
Journal of Cell Science
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Segregation of nascent GPCRs in the ER-to-Golgi transport by CCHCR1 via direct interaction
Journal of Cell Science
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Driving autophagy u2013 the role of molecular motors
Journal of Cell Science
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Voltage-gated ion channels are expressed in the Malpighian tubules and anal papillae of the yellow fever mosquito (Aedes aegypti), and may regulate ion transport during salt and water imbalance
Journal of Experimental Biology
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Harnessing artificial intelligence to reduce phototoxicity in live imaging
Journal of Cell Science
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Environmental salinity modulates olfactory sensitivity in the euryhaline European seabass, Dicentrarchus labrax, acclimated to seawater and brackish water
Journal of Experimental Biology
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Differential metabolic responses in bold and shy sea anemones during a simulated heatwave
Journal of Experimental Biology
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Fibroblast growth factor-induced lens fiber cell elongation is driven by the stepwise activity of Rho and Rac
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Artificial tethering of constitutive centromere-associated network proteins induces CENP-A deposition without Knl2 in DT40 cells
Journal of Cell Science
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The salamander limb: a perfect model to understand imperfect integration during skeletal regeneration
Biology Open
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Thermal tolerance in an extremophile fish from Mexico is not affected by environmental hypoxia
Biology Open
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A new experimental evidence-weighted signaling pathway resource in FlyBase
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Mitochondrial defects triggered by amg-1 mutation elicit UPRmt and phagocytic clearance during spermatogenesis in C. elegans
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Interplay of Zeb2a, Id2a and Batf3 regulates microglia and dendritic cell development in the zebrafish brain
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Control of successive unequal cell divisions by neural cell fate regulators determines embryonic neuroblast cell size
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Cardiovascular responses and the role of the neurohumoral cardiac regulation during digestion in the herbivorous lizard Iguana iguana
Journal of Experimental Biology
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Multielectrode array use in insect auditory neuroscience to unravel the spatio-temporal response pattern in the prothoracic ganglion of Mecopoda elongata
Journal of Experimental Biology
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Physiological stress improves stem cell modeling of dystrophic cardiomyopathy
Disease Models & Mechanisms
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Face-valid phenotypes in a mouse model of the most common mutation in EEF1A2-related neurodevelopmental disorder
Disease Models & Mechanisms
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Counting Nemo: anemonefish Amphiprion ocellaris identify species by number of white bars
Journal of Experimental Biology
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Seven-up acts in neuroblasts to specify adult central complex neuron identity and initiate neuroblast decommissioning
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How studies in developmental epithelial-mesenchymal transition and mesenchymal-epithelial transition inspired new research paradigms in biomedicine
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The Mexican Biobank Project promotes genetic discovery, inclusive science and local capacity building
Disease Models & Mechanisms
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Validity of Xiphophorus fish as models for human disease
Disease Models & Mechanisms
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In situ observation of a macrourid fish at 7259u2005m in the Japan Trench: swimbladder buoyancy at extreme depth
Journal of Experimental Biology
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Microtubule association of TRIM3 revealed by differential extraction proteomics
Journal of Cell Science
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Role of BicDR in bristle shaft construction and support of BicD functions
Journal of Cell Science
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In preprints: tick, tick, somite u2013 an intrinsic timer regulates segmentation
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Tracking early mammalian organogenesis u2013 prediction and validation of differentiation trajectories at whole organism scale
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Is a blunt sword pointless? Tooth wear impacts puncture performance in Tasmanian devil canines
Journal of Experimental Biology
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RhoU forms homo-oligomers to regulate cellular responses
Journal of Cell Science
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In preprints: quantitative decoupling between regulatory modules safeguards phenotypic robustness
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Spin-leap performance by cetaceans is influenced by moment of inertia
Journal of Experimental Biology
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Multi-monoubiquitylation controls VASP-mediated actin dynamics
Journal of Cell Science
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S100A11 promotes focal adhesion disassembly via myosin II-driven contractility and Piezo1-mediated Ca2+ entry
Journal of Cell Science
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Spherical harmonics analysis reveals cell shape-fate relationships in zebrafish lateral line neuromasts
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Expanding the evo-devo toolkit: generation of 3D mammary tissue from diverse mammals
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Transcriptional profiling of zebrafish identifies host factors controlling susceptibility to Shigella flexneri
Disease Models & Mechanisms
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Identification of signalling pathways involved in gill regeneration in zebrafish
Journal of Experimental Biology
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A comparison of dissection and 3D approaches to estimate muscle physiological cross-sectional area, validated by in vivo bite forces
Journal of Experimental Biology
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Conditional in vivo deletion of LYN kinase has little effect on a BRCA1 loss-of-function-associated mammary tumour model
Disease Models & Mechanisms
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HIV-1 p17 matrix protein enhances type I interferon responses through the p17u2013OLA1u2013STING axis
Journal of Cell Science
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Thermoregulatory consequences of growing up during a heatwave or a cold snap in Japanese quail
Journal of Experimental Biology
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Male lake char release taurocholic acid as part of a mating pheromone
Journal of Experimental Biology
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Route retracing: way pointing and multiple vector memories in trail-following ants
Journal of Experimental Biology
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Live tracking of basal stem cells of the epidermis during growth, homeostasis and injury response in zebrafish
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Innervation of the pancreas in development and disease
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BRD4 binds to active cranial neural crest enhancers to regulate RUNX2 activity during osteoblast differentiation
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PALS1 is a key regulator of the lateral distribution of tight junction proteins in renal epithelial cells
Journal of Cell Science
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Repeated boat noise exposure damages inner ear sensory hair cells and decreases hearing sensitivity in Atlantic croaker (Micropogonias undulatus)
Journal of Experimental Biology
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Establishing mouse and human oral esophageal organoids to investigate the tumor immune response
Disease Models & Mechanisms
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BBQ methods: streamlined workflows for bacterial burden quantification in infected cells by confocal microscopy
Biology Open
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Pudgy mouse rib deformities emanate from abnormal paravertebral longitudinal cartilage/bone accumulations
Biology Open
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Avian extraembryonic membranes respond to yolk corticosterone early in development
Biology Open
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Necrosensor: a genetically encoded fluorescent sensor for visualizing necrosis in Drosophila
Biology Open
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The Nucleosome Remodelling and Deacetylation complex coordinates the transcriptional response to lineage commitment in pluripotent cells
Biology Open
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ASCL2 is a key regulator of the proliferationu2013differentiation equilibrium in the esophageal epithelium
Biology Open
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Controlled expression of avian pre-migratory fattening influences indices of innate immunity
Biology Open
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eNOS plays essential roles in the developing heart and aorta linked to disruption of Notch signalling
Disease Models & Mechanisms
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Histological and functional characterization of 3D human skin models mimicking the inflammatory skin diseases psoriasis and atopic dermatitis
Disease Models & Mechanisms
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Angiotensin-(1u20137) plays an important role in regulating spermatogenesis in Trachemys scripta elegans under salinity stress
Journal of Experimental Biology
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OXPHOS capacity is diminished and the phosphorylation system inhibited during diapause in an extremophile, embryos of Artemia franciscana
Journal of Experimental Biology
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Mutation of p53 increases the competitive ability of pluripotent stem cells
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Polo-like kinase 1 regulates immune synapse assembly and cytotoxic T cell function by driving microtubule dynamics
Journal of Cell Science
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Matrix metalloproteinases at a glance
Journal of Cell Science
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Imaging actin organisation and dynamics in 3D
Journal of Cell Science
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Organogenetic transcriptomes of the Drosophila embryo at single cell resolution
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Awakening adult neural stem cells: NOX signalling as a positive regulator of the quiescence-to-proliferation transition in the Xenopus retina
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A lissencephaly-associated BAIAP2 variant causes defects in neuronal migration during brain development
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Ecological and morphological correlates of visual acuity in birds
Journal of Experimental Biology
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Standardization of zebrafish drug testing parameters for muscle diseases
Disease Models & Mechanisms
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Conditionally mutant animal model for investigating the invasive trophoblast cell lineage
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Behavioural and physiological impacts of low salinity on the sea urchin Echinus esculentus
Journal of Experimental Biology
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Stiffness-dependent MSC homing and differentiation into CAFs u2013 implications for breast cancer invasion
Journal of Cell Science
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Characterizing chromosomal instability-driven cancer evolution and cell fitness at a glance
Journal of Cell Science
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CXCL12 promotes the crossing of retinal ganglion cell axons at the optic chiasm
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Aging disrupts spatiotemporal regulation of germline stem cells and niche integrity
Biology Open
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The Small Interactor of PKD2 protein promotes the assembly and ciliary entry of the Chlamydomonas PKD2u2013mastigoneme complexes
Journal of Cell Science
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Proteoglycan inhibition of canonical BMP-dependent cartilage maturation delays endochondral ossification
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Inescapable foot shock induces a PTSD-like phenotype and negatively impacts adult murine bone
Disease Models & Mechanisms
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The effect of surface topography on the ball-rolling ability of Kheper lamarcki (Scarabaeidae)
Journal of Experimental Biology
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Mitochondrial function and sexual selection: can physiology resolve the u2018lek paradoxu2019?
Journal of Experimental Biology
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Spliceosome component PHD finger 5A is essential for early B lymphopoiesis
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Sensory nerve regulates progenitor cells via FGF-SHH axis in tooth root morphogenesis
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In preprints: hormonal stepping stones to diverging root organogenesis
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Assembly, dynamics and remodeling of epithelial cell junctions throughout development
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Thermal constraints on exercise and metabolic performance do not explain the use of dormancy as an overwintering strategy in the cunner (Tautogolabrus adspersus)
Journal of Experimental Biology
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A role for the carbon source of the cell and protein kinase A in regulating the S. pombe septation initiation network
Journal of Cell Science
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The role of microtubule-associated protein tau in netrin-1 attractive signaling
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Cristae shaping and dynamics in mitochondrial function
Journal of Cell Science
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Believing is seeing u2013 the deceptive influence of bias in quantitative microscopy
Journal of Cell Science
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Inactivating negative regulators of cortical branched actin enhances persistence of single cell migration
Journal of Cell Science
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Too much information? Males convey parasite levels using more signal modalities than females utilise
Journal of Experimental Biology
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Cross-species gut microbiota transplantation predictably affects host heat tolerance
Journal of Experimental Biology
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Postnatal persistence of hippocampal Cajal-Retzius cells has a crucial role in the establishment of the hippocampal circuit
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Songbirds avoid the oxidative stress costs of high blood glucose levels: a comparative study
Journal of Experimental Biology
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Honey bee colonies change their foraging decisions after in-hive experiences with unsuitable pollen
Journal of Experimental Biology
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Background matching can reduce responsiveness of jumping spiders to stimuli in motion
Journal of Experimental Biology
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Divalent metal content in diet affects severity of manganese toxicity in Drosophila
Biology Open
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The influence of carbon dioxide on cerebral metabolism and oxygen consumption: combining multimodal monitoring with dynamic systems modelling
Biology Open
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In preprints: recapitulation of development and wound healing shapes the spatial organization of glioblastoma
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Integrated single-cell multiomics uncovers foundational regulatory mechanisms of lens development and pathology
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Generation of rat-derived lung epithelial cells in Fgfr2b-deficient mice retains species-specific development
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The Abl-interactor Abi suppresses the function of the BRAG2 GEF family member Schizo
Biology Open
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Intercellular contact and cargo transfer between Mu00fcller glia and to microglia precede apoptotic cell clearance in the developing retina
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PAR-4/LKB1 prevents intestinal hyperplasia by restricting endoderm specification in Caenorhabditis elegans embryos
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Tubb4b is required for multi-ciliogenesis in the mouse
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Nectar cardenolides and floral volatiles mediate a specialized wasp pollination system
Journal of Experimental Biology
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The processing of proprioceptive signals in distributed networks: insights from insect motor control
Journal of Experimental Biology
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Implications of heat exchange for a free-living endangered marsupial determined by non-invasive thermal imaging
Journal of Experimental Biology
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In preprints: cellular memory u2013 the tension between old and new identities in the blastema
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TFAP2 paralogs regulate midfacial development in part through a conserved ALX genetic pathway
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Energy metabolism modulates the regulatory impact of activators on gene expression
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Excess dietary sugar impairs Drosophila adult stem cells via elevated reactive oxygen species-induced JNK signaling
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Epidermal tyrosine catabolism is crucial for metabolic homeostasis and survival against high-protein diets in Drosophila
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Enabling neighbour labelling: using synthetic biology to explore how cells influence their neighbours
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RhoA GEF Mcf2lb regulates rosette integrity during collective cell migration
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Stimulation of the muscarinic receptor M4 regulates neural precursor cell proliferation and promotes adult hippocampal neurogenesis
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Phenotypic flexibility in metabolic adjustments and digestive function in white-shouldered starlings: responses to short-term temperature acclimation
Journal of Experimental Biology
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Sarcolipin relates to fattening, but not sarco/endoplasmic reticulum Ca2+-ATPase uncoupling, in captive migratory gray catbirds
Journal of Experimental Biology
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It is time to reconsider the culture of volunteerism in undergraduate research
Journal of Cell Science
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We are the system
Journal of Cell Science
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Effects of temperature on metabolic rate during metamorphosis in the alfalfa leafcutting bee
Biology Open
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The threat of a non-native oligochaete species in Iran's freshwater: assessment of the diversity and origin of Eiseniella tetraedra (Savigny, 1826) and its response to climate change
Biology Open
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Connecting theory and experiment in cell and tissue mechanics
Journal of Cell Science
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Dipping contacts u2013 a novel type of contact site at the interface between membraneless organelles and membranes
Journal of Cell Science
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The muscle stem cell niche at a glance
Journal of Cell Science
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APOL1-G2 accelerates nephrocyte cell death by inhibiting the autophagy pathway
Disease Models & Mechanisms
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Differentiated neuroblastoma cells remain epigenetically poised for de-differentiation to an immature state
Disease Models & Mechanisms
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Hypoxia-inducible factor 1 alpha protein increases without changes in mRNA during acute hypoxic exposure of the Gulf killifish, Fundulus grandis
Biology Open
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An EMCu2013Hpou2013Yki axis maintains intestinal homeostasis under physiological and pathological conditions
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On the origins of developmental robustness: modeling buffering mechanisms against cell-level noise
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Aberrant centrosome biogenesis disrupts nephron and collecting duct progenitor growth and fate resulting in fibrocystic kidney disease
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Regulated dynamic subcellular GLUT4 localization revealed by proximal proteome mapping in human muscle cells
Journal of Cell Science
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Visualization of the chemical defense molecule formoside binding to sensory structures in a model fish predator
Journal of Experimental Biology
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What is complex allometry?
Biology Open
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Longitudinal assessment of skeletal muscle functional mechanics in the DE50-MD dog model of Duchenne muscular dystrophy
Disease Models & Mechanisms
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Identification of distinct active pools of yeast serine palmitoyltransferase in sub-compartments of the ER
Journal of Cell Science
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A framework to unlock marine bird energetics
Journal of Experimental Biology
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Intracellular negative feedback mechanisms in blubber and muscle moderate acute stress responses in fasting seals
Journal of Experimental Biology
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The reduction in arterial pH with increased temperature is not affected by hyperoxia in toads (Rhinella marina) and pythons (Python molurus)
Journal of Experimental Biology
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Moderate mass loss enhances flight performance via alteration of flight kinematics and postures in a passerine bird
Journal of Experimental Biology
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Integrin-based adhesions promote cellu2013cell junction and cytoskeletal remodelling to drive embryonic wound healing
Journal of Cell Science
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DEK oncoprotein participates in heterochromatin replication via SUMO-dependent nuclear bodies
Journal of Cell Science
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AP-1 signaling modulates cardiac fibroblast stress responses
Journal of Cell Science
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Cell jamming in a collagen-based interface assay is tuned by collagen density and proteolysis
Journal of Cell Science
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A community-driven approach to enhancing the quality and interpretability of microscopy images
Journal of Cell Science
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Positive directions from negative results
Journal of Cell Science
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The multifaceted roles of microtubule-associated proteins in the primary cilium and ciliopathies
Journal of Cell Science
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Sall1 and Sall4 cooperatively interact with Myocd and SRF to promote cardiomyocyte proliferation by regulating CDK and cyclin genes
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The complex interactions between nutrition, immunity and infection in insects
Journal of Experimental Biology
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Mechanical resilience of the sessile tunicate Botryllus schlosseri
Journal of Experimental Biology
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Eif4enif1 haploinsufficiency disrupts oocyte mitochondrial dynamics and leads to subfertility
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A reliable technique for karyotyping mouse oocytes prepared by a gradual fixation/air-drying method followed by multicolour FISH
Biology Open
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Measuring body temperature in birds u2013 the effects of sensor type and placement on estimated temperature and metabolic rate
Journal of Experimental Biology
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In preprints: shaping the developing human brain
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Programming human cell fate: overcoming challenges and unlocking potential through technological breakthroughs
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Caenorhabditis elegans germ granules are present in distinct configurations and assemble in a hierarchical manner
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GRD-1/PTR-11, the C. elegans hedgehog/patched-like morphogen-receptor pair, modulates developmental rate
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ARRDC5 deficiency impairs spermatogenesis by affecting SUN5 and NDC1
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In situ regeneration of inner hair cells in the damaged cochlea by temporally regulated co-expression of Atoh1 and Tbx2
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This tree was planted for the article:
Loss of NR5A1 in mouse Sertoli cells after sex determination changes cellular identity and induces cell death by anoikis
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In toto imaging of glial JNK signaling during larval zebrafish spinal cord regeneration
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Toll-like receptor signalling via IRAK4 affects epithelial integrity and tightness through regulation of junctional tension
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This tree was planted for the article:
Endothelin signaling in development
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This tree was planted for the article:
Cellular responses to compound stress induced by atmospheric-pressure plasma in fission yeast
Journal of Cell Science
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This tree was planted for the article:
Allometry: revealing evolution's engineering principles
Journal of Experimental Biology
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This tree was planted for the article:
Tiny spies: mosquito antennae are sensitive sensors for eavesdropping on frog calls
Journal of Experimental Biology
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This tree was planted for the article:
Neurofibromin 1 mutations impair the function of human induced pluripotent stem cell-derived microglia
Disease Models & Mechanisms
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Zu00e9lia Velez
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Yuuki Kawabata
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Young-Hui Chang
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Wolf Harmening
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William Milsom
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William Joyce
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William Joyce
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William Ja
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Wesley Dowd
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Vincent Careau
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Vikas Bhandawat
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Venus Joumaa
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Vatsala Thirumalai
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vasu sheeba
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Vania Regina Assis
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Valentina Di Santo
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Tyson Hedrick
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Tomoko Soga
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Tommy Norin
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Tomer Czaczkes
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Todd Gillis
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Todd Gillis
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Tobias Wang
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Tobias Uller
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Timothy Higham
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Tiia Ku00e4rkku00e4inen
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Tiago Pereira
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Thomas Cronin
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Thomas Roeder
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Taylor Dick
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Tanvi Deora
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Sweta Agrawal
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Suzie Currie
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Suvi Ruuskanen
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Susana Clusella-Trullas
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Susan Parks
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Steven Beaupre
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Steve Collins
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Sruthi Unnikrishnan
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Sjannie Lefevre
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Sigurd Einum
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Shizuko Hiryu
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Doris Wu
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Sheila Patek
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Sharon Swartz
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Shane Maloney
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Shane Maloney
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Sasha Zill
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Sarah Milton
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Sanjay Sane
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Sanjay Sane
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Sandy Kawano
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Sandra Imbrogno
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Sam Van Wassenbergh
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Sam Van Wassenbergh
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Ryszard Maleszka
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Russel Bonduriansky
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Ross Hatton
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Roger Hanlon
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Roger Hanlon
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Robert Jackson
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Robert Jackson
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Robert Johnson
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Robbie Wilson
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Rob James
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Rob James
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Rick Roy
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Raymond Danner
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Randall Davis
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Raffaele Boni
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R. Robertson
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Qiaohui Hu
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Philipp Lehmann
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Philip Matthews
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Peter Steinbacher
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Paweu0142 Brzu0119k
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Pavan Kaushik
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Pavan Kaushik
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Patricia Schulte
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Patricia Schulte
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Owen Beck
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Otar Akanyeti
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Oana Birceanu
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Nicolas Pichaud
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Nicholas Teets
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Nicholas Huffeldt
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Nicholas Holowka
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Neil Metcalfe
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Nathan Putman
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Namrata Gundiah
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Monica Daley
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Michelle Shero
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Michael Winklhofer
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Michael Smotherman
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Michael O'Donnell
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Michael O'Donnell
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Michael Greene
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Michael Doube
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Melody Young
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Melody Clark
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Megan Warren
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Matthew Shawkey
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Matthew McHenry
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Matthew McHenry
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Matthew Godfrey
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Matthew Wund
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Mathias Wernet
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Martin How
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Marshall McCue
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Marlene Wall
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Mark Denny
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Marjorie Patrick
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Marianne Porter
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Maria Stager
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Margot Schwalbe
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Margaret Byron
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Marcelo Lagos
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Mar Huertas
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Manny Azizi
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Mads Andersen
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Luis Robledo Ospina
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Lisa Schwanz
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Liam McGuire
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Leith Meyer
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Leith Meyer
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Leandro Becker
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Laura Ferguson
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Lara Kim Huenerlage
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Kyle Wellband
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Kyle Elliott
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Kristin O'Brien
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Kristen Crandell
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Krishna Melnattur
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Kevin McGraw
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Kenneth Welch
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Kenneth Welch
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Ken Dawson-Scully
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Keegan Lutek
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Katie Marshall
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Katie Marshall
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Katherine Saxton
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Katherine Saul
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Karl Crailsheim
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Juan Rubalcaba
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Joshua Benoit
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Jorge Contreras-Garduu00f1o
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Jordanna Sprayberry
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Jonathan Velotta
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John Taylor
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John Lighton
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John Costello
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John Layne
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John McNamara
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Johannes Overgaard
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Joerg Albert
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Jochen Zeil
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Jessica Yorzinski
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Jessica Selinger
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Ju00e9ru00f4me Casas
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Jeanne Serb
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Jared Shaftoe
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Jamie Theobald
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James Hicks
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James Usherwood
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James Liao
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Jake Socha
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Jacob Winnikoff
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Jacob Harrison
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Jack Supple
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J.D. Kieffer
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Ivan Maggini
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Ioulia Bespalova
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Inna Sokolova
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Iu00f1igo Novales Flamarique
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Iman Borazjani
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Ida Johansen
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Ian Bartol
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Huub Maas
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Hungtang Ko
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Hitoshi Aonuma
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Herman Pontzer
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Henry Vu
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Helen Nilsson Sku00f6ld
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Helen Nilsson Sku00f6ld
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Heinrich Roemer
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Heidi Maclean
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Hans Hofmann
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Gregor Belu ič
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Grant McClelland
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Graham Martin
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Gina Galli
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Giacomo Bernardi
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George Kemenes
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Gene Robinson
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Gaston Alurralde
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Gary Packard
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Gary Burness
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Gabrielle Nevitt
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G S Balamurali
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Fredrik Jutfelt
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Fred Tremblay
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Frank Seebacher
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Fernando Montealegre-Z
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Ethan Wold
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Eran Gefen
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Eran Gefen
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Emily Cornelius Ruhs
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Elke Buschbeck
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Elizabeth Nicholls
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Elisa Badas
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Elena Fabbri
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Eleanor Caves
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Eleanor Dickinson
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Eirik Svendsen
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Edwin Price
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Edward Dzialowski
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Ebi George
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E. Brown
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Douglas Glazier
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Don Stevens
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Doekele Stavenga
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Dina Leech
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Dillon Chung
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Derek Somo
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Dennis Higgs
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Denis Andrade
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
David Webb
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
David Tadres
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
David Schoppik
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
David Metzger
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
David Swanson
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
David Swanson
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
David Janz
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
David McKenzie
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
David Coughlin
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
David Hu
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
David Costantini
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
David Buchwalter
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
David Chang van Oordt
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Danielle Levesque
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Daniel Hart
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Daniel Osorio
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Daniel Osorio
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Daniel Warren
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Dane Crossley II
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Craig McGowan
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Craig Radford
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Cory Williams
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Christopher Richards
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Christopher Martinez
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Christelle Leung
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Chris Wood
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Chris Guglielmo
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Chloe Goode
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Charlotte Carrier-Belleau
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Cesar Mendes
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Cassandra Donatelli
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Carolyn Pytte
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Carolin Nieder
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Caley Orr
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Brian McDermott, Jr.
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Brian McNab
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Brian Smith
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Brent Raiteri
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Bo Cheng
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Blair Wolf
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Bill Dew
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Berry Pinshow
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Bernd Pelster
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Bernard Rees
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Ben Bolker
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Basil el Jundi
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Barbara Zielinski
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Austin Allen
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Attila Becskei
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Arthur Dewolf
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Arnaud Martin
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Armin Moczek
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Ariane Gayout
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Anthony Basile
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Anna Gagliardo
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Anitha Chirumamilla
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Angela Lange
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Andrew Shantz
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Andrew Sawers
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Andrew Mead
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Andrew Donini
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Andrew Biewener
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Andreas Nord
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Andreas Nieder
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Andreas Fahlman
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Anders Hedenstru00f6m
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Anand Krishnan
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Amanda Williard
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Alyssa Bowden
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Almut Kelber
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Alison Stimpert
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Alexis Dollion
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Alexander Gerson
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Alexander Kasumyan
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Alexander Werth
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Alexander Haverkamp
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Alex Champagne
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Alex Gunderson
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Akira Satoh
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Ajay Narendra
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Adriana Briscoe
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Adam Dobson
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Zsolt Lenkei
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Yi Shi
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Yannick Poitelon
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Wolfgang Graier
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
William Snell
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Viviana Berthoud
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Victoria Cowling
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Vaishnavi Ananthanarayanan
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Torsten Wittmann
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Tim Mitchison
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Tian Jin
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Leigh Boardman
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Theodore Fotsis
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Thaher Pelaseyed
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Teng-Leong Chew
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Tatsuya Saitoh
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Takeshi Noda
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Susana Godinho
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Suraiya Ansari
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Stig Ove Bu00f8e
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Stephen Tait
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Sophie Martin
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
So-ichiro Fukada
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Silvio Rizzoli
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Shirin Bahmanyar
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Shinsuke Niwa
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Shigeo Hayashi
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Shashank Shekhar
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Sebastian Rumpf
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Sarah McClelland
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Sabrina Absalon
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Rui Yi
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Ross Douglas
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Roland Knorr
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Rogerio Amino
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Rodrigo Fernandez-Gonzalez
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Robert Insall
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Renata Basto
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Ralf Jacob
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Pierre McCrea
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Philippos Mourikis
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Peter Baas
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Peter Lipp
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Peter Askjaer
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Pawel Swietach
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Paul Conduit
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Patrycja Kozik
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Patrick Oakes
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
P Schaap
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Oliver Wagner
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Oliver Gruss
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Ofer Shoshani
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Nobuo Noda
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Nir Gov
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Ning-Ning Song
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Niels Galjart
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Nicoletta Bobola
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Nava Segev
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Natalie Niemi
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Nasser Rusan
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Myriam Gorospe
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Moe Mahjoub
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Mingjie Zhang
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Michael Welsh
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Michael Marks
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Michael Rendl
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Michael Zuber
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Michael Dustin
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Michael Baudry
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Mary Dasso
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Martin Harterink
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Martin Harterink
Click tree again for more
This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Marta Miaczynska
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Markus Affolter
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
James Nichols
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Maria-Isabel Yuseff
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Marc-Jan Gubbels
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Marc-Jan Gubbels
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Lindsay Case
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Leonardo Almeida-Souza
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Lena Claesson-Welsh
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Leann Tilley
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Laura Fontenas
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Krishnaveni Mishra
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Kishore Wary
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Keith Johnson
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Kathleen Gould
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Kathleen Gould
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Katherine Wilson
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Julia von Maltzahn
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Jordan Beach
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Jonathan Friedman
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Jon Lane
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
John Heuser
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
John Challiss
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Johannes Herrmann
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Johanna Ivaska
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Jill Wildonger
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Jill Wildonger
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Jian-Qiu Wu
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Jiahui Xu
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Jessica Feldman
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Jeroen Pasterkamp
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Jennifer Stow
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Jennifer Gallop
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Jeffrey Woodruff
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Jason Sheltzer
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
James Wahl III
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
James Jackson
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
James Ferrell
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
James Briscoe
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Jacek Gaertig
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
J. Marie Hardwick
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Iain Hagan
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Hung-Ying Kao
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Hosung Jung
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Harald Stenmark
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Hadi Al-Hasani
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Gregory Emery
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Gregory Emery
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Gregory Fairn
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Click tree again for more
This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Gorka Basau00f1ez
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Girish Mali
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Gillian Griffiths
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Giampietro Schiavo
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Gerard Apodaca
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Gang Wen
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Francisco Su00e1nchez-Madrid
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Flavie Lavoie-Cardinal
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Fabian Bock
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Ester Gea-Mallorquu00ed
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Emil Lou
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Ellen Van Obberghen-Schilling
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Elizabeth Heller
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Elena Layunta
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Elena Grintsevich
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Douglas DeSimone
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Doron Rapaport
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Donald Gullberg
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Dirk Loeffler
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Diane Barber
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Diana Pinheiro
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
De-Li Shi
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Deborah Andrew
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Deb Lahiri
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
David Mick
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
David Sherwood
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Daniel Bar
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Daniel Conway
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Keaton Schuster
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Danfeng Cai
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Dan Levy
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Corey Valinsky
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Christopher Obara
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Christopher Obara
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Christof Niehrs
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Christina Gladkova
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Charles B Lindemann
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Chao Tong
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Carolyn Ott
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Caroline LaPlante
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Carlos Rubbi
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Cara Gottardi
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Arun Kumar Kondadi
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Andrew Moore
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Andras Toth
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Alistair Hume
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Alex Kolodkin
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Alan Howe
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Akihiko Nakano
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Adi Dubash
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Adam Kwiatkowski
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Adam Engler
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Yongfeng Jin
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Wolfgang Driever
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Wei Li
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Vivian Li
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Victoria Baxter
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Thomas Theil
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Hernan Lopez-Schier
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Valeria Capra
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Tulika Singh
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Tomokazu Souma
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Toby Phesse
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Tobias Janowitz
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Thomas Kidd
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Teresa Niccoli
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Tanya Whitfield
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Tamara Caspary
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Takuya Sakaguchi
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Steve Pollard
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Simon McDade
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Rachel Crane
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Sarah-Maria Fendt
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Sami Barmada
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Sally Moody
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Saidas Nair
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Roy Sillitoe
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Robert Wheeler
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Robert Krauss
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Robert Bloch
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Richard Piercy
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Richard Mills
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Richard Harland
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Rene Jackstadt
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Rebecca Wingert
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Randal Tibbetts
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Rachel Guest
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Peter Claus
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Peter Kang
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Pamela Santonicola
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Noah Weisleder
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Natasha Hanners
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Mayana Zatz
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Matthias Lambert
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Matthew Alexander
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Mark Cronan
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Marcos Simoes-Costa
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Luke Boulter
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Patrick Hu
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Lisa Sandell
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Lionel Blanc
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Ken Takahashi
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Keith Cheng
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Katie Long
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Karen Chang
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Karen Blyth
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Kamran Khodakhah
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Kai-Chun Yang
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Junzo Kinoshita
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Julien Colombani
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Juhoon So
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Johan Vande Voorde
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Jimena Andersen
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Jill Rafael-Fortney
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Jessica Rosati
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Jens Kroll
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
James Alspaugh
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Ian Smyth
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Hui Lim
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Hongbing Liu
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
H. Joseph Yost
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Fuyuki Karube
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Evgueni Ivakine
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Esther Verheyen
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Enrique Amaya
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Emily Rosowski
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Eliette Bonnefoy
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Dustin Flanagan
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Andres Collazo
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Dongyu Jia
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Dominic Wells
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Deborah Caswell
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
David Martinez
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
David Kohrman
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Daniel Garry
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Cristiana Cruceanu
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Henry Kronenberg
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Ching-Hsien Chen
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Chiara Braconi
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Chenhui Wang
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Cathrin Canto
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Catherine Hogan
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Carrie Duckworth
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Cammie Lesser
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Brigid Jensen
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Brian Ackley
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Bo Hu
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Benjamin Combs
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Ann Wheeler
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Anat Ben-Zvi
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Ahlam Alqahtani
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Agnieszka Dyrda
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Adam Bajgar
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Paul Nachtigall
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Yuling Jiao
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Yuji Mishina
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Young-Goo Han
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Yoshiko Takahashi
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Yoh-suke Mukouyama
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Yingzi Yang
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Yasushi Nakagawa
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Yang Chai
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Yana Kamberov
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Yan Yun
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Xin Zhang
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Xiaojun Xie
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Wolfram Goessling
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Wolfram Goessling
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Wolfram Goessling
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Wilson Clements
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Wen Tang
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Weibing Yang
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Wanbao Niu
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Vijay Tiwari
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Victoria Bautch
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Victor G
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Vicki Metzis
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Veronica Gregis
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Vanessa Wahl
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Uwe Drescher
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Ulrich Tepass
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Tudorita Tumbar
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Tomasz Nowakowski
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Tom Spencer
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Todd Blankenship
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Tina Tootle
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Timothy Grocott
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Tim Schedl
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Tiffany Heanue
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Thomas Theil
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Thomas Schultheiss
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Thomas Schilling
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Tai Montgomery
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Sylvain Bertho
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Suzana Herculano-Houzel
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Susan Cole
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Sudhansu Dey
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Stijn De Langhe
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Steven L'Hernault
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Steven Bassnett
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Stephen Renaud
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Stephanie Pangas
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Stefano Di Talia
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Siu Sylvia Lee
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Simona Lodato
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Shouhong Guang
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Shinichi Hayashi
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Shigeo Hayashi
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Shao-Chen Sun
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Shahin Rafii
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Sergei Sokol
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Sebastian Shimeld
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Sebastian Kittelmann
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Sean Burgess
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Scott Berry
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Satoshi Goto
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Sarah Childs
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Ryan Tomlinson
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Ruth Lehmann
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Rolf Stottmann
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Rolf Bodmer
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Roberto Mayor
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Robert Lipinski
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Robert Johnston
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Robert Cornell
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Robert Cornell
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Ray Wightman
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Raunak Sinha
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Raphael Kopan
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Ram Yadav
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Ralph DeBerardinis
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Qiufu Ma
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Qinghua Shi
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Paul Francois
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Paul Francois
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Patrick Steinmetz
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Patrick Lemaire
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Parthiv Haldipur
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Paola Arlotta
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Noriko Osumi
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Nicholas Brown
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Mustafa Khokha
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Mrinalini Hoon
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Morris Maduro
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Monica Vetter
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Miyo Morita
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Mitinori Saitou
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Mi-Ryoung Song
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Minoru Tanaka
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Minoru Tanaka
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Michelle Starz-Gaiano
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Michel Cohen-Tannoudji
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Michal Rabani
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Michael Soares
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Michael Rendl
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Michael Deans
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Michael Levin
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Matyas Fendrych
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Masahiko Furutani
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Martyn Cobourne
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Martyn Goulding
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Martin Turner
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Martha Soto
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Marilyn Renfree
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Marie-Emilie Terret
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Marianne Bronner
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Mari Carmen Uribe
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Mari Carmen Uribe
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Marcus Thelen
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Marcos Simoes-Costa
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Marco Trizzino
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Marcela Buchtova
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Marcela Buchtova
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Manuela Monti
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Malcolm Logan
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Makoto Sato
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Magarida Cardoso Moreira
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Magali Suzanne
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Madhav Mani
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Lynn Cooley
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Lydia Finley
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Lindsey Barske
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Lindsay Hinck
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Lesley Weaver
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Leif Oxburgh
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Leif Oxburgh
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Lee Niswander
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Laurent Kodjabachian
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Laura Fenlon
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Kyoko Ohashi-Ito
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Kyle McCracken
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Kuppuswamy Subramaniam
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Kryn Stankunas
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Kristina Haase
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Kristin Artinger
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Krista Gert
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Konrad Hochedlinger
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Komal Kaushik
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Kirsten Sadler
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Kenro Kusumi
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Ken Zaret
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Ken Nishimura
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Kelly McLaughlin
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Kelly Smith
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Katja Ru00f6per
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Katia Del Rio-Tsonis
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Kathleen Rockland
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Kate Storey
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Katarzyna Koltowska
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Katarzyna Koltowska
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Karen Hirschi
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Karen Echeverri
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Kara Cerveny
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Ingrid Hoffmann
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Ingrid Hoffmann
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Junchao Dong
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Julie Siegenthaler
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Julie Lefebvre
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Jukka Jernvall
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Juhee Jeong
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Joseph Bateman
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
John Mason
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Joaquina Delas Vives
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Joan Richtsmeier
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Jing Liu
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Jianwen Que
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Jessica Whited
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Jeremy Kay
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Jeremy Green
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Ken Takahashi
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Jean-Pierre Saint-Jeannet
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Jean-Paul Vincent
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Jean-Paul Vincent
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Jean-Claude Labbe
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Jason Morrison
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Jared Toettcher
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Jane Johnson
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Jan Zylicz
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Jamie Davies
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Jamie Davies
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
James Nichols
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
James Godwin
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
James Cuffe
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Isabella Artner
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Ian Jackson
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Ian Scott
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Hyuk-Jae Kwon
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Hubert Schorle
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Hua Zhang
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Hong Qiao
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Hong Chen
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Holger Gerhardt
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Hiroshi Wada
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Hirokazu Tsukaya
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Hernan Lopez-Schier
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Henry Kronenberg
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Heng-Chi Lee
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Heinz-Georg Belting
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Heidi Tissenbaum
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Guojun Sheng
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Gu00fcnes Taylor
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Click tree again for more
This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Guillaume Blin
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Giovanni Levi
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Gerrit Begemann
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Georges Lacaud
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
George Eisenhoffer
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
George Chuck
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Genevieve Konopka
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Geetu Tuteja
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Gabriel Galea
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Gabriel Galea
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Francois Parcy
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Francois Graner
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Francois Fagotto
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Francesca Spagnoli
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Florence Marlow
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Florence Marlow
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Fikri Birey
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Fernando Garc a-Moreno
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Fangxiong Shi
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Eszter Posfai
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Ertugrul Ozbudak
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Erin Cram
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Erin Irish
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Erika Isono
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Erik Lundquist
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Eric Siggia
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Erez Raz
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Emilyn Alejandro
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Emily Nou00ebl
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Emanuele Azzoni
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Elke Barbez
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Elke Ober
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Elke Ober
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Elizabeth Ables
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Elisa Marti
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Eli Arama
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Eckart Foerster
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Dritan Agalliu
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Dong-Yeon Lee
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Dior Kelley
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Denis Jabaudon
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Denes Hnisz
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
De-Li Shi
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Deirdre Lyons
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Debra Silver
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Deborah Andrew
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
David Sherwood
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Jenny Russinova
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
David Pepin
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Chunyue Yin
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Chi-Hon Lee
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Chema Martin-Duran
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Celina Juliano
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Bon-Kyoung Koo
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Bertrand Pain
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Aurelie Chiche
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Ashley Webb
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Anneke Kakebeen
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Anne-Karina Perl
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Anna Ajduk
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Anestis Tsakiridis
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Alexander Jones
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Albert Erives
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Ajay Chitnis
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Aissam Ikmi
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Aimee Jaramillo-Lambert
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Afshan Ismat
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Adrian Halme
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Abigail Tucker
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Weston Porter
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Ute Rothbacher
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Suren Chen
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Subham Dasgupta
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Sophie Belin
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Shelley Halpain
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Saverio Brogna
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Samuel Capon
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Ryota Matsuoka
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Pia Johansson
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Oliver Mu00fchlemann
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Natali Delorme
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Mohammad Vahid Ahmadianpour
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Michaela Livingstone-Banks
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Les Buck
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L. Miguel Martins
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Kristen Navara
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Keita Ikeda
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Juliana Perobelli
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Jubao Duan
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Josep Monnu00e9
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Joo-Hyeon Lee
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Joaquu00edn de Navascuu00e9s Melero
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Jean Marc TSAGMO
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Jakub Sedzinski
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Jacqueline Simonet
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Jacob Brunkard
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Ivar Noordstra
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Ingunn Holen
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Inchul Choi
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Ibrahim Eissa
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Hiroko Sano
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Hannah Long
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Haim Breitart
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Guy Brown
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Gregory Redpath
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Glen Lichtwark
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Felix Machin
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Felix Leiva
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Elizaldy Maboloc
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Eileen Devaney
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Daniel Gorelick
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Christine Curcio
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Chris Maher
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Ann Sutherland
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andrew tomlinson
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Amanda Harvey
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Alper Akay
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Alexandra Bentz
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Abhishek Kumar
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The dual function of prokinesis in the feeding and locomotor systems of parrots
Journal of Experimental Biology
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Multiple axes of visual system diversity in Ithomiini, an ecologically diverse tribe of mimetic butterflies
Journal of Experimental Biology
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Two modes of gene regulation by TFL1 mediate its dual function in flowering time and shoot determinacy of Arabidopsis
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Modulation of tooth regeneration through opposing responses to Wnt and BMP signals in teleosts
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Through the looking glass: attempting to predict future opportunities and challenges in experimental biology
Journal of Experimental Biology
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Does aquatic performance predict terrestrial performance: a case study with an aquatic frog, Xenopus laevis
Journal of Experimental Biology
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Heparin-binding epidermal growth factor and fibroblast growth factor 2 rescue Mu00fcller glia-derived progenitor cell formation in microglia- and macrophage-ablated chick retinas
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Local auxin biosynthesis promotes shoot patterning and stem cell differentiation in Arabidopsis shoot apex
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An interactive resource of molecular signalling in the developing human haematopoietic stem cell niche
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Collective signalling drives rapid jumping between cell states
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ABA guides stomatal proliferation and patterning through the EPF-SPCH signaling pathway in Arabidopsis thaliana
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What makes a great invader? Anatomical traits as predictors of locomotor performance and metabolic rate in an invasive frog
Journal of Experimental Biology
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Determining energy expenditure in a large seabird using accelerometry
Journal of Experimental Biology
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Coilin mediates m6A RNA methylation through phosphorylation of METTL3
Biology Open
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Locomotor effects of a fibrosis-based immune response in stickleback fish
Journal of Experimental Biology
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Corticosterone and immune responses to dehydration in squamate reptiles
Journal of Experimental Biology
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Disproportionate role of nuclear-encoded proteins in organismal and mitochondrial thermal performance in a copepod
Journal of Experimental Biology
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The H2Bub1-deposition complex is required for human and mouse cardiogenesis
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The centrosome u2013 diverse functions in fertilization and development across species
Journal of Cell Science
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SUMOylation regulates Lem2 function in centromere clustering and silencing
Journal of Cell Science
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When the tap runs dry: the physiological effects of acute experimental dehydration in Peromyscus eremicus
Journal of Experimental Biology
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Ascorbate protects human kidney organoids from damage induced by cell-free hemoglobin
Disease Models & Mechanisms
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Membrane transporters in cell physiology, cancer metabolism and drug response
Disease Models & Mechanisms
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Passive electroreception in bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus): implication for micro- and large-scale orientation
Journal of Experimental Biology
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Embryonic organizer specification in the mud snail Ilyanassa obsoleta depends on intercellular signaling
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Translational control of furina by an RNA regulon is important for left-right patterning, heart morphogenesis and cardiac valve function
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Abscisic acid biosynthesis is necessary for full auxin effects on hypocotyl elongation
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Better together: isolation impedes memory formation for configural learning in Lymnaea stagnalis
Journal of Experimental Biology
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Regulation of the apico-basolateral trafficking polarity of the homologous copper-ATPases ATP7A and ATP7B
Journal of Cell Science
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Differential reaction norms to ocean acidification in two oyster species from contrasting habitats
Journal of Experimental Biology
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Pre-gelation staining expansion microscopy for visualisation of the Plasmodium liver stage
Journal of Cell Science
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Biological timekeeping in polar environments: lessons from terrestrial vertebrates
Journal of Experimental Biology
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The antiproliferative effect of FGF2 in K-Ras-driven tumor cells involves modulation of rRNA and the nucleolus
Journal of Cell Science
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Physiological differences between wild and captive animals: a century-old dilemma
Journal of Experimental Biology
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u2018Distributedu2019 vision and the architecture of animal visual systems
Journal of Experimental Biology
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Cholesterol regulates insulin-induced mTORC1 signaling
Journal of Cell Science
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Human sperm rotate with a conserved direction during free swimming in four dimensions
Journal of Cell Science
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The allometry of mitochondrial efficiency is tissue dependent: a comparison between skeletal and cardiac muscles of birds
Journal of Experimental Biology
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Mitochondrial metabolism in Drosophila macrophage-like cells regulates body growth via modulation of cytokine and insulin signaling
Biology Open
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Targeting NHE6 gene expression identifies lysosome and neurodevelopmental mechanisms in a haploid in vitro cell model
Biology Open
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Interplay between the plasma membrane and cellu2013cell adhesion maintains epithelial identity for correct polarised cell divisions
Journal of Cell Science
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Pax3 lineage-specific deletion of Gpr161 is associated with spinal neural tube and craniofacial malformations during embryonic development
Disease Models & Mechanisms
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The distress context of social calls evokes a fear response in the bat Pipistrellus abramus
Journal of Experimental Biology
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Structure and dynamics of the contractile vacuole complex in Tetrahymena thermophila
Journal of Cell Science
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Multi-level regulation of even-skipped stripes by the ubiquitous factor Zelda
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Inter-organ communication during tissue regeneration
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Molecular compartmentalization in a syncytium: restricted mobility of proteins within the sea urchin skeletogenic mesenchyme
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Living life with an electric touch
Journal of Experimental Biology
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Determination of water balance maintenance in Orcinus orca and Tursiops truncatus using oxygen isotopes
Journal of Experimental Biology
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Crb3 is required to organize the apical domain of multiciliated cells
Journal of Cell Science
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FRL and DAAM are required for lateral adhesion of interommatidial cells and patterning of the retinal floor
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Microtubules under mechanical pressure can breach dense actin networks
Journal of Cell Science
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Cholesterol is required for activity-dependent synaptic growth
Journal of Cell Science
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Expanding roles of BCL-2 proteins in apoptosis execution and beyond
Journal of Cell Science
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Cell-type-specific interacting proteins collaborate to regulate the timing of Cyclin B protein expression in male meiotic prophase
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Inborn errors of amino acid metabolism u2013 from underlying pathophysiology to therapeutic advances
Disease Models & Mechanisms
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pi_tailtrack: A compact, inexpensive and open-source behaviour-tracking system for head-restrained zebrafish
Journal of Experimental Biology
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Netrin 1 directs vascular patterning and maturity in the developing kidney
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Stromal netrin 1 coordinates renal arteriogenesis and mural cell differentiation
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Scoring thermal limits in small insects using open-source, computer-assisted motion detection
Journal of Experimental Biology
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Modulation of limb mechanics in alligators moving across varying grades
Journal of Experimental Biology
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Chromatin-mediated silencing on the inactive X chromosome
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Journey through the history of Journal of Experimental Biology: a timeline
Journal of Experimental Biology
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Speed-specific optimal contractile conditions of the human soleus muscle from slow to maximum running speed
Journal of Experimental Biology
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Multi-omics reveals largely distinct transcript- and protein-level responses to the environment in an intertidal mussel
Journal of Experimental Biology
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Episodic live imaging of cone photoreceptor maturation in GNAT2-EGFP retinal organoids
Disease Models & Mechanisms
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Actin-based protrusions at a glance
Journal of Cell Science
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Axons of cortical basket cells originating from dendrites develop higher local complexity than axons emerging from basket cell somata
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Mesenchyme governs hair follicle induction
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Impacts of repeated social defeat on behavior and the brain in a cichlid fish
Journal of Experimental Biology
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Field-realistic exposure to neonicotinoid and sulfoximine insecticides impairs visual and olfactory learning and memory in Polistes paper wasps
Journal of Experimental Biology
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Altered binding affinity of SIX1-Q177R correlates with enhanced WNT5A and WNT pathway effector expression in Wilms tumor
Disease Models & Mechanisms
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In preprints: revisiting RNA in PRC2
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NOTCH3 signalling controls human trophoblast stem cell expansion and differentiation
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Accurate staging of chick embryonic tissues via deep learning of salient features
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A chemo-mechanical model of endoderm movements driving elongation of the amniote hindgut
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Sclerotome-derived PDGF signaling functions as a niche cue responsible for primitive erythropoiesis
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Long-term stress induced cortisol downregulation, growth reduction and cardiac remodeling in Atlantic salmon
Journal of Experimental Biology
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Noise-induced damage in the zebrafish inner ear endorgans: evidence for higher acoustic sensitivity of saccular and lagenar hair cells
Journal of Experimental Biology
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Tracing exploitation of egg boons: an experimental study using fatty acids and stable isotopes
Journal of Experimental Biology
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A snapshot of 100 years of discovery
Journal of Experimental Biology
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A genetic mosaic mouse model illuminates the pre-malignant progression of basal-like breast cancer
Disease Models & Mechanisms
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Parameterizing mechanistic niche models in biophysical ecology: a review of empirical approaches
Journal of Experimental Biology
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Genetic background determines severity of Loxl1-mediated systemic and ocular elastosis in mice
Disease Models & Mechanisms
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A model of replicating coupled oscillators generates naturally occurring cell networks
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The katanin A-subunits KATNA1 and KATNAL1 act co-operatively in mammalian meiosis and spermiogenesis to achieve male fertility
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Nuclear envelope assembly relies on CHMP-7 in the absence of BAFu2013LEM-mediated hole closure
Journal of Cell Science
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Locomotor kinematics on sand versus vinyl flooring in the sidewinder rattlesnake Crotalus cerastes
Biology Open
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Analysis of the chromatin landscape and RNA polymerase II binding at SIN3-regulated genes
Biology Open
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Fully automated point spread function analysis using PyCalibrate
Biology Open
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Oocyte quality is enhanced by hypoglycosylated FSH through increased cell-to-cell interaction during mouse follicle development
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Sideways maneuvers enable narrow aperture negotiation by free-flying hummingbirds
Journal of Experimental Biology
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A key evolutionary step determining osmoregulatory ability for freshwater colonisation in early life stages of fish
Journal of Experimental Biology
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Chromosomal organization of multigene families and meiotic analysis in species of Loricariidae (Siluriformes) from Brazilian Amazon, with description of a new cytotype for genus Spatuloricaria
Biology Open
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The lymphatic system favours survival of a unique T. brucei population
Biology Open
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Early-life environmental effects on mitochondrial aerobic metabolism: a brood size manipulation in wild great tits
Journal of Experimental Biology
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The epithelial polarity axis controls the resting membrane potential and Clu2212 co-transport in breast glandular structures
Journal of Cell Science
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Genome-wide identification of notochord enhancers comprising the regulatory landscape of the brachyury locus in mouse
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An elastic proteinaceous envelope encapsulates the early Arabidopsis embryo
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High-fat diet induces C-reactive protein secretion, promoting lung adenocarcinoma via immune microenvironment modulation
Disease Models & Mechanisms
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Identification of proteins that bind extracellular microRNAs secreted by the parasitic nematode Trichinella spiralis
Biology Open
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Competition for H2A.Z underlies the developmental impacts of repetitive element de-repression
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Calcium signals tune AMPK activity and mitochondrial homeostasis in dendrites of developing neurons
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Induced regeneration of articular cartilage u2013 identification of a dormant regeneration program for a non-regenerative tissue
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Pioneer statoacoustic neurons guide neuroblast behaviour during otic ganglion assembly
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Oxidative damage varies in response to bacterial, fungal and viral antigen challenges in bats
Journal of Experimental Biology
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A meta-analysis of butterfly structural colors: their color range, distribution and biological production
Journal of Experimental Biology
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Active smelling in the American cockroach
Journal of Experimental Biology
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The cost of movement: assessing energy expenditure in a long-distant ectothermic migrant under climate change
Journal of Experimental Biology
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30u2005years of nanobodies u2013 an ongoing success story of small binders in biological research
Journal of Cell Science
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Palmitate-induced insulin resistance causes actin filament stiffness and GLUT4 mis-sorting without altered Akt signalling
Journal of Cell Science
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Gravisensation and modulation of gravitactic responses by other sensory cues in the monarch butterfly (Danaus plexippus)
Journal of Experimental Biology
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KDM5-mediated activation of genes required for mitochondrial biology is necessary for viability in Drosophila
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A Drosophila model targets Eiger/TNFu03b1 to alleviate obesity-related insulin resistance and macrophage infiltration
Disease Models & Mechanisms
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Mortality caused by extracellular freezing is associated with fragmentation of nuclear DNA in larval haemocytes of two drosophilid flies
Journal of Experimental Biology
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Separation-of-function MCPH-associated mutations in CPAP affect centriole number and length
Journal of Cell Science
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In preprints: shrinking boundary cells reveal fluid flux in organogenesis
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The chromatin source-sink hypothesis: a shared mode of chromatin-mediated regulations
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Gibberellin and miRNA156-targeted SlSBP genes synergistically regulate tomato floral meristem determinacy and ovary patterning
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scTOP: physics-inspired order parameters for cellular identification and visualization
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Endothelial cell SMAD6 balances Alk1 function to regulate adherens junctions and hepatic vascular development
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Evidence for multi-scale power amplification in skeletal muscle
Journal of Experimental Biology
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A hull reconstructionu2013reprojection method for pose estimation of free-flying fruit flies
Journal of Experimental Biology
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Seasonal energetics: are insects constrained by energy during dormancy?
Journal of Experimental Biology
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High latitude northern bats (Eptesicus nilssonii) reveal adaptations to both high and low ambient temperatures
Journal of Experimental Biology
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Cellular and molecular functions of SETD2 in the central nervous system
Journal of Cell Science
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Pluripotent stem cell-derived neural progenitor cells can be used to model effects of IL-6 on human neurodevelopment
Disease Models & Mechanisms
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A method for TAT-Cre recombinase-mediated floxed allele modification in ex vivo tissue slices
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Melanistic coloration does not influence thermoregulation in the crepuscular gecko Eublepharis macularius
Biology Open
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Characterization of Pik1 function in fission yeast reveals its conserved role in lipid synthesis and not cytokinesis
Journal of Cell Science
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Centrosome amplification promotes cell invasion via cellu2013cell contact disruption and Rap-1 activation
Journal of Cell Science
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Roles of multi-level temperature-adaptive responses and microhabitat variation in establishing distributions of intertidal species
Journal of Experimental Biology
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Nuclear mechanosensing of the aortic endothelium in health and disease
Disease Models & Mechanisms
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The Tbx20-TLE interaction is essential for the maintenance of the second heart field
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It's cool to be stressed: body surface temperatures track sympathetic nervous system activation during acute stress
Journal of Experimental Biology
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Exploring the adaptability of the secondary structure of mRNA to temperature in intertidal snails based on SHAPE experiments
Journal of Experimental Biology
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Respirometry reveals major lineage-based differences in the energetics of osmoregulation in aquatic invertebrates
Journal of Experimental Biology
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Observations on neurophysiological pattern and behavioural traits as death-feigning mechanism in Eucryptorrhynchus scrobiculatus (Coleoptera: Curculionidae)
Journal of Experimental Biology
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Contrast sensitivity, visual acuity and the effect of behavioural state on optokinetic gain in fiddler crabs
Journal of Experimental Biology
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Beam theory predicts muscle deformation and vertebral curvature during feeding in rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss)
Journal of Experimental Biology
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Higher-order dialectic variation and syntactic convergence in the complex warble song of budgerigars
Journal of Experimental Biology
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Energetics of collective movement in vertebrates
Journal of Experimental Biology
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Moderate heat stress-induced sterility is due to motility defects and reduced mating drive in Caenorhabditis elegans males
Journal of Experimental Biology
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Limits to sustained energy intake. XXXIII. Thyroid hormones play important roles in milk production but do not define the heat dissipation limit in Swiss mice
Journal of Experimental Biology
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How metals fuel fungal virulence, yet promote anti-fungal immunity
Disease Models & Mechanisms
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The Tbx20-TLE interaction is essential for the maintenance of the second heart field
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The autotaxin-LPA axis promotes membrane trafficking and secretion in yolk sac visceral endoderm cells
Biology Open
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Connexin 43 mediated collective cell migration is independent of Golgi orientation
Biology Open
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CCDC183 is essential for cytoplasmic invagination around the flagellum during spermiogenesis and male fertility
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The maize preligule band is subdivided into distinct domains with contrasting cellular properties prior to ligule outgrowth
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The SUN-like protein TgSLP1 is essential for nuclear division in the apicomplexan parasite Toxoplasma gondii
Journal of Cell Science
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Mouse Pramel1 regulates spermatogonial development by inhibiting retinoic acid signaling during spermatogenesis
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Hydration and evaporative water loss of lizards change in response to temperature and humidity acclimation
Journal of Experimental Biology
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Transcription inhibition suppresses nuclear blebbing and rupture independently of nuclear rigidity
Journal of Cell Science
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Phosphorylation of axin within biomolecular condensates counteracts its tankyrase-mediated degradation
Journal of Cell Science
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Metabolic switches during development and regeneration
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Signalling pathway crosstalk stimulated by L-proline drives mouse embryonic stem cells to primitive-ectoderm-like cells
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The shift to 3D growth during embryogenesis of kelp species, atlas of cell division and differentiation of Saccharina latissima
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Immunity priming uncouples the growthu2013defense trade-off in tomato
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Beyond energy and growth: the role of metabolism in developmental signaling, cell behavior and diapause
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Characterisation of TbSmee1 suggests endocytosis allows surface-bound cargo to enter the trypanosome flagellar pocket
Journal of Cell Science
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Dynamic metabolism during early mammalian embryogenesis
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A year at the forefront of plasmodesmal biology
Biology Open
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The RNA-binding protein CSDE1 promotes hematopoietic stem and progenitor cell generation via translational control of Wnt signaling
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Actl7b deficiency leads to mislocalization of LC8 type dynein light chains and disruption of murine spermatogenesis
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The transcription factor EBF1 non-cell-autonomously regulates cardiac growth and differentiation
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Glucose to lactate shift reprograms CDK-dependent mitotic decisions and its communication with MAPK Sty1 in Schizosaccharomyces pombe
Biology Open
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Mutation in the FUS nuclear localisation signal domain causes neurodevelopmental and systemic metabolic alterations
Disease Models & Mechanisms
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Short tandem repeat profiling via next-generation sequencing for cell line authentication
Disease Models & Mechanisms
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Upregulation of fibronectin and its integrin receptors u2013 an adaptation to isolation stress that facilitates tumor initiation
Journal of Cell Science
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Increase in brain glycogen levels ameliorates Huntington's disease phenotype and rescues neurodegeneration in Drosophila
Disease Models & Mechanisms
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Spatial transcriptomics map of the embryonic mouse brain u2013 a tool to explore neurogenesis
Biology Open
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Robust assembly of the aldehyde dehydrogenase Ald4p in Saccharomyces cerevisiae
Biology Open
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Next generation marker-based vector concepts for rapid and unambiguous identification of single and double homozygous transgenic organisms
Biology Open
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Vimentin intermediate filaments provide structural stability to the mammalian Golgi complex
Journal of Cell Science
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Time-resolved proximity biotinylation implicates a porin protein in export of transmembrane malaria parasite effectors
Journal of Cell Science
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The CCR4u2013NOT complex suppresses untimely translational activation of maternal mRNAs
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Insulin signaling in development
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Leveraging dominant-negative histone H3 K-to-M mutations to study chromatin during differentiation and development
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SIN-3 acts in distinct complexes to regulate the germline transcriptional program in Caenorhabditis elegans
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Saccharomyces cerevisiae deficient in the early anaphase release of Cdc14 can traverse anaphase I without ribosomal DNA disjunction and successfully complete meiosis
Biology Open
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The roles of JAK2/STAT3 signaling in fusion of the secondary palate
Disease Models & Mechanisms
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Human muscleu2013tendon unit mechanobiological responses to consecutive high strain cyclic loading
Journal of Experimental Biology
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Field physiology in the aquatic realm: ecological energetics and diving behavior provide context for elucidating patterns and deviations
Journal of Experimental Biology
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Waterborne amino acids: uptake and functional roles in aquatic animals
Journal of Experimental Biology
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Atypical MAP kinases u2013 new insights and directions from amoeba
Journal of Cell Science
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Epithelial mechanics are maintained by inhibiting cell fusion with age in Drosophila
Journal of Cell Science
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Impact of high-fat diet and exposure to constant light on reproductive competence of female ICR mice
Biology Open
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Influence of visual perception on movement decisions by an ungulate prey species
Biology Open
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A high-sugar diet, but not obesity, reduces female fertility in Drosophila melanogaster
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HEXOKINASE1 and glucose-6-phosphate fuel plant growth and development
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Maternal-fetal cross-talk via the placenta: influence on offspring development and metabolism
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Microenvironment-dependent growth of Sezary cells in humanized IL-15 mice
Disease Models & Mechanisms
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Identification of histone deacetylase inhibitors as neutrophil recruitment modulators in zebrafish using a chemical library screen
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Sodium butyrate does not protect spinal motor neurons from AMPA-induced excitotoxic degeneration in vivo
Disease Models & Mechanisms
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Acute restraint stress rapidly impacts reproductive neuroendocrinology and downstream gonad function in big brown bats (Eptesicus fuscus)
Journal of Experimental Biology
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Evolution and divergence of teleost adrenergic receptors: why sometimes u2018the drugs don't worku2019 in fish
Journal of Experimental Biology
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The effects of temperature on elastic energy storage and release in a system with a dynamic mechanical advantage latch
Journal of Experimental Biology
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Comparative morphology of the whiskers and faces of mice (Mus musculus) and rats (Rattus norvegicus)
Journal of Experimental Biology
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Clearing the slate: RNA turnover to enable cell state switching?
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Key role for Rac in the early transcriptional response to extracellular matrix stiffness and stiffness-dependent repression of ATF3
Journal of Cell Science
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Glycosphingolipids are linked to elevated neurotransmission and neurodegeneration in a Drosophila model of Niemann Pick type C
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A gene regulatory network combining Pax3/7, Sox10 and Mitf generates diverse pigment cell types in medaka and zebrafish
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A molecular landscape of quiescence and proliferation highlights the role of Pten in mammary gland acinogenesis
Journal of Cell Science
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Loss of ATG4B and ATG4A results in two-stage cell cycle defects in pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma cells
Journal of Cell Science
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Light-activated BioID u2013 an optically activated proximity labeling system to study proteinu2013protein interactions
Journal of Cell Science
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Patterns of fatty acid usage in two nocturnal insectivores: the Mediterranean house gecko (Hemidactylus turcicus) and the Etruscan pygmy shrew (Suncus etruscus)
Journal of Experimental Biology
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Actin and CDC-42 contribute to nuclear migration through constricted spaces in C. elegans
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A novel perspective on the evolutionary loss of plasma-accessible carbonic anhydrase at the teleost gill
Journal of Experimental Biology
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The SARS-CoV-2 protein NSP2 enhances microRNA-mediated translational repression
Journal of Cell Science
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Wettability and morphology of proboscises interweave with hawkmoth evolutionary history
Journal of Experimental Biology
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DAXX safeguards heterochromatin formation in embryonic stem cells
Journal of Cell Science
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Weaver ants regulate the rate of prey delivery during collective vertical transport
Journal of Experimental Biology
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Dynamic gap crossing in Dendrelaphis, the sister taxon of flying snakes
Journal of Experimental Biology
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A systematic approach identifies p53-DREAM pathway target genes associated with blood or brain abnormalities
Disease Models & Mechanisms
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Loss of zebrafish pkd1l1 causes biliary defects that have implications for biliary atresia splenic malformation
Disease Models & Mechanisms
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Reconstituted in vitro systems to reveal the roles and functions of septins
Journal of Cell Science
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Deficiency of the Heterogeneous Nuclear Ribonucleoprotein U locus leads to delayed hindbrain neurogenesis
Biology Open
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Two sides of the same wing: ventral scales enhance dorsal wing color in the butterfly Speyeria mormonia
Journal of Experimental Biology
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Caudal Fgfr1 disruption produces localised spinal mis-patterning and a terminal myelocystocele-like phenotype in mice
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Pathway to Independence: the future of developmental biology
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Craniofacial developmental biology in the single-cell era
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The Foxi3 transcription factor is necessary for the fate restriction of placodal lineages at the neural plate border
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Cables1 links Slit/Robo and Wnt/Frizzled signaling in commissural axon guidance
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Cdc42 couples septin recruitment to the axial landmark assembly via Axl2 in budding yeast
Journal of Cell Science
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Physiological responses to acute warming at the agitation temperature in a temperate shark
Journal of Experimental Biology
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Thermal acclimation in a non-migratory songbird occurs via changes to thermogenic capacity, but not conductance
Journal of Experimental Biology
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Comparative multi-omic analyses of cardiac mitochondrial stress in three mouse models of frataxin deficiency
Disease Models & Mechanisms
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Putting a new spin on insect jumping performance using 3D modeling and computer simulations of spotted lanternfly nymphs
Journal of Experimental Biology
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Adenosine and u03b3-aminobutyric acid partially regulate metabolic and ventilatory responses of Damaraland mole-rats to acute hypoxia
Journal of Experimental Biology
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The glutamatergic drive to breathe is reduced in severe but not moderate hypoxia in Damaraland mole-rats
Journal of Experimental Biology
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PUF-8, a C. elegans ortholog of the RNA-binding proteins PUM1 and PUM2, is required for robustness of the cell death fate
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Efficient genetic editing of human intestinal organoids using ribonucleoprotein-based CRISPR
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Mapping oto-pharyngeal development in a human inner ear organoid model
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Human pluripotent stem cell-derived inner ear organoids recapitulate otic development in vitro
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Meningeal origins and dynamics of perivascular fibroblast development on the mouse cerebral vasculature
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u2018Chipu2019-ing away at morphogenesis u2013 application of organ-on-chip technologies to study tissue morphogenesis
Journal of Cell Science
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Compromised junctional integrity phenocopies age-dependent renal dysfunction in Drosophila Snakeskin mutants
Journal of Cell Science
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Metabolic FRET sensors in intact organs: Applying spectral unmixing to acquire reliable signals
Biology Open
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Ryan Bavis
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Ryan Bavis
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Russell Wyeth
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Roger Seymour
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Roger Seymour
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Robert Dudley
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Robert Raguso
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Richard Wilson
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Richard Brill
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Richard Blob
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Richard Cripps
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Richard Lieber
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Richard Bomphrey
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Renato Nagata
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Reinhard Blickhan
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Rebecca Kilner
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Rayna Bell
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Rachel Muheim
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Rachel Crane
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Quentin Gaudry
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Phoebe Edwards
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Philip Matthews
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Peter Madsen
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Peter Convey
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Peter Aerts
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Paweu00c5u0082 Koteja
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Pavan Kaushik
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Paula Brunton
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Paul Nachtigall
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Patrick Miller
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Patrick Baker
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Patricia Schulte
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Patricia Schulte
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Patricia Schulte
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Olle Anderbrant
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Olivier Cochet-Escartin
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Oliver Wearing
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Olena Riabinina
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Ningping Gong
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Nicole Geberzahn
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Nicolas Pichaud
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Nicola Nadeau
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Nicholas Teets
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Nia Whiteley
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Neil Metcalfe
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Natasha Mhatre
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Natasha Mhatre
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Natalie Hempel de Ibarra
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Muhammad Noor ul Ane
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Morgan Kelly
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Mikko Nikinmaa
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Michael Hedrick
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Michael Markham
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Michael O'Connor
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Michael O'Donnell
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Michael Dickinson
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Michael Doube
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Michael Berenbrink
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Michael B O'Connor
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Melissa Plasman
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Megumi Fuse
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Matti Vornanen
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Matthew Shawkey
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Matthew McHenry
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Matthew Noakes
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Matthew Pamenter
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Matthew Pamenter
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Masashi Kawasaki
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Martin Stevens
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Martin Giurfa
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Marta Bolgan
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Marshall McCue
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Marshall McCue
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Marshall McCue
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Markus Frederich
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Marie-Genevieve Guiraud
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Marie-Claire Shanahan
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Maria Stager
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Mads Schou
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Lynnette Sievert
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Luis Huckstadt
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Luciane Gargaglioni
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Lucas Zena
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Lily Fogg
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Liliana Rojo
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Lidia Szczupak
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Lewis Halsey
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Leslie Buck
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Leon Lounibos
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Leo Fleishman
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Lela Schlenker
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Laura Ferguson
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Laura McMillan
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Laura Dearden
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Lars Tomanek
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Lakshminath Kundanati
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Kwang Lee
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Konstantinos Feidantsis
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Kim Birnie-Gauvin
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Kiisa Nishikawa
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Kevin Campbell
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Kevin Young
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Kevin Daly
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Kenta Sugiura
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Kenji Tomioka
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Kendra Greenlee
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Keith Korsmeyer
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Keith Korsmeyer
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Katie Marshall
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Katie Marshall
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Katherine Saul
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Katherine Nagel
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Kari Taylor-Burt
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Karen Sweazea
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Karen Martin
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Karen Carleton
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Julieta Sztarker
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Julieta Carril
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Joshua Benoit
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Joshua Benoit
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Joseph Spagna
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Joseph Sisneros
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Joseph Sisneros
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Jose Chaui-Berlinck
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Jorn Cheney
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Jordanna Sprayberry
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Jon Harrison
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Jon Harrison
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
John Terblanche
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
John Hutchinson
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
John Videler
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Joel Kingsolver
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Jerry Husak
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Ju00e9ru00f4me Casas
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Jeroen Aeles
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Ju00e9ru00e9mie Vidal-Dupiol
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Jeff Richards
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Jeff Richards
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Jeff Richards
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Jeannette Yen
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Jean Potvin
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Jayne Gardiner
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Jason Gallant
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Jason Podrabsky
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Jasmine Nirody
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Niels Galjart
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Jan Born
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
James Traniello
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
James Adelman
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
James Usherwood
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
James Finley
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
James Staples
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
James Staples
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
James Liao
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Jakob Christensen-Dalsgaard
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Jake Socha
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Jake Socha
Click tree again for more
This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Jake Socha
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Jacquelyn Grace
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Jacqueline Lebenzon
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Inna Sokolova
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Imroze Khan
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Huub Maas
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Hunter King
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Hilary Bierman
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Herve Colinet
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Herman Pontzer
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Henry Astley
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Hema Somanathan
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Helmut Schmitz
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Helen Nilsson Sku00f6ld
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Helen Eachus
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Heidi Maclean
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Heather Watts
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Harvey Lillywhite
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Harvey Lillywhite
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Harold Zakon
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Harald Wolf
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Hans Hofmann
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
H. Arthur Woods
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
H. Arthur Woods
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Enrico Coen
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Gregor Belu ič
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Greg Byrnes
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Graham Scott
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Graham Martin
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Grace Capshaw
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
G ran Nilsson
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
G ran Nilsson
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Goggy Davidowitz
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Glenn Svensson
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Glen Lichtwark
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Glen Lichtwark
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Giorgio Vallortigara
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Gil Martinez Bautista
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Gerard Closs
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
George Jarvis
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Gauthier Schaal
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Gary Burness
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Fritz Geiser
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Frank Seebacher
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Frank Seebacher
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Francois Seneca
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Francois Brischoux
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Franck Ruffier
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Fiona Cross
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Fabio Cortesi
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Erika Eliason
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Erik Anderson
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Eric McElroy
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Eric Gangloff
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Eric Tytell
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Eric Tytell
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Emily Baird
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Elizabeth Brainerd
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Elisa Rigosi
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Eli EIsenberg
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Edgar Walters
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
E. Brown
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Dustin Marshall
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Douglas Warrick
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Dominik Heyers
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Doekele Stavenga
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Dinesh Rao
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Dennis Higgs
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Dennis Higgs
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Deniz Ertekin
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
De-Hua Wang
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Deborah Gordon
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
David Labonte
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
David Labonte
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
David McKenzie
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
David Coughlin
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
David Ensminger
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Daniel Noble
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Daniel Speiser
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Daniel Huber
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Daniel Hahn
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Daniel Hahn
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Daniel Wagenaar
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Dan-E. Nilsson
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Damian Moran
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Daijiro Abe
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
D. Ann Pabst
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Cristiano Bertolucci
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Craig White
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Craig White
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Craig McGowan
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Craig McGowan
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Craig Franklin
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Cosima Porteus
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Collins Kamunde
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Colin Brauner
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Claudio Lazzari
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Claire Spottiswoode
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Claire Rusch
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Christopher Turbill
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Christopher Richards
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Christine Cooper
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Christina Harvey
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Christian Tipsmark
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Christer Bru00f6nmark
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Christel Lefrancois
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Chris Wood
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Chris Guglielmo
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Chris Moyes
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Charlotte Miller
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Charles Buck
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Charles Derby
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Charles Derby
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
C dric Zimmer
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Cayleih Robertson
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Cassandra Donatelli
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Cassandra Donatelli
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Carolyn Tepolt
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Carlos Luquet
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Caley Orr
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
David Ornitz
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
David Ornitz
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Bodo Wilts
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Bo Cheng
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Berthold Hedwig
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Bernard Rees
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Benjamin Warren
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Benjamin Walther
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Ben Smit
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Attila Becskei
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Atticus Pinzon-Rodriguez
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Ary Hoffmann
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Armita Manafzadeh
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Apostolos-Manuel Koussoroplis
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Anthony Gamperl
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Anthony Hickey
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Anthony Herrel
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Annette Denzinger
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Anne Todgham
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Anna Ahn
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Ann Tate
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Anissa Kennedy
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Andria Salas
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Andrew Whitehead
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Andrew Philippides
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Andrew Mountcastle
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Andrew Iwaniuk
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Andrew McKechnie
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Andrew Davis
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Andreas Nord
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Andrea Flack
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Anand Krishnan
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Anabela Maia
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Ana Silva
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Ana Silva
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Amy Newman
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Amberleigh Henschen
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Alyssa Weinrauch
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Almut Kelber
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Alison Bell
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Alex Zimmer
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Aleksandra Walczynska
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Ajay Narendra
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Adil Khan
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Adam Hartstone-Rose
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Aaron Rice
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Yuhei Goto
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Yu Chen
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Yoav Arava
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Yasushi Tamura
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Yasushi Hiraoka
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Yasunori Saheki
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Xun Huang
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Wim Annaert
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
William Brieher
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Wei Feng
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Vladimir Lupashin
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Valerie Weaver
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Tuncay Baubec
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Tryambak Basak
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Tom Nightingale
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Timothy Kennedy
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Timothy Audas
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Tim Newsome
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Thomas Schalch
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Thomas Hornyak
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Tatiana Garcia-Muse
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Tanmay Lele
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Tamas Balla
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Takashi Toda
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Takashi Matozaki
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Takanari Inoue
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Sven Thoms
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Sven van IJzendoorn
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Suman Dhar
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Steven Farber
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Steve Caplan
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Steffen Scholpp
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Stefano Du2019Talia
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Stefan Bresson
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Stacey Ogden
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Sirio Dupont
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Sichen Shao
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Shigenobu Yonemura
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Shigeaki Saitoh
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Sheng Huang
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Sarah Cohen
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Samuel Stephens
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Samer Hussein
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Samantha Stehbens
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Sachin Kotak
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Ryosuke Satoh
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Robin Williams
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Robert Keenan
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Robert Fischer
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Richard Rachubinski
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Ralph Witzgall
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Qing Deng
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Qing Deng
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Prof. Jerson Silva
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Pleasantine Mill
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Pierre-Emmanuel Gleizes
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Pierre Coulombe
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Pier Paolo D'Avino
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Philip Woodman
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Petra Schwille
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Peter Espenshade
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Peter Askjaer
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Paul Letourneau
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Patrick Oakes
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Olivier Pertz
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Nikolaus Pfanner
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Nick Brown
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Myriam Baes
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Monica Bucciantini
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Mohan Gupta
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Minna Roh-Johnson
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Ming Li
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Mikael Lindstru00f6m
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Michael Matunis
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Michael Piacentino
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Michael Devine
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Michael Gotthardt
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Michael Fessing
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Mhamed Grati
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Masamitsu Sato
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Martin Lowe
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Markus Seeger
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Markus Babst
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Mark Von Zastrow
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Mark Peifer
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Mark Slabodnick
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Mark Waugh
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Marie Jose Goumans
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Marica Bakovic
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Marco Milan
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Lukas Cajanek
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
u00c5u0081ucja Walczak-Nowicka
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
LLewelyn Roderick
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Lisa Privette-Vinnedge
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Ling HOU
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Lena Claesson-Welsh
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Lee Roth
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Laura Gammill
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Laura Lackner
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Kyle Miller
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Kurt Amsler
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Kristi Anseth
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Kenneth Yamada
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Kate Miroshnikova
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Karl Lechtreck
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Kaiming Xu
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Juan Wang
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Jose Rodru00edguez-Alvarez
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Jose Javier Bravo-Cordero
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Jordan Beach
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Jonathon Nixon-Abell
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Jon Pines
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
John Hammer
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
John Cooper
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Johanna Englund
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Jianling Xie
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Jesse Zalatan
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Jennifer Gallop
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Jean-Renu00e9 Huynh
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Jean-David Rochaix
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Jean Wilson
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Jan Lammerding
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
James Moseley
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
James Casanova
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
James McNew
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Jaehoon Kim
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Ivan Yudushkin
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Ilias Mylonis
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Hyun Jung Kim
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Hongge Li
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Hidde Ploegh
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Henry Higgs
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Helge Ewers
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Helena Soares
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Helen McNeill
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Heike Folsch
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Heike Folsch
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Heidi Hehnly
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Gunnar Schulte
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Guillaume Jacquemet
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Guido Lenz
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Gregory Emery
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Gregory Emery
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Gregory Bashaw
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Greg Beitel
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Grant Hatch
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Gisou van der Goot
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Giorgio Scita
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Gina Razidlo
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Gianluigi Condorelli
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Gautam Dey
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Gary Wessel
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Fumiko Esashi
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Friedrich Frischknecht
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Friedrich Fu00c3u00b6rster
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Fru00e9du00e9ric Luton
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Franz Bruckert
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Felix Kessler
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Fang Lin
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Eyal Schejter
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Esther Stoeckli
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Erwan Delbarre
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Erik Sahai
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Erik Dent
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Eric Theveneau
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Elizabeth Ables
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Douglas Robinson
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Donald Gullberg
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Dominique Soldati
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Derek Applewhite
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
David Teis
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
David Sherwood
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
David Barry
Click tree again for more
This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Darius Ku00c3u00b6ster
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Danja Schuenemann
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Cynthia Damer
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Cynthia Corley Mastick
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Corey Valinsky
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Christopher Obara
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Christian Behrends
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Chris MacDonald
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Charles Saby
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Brian McDermott, Jr.
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Brian Cunniff
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Bikash Pattnaik
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Bernhard Wehrle-Haller
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Bernhard Wehrle-Haller
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Bernadette Carroll
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Ben Goult
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Barbara Tanos
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Aoife Heaslip
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Antonina Roll-Mecak
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Antoine Khalil
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Anthony Cesare
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Anne-Marie Tassin
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Anna Akhmanova
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Andrew Jarman
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Andre Le Bivic
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Amy Gladfelter
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Ambra Pozzi
Click tree again for more
This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Alexandre Bruni-Cardoso
Click tree again for more
This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Alex Hughes
Click tree again for more
This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Alena Salasova
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Akira Kikuchi
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Adam Engler
Click tree again for more
This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Adam Hoppe
Click tree again for more
This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Abigail Buchwalter
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Zhe Li
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Yuji Shiba
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Yichang Jia
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
William Barrell
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Vivian Li
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Victor Puelles
Click tree again for more
This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Valerie Brunton
Click tree again for more
This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Trevor Sweeney
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Teresa Bonello
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Tatyana Danyukova
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Tatsushi Igaki
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Steve Pollard
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Steve Jean
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Sophie Astrof
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Shubhangi Pingle
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Shreya Raghavan
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Sherylanne Newton
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Sean Sweeney
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Scott Plafker
Click tree again for more
This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Scott Baraban
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Satu Kuure
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Sabine Bailly
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Ryuji Morizane
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Rubika Balendra
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Ross Hardison
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Ross Cagan
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Rodney Dale
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Robert Hynds
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Richard White
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Rebecca Green
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Randall Roper
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Click tree again for more
This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Rafael Simu00c3u00b3
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Philippe Chevalier
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Philip Dunne
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Peter Hohenstein
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Patryk Konieczny
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Patricia Maciel
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Paola Bellosta
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Carolyn Ott
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Sevan Hopyan
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
William McGinnis
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Myron Ignatius
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Monkol Lek
Click tree again for more
This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Monkol Lek
Click tree again for more
This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Monica Justice
Click tree again for more
This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Monica Justice
Click tree again for more
This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Mohamed Chahine
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Mireille Khacho
Click tree again for more
This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Matthew Gentry
Click tree again for more
This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Aleksandar Popadic
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Mathilakath Vijayan
Click tree again for more
This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Mary Goll
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Martina Hallegger
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Marta Derecka
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Maru00c3u00ada Jesu00c3u00bas Perugorria
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Marcus Goncalves
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Mao Mao
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Malte Tiburcy
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Luis Hernandez-Miranda
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Luca Tiberi
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Liubov Gushchina
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Laura Borodinsky
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
L. Miguel Martins
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
KRizzoti Rizzoti
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Kirsten Sadler Edepli
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Kenneth Maclean
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Kelly Smith
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Kelly Smith
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Kelly Smith
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Kazu Kikuchi
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Masahiko Furutani
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Karl Skorecki
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Junichi Iwata
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Joseph Brzezinski
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Jose Aponte
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
John Wallingford
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
John Sedivy
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
John Parant
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
John Rawls
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
John Abrams
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Johan Vande Voorde
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Joe Baio
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Jens Schwamborn
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Jens Hansen
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Jeffrey Essner
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Jeffrey Bush
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Jaya Gnana-Prakasam
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Jason Berman
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Frederik Pu00fcffel
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
James Goldenring
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
James Amatruda
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
James Cray
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Irene Zohn
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Ira Blitz
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Hu Huang
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Hoon-Ki Sung
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Holly Chen
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Henrik Semb
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Helen Strutt
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Heiko Lickert
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Heidi Fuller
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Harry Leitch
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Hannah Long
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Guillermo Lopez-Domenech
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Gretchen Meyer
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Gonzalo del Monte Nieto
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Gareth Inman
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Francis Szele
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Filomena Digilio
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Esther Verheyen
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Erin Jimenez
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Enzo Porrello
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Dimuthu Alankarage
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Denis Matignon
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
David Church
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Darius Balciunas
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Cyrille Vaillend
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Cristiano Bertolucci
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Colin Johnson
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Clu00e9vio Nu00f3brega
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Chung-Ming Chen
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Christian Mosimann
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Chi-Kuang Yao
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Chiara Braconi
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Chantelle Sephton
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Caroline Vance
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Cameron Johnstone
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Click tree again for more
This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Bilal Malik
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Bhuvaneish Selvaraj
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Barbara Schneider
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Avneesh Singh
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Anthony Gavalas
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Annette Feigenbaum
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Andrzej Slominski
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Andru00c3u00a9 Sousa
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Ana Arroba
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Ambre Bertholet
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Aldo Roccaro
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Aimee Ryan
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Aaron Johnson
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Zita Carvalho-Santos
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Zigang Cao
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Zheng-Yi Xu
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Zachary Nimchuk
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Yusuke Toyama
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Yusuke Toyama
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Yang Chai
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Yang Chai
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Yanchao Han
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Wouter Karthaus
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Wolfgang Knabe
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
William Browne
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Wen Tang
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Vincenzo Calvanese
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Vincent Laudet
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Viktor Honti
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Victoria Mironova
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Vicki Losick
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Veronique Lefebvre
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Valerie Horsley
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Tzahi Arazi
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Tony Harris
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Tomonori Nakamura
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Tomonori Nakamura
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Tom Spencer
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Todd Nystul
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Todd Blankenship
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Timothy Saunders
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Timothy Saunders
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Timothy Saunders
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Thomas Holstein
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Thomas Sokolowski
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Thomas Klein
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Thomas Roscoe
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Thomas Schilling
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Thomas Arnold
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Thierry Jaffredo
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Teva Vernoux
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Tania Rozario
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Tamara Caspary
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Takeshi Kurita
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Takashi Shinohara
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Tailoi Chan-Ling
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Tadashi Uemura
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Tadashi Uemura
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Sylvain Bertho
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Sven Reischauer
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Suzanne Mansour
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Susumu Hirabayashi
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Sunder Sims-Lucas
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Sunder Sims-Lucas
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Stephen Carter
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Stephen Frankenberg
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Stefano Schiaffino
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Stefano Di Talia
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Stanislav Shvartsman
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Sophie Astrof
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Smadar Ben-Tabou de-Leon
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Simone Mayer
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Simon Hughes
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Sihem Cheloufi
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Shubha Govind
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Shinya Komata
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Shinobu Takada
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Shinichi Hayashi
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Shila Ghazanfar
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Shawn Burgess
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Setsuko Sahara
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Seth Blackshaw
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Sergi Simo
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Sebastian Jessberger
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Sebastian Fraune
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Scott Williams
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Saverio Bellusci
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Saulius Sumanas
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Satoshi Goto
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Sarah Kucenas
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Sarah Bray
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Sandra Blaess
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Samir Taoudi
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Sam Amsbury
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Andru00c3u00a9 Sousa
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Sabine Bailly
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Ryusuke Niwa
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Ryusuke Niwa
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Ruth Ashery Padan
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Rulang Jiang
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Ru00c3u00bcdiger Simon
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Ruben Perez-Carrasco
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Ruben Perez-Carrasco
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Rory Morty
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Ron Waclaw
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Ron Parchem
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Roman Giger
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Romain Levayer
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Romain Levayer
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Rolf Bodmer
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Rolf Bodmer
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Roberto Mayor
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Robert Sablowski
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Robert Reed
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Robert Kelsh
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Robert Johnston
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Robert Kelly
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Robb Krumlauf
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Rob Machold
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Richard Harvey
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Richard Cripps
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Richard Cripps
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Richard Fehon
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Richard Behringer
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Richard Guyer
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Reinhard Koester
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Rebecca Riggins
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Rafael Lozano
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Rachel Smith-Bolton
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Pravrutha Raman
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Pierre Vanderhaeghen
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Pierre Ray
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Philippe Soriano
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
petra marhava
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Peter Rugg-Gunn
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Peter Okkema
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Pavel Georgiev
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Pauline Spu00e9der
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Paul Martin
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Paul Francois
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Paul Delgado Olguin
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Patrick Hu
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Na Wang
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Patricia Springer
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Patrice Cu00c3u00b4tu00c3u00a9
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Pascal Maire
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Pao-Tien Chuang
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Paola Bovolenta
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Ovijit Chaudhuri
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Noriko Osumi
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Noriaki Sasai
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Norbert Perrimon
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Nobue Itasaki
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Niko Geldner
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Nikhil Munshi
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Nicoletta Kessaris
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Nicoletta Bobola
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Nicole Dubois
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Nicolas Arnaud
Click tree again for more
This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Nick Burton
Click tree again for more
This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Neva Meyer
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Neil Vargesson
Click tree again for more
This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Nathalie Jurisch-Yaksi
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Naoki Yamanaka
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Naoki Mochizuki
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Nanette Nascone-Yoder
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Nancy Speck
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Nadine Vastenhouw
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Murat Maga
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Momoko Watanabe
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Momoko Ikeuchi
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Mitsuru Morimoto
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Mitsuru Morimoto
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Mingtao Zhao
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Miho Ohsugi
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Miguel Manzanares
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Michiko Watanabe
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Michelle Percharde
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Michelle Facette
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Michu00c3u00a8le Crozatier
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Michaela Patterson
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Michael Welte
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Michael Piacentino
Click tree again for more
This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Michael Piacentino
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Melissa Rolls
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Stephanie Grainger
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Melanie Eckersley-Maslin
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Mekayla Storer
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Maura McGrail
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Maura McGrail
Click tree again for more
This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Matthias Hammerschmidt
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Matthew Kelley
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Matt Gibson
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Mathias Merkel
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Masahito Ikawa
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Masahito Ikawa
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Mary Byrne
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Mary Ann Handel
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Martyn Cobourne
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Martin Pera
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Martin Klingler
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Marta Nieto
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Markus Affolter
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Marko Brankatschk
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Mark Martindale
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Mark Peifer
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Marie-Helene Verlhac
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Marie Manceau
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Maria Olmedo Lopez
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Margaret Baron
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Marcos Simoes-Costa
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Marc Amoyel
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Manfred Frasch
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Malcolm Logan
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Maithreyi Narasimha
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Luis Teixeira
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Huub Maas
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Lucas Waltzer
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Louis-Jan Pilaz
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Lori O'Brien
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Lorenz Studer
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Lolitika Mandal
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Lolitika Mandal
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Lindsey Barske
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Lindsey Barske
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Lindsey Barske
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Linda Samuelson
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Linda Barlow
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Lesley Weaver
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Lu00e9o Guignard
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Laurel Raftery
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Laure Bally-Cuif
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Laura Banaszynski
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Laura Arribas-Hernu00e1ndez
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Kun Tan
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Kristin Artinger
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Kris Killian
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Koichiro Uriu
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Kikue Tachibana
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Kenneth Yamada
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Kenneth Campbell
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Kenneth Birnbaum
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Ken McElreavey
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Keith Mostov
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Keagan Dunville
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Kazuyuki Ohbo
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Kazuyuki Ohbo
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Kazuyuki Ohbo
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Kazue Hashimoto-Torii
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Katja Ru00f6per
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Katie Long
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Bruce Carlson
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Kate Storey
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Karl Koehler
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Karin List
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Kari Lenhart
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Kai Shu
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Kai Ge
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Justin Crocker
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Justin Blau
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Junichi Iwata
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Juliet Girard
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Julia Cordero
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Juan Manuel Gonzalez-Rosa
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Juan Encinas
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Jordi Cayuso
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Jonathan Rodenfels
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Matthew Cobb
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
John Bowman
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
John B Wallingford
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
John Aplin
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Johann Eberhart
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Johann Eberhart
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Johann Eberhart
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Joaquim Culi
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Joanna Smeeton
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Jiu-Lin Du
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Jichao Chen
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Jianwen Que
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Jessica Tollkuhn
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Jessica Dunleavy
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Jessica Treisman
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Jesse Veenvliet
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Jeremy Wang
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Jeremy Nathans
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Jens Januschke
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Jennifer Zallen
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Jennifer Schisa
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Jennifer Nichols
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Jenna Galloway
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Jeffrey Amack
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Jeffery Axelrod
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Jean-Denis Beaudoin
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Jean Marie Delalande
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Jason Tennessen
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Jason Rihel
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Jared Toettcher
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
James Turner
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
James Godwin
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Jafar Sharif
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Isabel Palacios
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Iris Salecker
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Hweijan Hsu
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Hugh Clarke
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Hugh Clarke
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Hubert Schorle
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Huayu Qi
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Holger Knaut
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Holger Gerhardt
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Holger Gerhardt
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Hirohisa Kyogoku
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Hirohisa Kyogoku
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Hernan Lopez-Schier
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Hernan Lopez-Schier
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Helena Cochem
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Helena Cochem
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Hu00e9ctor Herranz
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Hu00e9ctor Candela
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Heather Szabo-Rogers
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Harald Hutter
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Han-Sung Jung
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Hans-Arno Mueller
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Hanh Vu
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Hanane Khoury
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Gwyneth Ingram
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Guy Malkinson
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Guang Hu
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Greg Bashaw
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Goyal Sid
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Giovanni Levi
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Gilles Storelli
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Gerhard Schlosser
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Gabriella Minchiotti
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Ryuji Morizane
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Frank Longo
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Francois Schweisguth
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Franu00c3u00a7ois Robin
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Francois Leulier
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Franck Pichaud
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Franck Pichaud
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Francis Corson
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Francesca Soncin
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Filippo Del Bene
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Filippo Del Bene
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Fernando Alsina
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Fengzhu Xiong
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Feng Liu
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Fanxin Long
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Ertugrul Ozbudak
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Erika Bach
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Erik Lundquist
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Erik Clark
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Eric Small
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Ellen Lien
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Elke Barbez
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Elizabeth Ross
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Elizabeth Jones
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Elena Scarpa
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Elena Shpak
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Elena Camacho
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Elazar Zelzer
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Eirini Trompouki
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Eduardo Patriarca
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Dustin Updike
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Douglas Millay
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Dorothy Lerit
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Doris Herzlinger
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Doris Herzlinger
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Don Ready
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Dominique Alfandari
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Dominique Alfandari
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Dian-Han Kuo
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Deirdre Lyons
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Da-Zhi Wang
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
David Raible
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
David Raible
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
David McClay
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
David Reiner
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
David Clouthier
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Daria Siekhaus
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Danny Chan
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Daniel Grimes
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Daniel Cox
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Daniel Larson
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Daniel Kierzkowski
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Daniel McKay
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Dalit Sela-Donenfeld
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Cristina Pujades
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Cory Evans
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Cornelis Weijer
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Connie Krawczyk
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Clemens Kiecker
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Claudia Vasquez
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Clarissa Henry
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Clare Hudson
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Clare Buckley
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Chrysoula Pitsouli
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Christer Betsholtz
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Chris Whitewoods
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Chen-Hui Chen
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Chee Wai Chua
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Charles Ettensohn
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Celina Juliano
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Carmen Birchmeier
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Carl-Philipp Heisenberg
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Carien Niessen
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Bruce Riley
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Bruce Murphy
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Bruce Appel
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Brian Hermann
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Brent Wilkerson
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Brad Amendt
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Bomyi Lim
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Blanche Capel
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Blair Benham-Pyle
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Atsushi Nakano
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Assaf Zaritsky
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Arndt Siekmann
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
April Craft
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Antonio Scialdone
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Antonio Jacinto
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Annette Neubuser
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Annette Borchers
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Anne-Gaelle Borycki
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Anne Eichmann
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Anne Eichmann
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Andrew Groves
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Andrew Elefanty
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Andrea Pauli
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Andrea Manfrin
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Andrea Ditadi
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Andrea Brand
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Andre Mateus
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Ananda Sarkar
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Amy Engevik
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Amy Merrill
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Amit Singh
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Amanda Amodeo
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Alexander Aulehla
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Alex Nechiporuk
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Alejo Rodriguez-Fraticelli
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Alejo Rodriguez-Fraticelli
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Akhila Rajan
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Ajay Chitnis
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Ahmed Balboula
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Adrian Halme
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Adam Saffer
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Adam Isabella
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Adam Burton
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Abigail Tucker
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Zhe Li
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Yoshihiro Omori
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Yannick Poitelon
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Wipawee Winuthayanon
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Travis Wilcoxen
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Susana Suely Rodrigues Milhomem-Paixu00e3o
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Sundeep Kalantry
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Stefan Hoppler
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Simon Tru00c3u00b6der
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Sean Rands
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Satu Kuure
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Saranyaraajan Varadarajan
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Santu Saha
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Sally Lowell
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Sabine Werner
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Rebecca Cramp
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Raj Ladher
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Paul Rose
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Patrick Narbonne
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Oliver Hobert
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Nagaraj Balasubramanian
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Monica Mugnier
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Michelle Bland
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Meera Sundaram
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Mattias Mannervik
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Matthew Parker
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Martha Soto
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Marta Giacomello
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Marios Chatzigeorgiou
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Maria Claudia Gross
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Marcus Dymond
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Jorn Cheney
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Jorge Bolivar
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Joana Correia Faria
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Jeremy Wideman
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Jason Tennesson
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Jason Tennesson
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
James Dowling
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Ivan Bedzhov
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Global and local functions of the Fused kinase ortholog CdaH in intracellular patterning in Tetrahymena
Journal of Cell Science
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Transcriptomic analysis of diabetic kidney disease and neuropathy in mouse models of type 1 and type 2 diabetes
Disease Models & Mechanisms
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The physiological consequences of a very large natural meal in a voracious marine fish, the staghorn sculpin (Leptocottus armatus)
Journal of Experimental Biology
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Innovating spinal muscular atrophy models in the therapeutic era
Disease Models & Mechanisms
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Glial plasticity at nervous system transition zones
Biology Open
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A ubiquitinu2013proteasome pathway degrades the inner nuclear membrane protein Bqt4 to maintain nuclear membrane homeostasis
Journal of Cell Science
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Real-time monitoring of an endogenous Fgf8a gradient attests to its role as a morphogen during zebrafish gastrulation
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Glucocorticoid receptor regulates protein chaperone, circadian clock and affective disorder genes in the zebrafish brain
Disease Models & Mechanisms
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N6-adenosine methylation of mRNA integrates multilevel auxin response and ground tissue development in Arabidopsis
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Chemokine-like Orion is involved in the transformation of glial cells into phagocytes in different developmental neuronal remodeling paradigms
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Modeling a variant of unknown significance in the Drosophila ortholog of the human cardiogenic gene NKX2.5
Disease Models & Mechanisms
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Predatoru2013prey systems as models for integrative research in biology: the value of a non-consumptive effects framework
Journal of Experimental Biology
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Starvation selection reduces and delays larval ecdysone production and signaling
Journal of Experimental Biology
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State-dependent, visually guided behaviors in the nudibranch Berghia stephanieae
Journal of Experimental Biology
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Surf4 collaborates with derlin-2 and derlin-1 to mediate cyclooxygenase-2 translocation to the cytosol for degradation
Journal of Cell Science
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Live-imaging studies reveal how microclots and the associated inflammatory response enhance cancer cell extravasation
Journal of Cell Science
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Paxillin regulates liver fibrosis via actin polymerization and ERK activation in hepatic stellate cells
Journal of Cell Science
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The hydrodynamics of jet propulsion swimming in hatchling and juvenile European common cuttlefish, Sepia officinalis
Journal of Experimental Biology
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Experiencing short heat waves early in development changes thermal responsiveness of turtle embryos to later heat waves
Journal of Experimental Biology
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Frizzled2 receives WntA signaling during butterfly wing pattern formation
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Single-cell transcriptomics identifies new blood cell populations in Drosophila released at the onset of metamorphosis
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UNC-116 and UNC-16 function with the NEKL-3 kinase to promote axon targeting
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History-dependent muscle resistance to stretch remains high after small, posturally relevant pre-movements
Journal of Experimental Biology
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What do molecular laws of life mean for species: absolute restrictions or mere suggestions?
Journal of Experimental Biology
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Nectophore coordination and kinematics by physonect siphonophores
Journal of Experimental Biology
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Calibrated microphone array recordings reveal that a gleaning bat emits low-intensity echolocation calls even in open-space habitat
Journal of Experimental Biology
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The upper temperature and hypoxia limits of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) depend greatly on the method utilized
Journal of Experimental Biology
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AGAP1-associated endolysosomal trafficking abnormalities link geneu2013environment interactions in neurodevelopmental disorders
Disease Models & Mechanisms
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A neurophysiological limit and its biogeographic correlations: cold-induced spreading depolarization in tropical butterflies
Journal of Experimental Biology
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Novel approaches for assessing acclimatization in birds reveal seasonal changes in peripheral heat exchange and thermoregulatory behaviors
Journal of Experimental Biology
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Shock drives a STAT3 and JunB-mediated coordinated transcriptional and DNA methylation response in the endothelium
Journal of Cell Science
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Response of cells and tissues to shear stress
Journal of Cell Science
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An inducible germ cell ablation chicken model for high-grade germline chimeras
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An active traveling wave of Eda/NF-u03baB signaling controls the timing and hexagonal pattern of skin appendages in zebrafish
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Taste papilla cell differentiation requires the regulation of secretory protein production by ALK3-BMP signaling in the tongue mesenchyme
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aristaless-like homeobox-3 is wound induced and promotes a low-Wnt environment required for planarian head regeneration
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Loss of Twist1 and balanced retinoic acid signaling from the meninges causes cortical folding in mice
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Wnt9 directs zebrafish heart tube assembly via a combination of canonical and non-canonical pathway signaling
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Gastric epithelial stem cells in development, homeostasis and regeneration
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Polycomb safeguards imaginal disc specification through control of the Vestigialu2013Scalloped complex
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Comparison of acoustic particle acceleration detection capabilities in three shark species
Journal of Experimental Biology
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Comparison of auditory evoked potential thresholds in three shark species
Journal of Experimental Biology
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The E3 ubiquitin ligase CHIP drives monoubiquitylation-mediated nuclear import of the tumor suppressor PTEN
Journal of Cell Science
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Activation of respiratory-related bursting in an isolated medullary section from adult bullfrogs
Journal of Experimental Biology
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Covariation between wrist bone morphology and maximal range of motion during ulnar deviation and supination in extant nonhuman primate taxa
Journal of Experimental Biology
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First evidence of sex-specific responses to chemical cues in tardigrade mate searching behaviour
Journal of Experimental Biology
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DPH1 and DPH2 variants that confer susceptibility to diphthamide deficiency syndrome in human cells and yeast models
Disease Models & Mechanisms
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Quantifying acute kidney injury in an Ischaemia-Reperfusion Injury mouse model using deep-learning-based semantic segmentation in histology
Biology Open
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CRISPR/Cas9-mediated knockout of the ubiquitin variant UbKEKS reveals a role in regulating nucleolar structures and composition
Biology Open
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Chloroplast protein translocation pathways and ubiquitin-dependent regulation at a glance
Journal of Cell Science
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u2018Phototaxisu2019 in the absence of light? Locomotory patterns in unionid mussels
Journal of Experimental Biology
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Schwann cells are axo-protective after injury irrespective of myelination status in mouse Schwann cellu2013neuron cocultures
Journal of Cell Science
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OPA1 deficiency impairs oxidative metabolism in cycling cells, underlining a translational approach for degenerative diseases
Disease Models & Mechanisms
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Convertase-dependent regulation of membrane-tethered and secreted ligands tunes dendrite adhesion
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An acytokinetic cell division creates PIP2-enriched membrane asymmetries leading to slit diaphragm assembly in Drosophila nephrocytes
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Intermittent hypoxia differentially affects metabolic and oxidative stress responses in two species of cyprinid fish
Biology Open
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ILT4 reprograms glucose metabolism to promote tumor progression in triple-negative breast cancer
Journal of Cell Science
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Ets-1 transcription factor regulates glial cell regeneration and function in planarians
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Ets-1 transcription factor regulates glial cell regeneration and function in planarians
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Expression and function of four AAV-based constructs for dystrophin restoration in the mdx mouse model of Duchenne muscular dystrophy
Biology Open
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The Drosophila homolog of APP promotes Dscam expression to drive axon terminal growth, revealing interaction between Down syndrome genes
Disease Models & Mechanisms
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rasa1-related arteriovenous malformation is driven by aberrant venous signalling
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The RNF220 domain nuclear factor Teyrha-Meyrha (Tey) regulates the migration and differentiation of specific visceral and somatic muscles in Drosophila
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Zbtb16 mediates a switch between Fgf signalling regimes in the developing hindbrain
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Stromal matrix directs corneal fibroblasts to re-express keratocan after injury and transplantation
Disease Models & Mechanisms
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Elevated temperatures increase abnormalities in embryos and reduce larval survival in serpulid polychaetes
Biology Open
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CD133/Prom1 marks proximal mouse oviduct epithelial progenitors and adult epithelial cells with a low generative capacity
Biology Open
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In preprints: opportunities to unravel the earliest stages of human development using stem cell-based embryo models
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Mitochondrial metabolism and oxidative stress in the tropical cockroach under fluctuating thermal regimes
Journal of Experimental Biology
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Recent advances in insect thermoregulation
Journal of Experimental Biology
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DNA damage signals from somatic uterine tissue arrest oogenesis through activated DAF-16
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Y-27632 acts beyond ROCK inhibition to maintain epidermal stem-like cells in culture
Journal of Cell Science
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Leucine-rich repeat kinase 2 at a glance
Journal of Cell Science
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Beat the heat: thermal respites and access to food associated with increased bumble bee heat tolerance
Journal of Experimental Biology
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Fat2 polarizes Lar and Sema5c to coordinate the motility of collectively migrating epithelial cells
Journal of Cell Science
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Gastruloid-derived primordial germ cell-like cells develop dynamically within integrated tissues
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Chondroitin sulfate is required for follicle epithelial integrity and organ shape maintenance in Drosophila
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Temperature and pressure dependency of oxygen consumption during long-term sustained swimming of European eels
Journal of Experimental Biology
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A non-invasive, concealed electrocardiogram and bioimpedance measurement system for captive primates
Journal of Experimental Biology
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The sensory effects of light on the electric organ discharge rate of Gymnotus omarorum
Journal of Experimental Biology
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The dual lipid desaturase/hydroxylase DEGS2 controls phytoceramide levels necessary to counter intestinal inflammation
Disease Models & Mechanisms
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Wnt and BMP signalling direct anterioru2013posterior differentiation in aggregates of mouse embryonic stem cells
Biology Open
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Tackling the lack of diversity in cancer research
Disease Models & Mechanisms
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Actomyosin-dependent cell contractility orchestrates Zika virus infection
Journal of Cell Science
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p53 amyloid pathology is correlated with higher cancer grade irrespective of the mutant or wild-type form
Journal of Cell Science
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Global SUMOylation in mouse oocytes maintains oocyte identity and regulates chromatin remodeling and transcriptional silencing at the end of folliculogenesis
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Region-specific reversal of epidermal planar polarity in the rosette fancy mouse
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Trophoblast organoids with physiological polarity model placental structure and function
Journal of Cell Science
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The cortical microtubules of Toxoplasma gondii underlie the helicity of parasite movement
Journal of Cell Science
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Cardiorespiratory physiology and swimming capacity of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) at cold temperatures
Journal of Experimental Biology
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IL-33 regulates Mu00fcller cell-mediated retinal inflammation and neurodegeneration in diabetic retinopathy
Disease Models & Mechanisms
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Human in vivo medial gastrocnemius gear during active and passive muscle lengthening: effect of inconsistent methods and nomenclature on data interpretation
Biology Open
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Effects of particle size and thickness of quartz sand on the webbed foot kinematics of mallard (Anas platyrhynchos)
Biology Open
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Using CRISPR/Cas9 to identify genes required for mechanosensory neuron development and function
Biology Open
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Intrinsic and extrinsic regulation of rhabdomyolysis susceptibility by Tango2
Disease Models & Mechanisms
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Dihydrofolate reductase activity controls neurogenic transitions in the developing neocortex
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HOPS-dependent lysosomal fusion controls Rab19 availability for ciliogenesis in polarized epithelial cells
Journal of Cell Science
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Matrisome AnalyzeR u2013 a suite of tools to annotate and quantify ECM molecules in big datasets across organisms
Journal of Cell Science
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Blood levels of neurofilament light are associated with disease progression in a mouse model of spinocerebellar ataxia type 3
Disease Models & Mechanisms
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Prey consumption does not restore hydration state but mitigates the energetic costs of water deprivation in an insectivorous lizard
Journal of Experimental Biology
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Dynamics of an incoherent feedforward loop drive ERK-dependent pattern formation in the early Drosophila embryo
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Bidirectional multiciliated cell extrusion is controlled by Notch-driven basal extrusion and Piezo1-driven apical extrusion
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Induction of kidney-related gene programs through co-option of SALL1 in mole ovotestes
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Distinct role of TGN-resident clathrin adaptors for Vps21p activation in the TGNu2013endosome trafficking pathway
Journal of Cell Science
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Salinomycin disturbs Golgi function and specifically affects cells in epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition
Journal of Cell Science
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Mitochondrial phospholipid metabolism in health and disease
Journal of Cell Science
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Visual guidance of honeybees approaching a vertical landing surface
Journal of Experimental Biology
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Reconciling the variability in the biological response of marine invertebrates to climate change
Journal of Experimental Biology
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Altered expression, but small contribution, of the histone demethylase KDM6A in obstructive uropathy in mice
Disease Models & Mechanisms
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The developmental dynamics of the human male germline
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Early-onset tufting enteropathy in HAI-2-deficient mice is independent of matriptase-mediated cleavage of EpCAM
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A novel homeostatic mechanism tunes PI(4,5)P2-dependent signaling at the plasma membrane
Journal of Cell Science
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A WNT4- and DKK3-driven canonical to noncanonical Wnt signaling switch controls multiciliogenesis
Journal of Cell Science
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Migratory songbirds exhibit seasonal modulation of the oxygen cascade
Journal of Experimental Biology
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How venom pore placement may influence puncture performance in snake fangs
Journal of Experimental Biology
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Disrupting Hedgehog signaling in melanocytes by SUFU knockout leads to ocular melanocytosis and anterior segment malformation
Disease Models & Mechanisms
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The loop-tail mouse model displays open and closed caudal neural tube defects
Disease Models & Mechanisms
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A humanized Caenorhabditis elegans model of hereditary spastic paraplegia-associated variants in KLC4
Disease Models & Mechanisms
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In preprints: of genitalia and six-legged mice
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Biology of vascular mural cells
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A universal method for generating knockout mice in multiple genetic backgrounds using zygote electroporation
Biology Open
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The dopamine receptor antagonist haloperidol disrupts behavioral responses of sea urchins and sea stars
Journal of Experimental Biology
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Single-cell profiling of the developing embryonic heart in Drosophila
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Neurogenesis redirects u03b2-catenin from adherens junctions to the nucleus to promote axonal growth
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kcnj13 regulates pigment cell shapes in zebrafish and has diverged by cis-regulatory evolution between Danio species
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Manduca sexta caterpillars parasitized by the wasp Cotesia congregata stop chewing despite an intact motor system
Journal of Experimental Biology
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insideOutside: an accessible algorithm for classifying interior and exterior points, with applications in embryology
Biology Open
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Neuroethology in South America: past, present and future
Journal of Experimental Biology
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Clonal architecture and evolutionary history of Waldenstru00f6m's macroglobulinemia at the single-cell level
Disease Models & Mechanisms
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Conserved chamber-specific polyploidy maintains heart function in Drosophila
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NOTCH signalling u2013 a core regulator of bile duct disease?
Disease Models & Mechanisms
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Dynamic defence? Intertidal triplefin species show better maintenance of mitochondrial membrane potential than subtidal species at low oxygen pressures
Journal of Experimental Biology
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Navigating a research career with a disability
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Disability and developmental biology
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Visualization of the biphasic calcium wave during fertilization in Caenorhabditis elegans using a genetically encoded calcium indicator
Biology Open
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SWI/SNF complexes are required for retinal pigmented epithelium differentiation and for the inhibition of cell proliferation and neural differentiation programs
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Locust gut epithelia do not become more permeable to fluorescent dextran and bacteria in the cold
Journal of Experimental Biology
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Intergenerational plasticity to cycling high temperature and hypoxia affects offspring stress responsiveness and tolerance in zebrafish
Journal of Experimental Biology
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The role of body size and cuticular hydrocarbons in the desiccation resistance of invasive Argentine ants (Linepithema humile)
Journal of Experimental Biology
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Northern shrimp from multiple origins show similar sensitivity to global change drivers, but different cellular energetic capacity
Journal of Experimental Biology
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Knockout of all ErbB-family genes delineates their roles in proliferation, survival and migration
Journal of Cell Science
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Mechanical force regulates Sox9 expression at the developing enthesis
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Social experience influences thermal sensitivity: lessons from an amphibious mangrove fish
Journal of Experimental Biology
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Actin cytoskeletal dynamics do not impose an energy drain on growth cone bioenergetics
Journal of Cell Science
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The Fgf9-Nolz1-Wnt2 axis regulates morphogenesis of the lung
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Control of gastruloid patterning and morphogenesis by the Erk and Akt signaling pathways
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Axon guidance genes control hepatic artery development
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Niche cells regulate primordial germ cell quiescence in response to basement membrane signaling
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A Rab39-Klp98A-Rab35 endocytic recycling pathway is essential for rapid Golgi-dependent furrow ingression
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Low tension recruits the yeast Aurora B protein Ipl1 to centromeres in metaphase
Journal of Cell Science
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Preferential killing of melanoma cells by a p16-related peptide
Biology Open
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Population-level antagonism between FGF and BMP signaling steers mesoderm differentiation in embryonic stem cells
Biology Open
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u03b1- and u03b2-tubulin C-terminal tails with distinct modifications are crucial for ciliary motility and assembly
Journal of Cell Science
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The plasma membrane of focal adhesions has a high content of cholesterol and phosphatidylcholine with saturated acyl chains
Journal of Cell Science
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Delayed skeletal development and IGF-1 deficiency in a mouse model of lysinuric protein intolerance
Disease Models & Mechanisms
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An interaction between OTULIN and SCRIB uncovers roles for linear ubiquitination in planar cell polarity
Disease Models & Mechanisms
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Insights into the pathophysiology of DFNA44 hearing loss associated with CCDC50 frameshift variants
Disease Models & Mechanisms
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CRISPR-based knockout and base editing confirm the role of MYRF in heart development and congenital heart disease
Disease Models & Mechanisms
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A functional sgRNA-CRISPR screening method for generating murine RET and NTRK1 rearranged oncogenes
Biology Open
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Glucose oxidation drives trunk neural crest cell development and fate
Journal of Cell Science
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Post-translational modifications of ATG8 proteins u2013 an emerging mechanism of autophagy control
Journal of Cell Science
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A Year at the Forefront of Gliding Locomotion
Biology Open
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The role of metabolism in cellular quiescence
Journal of Cell Science
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Repetitive nociceptive stimulation elicits complex behavioral changes in Hirudo: evidence of arousal and motivational adaptations
Journal of Experimental Biology
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Science communication in experimental biology: experiences and recommendations
Journal of Experimental Biology
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Mapping the nutritional landscape in the yellow mealworm: testing the nutrient-mediated life-history trade-offs
Journal of Experimental Biology
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Getting to the heart of anatomical diversity and phenotypic plasticity: fish hearts are an optimal organ model in need of greater mechanistic study
Journal of Experimental Biology
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Low colostrum intake results in potential accumulation of peroxisome lipid substrates in vaginal tissue of 3-week-old gilts
Biology Open
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The endosomal system of primary human vascular endothelial cells and albuminu2013FcRn trafficking
Journal of Cell Science
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Integration of feedforward and feedback control in the neuromechanics of vertebrate locomotion: a review of experimental, simulation and robotic studies
Journal of Experimental Biology
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The allometric scaling of oxygen supply and demand in the California horn shark, Heterodontus francisci
Journal of Experimental Biology
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Harnessing developmental cues for cardiomyocyte production
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A Year at the Forefront of Hydrostat Motion
Biology Open
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UMAD1 contributes to ESCRT-III dynamic subunit turnover during cytokinetic abscission
Journal of Cell Science
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DELLA proteins positively regulate seed size in Arabidopsis
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Characterization of an eye field-like state during optic vesicle organoid development
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Targeted volume correlative light and electron microscopy of an environmental marine microorganism
Journal of Cell Science
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ARF6 plays a general role in targeting palmitoylated proteins from the Golgi to the plasma membrane
Journal of Cell Science
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A TGF-u03b2-responsive enhancer regulates SRC expression and epithelialu2013mesenchymal transition-associated cell migration
Journal of Cell Science
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Import and quality control of peroxisomal proteins
Journal of Cell Science
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Dehydrated snakes reduce postprandial thermophily
Journal of Experimental Biology
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Characterization of digestive proteases in the gut of a basal deuterostome
Journal of Experimental Biology
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Selective breeding for high voluntary exercise in mice increases maximal (Vu0307O2,max) but not basal metabolic rate
Journal of Experimental Biology
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B cell receptor-induced protein dynamics and the emerging role of SUMOylation revealed by proximity proteomics
Journal of Cell Science
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ZnUMBA u2013 a live imaging method to detect local barrier breaches
Journal of Cell Science
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Neutrophils form extracellular traps in response to Opisthorchis viverrini crude antigens, which are elevated in neutrophils from opisthorchiasis patients with hepatobiliary abnormalities
Biology Open
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Prolonged cyclical loading induces Haversian remodeling in mandibles of growing rabbits
Journal of Experimental Biology
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Dynamics and energetics of bottlenose dolphin (Tursiops truncatus) fluke-and-glide gait
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A novel porcine model of CLN3 Batten disease recapitulates clinical phenotypes
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Localization of the tubby domain, a PI(4,5)P2 biosensor, to E-Syt3-rich endoplasmic reticulumu2013plasma membrane junctions
Journal of Cell Science
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An evaluation of a biophysical model for predicting avian thermoregulation in the heat
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An inducible model of chronic hyperglycemia
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Wnt7b expressed by hypertrophic chondrocytes is a stimulatory factor for endochondral ossification that is regulated by Smad4 activity
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Combined effects of salinity and intermittent hypoxia on mitochondrial capacity and reactive oxygen species efflux in the Pacific oyster, Crassostrea gigas
Journal of Experimental Biology
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Influence of behavioural and morphological group composition on pigeon flocking dynamics
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Basement membrane dynamics and mechanics in tissue morphogenesis
Biology Open
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Separation of transcriptional repressor and activator functions in Drosophila HDAC3
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Ontogenetic changes in bite force and gape in tufted capuchins
Journal of Experimental Biology
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Stress in the social context: a behavioural and eco-evolutionary perspective
Journal of Experimental Biology
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Zebrafish regulatory genomic resources for disease modelling and regeneration
Disease Models & Mechanisms
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Systematic analysis of the Frazzled receptor interactome establishes previously unreported regulators of axon guidance
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Developmental emergence of cortical neurogliaform cell diversity
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Spectral sensitivity of retinal photoreceptors of tortricid moths is not tuned to diel activity period
Journal of Experimental Biology
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Studying exogenous extracellular vesicle biodistribution by in vivo fluorescence microscopy
Disease Models & Mechanisms
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Barriers to equality, diversity and inclusion in research and academia stubbornly persist. So, what are we doing about it?
Disease Models & Mechanisms
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Acetaldehyde and defective mismatch repair increase colonic tumours in a Lynch syndrome model with Aldh1b1 inactivation
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Oxidative stress effects are not correlated with differences in heat tolerance among congeners of Mytilus
Journal of Experimental Biology
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Variation in oxidative status, but not structural and physiological development, associated with changing ontogenetic environments
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Core conserved transcriptional regulatory networks define the invasive trophoblast cell lineage
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regeneration factors expressed on myeloid expression in macrophage-like cells is required for tail regeneration in Xenopus laevis tadpoles
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Mechanotransduction through hemidesmosomes during aging and longevity
Journal of Cell Science
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Uncharacterized protein C17orf80 u2013 a novel interactor of human mitochondrial nucleoids
Journal of Cell Science
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Innervation of the developing kidney in vivo and in vitro
Biology Open
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Evolving views of ionic, osmotic and acidu2013base regulation in aquatic animals
Journal of Experimental Biology
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Src- and Abl-family kinases activate spleen tyrosine kinase to maximize phagocytosis and Leishmania infection
Journal of Cell Science
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Microrheology of haemolymph plasma of the bumblebee Bombus terrestris
Journal of Experimental Biology
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The enzymatic and neurochemical outcomes of a mutation in Mexican cavefish MAO reveal teleost-specific aspects of brain monoamine homeostasis
Journal of Experimental Biology
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In preprints: progress in sebaceous gland homeostasis, regeneration and immunomodulatory functions
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Decision rules for egg-color-based rejection by two cavity-nesting hosts of the brown-headed cowbird
Journal of Experimental Biology
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Transposable elements in normal and malignant hematopoiesis
Disease Models & Mechanisms
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G9a inactivation in progenitor cells with Isl1-Cre with reduced recombinase activity models aspects of Dandy-Walker complex
Biology Open
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Mitochondrial transfer from cancer-associated fibroblasts increases migration in aggressive breast cancer
Journal of Cell Science
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Attenuated cerebellar phenotypes in Inpp4a truncation mutants with preserved phosphatase activity
Disease Models & Mechanisms
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FRS2-independent GRB2 interaction with FGFR2 is not required for embryonic development
Biology Open
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Isolation and evaluation of erythroid progenitors in the livers of larval, froglet, and adult Xenopus tropicalis
Biology Open
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Non-linear properties of the Achilles tendon determine ankle impedance over a broad range of activations in humans
Journal of Experimental Biology
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A minimal cell model for lamellipodia-based cellular dynamics and migration
Journal of Cell Science
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Frequency-dependent avoidance movement of glass catfish in response to sinusoidal electrical stimulation and associated spiking patterns of electroreceptors
Biology Open
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A phosphatidylinositol phosphate kinase inhibits Ras activation and regulates chemorepulsion in Dictyostelium discoideum
Journal of Cell Science
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Kinematics and behaviour in fish escape responses: guidelines for conducting, analysing and reporting experiments
Journal of Experimental Biology
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Population-specific responses in eastern oysters exposed to low salinity in the northern Gulf of Mexico
Journal of Experimental Biology
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Optogenetic control of Wnt signaling models cell-intrinsic embryogenic patterning using 2D human pluripotent stem cell culture
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Muscle in the caterpillar Manduca sexta responds to an immune challenge, but at a cost, suggesting a physiological trade-off
Journal of Experimental Biology
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Comparative biology of sleep in diverse animals
Journal of Experimental Biology
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Oxidative stress induces lysosomal membrane permeabilization and ceramide accumulation in retinal pigment epithelial cells
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Natural antisense transcription of presenilin in sea urchin reveals a possible role for natural antisense transcription in the general control of gene expression during development
Journal of Cell Science
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Art2 mediates selective endocytosis of methionine transporters during adaptation to sphingolipid depletion
Journal of Cell Science
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Assessment of avian health status: suitability and constraints of the Zoetis VetScan VS2 blood analyser for ecological and evolutionary studies
Biology Open
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The lipid transfer proteins Nir2 and Nir3 sustain phosphoinositide signaling and actin dynamics during phagocytosis
Journal of Cell Science
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The phosphatase Glc7 controls the eisosomal response to starvation via post-translational modification of Pil1
Journal of Cell Science
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Multi-level Fgf4- and apoptosis-dependent regulatory mechanism ensures the plasticity of ESC-chimaeric mouse embryo
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Deep dives and high tissue density increase mean dive costs in California sea lions (Zalophus californianus)
Journal of Experimental Biology
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Mad2 is dispensable for accurate chromosome segregation but becomes essential when oocytes are subjected to environmental stress
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Phosphorylation of Rab29 at Ser185 regulates its localization and role in the lysosomal stress response in concert with LRRK2
Journal of Cell Science
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Flat mount preparation for whole-mount fluorescent imaging of zebrafish embryos
Biology Open
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Towards an objective measurement of sleep quality in non-human animals: using the horse as a model species for the creation of sleep quality indices
Biology Open
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Translocation of cytosolic human Cdc73 to stress granules plays a role in arsenic stress-induced stabilization of p53 mRNA
Journal of Cell Science
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Testing evolutionary adaptation potential under climate change in invertebrates (mostly Drosophila): findings, limitations and directions
Journal of Experimental Biology
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The role of thyroid hormones in the development of coloration of two species of Neotropical cichlids
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ARPC5 deficiency leads to severe early-onset systemic inflammation and mortality
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Ceramide compensation by ceramide synthases preserves retinal function and structure in a retinal dystrophy mouse model
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Analysis of the distal urinary tract in larval and adult zebrafish reveals homology to the human system
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The ototoxic drug cisplatin localises to stress granules altering their dynamics and composition
Journal of Cell Science
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VCP promotes tTAF-target gene expression and spermatocyte differentiation by downregulating mono-ubiquitylated H2A
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NATs at a glance
Journal of Cell Science
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Pleiotropy of autism-associated chromatin regulators
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Variable body and tissue weight reporting in preclinical cachexia literature may alter study outcomes and interpretation
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Understanding the neurological implications of acute and long COVID using brain organoids
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Zika virus infection histories in brain development
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Multiplatform modeling of atrial fibrillation identifies phospholamban as a central regulator of cardiac rhythm
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Partial male-to-female reprogramming of mouse fetal testis by Sertoli cell ablation
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On time: developmental timing within and across species
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From mechanism to ecosystem: building bridges between ecoimmunology, psychoneuroimmunology and disease ecology
Journal of Experimental Biology
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Metabolic consequences of sex reversal in two lizard species: a test of the like-genotype and like-phenotype hypotheses
Journal of Experimental Biology
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Retinoic acid is dispensable for meiotic initiation but required for spermiogenesis in the mammalian testis
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TMEM132A regulates mouse hindgut morphogenesis and caudal development
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Revisiting the lineage contribution of hematopoietic stem and progenitor cells
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SIX1+PAX3+ identify a progenitor for myogenic lineage commitment from hPSCs
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Mutations in cdon and boc affect trunk neural crest cell migration and slow-twitch muscle development in zebrafish
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Deletion of taf1 and taf5 in zebrafish capitulate cardiac and craniofacial abnormalities associated with TAFopathies through perturbations in metabolism
Biology Open
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Evidence for energy reallocation, not oxygen limitation, driving the deceleration in growth of adult fish
Journal of Experimental Biology
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Strong positive allometry of bite force in leaf-cutter ants increases the range of cuttable plant tissues
Journal of Experimental Biology
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Understanding muscle function during perturbed in vivo locomotion using a muscle avatar approach
Journal of Experimental Biology
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Low ceruloplasmin levels exacerbate retinal degeneration in a hereditary hemochromatosis model
Disease Models & Mechanisms
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Human prostate organoid generation and the identification of prostate development drivers using inductive rodent tissues
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The effects of crank power and cadence on muscle fascicle shortening velocity, muscle activation and joint-specific power during cycling
Journal of Experimental Biology
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OSpRad: an open-source, low-cost, high-sensitivity spectroradiometer
Journal of Experimental Biology
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Elimination of aberrantly specified cell clones is independent of interfacial Myosin II accumulation
Journal of Cell Science
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The inner mitochondrial membrane fission protein MTP18 serves as a mitophagy receptor to prevent apoptosis in oral cancer
Journal of Cell Science
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A germline-specific role for unconventional components of the u03b3-tubulin complex in Caenorhabditis elegans
Journal of Cell Science
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High epigenetic potential protects songbirds against pathogenic Salmonella enterica infection
Journal of Experimental Biology
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Effect of metabolic rate on time-lag changes in otolith microchemistry: an experimental approach using Salmo trutta
Journal of Experimental Biology
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LKB1 signaling is altered in skeletal muscle of a Duchenne muscular dystrophy mouse model
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Directed differentiation of human hindbrain neuroepithelial stem cells recapitulates cerebellar granule neurogenesis
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Measuring the 3D wake of swimming snakes (Natrix tessellata) using volumetric particle image velocimetry
Journal of Experimental Biology
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Membrane insertases at a glance
Journal of Cell Science
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Aggregation-prone Tau impairs mitochondrial import, which affects organelle morphology and neuronal complexity
Journal of Cell Science
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Analysis of the function of ADAM17 in iRhom2 curly-bare and tylosis with esophageal cancer mutant mice
Journal of Cell Science
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Using 15N to determine the metabolic fate of dietary nitrogen in North Pacific spiny dogfish (Squalus acanthias suckleyi)
Journal of Experimental Biology
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Omega-3 enriched chick diet reduces the foraging areas of breeders in two closely related shearwaters from contrasting marine environments
Journal of Experimental Biology
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Diving behaviour of southern elephant seals: new models of behavioural and ecophysiological adjustments of oxygen store management
Journal of Experimental Biology
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Kinesin-1 promotes centrosome clustering and nuclear migration in the Drosophila oocyte
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Effectors of anterior morphogenesis in C. elegans embryos
Biology Open
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Differentiation and function of cardiac valves in the adult Drosophila heart
Journal of Experimental Biology
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Energy expenditure of southern right whales varies with body size, reproductive state and activity level
Journal of Experimental Biology
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The importance of character development in scientific research
Journal of Cell Science
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How host ER membrane chaperones and morphogenic proteins support virus infection
Journal of Cell Science
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Ca2+ and cAMP open differentially dilating synaptic fusion pores
Journal of Cell Science
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The class VIII myosin ATM1 is required for root apical meristem function
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Migration speed of captured breast cancer subpopulations correlates with metastatic fitness
Journal of Cell Science
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Different tether proteins of the same membrane contact site affect the localization and mobility of each other
Journal of Cell Science
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The C. elegans gene gvd-1 promotes late larval development and germ cell proliferation
Biology Open
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DeXtrusion: automatic recognition of epithelial cell extrusion through machine learning in vivo
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DNA methylation dynamic in male rat germ cells during gametogenesis
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Modeling development using hydrogels
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Single-cell proteomics: quantifying post-transcriptional regulation during development with mass-spectrometry
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A chromatin remodelling SWI/SNF subunit, Snr1, regulates neural stem cell determination and differentiation
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CYLD in health and disease
Disease Models & Mechanisms
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Hyposalinity reduces coordination and adhesion of sea urchin tube feet
Journal of Experimental Biology
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Tools to analyze the organization and formation of the germline cyst in zebrafish oogenesis
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Molecular mechanism of synovial joint site specification and induction in developing vertebrate limbs
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Quaking regulates circular RNA production in cardiomyocytes
Journal of Cell Science
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The oxoglutarate dehydrogenase complex is involved in myofibril growth and Z-disc assembly in Drosophila
Journal of Cell Science
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Delayed abscission in animal cells u2013 from development to defects
Journal of Cell Science
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Hunting with heat: thermosensory-driven foraging in mosquitoes, snakes and beetles
Journal of Experimental Biology
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A phenomics approach reveals interspecific differences in integrated developmental responses to chronic elevated temperatures
Journal of Experimental Biology
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Emersion and recovery alter oxygen consumption, ammonia and urea excretion, and oxidative stress parameters, but not diffusive water exchange or transepithelial potential in the green crab (Carcinus maenas)
Journal of Experimental Biology
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Fast, precise and cloning-free knock-in of reporter sequences in vivo with high efficiency
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Defining developmental trajectories of prosensory cells in human inner ear organoids at single-cell resolution
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Dynein-2u2013driven intraciliary retrograde trafficking indirectly requires multiple interactions of IFT54 in the IFT-B complex with the dynein-2 complex
Biology Open
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Tetracycline-mediated fluorescence correlates with passage number and u03b2-galactosidase activity in HeLa and HEK293T cells
Biology Open
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Direct fluorescent labeling of NF186 and NaV1.6 in living primary neurons using bioorthogonal click chemistry
Journal of Cell Science
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Ac/Ds transposition for CRISPR/dCas9-SID4x epigenome modulation in zebrafish
Biology Open
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A zebrafish model of combined saposin deficiency identifies acid sphingomyelinase as a potential therapeutic target
Disease Models & Mechanisms
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Host species differences in the thermal mismatch of hostu2013parasitoid interactions
Journal of Experimental Biology
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Muscle forceu2013length dynamics during walking over obstacles indicates delayed recovery and a shift towards more u2018strut-likeu2019 function in birds with proprioceptive deficit
Journal of Experimental Biology
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Moving beyond ontological (worldview) supremacy: Indigenous insights and a recovery guide for settler-colonial scientists
Journal of Experimental Biology
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Optical measurement of gating pore currents in hypokalemic periodic paralysis model cells
Disease Models & Mechanisms
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The cytoplasmic tail of the mechanosensitive channel Pkd2 regulates its internalization and clustering in eisosomes
Journal of Cell Science
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Horizontal basal cells self-govern their neurogenic potential during injury-induced regeneration of the olfactory epithelium
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NR2F1 shapes mitochondria in the mouse brain, providing new insights into Bosch-Boonstra-Schaaf optic atrophy syndrome
Disease Models & Mechanisms
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Microtubule binding of the human augmin complex is directly controlled by importins and Ran-GTP
Journal of Cell Science
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SCG10 is required for peripheral axon maintenance and regeneration in mice
Journal of Cell Science
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Temperature and the microbial environment alter brain morphology in a larval amphibian
Journal of Experimental Biology
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Sex-specific transgenerational plasticity: developmental temperatures of mothers and fathers have different effects on sons and daughters
Journal of Experimental Biology
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Muscle-on-a-chip devices: a new era for in vitro modelling of muscular dystrophies
Disease Models & Mechanisms
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deCLUTTER2+ u2013 a pipeline to analyze calcium traces in a stem cell model for ventral midbrain patterned astrocytes
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A 3D adipogenesis platform to study the fate of fibro/adipogenic progenitors in muscular dystrophies
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Proximity labelling identifies pro-migratory endocytic recycling cargo and machinery of the Rab4 and Rab11 families
Journal of Cell Science
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Two feedback mechanisms involved in the control of leaf fragment size in leaf-cutting ants
Journal of Experimental Biology
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Yck3 casein kinase-mediated phosphorylation determines Ivy1 localization and function at endosomes and the vacuole
Journal of Cell Science
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Transport of synaptic vesicles is modulated by vesicular reversals and stationary cargo clusters
Journal of Cell Science
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Optogenetically engineered Ca2+ oscillation-mediated DRP1 activation promotes mitochondrial fission and cell death
Journal of Cell Science
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Divergent functions of histone acetyltransferases KAT2A and KAT2B in keratinocyte self-renewal and differentiation
Journal of Cell Science
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Ciliated sensory neurons can regenerate axons after complete axon removal
Journal of Experimental Biology
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Ventricular fold oscillations lower the vocal pitch in rhesus macaques
Journal of Experimental Biology
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Viral evasion of the interferon response at a glance
Journal of Cell Science
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Transcriptional bursting: stochasticity in deterministic development
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A systematic review of kidney-on-a-chip-based models to study human renal (patho-)physiology
Disease Models & Mechanisms
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An O-GlcNAc transferase pathogenic variant linked to intellectual disability affects pluripotent stem cell self-renewal
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Visual environment of rearing sites affects larval response to perceived risk in poison frogs
Journal of Experimental Biology
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Muscle function during cross-country skiing at different speed and incline conditions
Journal of Experimental Biology
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Displacement experiments provide evidence for path integration in Drosophila
Journal of Experimental Biology
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EPLIN-u03b2 is a novel substrate of ornithine decarboxylase antizyme 1 and mediates cellular migration
Journal of Cell Science
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Heme-deficient primitive red blood cells induce HSPC ferroptosis by altering iron homeostasis during zebrafish embryogenesis
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The insulator BEAF32 controls the spatial-temporal expression profile of the telomeric retrotransposon TART in the Drosophila germline
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Loss of flrt2 gene leads to microphthalmia in zebrafish
Biology Open
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Linking muscle mechanics to the metabolic cost of human hopping
Journal of Experimental Biology
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The dynamics behind diversity in suboscine songs
Journal of Experimental Biology
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Emerging roles of p300/CBP in autophagy and autophagy-related human disorders
Journal of Cell Science
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No-cost meals might not exist for insects feeding on toxic plants
Biology Open
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Anillin and the microtubule bundler PRC1 maintain myosin in the contractile ring to ensure completion of cytokinesis
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The bHLH-PAS transcriptional complex Sim:Tgo plays active roles in late oogenesis to promote follicle maturation and ovulation
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Parallels between oncogene-driven cardiac hyperplasia and heart regeneration in zebrafish
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Development of a fluorescence reporter system to quantify transcriptional activity of endogenous p53 in living cells
Journal of Cell Science
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Effectiveness of irinotecan plus trabectedin on a desmoplastic small round cell tumor patient-derived xenograft
Disease Models & Mechanisms
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Vinculin Y822 is an important determinant of ligand binding
Journal of Cell Science
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Ectotherm heat tolerance and the microbiome: current understanding, future directions and potential applications
Journal of Experimental Biology
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Artificial light impairs local attraction to females in male glow-worms
Journal of Experimental Biology
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PATL2 regulates mRNA homeostasis in oocytes by interacting with EIF4E and CPEB1
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Non-canonical imprinting in the spotlight
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An ethogram identifies behavioural markers of attention to humans in European herring gulls (Larus argentatus)
Biology Open
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Cik1 and Vik1 accessory proteins confer distinct functions to the kinesin-14 Kar3
Journal of Cell Science
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Cik1 and Vik1 accessory proteins confer distinct functions to the kinesin-14 Kar3
Journal of Cell Science
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The translation initiation factor homolog eif4e1c regulates cardiomyocyte metabolism and proliferation during heart regeneration
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A human septin octamer complex sensitive to membrane curvature drives membrane deformation with a specific mesh-like organization
Journal of Cell Science
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Y-complex nucleoporins independently contribute to nuclear pore assembly and gene regulation in neuronal progenitors
Journal of Cell Science
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A fundamental propulsive mechanism employed by swimmers and flyers throughout the animal kingdom
Journal of Experimental Biology
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Divergence in cell cycle progression is associated with shifted phenology in a multivoltine moth: the European corn borer, Ostrinia nubilalis
Journal of Experimental Biology
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OptIC-Notch reveals mechanism that regulates receptor interactions with CSL
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CIARA: a cluster-independent algorithm for identifying markers of rare cell types from single-cell sequencing data
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Adipose triglyceride lipase promotes prostaglandin-dependent actin remodeling by regulating substrate release from lipid droplets
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Altered cohesin dynamics and H3K9 modifications contribute to mitotic defects in the cbf11u0394 lipid metabolism mutant
Journal of Cell Science
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The histone methyltransferase NSD3 contributes to sister chromatid cohesion and to cohesin loading at mitotic exit
Journal of Cell Science
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Nuclear segmentation facilitates neutrophil migration
Journal of Cell Science
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Confinement plus myosin-II suppression maximizes heritable loss of chromosomes, as revealed by live-cell ChReporters
Journal of Cell Science
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Oxidative stress induces chromosomal instability through replication stress in fibroblasts from aged mice
Journal of Cell Science
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Radial spoke protein 9 is necessary for axoneme assembly in Plasmodium but not in trypanosomatid parasites
Journal of Cell Science
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The human discs large protein 1 interacts with and maintains connexin 43 at the plasma membrane in keratinocytes
Journal of Cell Science
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Gluing yeast peroxisomes u2013 composition and function of membrane contact sites
Journal of Cell Science
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The mechanistic basis and adaptive significance of cross-tolerance: a u2018pre-adaptationu2019 to a changing world?
Journal of Experimental Biology
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Warmer and more acidic conditions enhance performance of an endemic low-shore gastropod
Journal of Experimental Biology
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A monoclonal antibody raised against human EZH2 cross-reacts with the RNA-binding protein SAFB
Biology Open
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Temporal regulation of temperature tolerances and gene expression in an arctic insect
Journal of Experimental Biology
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Leader peptide or pro-segment mutants of renin are misrouted to mitochondria in autosomal dominant tubulointerstitial kidney disease
Disease Models & Mechanisms
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Lack of expression of miR-29a/b1 impairs bladder function in male mice
Disease Models & Mechanisms
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Impacts of ocean acidification and warming on post-larval growth and metabolism in two populations of the great scallop (Pecten maximus)
Journal of Experimental Biology
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In a marine teleost, the significance of oxygen supply for acute thermal tolerance depends upon the context and the endpoint used
Journal of Experimental Biology
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Caenorhabditis elegans for research on cancer hallmarks
Disease Models & Mechanisms
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Ultrasound-stimulated microbubbles enhanced vascular disruption in fractionated radiotherapy-treated tumours via ASMase activation
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Myc promotes polyploidy in murine trophoblast cells and suppresses senescence
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Mitophagy and long-term neuronal homeostasis
Journal of Cell Science
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Notch directs telencephalic development and controls neocortical neuron fate determination by regulating microRNA levels
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Maintenance of neuronal fate and transcriptional identity
Biology Open
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Transcriptome analysis reveals an Atoh1b-dependent gene set downstream of Dlx3b/4b during early inner ear development in zebrafish
Biology Open
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Tbx5 overexpression in embryoid bodies increases TAK1 expression but does not enhance the differentiation of sinoatrial node cardiomyocytes
Biology Open
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A sensation for inflation: initial swim bladder inflation in larval zebrafish is mediated by the mechanosensory lateral line
Journal of Experimental Biology
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Inhibitory SMAD6 interferes with BMP-dependent generation of muscle progenitor cells and perturbs proximodistal pattern of murine limb muscles
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Aquaporin regulates cell rounding through vacuole formation during endothelial-to-hematopoietic transition
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Immature human engineered heart tissues engraft in a guinea pig chronic injury model
Disease Models & Mechanisms
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Facial analytics based on a coordinate extrapolation system (zFACE) for morphometric phenotyping of developing zebrafish
Disease Models & Mechanisms
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A genome-wide genetic screen identifies CYRI-B as a negative regulator of CEACAM3-mediated phagocytosis
Journal of Cell Science
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Deficiency in hereditary hemorrhagic telangiectasia-associated Endoglin elicits hypoxia-driven heart failure in zebrafish
Disease Models & Mechanisms
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Phylogeny and evolution of erythrocytes in mammals
Journal of Experimental Biology
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Serine hydroxymethyl transferase is required for optic lobe neuroepithelia development in Drosophila
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Nutritional control of developmental processes
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Nutrient regulation of development and cell fate decisions
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Technical challenges of studying early human development
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Maturing differentiated human pluripotent stem cells in vitro: methods and challenges
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Stuxnet fine-tunes Notch dose during development using a functional Polycomb response element
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RTK signalling promotes epithelial columnar cell shape and apical junction maintenance in human lung progenitor cells
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A dynamical systems treatment of transcriptomic trajectories in hematopoiesis
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Normal cell cycle progression requires negative regulation of E2F1 by Groucho during S phase and its relief at G2 phase
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The insulin receptor regulates the persistence of mechanical nociceptive sensitization in flies and mice
Biology Open
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The histone H3/H4 chaperone CHAF1B prevents the mislocalization of CENP-A for chromosomal stability
Journal of Cell Science
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Aggrephagy at a glance
Journal of Cell Science
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Pacsin 2-dependent N-cadherin internalization regulates the migration behaviour of malignant cancer cells
Journal of Cell Science
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Distinct hyperactive RAS/MAPK alleles converge on common GABAergic interneuron core programs
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Human embryo implantation
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Single-cell intracellular pH dynamics regulate the cell cycle by timing the G1 exit and G2 transition
Journal of Cell Science
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Designer pigs for xenogeneic heart transplantation and beyond
Disease Models & Mechanisms
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The impact of cell size on morphogen gradient precision
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A diminutive snake species can maintain regional heterothermy in both homogeneous and heterogeneous thermal environments
Journal of Experimental Biology
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Optimisation and constraint: explaining metabolic patterns in biology
Journal of Experimental Biology
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Clues on the dynamics of DNA replication in Giardia lamblia
Journal of Cell Science
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Embodied latch mechanism of the mandible to power at ultra-high speed in the trap-jaw ant Odontomachus kuroiwae
Journal of Experimental Biology
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Scleraxis-lineage cells are required for correct muscle patterning
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Lost: on what level should we aim to understand animal navigation?
Journal of Experimental Biology
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No food for thought: an intermediate level of food deprivation enhances memory in Lymnaea stagnalis
Journal of Experimental Biology
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Subtractive colour mixing with bile pigments creates the rich wing palette of Graphium weiskei butterflies
Journal of Experimental Biology
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The exon junction complex component EIF4A3 is essential for mouse and human cortical progenitor mitosis and neurogenesis
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Esrru03b3a regulates nephron and ciliary development by controlling prostaglandin synthesis
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Voltage-gated sodium channel activity mediates sea urchin larval skeletal patterning through spatial regulation of Wnt5 expression
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Cell-intrinsic and -extrinsic roles of the ESCRT-III subunit Shrub in abscission of Drosophila sensory organ precursors
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Efficient and rapid fluorescent protein knock-in with universal donors in mouse embryonic stem cells
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GIPC3 couples to MYO6 and PDZ domain proteins, and shapes the hair cell apical region
Journal of Cell Science
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Cell-based optimization and characterization of genetically encoded location-based biosensors for Cdc42 or Rac activity
Journal of Cell Science
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CDK actively contributes to establishment of the stationary phase state in fission yeast
Journal of Cell Science
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The E2 ubiquitin-conjugating enzymes UBE2D1 and UBE2D2 regulate VEGFR2 dynamics and endothelial function
Journal of Cell Science
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Evidence implicating sequential commitment of the founder lineages in the human blastocyst by order of hypoblast gene activation
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Interplay of spermatogonial subpopulations during initial stages of spermatogenesis in adult primates
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Shared retinoic acid responsive enhancers coordinately regulate nascent transcription of Hoxb coding and non-coding RNAs in the developing mouse neural tube
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Limb bone strains during climbing in green iguanas (Iguana iguana): testing biomechanical release as a mechanism promoting morphological transitions in arboreal vertebrates
Journal of Experimental Biology
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Gene editing innovations and their applications in cardiomyopathy research
Disease Models & Mechanisms
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Female reproductive dormancy in Drosophila is regulated by DH31-producing neurons projecting into the corpus allatum
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Coupled protein quality control during nonsense-mediated mRNA decay
Journal of Cell Science
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Regulation of anterior neurectoderm specification and differentiation by BMP signaling in ascidians
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BMP4 triggers regulatory circuits specifying the cardiac mesoderm lineage
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Progenitor-derived glia are required for spinal cord regeneration in zebrafish
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NHR-23 activity is necessary for C. elegans developmental progression and apical extracellular matrix structure and function
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CHIP inhibits odontoblast differentiation through promoting DLX3 polyubiquitylation and degradation
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Elevated temperatures dampen the innate immune capacity of developing lake sturgeon (Acipenser fulvescens)
Journal of Experimental Biology
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A platform for modular assembly and feeding of micro-organoids on standard Petri dishes
Biology Open
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Air sacs are a key adaptive trait of the insect respiratory system
Journal of Experimental Biology
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Does human foot anthropometry relate to plantar flexor fascicle mechanics and metabolic energy cost across various walking speeds?
Journal of Experimental Biology
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A cis-regulatory sequence of the selector gene vestigial drives the evolution of wing scaling in Drosophila species
Journal of Experimental Biology
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Constant temperature and fluctuating temperature have distinct effects on hypoxia tolerance in killifish (Fundulus heteroclitus)
Journal of Experimental Biology
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Dynamic de novo adipose tissue development during metamorphosis in Drosophila melanogaster
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Regulation of autophagy gene expression and its implications in cancer
Journal of Cell Science
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The UbiB family member Cqd1 forms a novel membrane contact site in mitochondria
Journal of Cell Science
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Vestigial-dependent induction contributes to robust patterning but is not essential for wing-fate recruitment in Drosophila
Biology Open
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Sound detection and production mechanisms in aquatic decapod and stomatopod crustaceans
Journal of Experimental Biology
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Physiological and behavioral evidence for multiple spectral channels in the larval stomatopod visual system
Journal of Experimental Biology
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Bioengineering of a tumour-stroma 3D-tumouroid co-culture model of hypopharyngeal cancer
Biology Open
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Actin filaments accumulated in the nucleus remain in the vicinity of condensing chromosomes in the zebrafish early embryo
Biology Open
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Genetics of sinoatrial node function and heart rate disorders
Disease Models & Mechanisms
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Ceramide synthase homolog Tlc4 maintains nuclear envelope integrity via its Golgi translocation
Journal of Cell Science
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Context-dependent thermolability of sex determination in a lacertid lizard with heteromorphic sex chromosomes
Biology Open
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Establishment of a novel protocol for formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded organoids and spheroids
Biology Open
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The influence of claw morphology on gripping efficiency
Biology Open
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Mesodermal FGF and BMP govern the sequential stages of zebrafish thyroid specification
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Paracingulin recruits CAMSAP3 to tight junctions and regulates microtubule and polarized epithelial cell organization
Journal of Cell Science
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The brain on time: links between development and neurodegeneration
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A gut microbiome metabolite paradoxically depresses contractile function while activating mitochondrial respiration
Disease Models & Mechanisms
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The role of ecdysis in repair of an attachment system: a case study using geckos
Journal of Experimental Biology
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Inflammatory macrophage to hepatocyte signals can be prevented by extracellular vesicle reprogramming
Journal of Cell Science
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Stretch regulates alveologenesis and homeostasis via mesenchymal Gu03b1q/11-mediated TGFu03b22 activation
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The DOT1L-MLLT10 complex regulates male fertility and promotes histone removal during spermiogenesis
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DOT1L promotes spermatid differentiation by regulating expression of genes required for histone-to-protamine replacement
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The peripheral nervous system
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Rab GTPase regulation of phagosomeu2013lysosome fusion is bypassed in the presence of micromolar Ca2+
Journal of Cell Science
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Regulation of the swimming kinematics of lampreys Petromyzon marinus across changes in viscosity
Journal of Experimental Biology
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Developmental environment has lasting effects on amphibian post-metamorphic behavior and thermal physiology
Journal of Experimental Biology
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Hawkmoths regulate flight torques with their abdomen for yaw control
Journal of Experimental Biology
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Genetic knockdown of genes that are obscure, conserved and essential using CRISPR interference methods in the fission yeast S. pombe
Journal of Cell Science
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Crosstalk between androgen receptor and WNT/u03b2-catenin signaling causes sex-specific adrenocortical hyperplasia in mice
Disease Models & Mechanisms
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Unexpected phenotypic and molecular changes of combined glucocerebrosidase and acid sphingomyelinase deficiency
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Vemurafenib improves muscle histopathology in a mouse model of LAMA2-related congenital muscular dystrophy
Disease Models & Mechanisms
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An automated microscopy workflow to study Shigellau2013neutrophil interactions and antibiotic efficacy in vivo
Disease Models & Mechanisms
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Rapid manoeuvre of fan worms (Annelida: Sabellidae) through tubes
Journal of Experimental Biology
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Low production of mitochondrial reactive oxygen species after anoxia and reoxygenation in turtle hearts
Journal of Experimental Biology
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Adaptive echolocation behavior of bats and toothed whales in dynamic soundscapes
Journal of Experimental Biology
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Sensorimotor control of swimming Polypterus senegalus is preserved during sensory deprivation conditions across altered environments
Journal of Experimental Biology
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The in vivo functional significance of PUF hub partnerships in C. elegans germline stem cells
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Steven Kelly

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Viola Lobert
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Vincent Foray
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Vincent Foray
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Vincent Careau
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Vilaiwan Fernandes
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Vijay Sankaran
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Victor Tybulewicz
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Victor Tybulewicz
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Veronique Vitart
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Verner Bingman
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Venugopala Reddy
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vasu sheeba
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Vanessa Kellermann
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Vanessa Kellermann
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Valentina Di Santo
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Ulrika Marklund
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Ulrich Technau
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Ulf Bauchinger
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Tzviya Zeev-Ben-Mordehai
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Tyson MacCormack
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Tsevi Beatus
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Trevor Williams
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Toshiyuki Nakata
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Toshiyuki Nakata
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Toshiyuki Nakata
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Toshiyuki Nakata
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Toshiro Sato
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Toshio Suda
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Torsten Wittmann
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Tor Erik Rusten
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Tony Harris
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Tony Harris
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Toni Wu00f6hrl
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Tommy Norin
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Ling-shiang Chuang
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Tom MacVicar
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Tom Daniel
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Todd Graham
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Todd Macfarlan
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Todd Blankenship
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Tobias Wang
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Tobias Wang
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Tobias Janowitz
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Tin Tin Su
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Timothy Saunders
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Timothy Healy
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Timothy Plageman
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Timothee Lionnet
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Till Harter
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Tiffany Heanue
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Thomas Wollert
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Thomas Cronin
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Thomas Theil
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Thomas Surrey
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Thomas Collett
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Thomas Collett
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Thomas Ruf
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Thomas Kidd
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Thomas Roberts
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Thomas Dever
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Thomas Becker
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Thierry Jaffredo
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Thierry Jaffredo
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Tessa Lord
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Terje Johansen
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Teresa Rayon
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Teresa Rayon
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Teresa Mastracci
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Ted Erclik
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Tatsuya Maeda
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Tanvi Deora
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Tanja Bange
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Tamzin Blewett
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Tamas Balla
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Tamara Caspary
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Talila Volk
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Takeshi Noda
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Takashi Shinohara
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Takashi Hasebe
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Taeko Miyazaki
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Sylvain Pincebourde
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Swetansu Hota
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Sven Reischauer
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Sven van IJzendoorn
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Suzie Currie
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Suzanne Turner
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Susumu Itoh
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Susumu Itoh
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Susumu Hirose
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Susanne Bechstedt
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Susan Michaelis
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Susan LaFlamme
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Susan Murphy
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Suraj Unniappan
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Sumana Sanyal
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Sue Hammoud
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Subba Rao Gangi Setty
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Stuart Casson
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Steven Portugal
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Steven Fisher
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Stephen Royle
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Stephen Crews
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Stephen Cederbaum
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Stephen Ekker
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Stephen Ekker
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Stephen Alexander
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Stephen Renshaw
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Stephanie Grainger
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Stu00e9phane Viollet
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Stu00e9phane Noselli
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Stephane Lefrancois
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Stephan Huveneers
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Stefan Mu00fcller
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Stefan Luschnig
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Stefan Leitner
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Stanley Heinze
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Stacey Huppert
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Sridhar Ravi
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Sophie Astrof
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Sofia de Oliveira
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Soeren Lienkamp
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Sjoerd van Wijk
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Sjannie Lefevre
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Siu Lee
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Simone Sanna-Cherchi
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Simona Kralj-Fiu009aer
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Simona Chera
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Simon Whitehall
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Simon Sponberg
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Simon Cook
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Simon Lamarre
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Simon Conway
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Simon Morley
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Silvia Cereghini
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Shukry James Habib
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Shiro Suetsugu
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Shirisha Nagotu
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Shinya Aoi
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Shinichiro Chuma
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Shigeo Hayashi
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Doris Wu
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Doris Wu
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Sheila Patek
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Shawn Ahmed
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Shaun Welman
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Shaun Cowley
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Shasta Sabo
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Shane Maloney
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Shane D'Souza
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Shahragim Tajbakhsh
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Sevinc Ercan
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Sevan Hopyan
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Seth Blair
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Sergio Grinstein
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Klaus Hartfelder
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Sergei Sokol
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Serge Nef
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Serge Mostowy
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Seppo Vainio
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Sean Tomlinson
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Scott Nowak
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Scott Haston
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Scott Dawson
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Saulius Sumanas
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Saulius Sumanas
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Sau00fal Ares
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Satyajit Mayor
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Sarah Whiteley
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Sarah Milton
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Sarah McMenamin
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Sarah Alderman
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Sarah McMemanin
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Sarah Nancollas
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Sarah De Val
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Sara Lindsay
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Sara Campbell
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Santos Franco
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Sanjay Sane
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Sandrine Prost
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Sandra Haider
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Samuel Leiboff
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Samuel Capon
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Samuel Capon
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Samantha Lewis
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Samantha Stehbens
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Salvatore Nesci
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Andru00c3u00a9 Sousa
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Sally Horne-Badovinac
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Sally Moody
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Sadiq Umar
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Sabrina Jabs
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Sabine Lague
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Sabine Klein
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Sabine Hilfiker
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Saadi Khochbin
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Sa Kan Yoo
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
S. Zachary Swartz
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Ryuichi Fukuda
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Rytis Prekeris
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Rytis Prekeris
Click tree again for more
This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Rytis Prekeris
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Ryoichiro Kageyama
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Ryan Bavis
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Ryan Ross
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Ryan Emanuel
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Rutilio Fratti
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Russell Wyeth
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Rulang Jiang
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Rulang Jiang
Click tree again for more
This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Rulang Jiang
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Rui Monteiro
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Rudy Ortiz
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Ruben Perez-Carrasco
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Roy Dalmo
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Roxana Radu
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Rosellina Guarascio
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Rosa Uribe
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Roope Mannikko
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Rong Huang
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Ronald Hill
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Ron Douglas
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Romana Santos
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Romain Levayer
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Romain Levayer
Click tree again for more
This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Romain Levayer
Click tree again for more
This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Romain Levayer
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Rolf Bodmer
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Roland Le Borgne
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Rohit Sinha
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Rodrigo Young
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Rodrigo Fernandez-Gonzalez
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Rodger Kram
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Robyn Grant
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Robin Hobbs
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Roberto Dominguez
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Roberta Azzarelli
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Robert Zorec
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Robert Krauss
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Robert Rottapel
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Robert McDonald
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Robert Haase
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Robert Kelly
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Robert Duronio
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Robert Dudley
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Robert Dudley
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Robert Coffey
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Robert Cieri
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Robert Carrillo
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Robert Arkowitz
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Rob James
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Rob Cross
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Rita Mehta
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Rita Mehta
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Ripla Arora
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Rima Slim
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Rieta Gols
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Rick Neptune
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Richard Brill
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Richard Tyser
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Richard Lee
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Richard Lundmark
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Richard Dorsky
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Richard Harland
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Richard Harland
Click tree again for more
This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Richard Harland
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Ricardo Mallarino
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Reynaldo Pinto
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Julieta Carril
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Rene Marc Mege
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Rene Maehr
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Rene Galindo
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Rejji Kuruvilla
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Rejean Tremblay
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Rebecca Oelkrug
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Rebecca Wingert
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Ravi Karra
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Raquel Oliveira
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Raphael Aguillon
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Ramesh Shivdasani
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Rajan Jain
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Raili Ruonala
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Rafael Jimenez
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Rafael Garcia-Mata
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Rachel Bowden
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Rachel Miller
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
R. Payne
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Quentin Gouil
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Qing Deng
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Qian Cai
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Prisca Liberali
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Peter Espenshade
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Prayag Murawala
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Praveen Chakravarthi Veeraraghavulu
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Prasada Rao HBD
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Pradip Sinha
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Pradip Raychaudhuri
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Pierre Vanderhaeghen
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Pierre Roux
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Pierre Osteil
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Pierre Ray
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Pierre Deviche
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Pier Paolo D'Avino
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Phu Tran
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Philip Woodman
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Philip Matthews
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Philip Dunne
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Philip Auckland
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Peter Walentek
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Peter Tessarz
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Peter ten Dijke
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Peter Madsen
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Peter Scambler
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Peter Houweling
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Peter Daniel
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Peter Kang
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Peter Aerts
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Per Ljungdahl
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Pekka Lappalainen
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Pedro Carvalho
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Paweu0142 Brzu0119k
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Paweu00c5u0082 Koteja
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Pawat Seritrakul
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Pauline Schaap
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Pauline Provini
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Pauline Nikola Fleischmann
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
paul Timpson
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Paul Taghert
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Paul Northcott
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Paul Martin
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Paul Schaeffer
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Paul Nachtigall
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Paul Mains
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Paul DeCaen
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Paul Armstrong
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Paul Hamel
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Patrick Meraldi
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Patrick Flammang
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Patricia Wadsworth
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Patricia Wright
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Paolo Segre
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Paola Bovolenta
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Paola Bonfanti
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Paola Bellosta
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Pamela Tuma
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Pamela Santonicola
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Pallavi Panda
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Pablo Cerdu00e1n
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Ozren Stojanovic
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Owen Tamplin
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Oscar Curet
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Oscar Abilez
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Oren Schuldiner
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Omer Yilmaz
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Olov Andersson
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Olivier Cinquin
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Oliver Harschnitz
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Oliver Gruss
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Olaf Stemmann
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Noriyasu Ando
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Norbert Boeddeker
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Nobuyoshi Shiojiri
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Noboru Mizushima
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Noboru Mizushima
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Nigel Turner
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Nienke Bosschaart
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Niels Rattenborg
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Nicoletta Kessaris
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Nicole Lake
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Nicole Miller-Struttmann
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Nicole Dubois
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Nicolas Plachta
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
nicolas denans
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Nicola Stevenson
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Nicola Iovino
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Nicola Festuccia
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Niclas Lundsgaard
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Nicholas Bernier
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Nicholas Horrocks
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Nicholas Greene
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Ng Shyh-Chang
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Neus Visa
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Nei-Li Chan
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Neil Vargesson
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Neetu Gupta-Rossi
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Neal Dawson
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Nawazish Naqvi
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Nathan Lawson
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Nathan VanDusen
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Nathan Putman
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Nathalie Jurisch-Yaksi
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Natasha O'Brown
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Natalina Quarto
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Natalie Claunch
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Natalie Lockney
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Natalie Holt
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Natalie Elia
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Natalie Elia
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Natalia Bulgakova
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Narcisa Martinez-Quiles
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Naoto Ueno
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Nana Ankrah
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Nadia Mitchell
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Naama Kanarek
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Muriel Grammont
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Mounia Lagha
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Mounia Lagha
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Monkol Lek
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Monica Daley
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Monica Daley
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Moira O'Bryan
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Mohan Balasubramanian
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Mitsuo Tagaya
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Minoru Takasato
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Minoru Takasato
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Minchul Kim
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Milica Radisic
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Mike Shapiro
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Mihai Tomescu
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Miguel Angel Moreno-Mateos
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Michiyo Kinoshita
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Michelle Southard-Smith
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Michelle Southard-Smith
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Michelle Rensel
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Michelle Crozatier
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Michelle Bland
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Michu00c3u00a8le Crozatier
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Michel Labouesse
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Michel Gho
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Michael Zech
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Michael Wink
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Michael Veeman
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Michael Schrader
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Michael Krahn
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Michael Fine
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Michael Fry
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Michael Gray
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Michael Metzen
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Michael Olson
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Michael Olson
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Michael Olson
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Michael Adams
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Michael de Vries
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Michael Henry
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Michael Collins
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Michael Buszczak
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Michael Berenbrink
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Michael B O'Connor
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Michael McMurray
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Menno Oudhoff
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Melissa Holmes
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Melanie Haffner-Luntzer
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Melanie Hamon
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Mayssa Mokalled
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Mayssa Mokalled
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Mayaso Soma
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Maximina Yun
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Maxence Nachury
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Maurijn van der Zee
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Maurice Elphick
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Mattias Mannervik
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Mattia Gazzola
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Matthieu Keller
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Matthias Peter
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Matthias Falk
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Matthias Krause
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Matthew Alexander
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Matthew McHenry
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Matthew McHenry
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Matthew Hemming
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Matthew Harris
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Matthew Freeman
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Matthew Gifford
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Matthew Cobb
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Mathieu Lihoreau
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Masanori Mishima
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Masamitsu Fukuyama
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Masahito Ikawa
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Masahiro Sonoshita
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Masaaki Komatsu
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Mary Baylies
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Mary C. Mullins
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Martine Culty
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Martin Loose
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Martin How
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Martin Grosell
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Martijn Gloerich
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Martha Soto
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Marta Giacomello
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Markus Affolter
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Mark Denny
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Mark Denny
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Mark Rinnerthaler
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Tatsushi Igaki
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Mark Collins
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Mark Hall
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Mark Magnuson
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Marja Mikkola
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Mario Vallejo-Marin
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Marilyn Renfree
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Marie-Christine Chaboissier
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Marie Manceau
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Marie Claire Gatt
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Marianna Cosentino
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Marianna Bei
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Mariana Wolfner
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Maria Stager
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Maria Ioannou
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Maru00eda Sal Moyano
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Maria Ledesma-Colunga
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Maria Arnone
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Maria Grazia Giansanti
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Maria Dolores Martin-Bermudo
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Maria Dolores Mayu00e1n
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Margherita Turco
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Margarita Vigodner
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Margaret McCarthy
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Marek Jindra
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Marcus Fritze
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Marcos Nahmad
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Marco Milan
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Marcin Przewloka
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Marcin Osuchowski
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Marc Weissburg
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Marc Hammarlund
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Manuel Thery
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Maja Oktay
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Magdalena Goetz
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Madeline Lancaster
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Maciej Figiel
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
M. Janneke Schwaner
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
M. Danielle McDonald
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Robert Montgomerie
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Lynn Riddiford
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Luke Chamberlain
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Luis Gimenez
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Huub Maas
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Luc Pardanaud
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Louise Cheng
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Lorenzo Calviello
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Liz Patton
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Liuba Dvinskikh
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Lisa Maves
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Lisa Ju00f8rgensen
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Click tree again for more
This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Lingfei Luo
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Lindsey Mao
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Lindsey Barske
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Lindsey Barske
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Linda Resar
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Lincon Stamp
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Lihsia Chen
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Lieven de Veylder
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Liang Ge
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Liam Connell
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Liam Dolan
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Liam Dolan
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Li Ma
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Lewis Halsey
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Levente Kovacs
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Leslie Buck
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Leslie Buck
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Leslie Sanderson
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Lesley Alton
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Leonor Saude
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Click tree again for more
This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Leonardo Fuks
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Leonard Zon
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Leonard Maler
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Leonard Dobens
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Laurent Counillon
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Laurence Pelletier
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Lauren Simonitis
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Laura Moody
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Laura Moody
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Laura Machesky
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Laura Buttitta
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Laura Miller
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Lasse Jensen
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Larissa Patterson
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
L. Rene Garcia
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Kweon Yu
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Kunhua Song
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Krisztina Takacs-Vellai
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Kristy Townsend
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Kristina Stapornwongkul
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Kristina Kverkovu00e1
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Klemens Rottner
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
KJ Aitken
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Kit Longden
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Kit Longden
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Kimara Targoff
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Kim Jensen
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Kieran Harvey
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Kevin Du Clos
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Kevin Pumiglia
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Kevin Myant
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Kevin Murach
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Kevin Campbell
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Kent Hill
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Kenny Bogaert
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Kenneth Welch
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Kenneth Smallwood
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Kenneth Poss
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Kenneth Yamada
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Kenneth Kwan
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Kenneth Lohmann
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Kenneth Irvine
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Ken Zaret
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Ken Cheng
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Kelsey Lucas
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Kelly Weinersmith
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Kelly Smith
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Keith Kozminski
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Keir Balla
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Keiji Miyazawa
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Ke Hu
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Kazuyuki Ohbo
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Kazuyuki Ohbo
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Kazunori Kume
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Kazuko Koshiba-Takeuchi
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Kaushik Jayaram
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Katsuhiko Hayashi
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Katie Marshall
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Katie Marshall
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Kathy Niakan
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Kathleen Trybus
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Kathleen Gould
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Katherine Yutzey
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Katharina Ruthsatz
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Kaspar Delhey
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Karuna Sampath
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Karl Jones
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Karl Crailsheim
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Karina Yaniv
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Kari Lenhart
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Karen Sweazea
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Karen Liu
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Karen Lange
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Kara Cerveny
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Kaori Shima
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Kang Nian Yap
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Kamil Ruzicka
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Kaitlin Allen
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Justin Kenney
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Justin Havird
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Ju00fcrgen Pollheimer
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Junichi Ikenouchi
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Jun Zhou
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Julie Brill
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Julian Beaman
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Julia Nowack
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Juho-Antti Mu00e4kelu00e4
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Juha Partanen
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Juergen Wienands
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Judit Corullon
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Juan Martinez-Morales
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Juan Manuel Gonzalez-Rosa
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Juan Jimenez
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Juan Dong
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Juan Angueyra
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Jovana Serbanovic-Canic
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Jost Enninga
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Josien van Wolfswinkel
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Joseph Brzezinski
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Joseph Sisneros
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Jose Pablo Vazquez-Medina
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Josu00e9 de la Pompa
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Paul Trainor
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Jordi Altirriba
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Jordanna Sprayberry
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Jordan Shavit
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Jop van Berlo
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Jonathon Howard
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Jonathan Higgins
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Jonathan Friedman
Click tree again for more
This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Jonathan Friedman
Click tree again for more
This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Jonathan Friedman
Click tree again for more
This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Jonathan Friedman
Click tree again for more
This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Jonathan Friedman
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Jonathan Chubb
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Jonathan Stecyk
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Jon Oatley
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Jon Harrison
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Jolanda van Hengel
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
John Connelly
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
John Lighton
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
John Jia En Chua
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
John McCarthy
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
John Bertram
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
John Dunlop
Click tree again for more
This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
John Aplin
Click tree again for more
This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
John Bertram
Click tree again for more
This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Johannes Aerts
Click tree again for more
This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Johannes Aerts
Click tree again for more
This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Johannes Gloeckner
Click tree again for more
This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Johanna Kowalko
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Johan Ledin
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Johan van Leeuwen
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Joerg Albert
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Joel Kingsolver
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Jochen Zeil
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Joan Jorgensen
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Jinhu Wang
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Jing Wang
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Jianwen Que
Click tree again for more
This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Jianwen Que
Click tree again for more
This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Davy Vanhoutte
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
jianghong Li
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Jian Xu
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Jia Song
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Ji Shanming
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Jessica Vanslambrouck
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Takeshi Noda
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Jessica Dunleavy
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Jesse Krause
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Jesse Dean
Click tree again for more
This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Jesse Dean
Click tree again for more
This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Jess Snedeker
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
jerome jullien
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Jeroen den Hertog
Click tree again for more
This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Jeroen Bakkers
Click tree again for more
This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Jeroen Bakkers
Click tree again for more
This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Jeroen Bakkers
Click tree again for more
This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Jeroen Bakkers
Click tree again for more
This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Jeroen Aeles
Click tree again for more
This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Jeremy Nance
Click tree again for more
This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Jeremy Green
Click tree again for more
This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Jeremy Niven
Click tree again for more
This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Jeremy De Bonville
Click tree again for more
This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Jeremy Carlton
Click tree again for more
This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Valentina Cigliola
Click tree again for more
This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Jens Herberholz
Click tree again for more
This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Jenny Read
Click tree again for more
This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Jennifer Stow
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Jennifer Nichols
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Jennifer Chousal
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Jennifer McKey
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Jennifer Davis
Click tree again for more
This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Jen Liou
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Jelle van den Ameele
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Jeffrey Moore
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Ken Takahashi
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Jeffrey Essner
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Jeffrey Bush
Click tree again for more
This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Jeff Hardin
Click tree again for more
This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Jeff Richards
Click tree again for more
This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Jeff Eldredge
Click tree again for more
This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Jeff Long
Click tree again for more
This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Jean-Pierre Saint-Jeannet
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Jean-Paul Vincent
Click tree again for more
This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Jean-Michel Weber
Click tree again for more
This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Jean-Lu00e9on Mau00eetre
Click tree again for more
This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Jean-Lu00e9on Mau00eetre
Click tree again for more
This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Jeanette Villanueva
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Jeanette Villanueva
Click tree again for more
This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
JD Sauer
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Jay Shendure
Click tree again for more
This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Javier Vaquero
Click tree again for more
This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Jason Tennessen
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Jason Tennessen
Click tree again for more
This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Jason Sheltzer
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Jason Hodin
Click tree again for more
This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Jason Podrabsky
Click tree again for more
This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Jason Berman
Click tree again for more
This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Jason Berman
Click tree again for more
This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Jared Talbot
Click tree again for more
This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Janet Lanyon
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Jane Yu
Click tree again for more
This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Jane Wang
Click tree again for more
This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Niels Galjart
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Jan Parys
Click tree again for more
This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Jamie Theobald
Click tree again for more
This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Jamie Theobald
Click tree again for more
This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
James Li
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
James Umen
Click tree again for more
This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
James Nichols
Click tree again for more
This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
James Nichols
Click tree again for more
This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
James Usherwood
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
James Monaghan
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
James Newcomb
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
James Sleigh
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
James Martin
Click tree again for more
This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
James Martin
Click tree again for more
This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
James Turner
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
James Foster
Click tree again for more
This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
James Foster
Click tree again for more
This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
James Amatruda
Click tree again for more
This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
James Edgar
Click tree again for more
This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
James Casanova
Click tree again for more
This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
James Martin
Click tree again for more
This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Jakub Sedzinski
Click tree again for more
This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Jakub Sedzinski
Click tree again for more
This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Jakub Sedzinski
Click tree again for more
This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Jake Socha
Click tree again for more
This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Jake Socha
Click tree again for more
This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Jaime Imitola
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Jae-Won Shin
Click tree again for more
This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Jacqueline Barlow
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Jacopo Cecere
Click tree again for more
This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Izumi Kaji
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Ismael Galvu00e1n
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Isha Jain
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Isabel Del Pino
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Isaac Skromne
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Ira Kurtz
Click tree again for more
This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Ippei Nojima
Click tree again for more
This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Ioannis Eleftherianos
Click tree again for more
This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Ina Arnone
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Imran Ahmad
Click tree again for more
This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Imad Shams
Click tree again for more
This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Ilse Hofmann
Click tree again for more
This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Ilha Lee
Click tree again for more
This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
I-Ju Lee
Click tree again for more
This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Igor Spigelman
Click tree again for more
This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Ichiro Masai
Click tree again for more
This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Ian Smyth
Click tree again for more
This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Ian Smyth
Click tree again for more
This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Elizabeth Gavis
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Ian Jackson
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Ian Scott
Click tree again for more
This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Iain Hagan
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Hui Xiong
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Hui Feng
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Hubert Schorle
Click tree again for more
This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Hubert Schorle
Click tree again for more
This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Hubert Schorle
Click tree again for more
This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Hubert Schorle
Click tree again for more
This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Huayu Qi
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Huaiyong Chen
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Hsiao-Tuan Chao
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
hongying shen
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Hongyin Wang
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Hongxiang Liu
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Homaira Nawabi
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Holger Knaut
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Hoang-Vu Phan
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Hitoshi Nakatogawa
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Hiroshi Wada
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Hiroshi Hamada
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Hiroko Sano
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Hiro Ohkura
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Hilary Coller
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Alexander Borst
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Hidemitsu Harada
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Hideki Nishitoh
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Henry Kronenberg
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Henrik Fagman
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Helgi Thor Thorarensen
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Helen White-Cooper
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Helen Abud
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Heidi Viitaniemi
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Heidi Maclean
Click tree again for more
This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Hu00e9ctor Herranz
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Heather Durham
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Harmeet Malhi
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Harald Wolf
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Harald Hutter
Click tree again for more
This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Hao Liu
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Han-Sung Jung
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Haike Antelmann
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Hadley Horch
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
H. Leighton Grimes
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
H. Arthur Woods
Click tree again for more
This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
H. Arthur Woods
Click tree again for more
This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Guoqiang Wan
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Guillaume Jacquemet
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Guangpu Li
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Guang Hu
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Guang Hu
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Guang Hu
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Gretl Hendrickx
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Gregory Reeves
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Gregory Sutton
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Gregory Sutton
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Gregory Fairn
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Gregory Cunningham
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Gregor Belu ič
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Greg Bashaw
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Greet Kerckhofs
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Grazia Raffa
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Grant McClelland
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Graham Scott
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Graham Lieschke
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Graham Anderson
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Graham Anderson
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Grace Shin
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Gordon Warren
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Gloria Massamba N'Siala
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Glen Lichtwark
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Glen Lichtwark
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Giovanni Forcina
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Giorgio Vallortigara
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Gilles De Meester
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Germana Meroni
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Gerhard Schlosser
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Gerard Gradwohl
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Georgia Panagiotakos
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
George Eisenhoffer
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
George Bakken
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
George Somero
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
George Somero
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
George Davis
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Georg Jander
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Geoffrey Power
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Geert Kops
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Gavin Kelsey
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Gary Dickinson
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Gareth Jones
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Gamze Ayaz
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Gamze Ayaz
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Galit Pelled
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Gaia Pigino
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Gage Crump
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Gabriel Galea
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
G.W. Luxton
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
G. Esteban Fernandez
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Fumiaki Obata
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Fritz Geiser
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Frederico Barroso
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Ryuji Morizane
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Ryuji Morizane
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Ryuji Morizane
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Franu00c3u00a7ois Robin
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Franck Pichaud
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Folma Buss
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Floris van Breugel
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Florian Menzel
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Filippo Del Bene
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Fernando Roch
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Fernando Montealegre-Z
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Fernando Diaz
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Fernando Casares
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Fenglei He
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Fenglei He
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Feng Liu
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Felix Machin
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Felipe Karam Teixeira
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Fei Sun
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Fabrizio Gardoni
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Fabrizio Gabbiani
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Fu00e1bio Cahuu00ea
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Fabienne Lescroart
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Fabienne Poulain
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
F Jeffrey Dilworth Dilworth
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Eyal Schejter
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Eyal Schejter
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Ewa Rajpert-De Meyts
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Evgeny Pavlov
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Eva Fischer
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Eszter Posfai
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Esther Betran
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Erin Spiller
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Erik Sandblom
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Erik Anderson
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Erik Danen
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Eric Rubenstein
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Eric Perreault
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Eric Lecuyer
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Eric Tytell
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Maxime Durand
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Eric Batchelor
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Erdem Bangi
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Eran Gefen
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Enyuan Shang
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Enrico Moro
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Emmanuelle Cordat
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Emmanuelle Chretien
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Emma Timmins-Schiffman
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Emily Standen
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Emily Baird
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Emily Rosowski
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Emily Carrington
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Eloisa Herrera
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Eloisa Herrera
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Ellen Lien
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Ellen Lien
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Ellen Lien
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Elke Buschbeck
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Elizabeth Miller
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Elizabeth McHuron
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Elizabeth Brainerd
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Elizabeth Brainerd
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Elizabeth Jones
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Elisa Thoral
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Elif Firat-Karalar
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Elias Hobeika
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Elena Spina
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Eleanor Maine
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Elaine Emmerson
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Eirini Trompouki
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Eirini Trompouki
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Edward Snelling
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Edward Dzialowski
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Edoardo Moretto
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Edgar Gomes
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Edgar Gomes
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Duy Tran
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Duchon Arnaud
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Duarte Barral
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Duanqing Pei
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Douglas Glazier
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Douglas Glazier
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Douglas Portman
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Douglas Pace
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Douglas Robinson
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
E. Jane Hubbard
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Douglas Epstein
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Donovan German
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Dongyu Jia
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Dongyu Jia
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Donald Fox
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Donal Manahan
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Don Gammon
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Don Fox
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Doaa Taha
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Dies Meijer
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Dianna Padilla
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Diane Ward
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Diana Stojanovski
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Diana Juriloff
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Devin Jindrich
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Derrick Groom
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Derek Warren
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Dennis Higgs
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Dennis Discher
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Deniz Ertekin
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Denise Al Alam
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Deneen Wellik
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Delyle Polet
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Delphine Duprez
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Deirdre Lyons
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Deepak Srivastava
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Deepak Srivastava
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Deepa Ramamurthy
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Deborah Henderson
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Deborah Henderson
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Davide Thambithurai
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Harold Zakon
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
David Raible
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
David Teis
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
David Tadres
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
David Stanek
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
David Sherwood
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
David Schoppik
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
David Rice
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
David Raible
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
David Pellman
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
David Nestel
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
David Pritchard
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
David Raizen
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
David Glover
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
David Swanson
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
David Denlinger
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
David Denlinger
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
David Katz
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
David Coughlin
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
David Coughlin
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
David Marshall
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
David Hu
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
David Hu
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
David Greenstein
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
David Golomb
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
David Kirsch
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
David Furness
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
David Forsthoefel
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
David Clouthier
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
David Barry
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
David Sacks
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Karla Neugebauer
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Dave Hansen
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Darius Ku00c3u00b6ster
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Darius Ku00c3u00b6ster
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Dario Floreano
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Daria Siekhaus
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Daniel Vogt
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Daniel Ungar
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Daniel St Johnston
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Daniel Ferris
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Daniel Costa
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Daniel Hebert
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Daniel Lew
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Daniel Kierzkowski
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Daniel Goldman
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Daniel Feliciano
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Daniel Shaye
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Daniel Coombs
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Daniel Conway
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Daniel Conway
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Daniel Conway
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Dan-E. Nilsson
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Dan Bergstralh
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Dale Laird
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Cristina Montiel-Duarte
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Crispin Miller
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Corinne Houart
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Conrad Nieduszynski
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Colin Adrain
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Colette Cann
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Clive Wilson
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Clive Wilson
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Clement Vinauger
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Claudine Kraft
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Claude Desplan
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Clare Hudson
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Clare Futter
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Claire Chazaud
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Claire Chazaud
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Claire Benard
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Chulan Kwon
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Christopher Toseland
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Christopher Clark
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Christopher Arellano
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Christopher Gabel
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Christopher Quinn
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Christopher Beh
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Christopher Penfold
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Christoph Lepper
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Christoph Ballestrem
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Christofer Clemente
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Christofer Clemente
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Christine Hartmann
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Christine Blattner
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Christine Curcio
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Christina Grozinger
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Christina Gladkova
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Christina Gladkova
Click tree again for more
This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Christina Gladkova
Click tree again for more
This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Christina Gladkova
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Christian Ungermann
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Christian Ungermann
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Christian Ungermann
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Christian Ungermann
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Christian Mosimann
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Christian Dahmann
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Chris Sibley
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Chris Murray
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Chris Moyes
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Chin Chiang
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Chi-Lun Chang
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Cheng-Han Yu
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Chen Li
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Chavaunne Thorpe
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Charlotte Miller
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Charles Derby
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Charles Barlowe
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Charles Ettensohn
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Cesar Roncero
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Celine Santiago
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Celia Shiau
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Cedric Maurange
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Cecilia Moens
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Cathy Hatcher
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Catherina Becker
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This tree was protected as a result of a peer review by:
Catharine Rankin
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Carrie Duckworth
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Carolyn Ott
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Caroline Pellet-Many
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Carolina Freire
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Carola Yovanovich
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Carol Bucking
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Carmela Giglione
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Carmela Giglione
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Carlos Rossa Junior
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Carlos Ferreira
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Carlisle Bascom
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Carl Soulsbury
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Lauren Rowsey
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Cara Gottardi
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Camilla Sharkey
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Buzz Baum
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Bumsuk Hahm
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Bruce Riley
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Brock Grill
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Brigid Hogan
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Brian Hermann
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Brian Hermann
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Brian Oliver
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Brian Dixon
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Bret Tobalske
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Brent Sinclair
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Brad Davidson
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Boris Chagnaud
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Boris Prilutsky
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Boris Egger
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Bo Cheng
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Blair Wolf
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Blair Wolf
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Blair Wolf
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Binyam Mogessie
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Hidde Ploegh
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Bin Zhou
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Bin Zhou
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Bill Keyes
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Bianca Schrul
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Berta Alsina
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Bernd Fleischmann
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Benoit Chabot
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Benjamin Prud'homme
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Benjamin Allen
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Benjamin Reese
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Benedicte Chazaud
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Benard Khor
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Ben Schumann
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Brent Sinclair
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Bas van Balkom
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Bas Van Rijn
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Barbara Sorg
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Baptiste Martinet
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Azusa Kamikouchi
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Ayelu00e9n Gonzu00e1lez Montoro
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Avnika Ruparelia
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Avital Rodal
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Audrey Le Pogam
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Atsushi Kimura
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Atsushi Asakura
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Ruth Lehmann
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Asato Kuroiwa
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Arnoud Sonnenberg
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Arndt Siekmann
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Arndt Siekmann
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Arja Kaitala
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Ari Mu00e4hu00f6nen
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Arash Bashirullah
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Anusha Shankar
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Antoine Guichet
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Anthony Lapsansky
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Anthony Firulli
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Annis Richardson
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Anne Vaten
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Anne Straube
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Anne Simonsen
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Anne Silverman
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Anne Kenworthy
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Annabel Berthon
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Anna Stoeckl
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Anna Stoeckl
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Anna Piliszek
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Anna Honkanen
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Anna Akhmanova
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Ann E. Sutherland
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Ann E. Sutherland
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Anindita Ukil
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Anika Wagner
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Angelika Harbauer
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Angela Laird
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Angela Horner
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Angela Giangrande
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Angela Fago
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Angela Dulhunty
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Andy Plackett
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Andy Golden
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Andrew Suarez
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Andrew Smith
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Andrew Sinclair
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Andrew Paek
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Andrew Mugler
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Andrew Dickerson
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Andrew Esbaugh
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Andrew Straw
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Andrew Nelson
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Andrew Biewener
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Andrew Bannister
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Andrew Advani
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Andrej Vilfan
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Andreia Bernardo
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Andreas Mayer
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Andreas Ludwig
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Andreas Kispert
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Andreas Heyland
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Andrea Wills
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Andrea Morash
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Andrea Morash
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Andrea Ditadi
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Andrea Barbuti
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Anastasios Pavlopoulos
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Anabela Maia
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Ana Carvalho
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Ana Busturia
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Amy Ralston
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Amy Ou0092Connell
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Amy Kiernan
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Amy Merrill
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Amelie Bonnet-Garnier
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Amelia Munson
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Amanda Swain
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Alwin Verschueren
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Alvaro Sagasti
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Melissa Plasman
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Alpha Yap
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Almut Kelber
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Almundher Al-Maawali
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Allen Gibbs
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Alla Kalmykova
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Alissa Armstrong
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Alice Lebreton
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Alfonso Martinez-Arias
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Alexis Will
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Alexandra Voloshina
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Alexandra Schambony
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Alexander Ljubimov
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Alexander Shingleton
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Alexander Palazzo
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Alex Mogilner
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Alex Champagne
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Alex Gunderson
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Alenka Copic
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Jennifer Morton
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Alejandro Rico-Guevara
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Albrecht Schwab
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Alan Howe
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Akira Nifuji
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Akiko Mizokami
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Akihiko Nakano
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Ajay Narendra
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Agnieszka Bana?
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Agathe Chaigne
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Adrienne Antonson
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Adrian Smith
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Adam Reitzel
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Torsten Wittmann
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Torsten Wittmann
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Adam Cronin
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Adam Hartstone-Rose
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Adam Hoppe
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Achim Paululat
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Aashrith Saraswathibhatla
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Aashish Ranjan
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Aaron Neiman
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Aaron Johnson
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Aaron Johnson
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A. Kristopher Lappin
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This tree was planted for the article:
Sec16 and Sed4 interdependently function as interaction and localization partners at ER exit sites
Journal of Cell Science
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The role of lipid rafts in vesicle formation
Journal of Cell Science
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Purification of human u03b2- and u03b3-actin from budding yeast
Journal of Cell Science
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The fission yeast cytokinetic ring component Fic1 promotes septum formation
Biology Open
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A cornichon protein controls polar localization of the PINA auxin transporter in Physcomitrium patens
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Transplanted human intestinal organoids: a resource for modeling human intestinal development
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Close encounters of three kinds: impacts of leg, wing and body collisions on flight performance in carpenter bees
Journal of Experimental Biology
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The ciliumu2013centrosome axis in coupling cell cycle exit and cell fate
Journal of Cell Science
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Dissecting pleiotropic functions of the wheat Green Revolution gene Rht-B1b in plant morphogenesis and yield formation
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Intestinal barrier dysfunction: an evolutionarily conserved hallmark of aging
Disease Models & Mechanisms
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Direct force measurement and loading on developing tissues in intact avian embryos
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The Caenorhabditis elegans anchor cell transcriptome: ribosome biogenesis drives cell invasion through basement membrane
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Kinetics of Arf1 inactivation regulates Golgi organisation and function in non-adherent fibroblasts
Biology Open
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Quantitative videomicroscopy reveals latent control of cell-pair rotations in vivo
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Microbial pattern recognition suppresses de novo organogenesis
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Dysfunction of programmed embryo senescence is linked to genetic developmental defects
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An arginase 2 promoter transgenic line illuminates immune cell polarisation in zebrafish
Disease Models & Mechanisms
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Experimental reduction in blood oxygen-carrying capacity alters foraging behaviour in a colonial waterbird
Journal of Experimental Biology
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A Mesp1-dependent developmental breakpoint in transcriptional and epigenomic specification of early cardiac precursors
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Lfc subcellular localization and activity is controlled by u03b1v-class integrin
Journal of Cell Science
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Lateral thinking in syndromic congenital cardiovascular disease
Disease Models & Mechanisms
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4931414P19Rik, a microglia chemoattractant secreted by neural progenitors, modulates neuronal migration during corticogenesis
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Hemato-vascular specification requires arnt1 and arnt2 genes in zebrafish embryos
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Molecular basis of Climp63-mediated ER lumen spacing
Journal of Cell Science
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Development of the aganglionic colon following surgical rescue in a cell therapy model of Hirschsprung disease in rat
Disease Models & Mechanisms
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Macrophage-stem cell crosstalk: regulation of the stem cell niche
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Post-injury born oligodendrocytes incorporate into the glial scar and contribute to the inhibition of axon regeneration
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Identification of a heterogeneous and dynamic ciliome during embryonic development and cell differentiation
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A Year at the Forefront of Bacterial Defense Systems Against Neutrophilic Oxidants
Biology Open
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Live-cell tracking of u03b3-H2AX kinetics reveals the distinct modes of ATM and DNA-PK in the immediate response to DNA damage
Journal of Cell Science
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Reconstructing the pressure field around swimming fish using a physics-informed neural network
Journal of Experimental Biology
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Cdc42 prevents precocious Rho1 activation during cytokinesis in a Pak1-dependent manner
Journal of Cell Science
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Craniofacial dysmorphology in Down syndrome is caused by increased dosage of Dyrk1a and at least three other genes
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Effects of wing damage and moult gaps on vertebrate flight performance
Journal of Experimental Biology
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Antimicrobial peptides do not directly contribute to aging in Drosophila, but improve lifespan by preventing dysbiosis
Disease Models & Mechanisms
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Genetic dissection of triplicated chromosome 21 orthologs yields varying skeletal traits in Down syndrome model mice
Disease Models & Mechanisms
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The control of breathing in fishes u2013 historical perspectives and the path ahead
Journal of Experimental Biology
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To escape or to pursue: opposite decision making concerning a single moving object is influenced by starvation and sex
Journal of Experimental Biology
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Ratiometric sensing of Pnt and Yan transcription factor levels confers ultrasensitivity to photoreceptor fate transitions in Drosophila
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Pten inhibition dedifferentiates long-distance axon-regenerating intrinsically photosensitive retinal ganglion cells and upregulates mitochondria-associated Dynlt1a and Lars2
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Maximizing biomedical research impacts through bioethical considerations
Disease Models & Mechanisms
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Distinct myofibre domains of the human myotendinous junction revealed by single-nucleus RNA sequencing
Journal of Cell Science
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The role of crinophagy in quality control of the regulated secretory pathway
Journal of Cell Science
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Calcineurin associates with centrosomes and regulates cilia length maintenance
Journal of Cell Science
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Flexibility is a hidden axis of biomechanical diversity in fishes
Journal of Experimental Biology
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PRDM1 DNA-binding zinc finger domain is required for normal limb development and is disrupted in split hand/foot malformation
Disease Models & Mechanisms
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Upregulation of Tribbles decreases body weight and increases sleep duration
Disease Models & Mechanisms
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Probing the pathogenicity of patient-derived variants of MT-ATP6 in yeast
Disease Models & Mechanisms
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Zika virus-induces metabolic alterations in fetal neuronal progenitors that could influence in neurodevelopment during early pregnancy
Biology Open
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Biomechanics, motor control and dynamic models of the soft limbs of the octopus and other cephalopods
Journal of Experimental Biology
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The bumpy road ahead: the role of substrate roughness on animal walking and a proposed comparative metric
Journal of Experimental Biology
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Fipronil affects cockroach behavior and olfactory memory
Journal of Experimental Biology
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How bumblebees coordinate path integration and body orientation at the start of their first learning flight
Journal of Experimental Biology
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Foxn1 overexpression promotes thymic epithelial progenitor cell proliferation and mTEC maintenance, but does not prevent thymic involution
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The non-canonical Wnt receptor Ror2 is required for cartilage cell polarity and morphogenesis of the craniofacial skeleton in zebrafish
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Talin and kindlin cooperate to control the density of integrin clusters
Journal of Cell Science
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Jumping over fences: why field- and laboratory-based biomechanical studies can and should learn from each other
Journal of Experimental Biology
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Azimuthal invariance to looming stimuli in the Drosophila giant fiber escape circuit
Journal of Experimental Biology
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Patch repair protects cells from the small pore-forming toxin aerolysin
Journal of Cell Science
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Quantification of basal stem cell elongation and stress fiber accumulation in the pseudostratified airway epithelium during the unjamming transition
Biology Open
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ConFERMing the role of talin in integrin activation and mechanosignaling
Journal of Cell Science
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CXCR4 and CXCL12 signaling regulates the development of extrinsic innervation to the colorectum
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A conserved role of the Hippo signalling pathway in initiation of the first lineage specification event across mammals
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Next-generation plasmids for transgenesis in zebrafish and beyond
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Elevated developmental temperatures impact the size and allometry of morphological traits of the bumblebee Bombus terrestris
Journal of Experimental Biology
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Pump the brakes! The hindlimbs of three-toed sloths decelerate and support suspensory locomotion
Journal of Experimental Biology
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Chasing the cheetah: how field biomechanics has evolved to keep up with the fastest land animal
Journal of Experimental Biology
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A robust dual gene ONu2013OFF toggle directed by two independent promoteru2013degron pairs
Journal of Cell Science
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Responses of the in vitro turtle brain to visual and auditory stimuli during severe hypoxia
Journal of Experimental Biology
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In preprints: get to know your neighbours u2013 cell interface surveillance through a molecular zip code
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A compound PCP scheme underlies sequential rosettes-based cell intercalation
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Going against the flow: bumblebees prefer to fly upwind and display more variable kinematics when flying downwind
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The evolution of gastrulation morphologies
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Aversive memory conditioning induces fluoxetine-dependent anxiety-like states in the crab Neohelice granulata
Journal of Experimental Biology
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Lessons from natural flight for aviation: then, now and tomorrow
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The Mouse Models of Human Cancer database (MMHCdb)
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The roles of brain lipids and polar metabolites in the hypoxia tolerance of deep-diving pinnipeds
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Balanced mitochondrial function at low temperature is linked to cold adaptation in Drosophila species
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SLC25A46 promotes mitochondrial fission and mediates resistance to lipotoxic stress in INS-1E insulin-secreting cells
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Cardiomyocyte ploidy is dynamic during postnatal development and varies across genetic backgrounds
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Septins and K63 ubiquitin chains are present in separate bacterial microdomains during autophagy of entrapped Shigella
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A hypothesis for robust polarization vision: an example from the Australian imperial blue butterfly, Jalmenus evagoras
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Mechanistic studies in Drosophila and chicken give new insights into functions of DVL1 in dominant Robinow syndrome
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Overexpression screen of chromosome 21 genes reveals modulators of Sonic hedgehog signaling relevant to Down syndrome
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Two decades of research on anoxia tolerance u2013 mitochondria, -omics and physiological diversity
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Accelerated abdominal lipid depletion from pesticide treatment alters honey bee pollen foraging strategy, but not onset, in worker honey bees
Journal of Experimental Biology
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Ontogenetic exposure to light influences seabird vulnerability to light pollution
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Perturbing the muscle work loop paradigm to unravel the neuromechanics of unsteady locomotion
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Activity-dependent post-translational regulation of palmitoylating and depalmitoylating enzymes in the hippocampus
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S-adenosyl-L-methionine supplementation alleviates damaged intestinal epithelium and inflammatory infiltration caused by Mat2a deficiency
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Temporally and regionally distinct morphogenetic processes govern zebrafish caudal fin blood vessel network expansion
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Dynamic localization of the Na+-HCO3u2212 co-transporter NBCn1 to the plasma membrane, centrosomes, spindle and primary cilia
Journal of Cell Science
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Regulation of morphogen pathways by a Drosophila chondroitin sulfate proteoglycan Windpipe
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Genetically encoded imaging tools for investigating cell dynamics at a glance
Journal of Cell Science
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Impaired fin regeneration and angiogenesis in aged zebrafish and turquoise killifish
Biology Open
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Metabolic shift towards oxidative phosphorylation reduces cell-density-induced cancer-stem-cell-like characteristics in prostate cancer in vitro
Biology Open
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Characterization of the nuclear import of the human CHD4u2013NuRD complex
Journal of Cell Science
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Integrating biomechanics in evolutionary studies, with examples from the amphidromous goby model system
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How scaling approaches can reveal fundamental principles in physiology and biomechanics
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Latch-mediated spring actuation (LaMSA): the power of integrated biomechanical systems
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Molecular profiling of the vestibular lamina highlights a key role for Hedgehog signalling
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MERISTEM-DEFECTIVE regulates the balance between stemness and differentiation in the root meristem through RNA splicing control
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Social recapitulation: moulting can restore social tolerance in aggressive spiderlings
Journal of Experimental Biology
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Dynamics of horizontal walking and vertical climbing in the Australian green tree frog (Ranoidea caerulea)
Journal of Experimental Biology
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An u2018instinct for learningu2019: the learning flights and walks of bees, wasps and ants from the 1850s to now
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Evolution and immunopathology of chikungunya virus informs therapeutic development
Disease Models & Mechanisms
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An ancient testis-specific IQ motif-containing H gene regulates specific transcript isoform expression during spermatogenesis
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TOM-1/tomosyn acts with the UNC-6/netrin receptor UNC-5 to inhibit growth cone protrusion in Caenorhabditis elegans
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Cellular effects of NAT-mediated histone N-terminal acetylation
Journal of Cell Science
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Measurement of voluntary bite forces in large carnivores using a semi-automated reward-driven system
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Zebrafish cutaneous injury models reveal that Langerhans cells engulf axonal debris in adult epidermis
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Fibroblast-derived EGF ligand neuregulin 1 induces fetal-like reprogramming of the intestinal epithelium without supporting tumorigenic growth
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A Drosophila chemical screen reveals synergistic effect of MEK and DGKu03b1 inhibition in Ras-driven cancer
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Nectar feeding beyond the tongue: hummingbirds drink using phase-shifted bill opening, flexible tongue flaps and wringing at the tips
Journal of Experimental Biology
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Differential effects of Mendelian GDAP1 clinical variants on mitochondria-lysosome membrane contacts sites
Biology Open
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A network of Notch-dependent and -independent her genes controls neural stem and progenitor cells in the zebrafish thalamic proliferation zone
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Zasp52 strengthens whole embryo tissue integrity through supracellular actomyosin networks
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An end-to-end pipeline based on open source deep learning tools for reliable analysis of complex 3D images of ovaries
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Incubation temperature alters stripe formation and head colouration in American alligator hatchlings and is unaffected by estradiol-induced sex reversal
Journal of Experimental Biology
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Therapeutic targeting of vascular malformation in a zebrafish model of hereditary haemorrhagic telangiectasia
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Glutamine protects mouse spermatogonial stem cells against NOX1-derived ROS for sustaining self-renewal division in vitro
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Spastin is an essential regulator of male meiosis, acrosome formation, manchette structure and nuclear integrity
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Two phases for centripetal migration of Drosophila melanogaster follicle cells: initial ingression followed by epithelial migration
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The role of SPIRE actin nucleators in cellular transport processes
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Linking whole-body angular momentum and step placement during perturbed human walking
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The influence of plant odours on sexual readiness in an insectivorous songbird
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HuR modulation counteracts lipopolysaccharide response in murine macrophages
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Physiological responses to hypoxia are constrained by environmental temperature in heterothermic tenrecs
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Autism-linked NLGN3 is a key regulator of gonadotropin-releasing hormone deficiency
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Pax4-Ghrelin mediates the conversion of pancreatic u03b5-cells to u03b2-cells after extreme u03b2-cell loss in zebrafish
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Prenatal thyroid hormones accelerate postnatal growth and telomere shortening in wild great tits
Journal of Experimental Biology
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ISG20L1 acts as a co-activator of DAPK1 in the activation of the p53-dependent cell death pathway
Journal of Cell Science
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SUN4 is a spermatid type II inner nuclear membrane protein that forms heteromeric assemblies with SUN3 and interacts with lamin B3
Journal of Cell Science
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Endothelial deletion of Wt1 disrupts coronary angiogenesis and myocardium development
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MafB-dependent neurotransmitter signaling promotes u03b2 cell migration in the developing pancreas
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Peripodial adherens junctions regulate Ajuba-Yorkie signaling to preserve fly eye morphology
Biology Open
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HER2 expression defines unique requirements for flotillin and c-Src in EGFR signaling
Journal of Cell Science
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SARS-CoV-2 infection alkalinizes the ERGIC and lysosomes through the viroporin activity of the viral envelope protein
Journal of Cell Science
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Of corpses, ghosts and mirages: biomechanical consequences of morphology depend on the environment
Journal of Experimental Biology
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The importance of comparative physiology: mechanisms, diversity and adaptation in skeletal muscle physiology and mechanics
Journal of Experimental Biology
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Drosophila Tropomodulin is required for multiple actin-dependent processes within developing myofibers
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Disturbed flow increases endothelial inflammation and permeability via a Frizzled-4-u03b2-catenin-dependent pathway
Journal of Cell Science
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The alpha7 integrin subunit in astrocytes promotes endothelial bloodu2013brain barrier integrity
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Hox genes are crucial regulators of periosteal stem cell identity
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FZD2 regulates limb development by mediating u03b2-catenin-dependent and -independent Wnt signaling pathways
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The dynamin-related protein Vps1 and the peroxisomal membrane protein Pex27 function together during peroxisome fission
Journal of Cell Science
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Actin-capping protein regulates actomyosin contractility to maintain germline architecture in C. elegans
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Drink safely: common swifts (Apus apus) dissipate mechanical energy to decrease flight speed before touch-and-go drinking
Journal of Experimental Biology
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Neural activation patterns associated with mouthbrooding, maternal care, infanticide and fry release in an African cichlid fish
Journal of Experimental Biology
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Permissive ureter specification by TBX18-mediated repression of metanephric gene expression
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New K50R mutant mouse models reveal impaired hypusination of eif5a2 with alterations in cell metabolite landscape
Biology Open
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Generation of induced pluripotent stem cell-derived beta-cells in blood amino acids-like medium
Biology Open
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The Drosophila AWP1 ortholog Doctor No regulates JAK/STAT signaling for leftu2013right asymmetry in the gut by promoting receptor endocytosis
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The synthetic TRPML1 agonist ML-SA1 rescues Alzheimer-related alterations of the endosomal-autophagic-lysosomal system
Journal of Cell Science
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Knockout mice are an important tool for human monogenic heart disease studies
Disease Models & Mechanisms
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In vivo quantitative high-throughput screening for drug discovery and comparative toxicology
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FGF signaling regulates salivary gland branching morphogenesis by modulating cell adhesion
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A proinsulin-dependent interaction between ENPL-1 and ASNA-1 in neurons is required to maintain insulin secretion in C. elegans
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Sertoli cells are the source of stem cell factor for spermatogenesis
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Shotgun knockdown of RNA by CRISPR-Cas13d in fission yeast
Journal of Cell Science
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The force-dependent filamin Au2013G3BP1 interaction regulates phase-separated stress granule formation
Journal of Cell Science
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Cell cycle-dependent palmitoylation of protocadherin 7 by ZDHHC5 promotes successful cytokinesis
Journal of Cell Science
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Drosophila embryos spatially sort their nutrient stores to facilitate their utilization
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A ballistic pollen dispersal strategy based on stylar oscillation of Hypochaeris radicata (Asteraceae)
Journal of Experimental Biology
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The role of O-GlcNAcylation in development
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Axonu2013axon interactions determine modality-specific wiring and subcellular synaptic specificity in a somatosensory circuit
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Translational landscape in human early neural fate determination
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Diverse branching forms regulated by a core auxin transport mechanism in plants
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Fish swimming mode and body morphology affect the energetics of swimming in a wave-surge water flow
Journal of Experimental Biology
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Non-muscle myosin 2 at a glance
Journal of Cell Science
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The kinesin-5 protein Cut7 moves bidirectionally on fission yeast spindles with activity that increases in anaphase
Journal of Cell Science
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Foxm1 regulates cardiomyocyte proliferation in adult zebrafish after cardiac injury
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Contrasting effects of fungicide and herbicide active ingredients and their formulations on bumblebee learning and behaviour
Journal of Experimental Biology
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The fire of evolution: energy expenditure and ecology in primates and other endotherms
Journal of Experimental Biology
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Mallard landing behavior on water follows a -constant braking strategy
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Dual mechanism underlying failure of neural tube closure in the Zic2 mutant mouse
Disease Models & Mechanisms
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Over-expressing NadA quinolinate synthase in Escherichia coli enhances the bioelectrochemistry in microbial fuel cells
Biology Open
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Aberrantly activated TAK1 links neuroinflammation and neuronal loss in Alzheimer's disease mouse models
Journal of Cell Science
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Biomechanics illuminates formu2013function relationships in bird bills
Journal of Experimental Biology
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Biased precursor ingression underlies the center-to-pole pattern of male sex determination in mouse
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Flexible locomotion in complex environments: the influence of species, speed and sensory feedback on panarthropod inter-leg coordination
Journal of Experimental Biology
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Activated PI3K delta syndrome 1 mutations cause neutrophilia in zebrafish larvae
Disease Models & Mechanisms
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Tellu u2013 an object-detector algorithm for automatic classification of intestinal organoids
Disease Models & Mechanisms
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Impaired episodic-like memory in a mouse model of Alzheimer's disease is associated with hyperactivity in prefrontalu2013hippocampal regions
Disease Models & Mechanisms
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The ecl family gene ecl3+ is induced by phosphate starvation and contributes to sexual differentiation in fission yeast
Journal of Cell Science
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Rac1 and Rac3 GTPases and TPC2 are required for axonal outgrowth and migration of cortical interneurons
Journal of Cell Science
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Estradiol regulates voltage-gated potassium currents in corticotropin-releasing hormone neurons
Journal of Experimental Biology
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Thermal performance curve of endurance running at high temperatures in deer mice
Journal of Experimental Biology
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DMRT1-mediated regulation of TOX3 modulates expansion of the gonadal steroidogenic cell lineage in the chicken embryo
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Cyclin A participates in the TSO1-MYB3R1 regulatory module to maintain shoot meristem size and fertility in Arabidopsis
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Actin-related protein 6 facilitates proneural protein-induced gene activation for rapid neural differentiation
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Canonical Wnt signaling regulates soft palate development by mediating ciliary homeostasis
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Epidermal growth factor receptor signaling protects epithelia from morphogenetic instability and tissue damage in Drosophila
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Thermoregulatory trade-offs underlie the effects of warming summer temperatures on deer mice
Journal of Experimental Biology
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A hepatoprotective role of peritumoral non-parenchymal cells in early liver tumorigenesis
Disease Models & Mechanisms
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Vps9d1 regulates tubular endosome formation through specific activation of Rab22A
Journal of Cell Science
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Translating non-coding genetic associations into a better understanding of immune-mediated disease
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A CRISPR-del-based pipeline for complete gene knockout in human diploid cells
Journal of Cell Science
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Ribosome biogenesis and function in development and disease
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Multiscale flow between the branches and polyps of gorgonians
Journal of Experimental Biology
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Evolutionary trade-offs in osmotic and ionic regulation and expression of gill ion transporter genes in high latitude, cold clime Neotropical crabs from the u2018end of the worldu2019
Journal of Experimental Biology
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An essential endoplasmic reticulum-resident N-acetyltransferase ortholog in Plasmodium falciparum
Journal of Cell Science
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Membrane tethers at a glance
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RNA localization to the mitotic spindle is essential for early development and is regulated by kinesin-1 and dynein
Journal of Cell Science
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A distinct transcriptome characterizes neural crest-derived cells at the migratory wavefront during enteric nervous system development
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Cerebral organoids in primary progressive multiple sclerosis reveal stem cell and oligodendrocyte differentiation defect
Biology Open
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Swip-1 promotes exocytosis of glue granules in the exocrine Drosophila salivary gland
Journal of Cell Science
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Energetic costs of bill heat exchange demonstrate contributions to thermoregulation at high temperatures in toco toucans (Ramphastos toco)
Journal of Experimental Biology
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An ultrasound-absorbing inflorescence zone enhances echo-acoustic contrast of bat-pollinated cactus flowers
Journal of Experimental Biology
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Lower-level predictors and behavioral correlates of maximal aerobic capacity and sprint speed among individual lizards
Journal of Experimental Biology
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Causes, costs and consequences of kinesin motors communicating through the microtubule lattice
Journal of Cell Science
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Warm temperature-triggered developmental reprogramming requires VIL1-mediated, genome-wide H3K27me3 accumulation in Arabidopsis
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Developmental trajectory of pluripotent stem cell establishment in Arabidopsis callus guided by a quiescent center-related gene network
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Sp3 is essential for normal lung morphogenesis and cell cycle progression during mouse embryonic development
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Gestational iron deficiency affects the ratio between interneuron subtypes in the postnatal cerebral cortex in mice
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LRRK1 functions as a scaffold for PTP1B-mediated EGFR sorting into ILVs at the ERu2013endosome contact site
Journal of Cell Science
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The potential of myosin and actin in nanobiotechnology
Journal of Cell Science
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Endosomal sorting sorted u2013 motors, adaptors and lessons from in vitro and cellular studies
Journal of Cell Science
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StARD9 is a novel lysosomal kinesin required for membrane tubulation, cholesterol transport and Purkinje cell survival
Journal of Cell Science
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Myo19 tethers mitochondria to endoplasmic reticulum-associated actin to promote mitochondrial fission
Journal of Cell Science
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Myosin-X recruits lamellipodin to filopodia tips
Journal of Cell Science
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Dynein at the kinetochore
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Defective COX1 expression in aging mice liver
Biology Open
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Movement-synchronized cerebellum rhythm coordinates multi-joint movements in young and elderly adults
Biology Open
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Microglia refine developing retinal astrocytic and vascular networks through the complement C3/C3aR axis
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Crows protect visual working memory against interference
Journal of Experimental Biology
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Insect diapause: from a rich history to an exciting future
Journal of Experimental Biology
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Developing elastic mechanisms: ultrafast motion and cavitation emerge at the millimeter scale in juvenile snapping shrimp
Journal of Experimental Biology
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Making motors work u2013 potential applications in biocomputing and synthetic biology
Journal of Cell Science
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Parental exposure to ocean acidification impacts gamete production and physiology but not offspring performance in Nematostella vectensis
Biology Open
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Hoverfly (Eristalis tenax) pursuit of artificial targets
Journal of Experimental Biology
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Foraging habitat and site selection do not affect feeding rates in European shags
Journal of Experimental Biology
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Single-chromosome dynamics reveals locus-dependent dynamics and chromosome territory orientation
Journal of Cell Science
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Lamin A/C phosphorylation at serine 22 is a conserved heat shock response to regulate nuclear adaptation during stress
Journal of Cell Science
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New advances in CRISPR/Cas-mediated precise gene-editing techniques
Disease Models & Mechanisms
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From perplexing to predictive: are we ready to forecast insect disease susceptibility in a warming world?
Journal of Experimental Biology
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Epaxial and hypaxial co-contraction: a mechanism for modulating strike pressure and accuracy during suction feeding in channel catfish
Journal of Experimental Biology
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Multiple behaviors for turning performance of Pacific bluefin tuna (Thunnus orientalis)
Journal of Experimental Biology
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Preferential recruitment and stabilization of Myosin II at compartment boundaries in Drosophila
Journal of Cell Science
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Ubiquitin and its relatives as wizards of the endolysosomal system
Journal of Cell Science
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Heart in a dish u2013 choosing the right in vitro model
Disease Models & Mechanisms
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Hacking hematopoiesis u2013 emerging tools for examining variant effects
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16p11.2 deletion accelerates subpallial maturation and increases variability in human iPSC-derived ventral telencephalic organoids
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Taurine depletion impairs cardiac function and affects tolerance to hypoxia and high temperatures in brook char (Salvelinus fontinalis)
Journal of Experimental Biology
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Transcriptomic changes associated with maternal care in the brain of mouthbrooding cichlid Astatotilapia burtoni reflect adaptation to self-induced metabolic stress
Journal of Experimental Biology
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Active and passive mechanics for rugose terrain traversal in centipedes
Journal of Experimental Biology
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Fast4DReg u2013 fast registration of 4D microscopy datasets
Journal of Cell Science
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The future of sickle cell disease therapeutics rests in genomics
Disease Models & Mechanisms
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Hox11-expressing interstitial cells contribute to adult skeletal muscle at homeostasis
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Light-sheet microscopy reveals dorsoventral asymmetric membrane dynamics of Amoeba proteus during pressure-driven locomotion
Biology Open
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Holding time has limited impact on constitutive innate immune function in a long-lived Antarctic seabird, the Adu00e9lie penguin: implications for field studies
Biology Open
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Modern three-dimensional digital methods for studying locomotor biomechanics in tetrapods
Journal of Experimental Biology
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Weanling gut microbiota composition of a mouse model selectively bred for high voluntary wheel-running behavior
Journal of Experimental Biology
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Toxoplasma gondii scavenges mammalian host organelles through the usurpation of host ESCRT-III and Vps4A
Journal of Cell Science
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Necl2/3-mediated mechanism for tripartite synapse formation
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Re-organization of nucleolar architecture in myogenic differentiation
Journal of Cell Science
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Activation of an actin signaling pathway in pre-malignant mammary epithelial cells by P-cadherin is essential for transformation
Disease Models & Mechanisms
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The factory, the antenna and the scaffold: the three-way interplay between the Golgi, cilium and extracellular matrix underlying tissue function
Biology Open
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Deep learning enabled multi-organ segmentation of mouse embryos
Biology Open
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Stress tolerance is influenced by artificial light at night during development and life-history strategy
Journal of Experimental Biology
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Field model for multistate lateral diffusion of various transmembrane proteins observed in living Dictyostelium cells
Journal of Cell Science
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Why don't horseflies land on zebras?
Journal of Experimental Biology
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Increased reliance on coronary perfusion for cardiorespiratory performance in seawater-acclimated rainbow trout
Journal of Experimental Biology
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Polarization sensitivity and decentralized visual processing in an animal with a distributed visual system
Journal of Experimental Biology
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High Sox2 expression predicts taste lineage competency of lingual progenitors in vitro
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In vivo profiling of the Zucchini proximal proteome in the Drosophila ovary
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Notch signaling in development and homeostasis
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A Year at the Forefront of Proteostasis and Aging
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The X chromosome still has a lot to reveal u2013 revisiting Hermann Henking's work on firebugs
Journal of Cell Science
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Cleavage of the Jaw1 C-terminal region enhances its augmentative effect on the Ca2+ release via IP3 receptors
Journal of Cell Science
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Production and characterization of monoclonal antibodies to Xenopus proteins
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The midbody component Prc1-like is required for microtubule reorganization during cytokinesis and dorsal determinant segregation in the early zebrafish embryo
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Eukaryotic translation initiation factor eIF4E-5 is required for spermiogenesis in Drosophila melanogaster
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Successful therapeutic intervention in new mouse models of frizzled 2-associated congenital malformations
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The baseless mutant links protein phosphatase 2A with basal cell identity in the brown alga Ectocarpus
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An intersectional genetic approach for simultaneous cell type-specific labelling and gene knockout in the mouse
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Frizzled 7 modulates goblet and Paneth cell fate, and maintains homeostasis in mouse intestine
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Can animals tune tissue mechanics in response to changing environments caused by anthropogenic impacts?
Journal of Experimental Biology
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Parasitoid wasp venom re-programs host behavior through downmodulation of brain central complex activity and motor output
Journal of Experimental Biology
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Reproductive genomics of the mouse: implications for human fertility and infertility
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Acute stress and restricted diet reduce bill-mediated heat dissipation in the song sparrow (Melospiza melodia): implications for optimal thermoregulation
Journal of Experimental Biology
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Protective role of trehalose in the Namib desert ant, Ocymyrmex robustior
Journal of Experimental Biology
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The added costs of winter ocean warming for metabolism, arm regeneration and survival in the brittle star Ophionereis schayeri
Journal of Experimental Biology
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The force response of muscles to activation and length perturbations depends on length history
Journal of Experimental Biology
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Evaporative cooling via panting and its metabolic and water balance costs for lizards in the American Southwest
Journal of Experimental Biology
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DRP1 mutations associated with EMPF1 encephalopathy alter mitochondrial membrane potential and metabolic programs
Journal of Cell Science
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Intravital imaging of Wnt/u03b2-catenin and ATF2-dependent signalling pathways during tumour cell invasion and metastasis
Journal of Cell Science
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The role of Evi/Wntless in exporting Wnt proteins
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ULK1-mediated phosphorylation regulates the conserved role of YKT6 in autophagy
Journal of Cell Science
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Emerging biological insights enabled by high-resolution 3D motion data: promises, perspectives and pitfalls
Journal of Experimental Biology
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Thermoconforming rays of the star-nosed mole
Journal of Experimental Biology
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Ciliary mechanosensation u2013 roles of polycystins and mastigonemes
Journal of Cell Science
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Localized heterochrony integrates overgrowth potential of oncogenic clones
Disease Models & Mechanisms
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Multiple interactions of the dynein-2 complex with the IFT-B complex are required for effective intraflagellar transport
Journal of Cell Science
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Contribution of vasculature to stem integrity in Arabidopsis thaliana
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Taste adaptations associated with host specialization in the specialist Drosophila sechellia
Journal of Experimental Biology
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Going with the flow u2013 how a stream insect, Pteronarcys californica, exploits local flows to increase oxygen availability
Journal of Experimental Biology
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Influence of surface free energy of the substrate and flooded water on the attachment performance of stick insects (Phasmatodea) with different adhesive surface microstructures
Journal of Experimental Biology
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Lsp1 partially substitutes for Pil1 function in eisosome assembly under stress conditions
Journal of Cell Science
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The C-terminus of the cargo receptor Erv14 affects COPII vesicle formation and cargo delivery
Journal of Cell Science
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SKOR1 mediates FER kinase-dependent invasive growth of breast cancer cells
Journal of Cell Science
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Single cell evaluation of endocardial Hand2 gene regulatory networks reveals HAND2-dependent pathways that impact cardiac morphogenesis
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Geographic variation in bacterial assemblages on cane toad skin is influenced more by local environments than by evolved changes in host traits
Biology Open
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Cytochrome c1-like is required for mitochondrial morphogenesis and individualization during spermatogenesis in Drosophila melanogaster
Journal of Experimental Biology
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Magel2 truncation alters select behavioral and physiological outcomes in a rat model of Schaaf-Yang syndrome
Disease Models & Mechanisms
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Cre recombinase microinjection for single-cell tracing and localised gene targeting
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CNKSR2, a downstream mediator of retinoic acid signaling, modulates the Ras/Raf/MEK pathway to regulate patterning and invagination of the chick forebrain roof plate
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Dynamics of intracellular cGMP during chemotaxis in Dictyostelium cells
Journal of Cell Science
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Diacylglycerol at the inner nuclear membrane fuels nuclear envelope expansion in closed mitosis
Journal of Cell Science
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Structure and function of distal and subdistal appendages of the mother centriole
Journal of Cell Science
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CCDC66 regulates primary cilium length and signaling via interactions with transition zone and axonemal proteins
Journal of Cell Science
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GliaMorph: a modular image analysis toolkit to quantify Mu00fcller glial cell morphology
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Development of the dictyostelid Polysphondylium violaceum does not require secreted cAMP
Biology Open
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High carbohydrate consumption increases lipid storage and promotes migratory flight in locusts
Journal of Experimental Biology
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Low HER2 expression in normal breast epithelium enables dedifferentiation and malignant transformation via chromatin opening
Disease Models & Mechanisms
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Patient-specific variants of NFU1/NFU-1 disrupt cholinergic signaling in a model of multiple mitochondrial dysfunctions syndrome 1
Disease Models & Mechanisms
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Invertebrates as models of learning and memory: investigating neural and molecular mechanisms
Journal of Experimental Biology
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Matrix stiffness regulates Notch signaling activity in endothelial cells
Journal of Cell Science
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hnRNPH1 establishes Sertoliu2013germ cell crosstalk through cooperation with PTBP1 and AR, and is essential for male fertility in mice
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Exploring generic principles of compartmentalization in a developmental in vitro model
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Valproic acid affects neurogenesis during early optic tectum development in zebrafish
Biology Open
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A gelatin-based feed for precise and non-invasive drug delivery to adult zebrafish
Journal of Experimental Biology
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Temperature-dependent metabolic consequences of food deprivation in the European sardine
Journal of Experimental Biology
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The effect of temperature on haemoglobinu2013oxygen binding affinity in regionally endothermic and ectothermic sharks
Journal of Experimental Biology
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Sperm calcium flux and membrane potential hyperpolarization observed in the Mexican big-eared bat Corynorhinus mexicanus
Journal of Experimental Biology
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A novel class of sulphonamides potently block malaria transmission by targeting a Plasmodium vacuole membrane protein
Disease Models & Mechanisms
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Loss of Shp1 impairs myeloid cell function and causes lethal inflammation in zebrafish larvae
Disease Models & Mechanisms
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Single-cell RNA-based phenotyping reveals a pivotal role of thyroid hormone receptor alpha for hypothalamic development
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Germ granules in development
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Optic cup morphogenesis across species and related inborn human eye defects
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Splashed E-box and AP-1 motifs cooperatively drive regeneration response and shape regeneration abilities
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Home ranges, directionality and the influence of moon phases on the movement ecology of Indian flying fox males in southern India
Biology Open
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AMG232 inhibits angiogenesis in glioma through the p53u2013RBM4u2013VEGFR2 pathway
Journal of Cell Science
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Parallel repair mechanisms in plants and animals
Disease Models & Mechanisms
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Joint mobility as a bridge between form and function
Journal of Experimental Biology
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Anchor threads can double the insect flight energy absorbed by spider orb webs
Journal of Experimental Biology
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Blood python (Python brongersmai) strike kinematics and forces are robust to variations in substrate geometry
Journal of Experimental Biology
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Geometric latches enable tuning of ultrafast, spring-propelled movements
Journal of Experimental Biology
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A member of the claudin superfamily influences formation of the front domain in pheromone-responding yeast cells
Journal of Cell Science
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Visual detection threshold in the echolocating Daubenton's bat (Myotis daubentonii)
Journal of Experimental Biology
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CCDC86 is a novel Ki-67-interacting protein important for cell division
Journal of Cell Science
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Functional crosstalk between the TIM22 complex and YME1 machinery maintains mitochondrial proteostasis and integrity
Journal of Cell Science
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Increased cysteine metabolism in PINK1 models of Parkinson's disease
Disease Models & Mechanisms
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Complexity and self-organization in the evolution of cell polarization
Journal of Cell Science
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Mouse models of fragile X-related disorders
Disease Models & Mechanisms
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Psi promotes Drosophila wing growth via direct transcriptional activation of cell cycle targets and repression of growth inhibitors
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Gap selection and steering during obstacle avoidance in pigeons
Journal of Experimental Biology
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SART3 associates with a post-splicing complex
Journal of Cell Science
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String/Cdc25 phosphatase is a suppressor of Tau-associated neurodegeneration
Disease Models & Mechanisms
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De novo PAM generation to reach initially inaccessible target sites for base editing
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What drives mixed-species shoaling among wild zebrafish? The roles of predators, food access, abundance of conspecifics and familiarity
Biology Open
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Scribble and E-cadherin cooperate to control symmetric daughter cell positioning by multiple mechanisms
Journal of Cell Science
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Cardiomyocyte differentiation from human induced pluripotent stem cells is delayed following knockout of Bcl-2
Journal of Cell Science
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Modeling the effects of genetic- and diet-induced obesity on melanoma progression in zebrafish
Disease Models & Mechanisms
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The adult Drosophila testis lacks a mechanism to replenish missing niche cells
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The centralspindlin complex regulates cytokinesis and morphogenesis in the C. elegans spermatheca
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From quadrupedal to bipedal walking u2018on the flyu2019: the mechanics of dynamical mode transition in primates
Journal of Experimental Biology
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Hindlimb muscle spindles inform preparatory forelimb coordination prior to landing in toads
Journal of Experimental Biology
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Insight into the regulation of axonal transport from the study of KIF1A-associated neurological disorder
Journal of Cell Science
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Reorganization of the DNA replication landscape during adipogenesis is closely linked with adipogenic gene expression
Journal of Cell Science
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Distinct role of ERp57 and ERdj5 as a disulfide isomerase and reductase during ER protein folding
Journal of Cell Science
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The mitotic role of adenomatous polyposis coli requires its bilateral interaction with tubulin and microtubules
Journal of Cell Science
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The role of a ciliary GTPase in the regulation of neuronal maturation of olfactory sensory neurons
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Actomyosin-mediated cellular tension promotes Yap nuclear translocation and myocardial proliferation through u03b15 integrin signaling
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Endosomal vesicle fusion machinery is involved with the contractile vacuole in Dictyostelium discoideum
Journal of Cell Science
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Infiltrating circulating monocytes provide an important source of BMP4 at the early stage of spinal cord injury
Disease Models & Mechanisms
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NANOGP1, a tandem duplicate of NANOG, exhibits partial functional conservation in human nau00efve pluripotent stem cells
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Src42A is required for E-cadherin dynamics at cell junctions during Drosophila axis elongation
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A comparison of odor plume-tracking behavior of walking and flying insects in different turbulent environments
Journal of Experimental Biology
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Three's a crowd u2013 why did three N-terminal methyltransferases evolve for one job?
Journal of Cell Science
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The fission yeast kinetochore complex Mhf1u2013Mhf2 regulates the spindle assembly checkpoint and faithful chromosome segregation
Journal of Cell Science
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The AKT1-FOXO4 axis reciprocally regulates hemochorial placentation
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Requirement for STAT3 and its target, TFCP2L1, in self-renewal of nau00efve pluripotent stem cells in vivo and in vitro
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Individual response in body mass and basal metabolism to the risks of predation and starvation in passerines
Journal of Experimental Biology
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A kidney resident macrophage subset is a candidate biomarker for renal cystic disease in preclinical models
Disease Models & Mechanisms
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Induction of pancreatic neoplasia in the KRAS/TP53 Oncopig
Disease Models & Mechanisms
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Adar1 deletion causes degeneration of the exocrine pancreas via Mavs-dependent interferon signaling
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Primordial germ cells adjust their protrusion type while migrating in different tissue contexts in vivo
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Ikaros family proteins redundantly regulate temporal patterning in the developing mouse retina
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Developing Future Biologists: developmental biology for undergraduates from underserved communities
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Hox genes in development and beyond
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The science and technology of kinematic measurements in a century of Journal of Experimental Biology
Journal of Experimental Biology
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Turning a page: remaining a top competitor in an evolving publication ecosystem
Journal of Experimental Biology
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Class of 1923: looking back at the authors of JEB's first issue
Journal of Experimental Biology
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The microbiome buffers tadpole hosts from heat stress: a hologenomic approach to understand hostu2013microbe interactions under warming
Journal of Experimental Biology
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Maintaining control: metabolism of molting Arctic seals in water and when hauled out
Journal of Experimental Biology
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Impacts and mechanisms of CO2 narcosis in bumble bees: narcosis depends on dose, caste and mating status and is not induced by anoxia
Journal of Experimental Biology
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Frequency-dependent viscosity of salmon ovarian fluid has biophysical implications for spermu2013egg interactions
Journal of Experimental Biology
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Behavioral algorithms and neural mechanisms underlying odor-modulated locomotion in insects
Journal of Experimental Biology
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Quantitative differentiation of benign and misfolded glaucoma-causing myocilin variants on the basis of protein thermal stability
Disease Models & Mechanisms
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One size does not fit all: diversity of lengthu2013force properties of obliquely striated muscles
Journal of Experimental Biology
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Microtubuleu2013mitochondrial attachment facilitates cell division symmetry and mitochondrial partitioning in fission yeast
Journal of Cell Science
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Nucleophagy contributes to genome stability through degradation of type II topoisomerases A and B and nucleolar components
Journal of Cell Science
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Piglet cardiopulmonary bypass induces intestinal dysbiosis and barrier dysfunction associated with systemic inflammation
Disease Models & Mechanisms
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Hydrozoan sperm-specific SPKK motif-containing histone H2B variants stabilise chromatin with limited compaction
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Plpp3, a novel regulator of pluripotency exit and endodermal differentiation of mouse embryonic stem cells
Biology Open
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Sequential events during the quiescence to proliferation transition establish patterns of follicle cell differentiation in the Drosophila ovary
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IGF2 interacts with the imprinted gene Cdkn1c to promote terminal differentiation of neural stem cells
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Tailless and hypoxia inducible factor-2u03b1 cooperate to sustain proangiogenic states of retinal astrocytes in neonatal mice
Biology Open
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Clearing of hemozoin crystals in malaria parasites enables whole-cell STED microscopy
Journal of Cell Science
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Prog-Plot u2013 a visual method to determine functional relationships for false discovery rate regression methods
Journal of Cell Science
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Understanding and modeling nerveu2013cancer interactions
Disease Models & Mechanisms
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Catecholamines modulate the hypoxic ventilatory response of larval zebrafish (Danio rerio)
Journal of Experimental Biology
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Foot extension and retraction in the clam Calyptogena okutanii without any Keber's valve: an inflatable fastener bag model
Journal of Experimental Biology
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Incorporation of 53BP1 into phase-separated bodies in cancer cells during aberrant mitosis
Journal of Cell Science
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Laforin targets malin to glycogen in Lafora progressive myoclonus epilepsy
Disease Models & Mechanisms
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An optimized Tet-On system for conditional control of gene expression in sea urchins
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Isolation of a novel missense mutation in insulin receptor as a spontaneous revertant in ImpL2 mutants in Drosophila
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Ccn2a-FGFR1-SHH signaling is necessary for intervertebral disc homeostasis and regeneration in adult zebrafish
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Establishment of a novel axon pruning model of Drosophila motor neuron
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Temporal configuration and modality of components determine the performance of bumble bees during the learning of a multimodal signal
Journal of Experimental Biology
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Collective cell migration is spatiotemporally regulated during mammary epithelial bifurcation
Journal of Cell Science
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Neurog2 regulates Isl1 to modulate horizontal cell number
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Dorsal aorta polarization and haematopoietic stem cell emergence
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Acquisition of the spindle assembly checkpoint and its modulation by cell fate and cell size in a chordate embryo
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The diverse actions of cytoskeletal vimentin in bacterial infection and host defense
Journal of Cell Science
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Mitochondrial respiration promotes Cdc37-dependent stability of the Cdk1 homolog Cdc28
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STAT3 signaling induced by the IL-6 family of cytokines modulates angiogenesis
Journal of Cell Science
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The role of mitosis in generating fitness heterogeneity
Journal of Cell Science
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Mechanisms of eukaryotic transcription termination at a glance
Journal of Cell Science
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Signaling through the dystrophin glycoprotein complex affects the stress-dependent transcriptome in Drosophila
Disease Models & Mechanisms
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Cell-specific effects of the sole C. elegans Daughterless/E protein homolog, HLH-2, on nervous system development
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The Forest of Biologists u2013 for biologists, for biology
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